43 Похожие Durak LiveGames

Durak Online 1.9.14
R-Soft LLC
Durak online is a Russian card game.
Durak Online HD
Meet the big update Durak Online HD forAndroid4.x and 5.x!Improvements and new features:- Completely new design and graphics (supporting high-endFullHD+devices)- Smooth animation of cards, discarding card swipe.- Optimized battery use- Comfortable list of tables (tables no longer flicker)- Convenient filters of tablesAs before, the game update supports the following modes of gameplayand features:- Throwing or Passing game mode- Play at the tables from 2 to 6 players- Set the speed of the game- Setting up access to a table: public / private / password- The system of friends and socializing- Table chat- SmiliesThousands of players play online Fool by JagPlay every day -it'stime to join! :)
Throw-in Durak: Championship
The most popular "Durak" at russian social networks - nowonAndroid!
Дурак Онлайн 1.3
Q Studio
Thrown, translated, from 2 to 6 players, 24 to 52 cards and more!
Дурак++ 17.06.12
Connect to another device with Bluetoothandplay Durak live. Durak (Дурак) is a card game as popular inthecasino as solitaire or poker. The object of the game is to getridof all one's cards. At the end of the game, the last playerwithcards in their hand is referred to as the fool (Дурак).
Durak 1.71
Just Games LLC
Durak card game. Play offline/online. Play with friends. Get abonusevery day.
Passing Durak: Championship
Passing Durak card game! Play it online with friends for free!
ДУРАК онлайн, офлайн бесплатно 1.0.2
Kendal Investments Ltd
Карточная игра ДУРАК - классическаяхорошоизвестная карточная игра Дурак. Делайте ваши ставкиииграйте!Варианты игры:- подкидной дурак- переводной дурак- игра в парахКоличество игроков: 2, 3, 4Количество карт в колоде: 24, 36, 522 варианта управления картами:- перетаскивание- двойное касаниеРазличные варианты карт и обложек, синхронизация данныхмеждуустройствами игрока (для зарегистрированных игроков)FOOL Card Game - aclassicwell-known card game fool. Place your bets and play! Game Options:- Snap- Transfer fool- A game in pairsNumber of Players: 2, 3, 4Number of cards in pack: 24, 36, 522 card management options:- drag and drop- Double-tapDifferent versions of maps and skins, synchronization ofdatabetween the player device (for registered players)
Durak 2.4.11
Brain Fitness Ltd
The best implementation of Durak card game!
Durak.net 17.06.11
Play Durak online. Durak (Дурак) is a cardgameas popular in the casino as solitaire or poker. The object ofthegame is to get rid of all one's cards. At the end of the game,thelast player with cards in their hand is referred to as thefool(Durak).
Дурак игра 1.0
Знаменитая карточная игра Дуракпротивкомпьютера и против другого игрока.Всем знакома игра в карты под названием "Дурак". Игроки вначалеполучают по 6 карт, случайно выбирается козырная масть.Дуракбывает подкидной и переводной.The famous card gamefoolagainst the computer and against other players.Anyone familiar card game called "fool". Players in thebeginningget to 6 cards, randomly selected a trump suit. Foolspringboardand is transferable.
Durak (Fool) 1.7.2
Durak is a Russian card game that is popular in post-Soviet states
Durak PRO 1.1
Durak (or Fool) is a card game, popular intheformer USSR countriesDurak / Fool card game rules:A 36 card pack is used in the game (the cards in each suitrankingfrom ace to 6) and there are from 2 to 6 players. After eachplayergets 6 cards, the next card is opened and is placed face upon thetable. Its suit determines the trumps. The rest of the deckis putabove it (the back side upwards) so that everyone can seethetrump.The main goal of the game is to get rid of all the cards thataplayer has in hands. The last player who still has cards inhandsis the loser, i.e. a Fool (Durak).The player with the smallest trump card makes the first move. Inthefollowing games the player at the left from the Fool makes thefirstmove. The moves go always leftwards and consist in leadingone ormore cards. The player who defends has to beat the cards bya highercard in the suit or by a trump. If the attacking card is atrump,then it may be only beaten by a higher trump.If the defending player has beaten off all the attacking cards,hethen makes the next move. But first all the playersshouldreplenish their cards till 6 drawing them from the talon,startingfrom the player who made the move and ending with theplayer whowas defending. If the defender could not beat off thecards, thenhe takes them all and the next move is made by a playerto the leftfrom him.If four or six players take part in the game, they may play 2x2or3X3, when the players staying next but one to each otherarepartners and do not attack one another.Game features:- three main types of game (classic Durak, throwing inDurak,transfer Durak)- 2,3,4 player game- easy control- artificial intelligence will make you sweat in order to win- a global “cloud” table of scores will keep your achievementssafeeven if something happens to your device,- multiuser mode (multiplayer) will let you play Durak withtheplayers from all over the world. Now the classic and thethrowingin Durak are available in the multiplayer- private rooms to play the game online with your friendsIf you are tired of Poker or Solitaire, mind-bending chessorcheckers, unchanging backgammon or dominoes, then the RussianDurakcard game should be your choice. If there is no internetconnectionthen the smart Al will be your decent competitor. Ifinternetconnection is not a problem - then show your skills in aDurakonline game!
Fool Game 1.1.5
Behold a unique Durak game, which has no match in the worldofmobile entertainment. Immerse yourself in a real Duraktournament.Complete 15 levels and become a card pro. You can playwith bots,and with real people. Compete with a friend - show himwho's a realprofessional in card games. Features: - You can takepart in atournament or play with friends; - You'll earn awardsandachievements for the best scores in the tournament levels; -Youcan choose between two game modes: podkidnoy ("throw-in")orperevodnoy ("passing"); - There are three difficulty levels inthisgame.
Durak card game 1.0.4
Durak is undoubtedly the most popular cardgamein Russia. It would hardly be an exaggeration to say thateveryRussian who plays cards knows this game. "Durak" means fool,thefool in this game being the loser - the player who is leftwithcards after everyone else has run out. The game described onthispage is properly called "Podkidnoy Durak", which means "foolwiththrowing in". This name refers to the fact that after an attackisbegun, it can be continued by "throwing in" further cardswhoseranks match those already played. It is probably thebest-knownform of Durak in Russia. The same game is played inPoland underthe name Dureń (fool) and in several other EastEuropeancountries.
Дурак.net 17.06.11
Play Durak online. Durak (Дурак) is a cardgameas popular in the casino as solitaire or poker. The object ofthegame is to get rid of all one's cards. At the end of the game,thelast player with cards in their hand is referred to as thefool(Durak).
Durak ++ 17.06.11
Connect to another device with Bluetoothandplay Durak live. Durak (Дурак) is a card game as popular inthecasino as solitaire or poker. The object of the game is to getridof all one's cards. At the end of the game, the last playerwithcards in their hand is referred to as the fool (Дурак).
Durak - Дурак
Gambling Games
Durak - Дурак is a Russian and Ukrainiancardgame that is popular in post-Soviet states. The object of thegameis to get rid of all one's cards. At the end of the game, thelastplayer with cards in their hand is the durak (fool).The game is typically played with two to five people, using adeckof 36 cards, for example a standard 52-card deck from whichthenumerical cards 2 through 5 have been removed.Features of Durak free:- Classic russian durak gameplay- Completely FREE to play.- Play anytime and anywhere!- Internet connection no required.With Durak - Дурак game by gambling team, you can enhanceyourplaying-card skills, obtain more experiences and wellpreparebefore taking on the challenge of Durak online.We hope you enjoy Durak free by gambling game team!
Дурак WiFi 1.13
Сетевая версия старой доброй карточной игры Дурак. Поехали вотпуски забыли карты? Находитесь на лекции и хотите сыграть ссоседом вДурака? Не можете найти карты дома? Сетевая версия игрыДуракрешает этот вопрос очень просто. Создайте игру на одномтелефоне совсеми возможными настройками и подключитесь на другомтелефоне.Крайне просто. Подкидной дурак, переводной дурак сразличнымисортировками карт или опциями. До 6 подключений на одинстол.Отсутствие платы и рекламы. Для игры не требуется Интернет.Дуракработает в сетях WiFi и для игры с живым соперником по сетинужноиспользовать одну и ту же точку доступа. Если таковой неимеется,можно создать точку доступа на телефоне и наслаждатьсяигрой.Примечание: eсли на телефоне включена точка доступа,необходимоотключить мобильные данные (Интернет). В игре можнодобавить ботов(компьютер) для игры с реальными людьми. Порядоклюдей на столеопределяется порядком подключения к столу. Приятнойигры!
Game Fool 1.0
The grand solution for fun in his sparetime-Thrown fool.Presented card game fool:- Allows you to select multiple levels of difficulty, asachattogether, or transfer fool;- A deck of 36 cards for the classic game of multiple users;- Ease of card management, the ability to turn onafoolonline;The game begins with the cards, then you will be asked towalkortake a card fight.Players take turns performing the moves clockwise afteraloss,distributes cards fool.Game cards fool so popular that everyone knows the rules,whowasholding a map.
Durak 6.60
VG MobileGames
Durak russian passing, throw-in, with Epaulets, offline
Durak 1.1.9
Whatwapp Entertainment
The original "Durak" game for your Android devices!
Durak 2.1.7
Shvuta Apps
Get Durak card game, the card game thatpopularthroughout most of the post-Soviet states.Durak limits the number of players to 6. The deck of 36 cardsisshuffled, and each player receives 6 cards. The top card ontheremaining deck is made visible and placed at the bottom of thedeckacross it (so that its denomination is seen). This determinesthetrump suit and the revealed card is actually part of the deck,thelast card to be drawn.The player to the attacker's left is always the defender. Aftereachturn play proceeds clockwise. If the attack succeeds thedefenderloses his or her turn and the attack passes to the playeron thedefender's left. If the attack fails, the defender becomesthe nextattacker.Aces are high. Trumps are higher than non-trump cards (e.g., atrump6 always beats a nontrump ace). Non-trump attacking cards maybebeaten by either a) a higher card of the same suit or b) atrump.Trump attacking cards may only be beaten by higher trumps.With thissaid, have fun...So do not wait and download now the Durak, fool gamecardgame!Enjoy Durak, fool game card game!
Russian Card Games 2.9
We are proud to introduce collection withallof the most popular in Russia card games.✓ Bura✓ 1000 (Thousand)✓ Seka (Sika, sikka)✓ Drunkard✓ Deberz✓ Poker✓ Queen of Spades✓ KING✓ HEARTS✓ Durak (transfer).✓ WELL✓ TWENTY ONE✓ BURKOZEL✓ NINEFeatures of the game.- Great realistic graphics of the cards and game table.- Advanced AI opponents.
Durak 1.2
The object of the Durak game is to get rid of all one's cards.
Thousand-Durak-Solitaire 5.207
Games in the collection:• Thousand (1000)• Durak• Nine• Solitaire (Klondike)• Spider• FreeCell• PyramidENJOY THE GAME-Open and Play - don't waste your time in menus-Drag cards with you finger-Undo and Redo when you wish-Auto save on exitENJOY THE VISUALS-Choose Landscape or Portrait mode-Animated cards
True Durak – game needs at least 3 devices to play
VT Interactive
A realistic card game experience – entirely without anInternetconnection
Durak Free 2.0.9
Your Games
Enjoy the free Durak card game, thepopulargame in most of the post-Soviet states.The deck of 36 cards is shuffled, and each player receives6cards (Durak limits the number of players to 6). The top cardonthe remaining deck is made visible and placed at the bottom ofthedeck across it (so that its denomination is seen). Thisdeterminesthe trump suit and the revealed card is actually part ofthe deck,the last card to be drawn.The player to the attacker's left is always the defender.Aftereach turn play proceeds clockwise. If the attack succeedsthedefender loses his or her turn and the attack passes to theplayeron the defender's left. If the attack fails, the defenderbecomesthe next attacker.Aces are high. Trumps are higher than non-trump cards (e.g., atrump6 always beats a nontrump ace). Non-trump attacking cards maybebeaten by either a) a higher card of the same suit or b) atrump.Trump attacking cards may only be beaten by higher trumps.With thissaid, have fun...So do not wait and download now the Durak, fool game card gameforfree!Enjoy Durak, fool game card game for free!
Дурак Игра 1.0
Удобно организованная карточная игра«Дурак»,знакомая каждому из нас с детства, а всему нашему обществуеще с 19века. Данное, красиво оформленное, приложение позволитвампосоревноваться с друзьями или попробовать свои силы впопыткахоставить в дураках компьютер. В «Дурака» легко играть,этакарточная игра никогда не надоест, что и объясняетпопулярностьэтого развлечения, теперь доступного на экране вашегогаджета.Программа сама раздаст по шесть карт, случайным методомопределиткозырь и можно начинать играть. В настройках вы сможетевыбратьварианты подкидного или переводного «Дурака» и ознакомитьсясправилами.Conveniently organizedbythe card game "fool", familiar to each of us from childhoodandthroughout our society since the 19th century. Thisbeautifullydecorated, the app will allow you to compete with yourfriends, ortry your hand in an attempt to fool the computer. The"Fool" iseasy to play, this card game will never get tired of,whichexplains the popularity of this entertainment, is nowavailable onthe screen of your gadget. The program will distributesix cards,randomly determine the trump card, and you can startplaying. Inthe settings you can select options for Snap ortransferable "Fool"and read the rules.
X-DURAK 1.0.17
"X-DURAK" - Карточная игра. Находитсянастадиитестирования.Поспособствуйте развитию проекта. Присоединяйтесь.Версия1.0.17демонстрирует основной игровой функционал вигре.Последующиеобновления приведут к улучшению продукта.Это совсем молодой и развивающийся онлайн проект,которыйсталдоступен для скачивания совсем недавно. Основная идея–показать ипривлечь игроков со всей России в известную идоступнуювсем игру.Взглянуть на неё под новым углом получаявозможностьиспользоватьновые функции комбинировать их между собойдля удобстваинастроения. Проводите время со своими друзьями изнакомыми гдебывы не были. Знакомьтесь . Соревнуйтесь. Заключайтеспоры.Испытайтесвою удачу! Не теряйте времени установите "X-DURAK"прямосейчас.Нестандартный подход и новая реализация игровогопроцессапоможетвам с пользой проводить свое свободное время.В версии 1.0.17 доступно следующее:- Игра в "Подкидного" и "Переводного" дурака. а) Игравдвоёмившестером в "Подкидного" б) Игра вчетвером ившестеромв"Переводного" - Доступен общий чат на экране "Лобби"-Демонстрацияработы статистики. - Общие функции профиля игрока.-Тренировка скомпьютером. - Чат за игровым столом. - Играпосети.Все общие функции в игре "X-DURAK" версии1.0.17представленытолько на начальном уровне. С каждымпоследующимобновлением играначнёт приобретать совершенно нестандартный вид,что в компиляциис классическим вариантомпревратится вувлекательнейший полноценный"игровой гибрид".Присоединяйтесь иподдержите проект. Пожалуйстаследите за новостямииобновлениями."X-DURAK" -CardGame.Located in the testing phase.Contribute to the development of the project. Joinnow.Version1.0.17 demonstrates the basic functionality of the gameinthegame. Subsequent updates will improve the product.This is a very young and developing online project, whichisnowavailable for download recently. The basic idea - toshowandattract players from all over Russia in thewell-knownandaccessible to all game. I look at it from a new angleto givetheopportunity to use the new features to combine themtogetherforconvenience and mood. Spend time with yourfriendsandacquaintances no matter where you were. Meet.Compete.Enclosearguments. Try your luck! Do not waste your timeset"X-DURAK" now.Non-standard approach and a new implementation ofthegameplay willhelp you with the use of spending their free time.Version 1.0.17 is available as follows:- The game of "Snap" and "translated" fool. a) toplaytogetherand the six of us in the "Snap" b) The game is four andsixof usin the "transferable" - Available main chat screen on"Lobby"-Demonstration of statistical work. - GeneralFunctionsPlayerProfile. - Training with a computer. - Chat at thetable. -Networkgame.All common functions in the game "X-DURAK" version1.0.17arepresented only at the primary level. With each updatethegamebegins to acquire quite a standard look that will turnintoafascinating full "hybrid game" in the compilation withtheclassicversion. Join and support the project. Please stay tunedfornewsand updates.
Игра Дурак 1.0
Популярная карточная игра Дуракпротивкомпьютера и против другого игрока.Игроки в начале игры получают по 6 карт, случайнымобразомвыбирается козырная масть.Цель игры - избавиться от всех карт в руке.Последний игрок, оставшийся с картами, проигрывает.Игра Дурак появилась еще в 19 веке в России идо сих пор не утратила свою популярность.Разнообразие различных комбинаций, стратегия игры, основаннаяназапоминании карт- все это делает игру Дурак захватывающим развлечениемихорошейтренировкой памяти.Скачайте игру БЕСПЛАТНО и развлекайтесь в дороге, в очередяхи в любое свободное время!Popular card gameagainstthe computer and fool against another player.Players at the start of the game get to 6 cards, randomlychosentrump suit.The goal - to get rid of all the cards in his hand.The last player remaining with cards, loses.Game Fool appeared in the 19th century in Russia andstill has not lost its popularity.A variety of different combinations, strategy game, basedonmemorization of cards- All this makes the game Fool exciting entertainment andgoodtraining memory.Download the game for FREE and have fun on the road, in lineand any free time!
Durak 0.0.1
The game is played with two people, usingadeckof 36 cards.The deck is shuffled, and each player receives six cards.The bottom card of the remaining deck is laid open on thetable.Thisdetermines the trump suit. The remainder of the deck isthenplacedon top of the revealed card at a 90 degree angle, sothat itremainsvisible, forming a draw pile called the prikup("talon").Therevealed card remains part of the talon and is drawnas thelastcard. Cards discarded due to successful defenses areplaced inadiscard pile next to the talon.Features of the app:- Network online game for two players.
21 durak 1.1.7
Liutauras Stravinskas
classic and simple Blackjack and Durak card games
Durak PRO 1.1.7
Durak PRO is our release of popularRussianandSovies card game known as Durak ("Durak" means "Fool"inEnglish).This game is very popular in post-Soviet states. Thegameisintended for two or more players, but in Durak PRO youplaywithcomputer AI-driven players.Features:- 3 difficulty lebels.- Play with 52 or 36 pieces deck pf cards- Simple rules and Throw-in mode.- Simple and distinct graphics.- Multiple languages.- High score table- Supports landscape and portrait orientations.Game rules:The game is typically played with two to five people, usingadeckof 36 cards, for example a standard 52-card deck fromwhichthenumerical cards 2 through 5 have been removed.In theory the limit for a game with one deck of 36 cardsissixplayers, but this gives a considerable advantage to theplayerwhoattacks first, and a considerable disadvantage to theplayerwhodefends first. Therefore variants exist that use morethanonedeck.The deck is shuffled, and each player receives six cards.Inaseries of games, often the loser of the previous gameshufflesanddeals the new game.The bottom (sometimes top) card of the remaining deck islaidopenon the table. This determines the trump suit. Theremainder ofthedeck is then placed on top of the revealed card ata 90 degreeangle,so that it remains visible. The revealed cardremains partof thedeck and is to be drawn as the last card.Download Durap PRO - a most popular card game betweensovietgames- for FREE! It's simple but immersive!
LG webOS card game Durak 1.0.7
LG Electronics RUSSIA R&D Lab
Play fascinating multiplayer card game Durak using your webOS TVasagameboard. Attention: Application functionality compatibleonlywithLG webOS TV. Main features: • Game for 2-6 players; • Useyourphotoas avatar; • Enjoyable design and animation; • Newplayingexperiencewith your friends using smartphones and TV. Note:•mobile phone andwebOS TV should be in the same local network.
Fool springboard & translated 1.1
Fool - a modern version of afavoritecardgame.Play different versions of the fool: springboard,transfer,withfriends or random opponents!Fool card game. Play the game for free fool. Participateinthecard tournament. Waiting for you 15 levels and thetitleofprofessional card.Features:- Play together with a girl or with friends;- Take part in the online championship;- Play the fool without the Internet;- Receive awards and achievements;- Choose the game: springboard or transfer;- The game has three difficulty levels.
Online Play LiveGames 3.07.2
NanoFlash LLC
* Games only with real people * Free, without advertisement*Chat,friends, gifts and achievements * Texas Hold'em Poker *Omaha,Studand Draw Poker * Backgammon Long and Short * DominoesGoatandDonkey * Chess * Bridge * Checkers, Suicide Checkers,Corners*Preference and Preference Blitz * Durak Throw-In,Passing,Pile-up* Durak 2x2 Throw-In, 2x2 Passing * Burkozel andBura *Thousandand Thousand Blitz * Game of Nine * Debertz andClabber *Joker *Russian Billiard * Snooker, Nine Ball, Eight Ball *Chapaev,Dots,Reversi, Go, Renju * Sea Fight and Gomoku *Solitaire,Mahjong,Lines ... and many others - more than 100 board,card andpuzzlegames. DISCOUNTS * For first purchase * Discounts andbonusesfornext deposits ADVANTAGES: * Free points every hour andevery day*Advanced system of achievements * Ratings and user tops*Privatetables with password * Low prices for additional points*Quickgame mode * Simple one-touch authorisation - Game Center,-Socialnetworks, - LiveGames account or - Guest mode *Detailedrules ofeach game * 3 kinds of chat in the game * Activesupportservice *Actions and promotions from project Administration*Possibleconnection via WiFi, 3G, 4G and LTE You shouldfamiliarizewithproject rules before playing More than 19 000 000peoplearealready playing on the site https://livegames.online, joinus!
Poker Online 1.4.4
Magic Board
Poker online-is a set of popular poker games (Texas Hold'em,Omaha,7Stud, Draw)
Solek Games
Get now Durak (fool game) card game!In Durak (fool game) the last player with cards in hand istheloser. The game involves some luck but mostly strategy. Likeinchess, each player may develop his or her own style ofplaying.this game is popular throughout most of the post-Sovietstatesgame.This game has no winner - only a loser. Durak (fool game)isplayed with 32 cards: the A, K, Q, J, 10, 9, 8, 7 and 6s fromastandard 4-suit 52-card deck are used. At the start, each playerisdealt six cards, which are played in a series of bouts ofattackand defence. After the players have received all theircards,reveal the top card of the deck. Place it on the middle ofthetable, place the deck on top of the revealed card, covering ithalfway. This card represents the trump suit and is now at thebottomof the deck. Cards in this suit hold a higher value then theAcesof the other suits. Within the trump suit card hierarchyismaintained.When a player's hand is reduced to fewer than six cards itisreplenished from the talon of undealt cards. After the talonisexhausted, there is no more replenishment and the aim is to getridof all the cards from your hand. The last player left holdingcardsis the loser. This player is the fool (durak) and is ridiculedbythe other player.So download now Durak the fool game card game!Enjoy Durak the fool game card game!
Durak 2.1.4
BB Best Games
The best Durak, fool card game is now forfree.Fool game free is a Russian game. this game is played notofind a winner but to find a loser!Game Features:- Fool game for free! Play as much as you want- A lot of time of entertainment!- Durak, fool game without wifi. Play fool game offline.- Smooth gameplay.- Excitement and entertainment!- Works fine on Tablets and even without network and withoutwifi,offlineFool game free is a Russian game. this game is played notofind a winner, but to find a loser - the fool - who will besubjectto various mockery, jokers, forfeits, etc.This free game consists of a series of attacks in which oneplayerleads one or more cards and another player (the defender) maytryto beat them, in which case they are discarded from the game.Ifunable or unwilling to beat the attacking cards, the defenderhasto pick them up. The aim is to get rid of all one's cards, andthelast player left holding cards is the fool. One of thepunishmentsfor the fool is the duty to deal the next hand, which isconsideredmenial work. Games of this type are played not only inRussia butin many East European countries, and especially inNorth-EastEurope: Poland, Finland, the Baltic states and Belarus,play itnow, you do not need for it internet connection or wifi,playoffline.This is how it is playing deck is shuffled in Durak free,andeach player receives six cards . The top card on the remainingdeckis made visible and placed at the bottom of the deck at a 90degreeangle (so that its denomination and suit are visible).Thisdetermines the trump suit, however the revealed card isactually apart of the deck, the last card to be drawn. The playerwith thelowest trump is the first attacker. A deck of 36 cardslimits thenumber of players to six, although some variants allowmore thanone deck to be used. A six-player game with one deck isnotoptimal, however, because it gives a considerable advantage totheplayer who attacks first, and a considerable disadvantage totheplayer who defends first. If multiple games have been played,oftenthe loser of the previous game shuffles and deals, this gamedo notneed internet connection or wifi, play offline.Get it for free!Game no need internet connection or wifi, play offline andforfree!
Card game Durak 1.0
First of all, players need to decide what type of games theyaremost interested in. This can be a Snap, translated fool orotherless common species. The number of participants in the gamecanvary from two to eight people, depending on the card deck. Butas arule, when you play the fool activated deck of 36 cards, intherare cases of 52 cards. Goal of the game boils down to, to getridof all the cards. The player, who is not able to do, admitsfool.So choose the style that suits you, and startwinningcontestants!Exciting and unique strategy game!- Do everything in your power;- Defeat the evil enemies!- Get the top prize!
Fool game free 1.2.4
Your Games
Play the free fool game, Durak gameofflinewith the special design!Features in game:- Special opponent players.- Great graphics- free, Play as much as you want- Specifically optimized for Phones and Tablets- Works offline and without network, no need of wifi.- Smooth gameplay.- Fun, excitement and entertainment!The deck of 36 cards is shuffled, and each player receives6cards (Durak limits the number of players to 6). The top cardonthe remaining deck is made visible and placed at the bottom ofthedeck across it (so that its denomination is seen). Thisdeterminesthe trump suit and the revealed card is actually part ofthe deck,the last card to be drawn.You don't need an internet connection or wifi and don't havetowait for other players from network.The player to the attacker's left is always the defender. Aftereachturn play proceeds clockwise. If the attack succeeds thedefenderloses his or her turn and the attack passes to the playeron thedefender's left. If the attack fails, the defender becomesthe nextattacker.Aces are high. Trumps are higher than non-trump cards (e.g., atrump6 always beats a nontrump ace). Non-trump attacking cards maybebeaten by either a) a higher card of the same suit or b) atrump.Trump attacking cards may only be beaten by higher trumps.With thissaid, have fun...If you ask yourself if you can play this game without wifi sotheanswer is yes, no wifi. You can play the game offline free,thisgame is without wifi.So do not wait and download now the Durak, fool game card gameforfree!Durak is the Russian word for fool and is the name of agroupof related games. All these games are played no to find awinner,but to find a loser - the fool - who will be subject tovariousmockery, jokers, forfeits, etc.Enjoy Durak, fool game offline card game for free!