20 Похожие 魔女戰記:巴別塔之謎

天天轉三國 1.0.2
Xiu Fly
第五代轉珠手遊巨作--《天天轉三國》震撼來襲!遊戲顛覆了傳統轉珠消除玩法,獨創塔防式戰鬥,全民化的簡易操作,堅決不抄襲不山寨,全新的玩法,頂尖的制作團隊讓您享受壹場酣暢淋漓的三國爭霸!精美Q版風,炫酷的技能特效,高品質的遊戲音效,精致的武將配音,所有的壹切都是為了向您呈現最新潮的三國手遊精品大作!在這裏,您將化身亂世中的英豪,招募天下名將,組建屬於自己的最強隊伍,聚金戈鐵馬,橫掃三國!!!Thefifth-generationtransfer beads hand tour masterpiece - "day by daythree" shockstruck! Game to subvert the traditional turn beadelimination gamesare played the original tower defense stylebattle, full of simple,determined not plagiarized cottage, newplay, the top productionteam allows you to enjoy hearty One fieldthree hegemony! Q editionfine wind, cool special effects skills,high-quality game soundeffects, dubbing fine generals, all of Onecut is to present to youthree hand travel boutique masterpiecelatest wave! Here, you willbe the hero avatar troubled times,recruiting world champion, setup his own strongest team, polyarmored cavalry, swept thethree!
Yu-cheng Entertainment Co.,LTD
是時候展現真正的技術了——神策略卡牌遊戲《指尖封神》來了!哪吒、姜子牙、楊戩、紂王 ​​、妲己這些都是童年的回憶?那些年的神仙和法寶,那些年的神奇傳說,盡在指尖一點,玩轉封神。最經典的神話傳說,最引人入勝的經典還原。最好玩的卡牌策略,最有節奏和樂趣的戰鬥。最有型的神仙卡牌,最有成就的卡牌養成。最福利的卡牌手游,就這個感覺超級好。屌絲逆襲只需一秒,你天生就是高富帥。坑出一臉血的手游能玩?你是打開方式不對還是點錯了圖標?你說你有特別的手指技巧?那還等什麼拿起手機轉個痛快吧!《指尖封神》以著名神話《封神演義》為故事背景,集中國神話體係於一身,世界觀宏大,畫面精緻細膩,玩法集傳統卡牌、法寶養成及三消對戰於一體,酷爽刺激!唯美畫風——遊戲畫面細膩精美,卡牌進化,驚喜不斷。豐富劇情——三百七十一章主線劇情,懸疑跌宕。海量卡牌——500餘張人物法寶卡牌,炫酷神將神器伴你征戰三界!法寶傳奇——打神鞭、金蛟剪、乾坤圈……玩法策略——連擊爆發,三消神技,屬性相剋,必殺逆轉。領取神石——每日登陸即可免費領取神石!【系統建議】支援設備:三星、HTC、Sony(需下載google輸入法)、或其他相容之設備作業系統:Android 2.1及以上內存配置:建議1G以上。存儲空間:推薦預留500MB剩餘空間依遊戲軟體分級管理辦法, 此軟體為輔12級:12歲以上之人始得使用。本遊戲為免費使用,遊戲內另提供購買虛擬遊戲物品等付費服務。粉絲專頁: https://www.facebook.com/hnt.zjfs客服信箱: services@ufvision.com
神隱幻姬 2.0.2
Gaminfinity Publishing Co., Ltd.
◇◇召喚三大國度神靈化身幻姬齊聚一堂,獨創的即時幻陣回合戰鬥進擊玩法,結合RPG角色養成與即時操作戰略,展開曲折離奇的冒險,絕對讓玩家大呼過癮!◇◇【ストーリー故事背景】「神隱幻姬」是由世間的意志凝聚出了『森羅萬象之書』,裡面記載著整個人世間的真理。自古以來,人們相信世間有著神靈鬼魅,終日禱告、敬仰與恐懼參半,然而這些神靈鬼魅的存在,是靠人們的祈願信仰與虔誠畏懼之心支撐著,成為了人世間的『真理』,但隨著朝代更迭、時間流逝,人們逐漸否定了神靈鬼魅們的存在,因此其力量也逐漸減弱中…這時身為凡人的你,不論從哪裡獲得這本書,只要打開第一頁,即能進入森羅萬象之中,窺視『真理』的面貌,當人們再次相信神靈鬼魅的存在,即能尋回被遺忘的『信仰』,漸漸地,秩序也將逐漸恢復平衡,最終世間也就能脫離崩毀的危機。【ゲーム遊戲介紹】▼召喚三大國度的神靈化身幻姬 架空劇情的幻想題材▼穿越時空來自蓬萊(台灣)、天竺(印度)、極東(日本)三大國仙境,超過百位的神靈全部化身『幻姬』與您一同作戰。▼獨具風格的美術畫風 原汁原味的日本聲優親配上陣▼每位幻姬都具有壞壞1頭身Q版及性感冶豔的兩種獨特美術畫風,加上日本知名聲優親自配音,讓你體驗原汁原味的精緻日系手遊大作!▼創新的組合RPG作為核心 前所未見的角色進化展示▼以「前線戰士」、「防衛輔助」、「遠程輸出」三大職業類型相生相剋任意組合,前所未見超華麗進階效果直覺大感動。▼獨創即時操幻陣系統 彈指間扭轉戰局▼戰鬥時前後排角色可隨時調換,幻姬技能也會隨之改變,搭配職業相剋,添加戰鬥時的即時刺激樂趣。▼收服靈珠 施放幻姬華麗大絕▼戰鬥時怪物身上會掉落靈珠,點擊靈珠加速累積SP技能,集滿就可以施放幻姬華麗大絕,瞬間改變戰場局面。▼完整社交系統 玩家協同出戰 組織公會 跨平台遊戲▼與三五好友共遊森羅萬象世界,跨平台iOS、安卓系統通通一起玩,好友協同出戰改變戰局,一起組織幻姬公會吧!◇官方網站:http://ests.wartown.com.tw/◇ 粉絲團:https://www.facebook.com/ests.wartown◇ 維姬百科:http://zh.ests.wikia.com/◇◇ summon threemagickingdom of God incarnate Kyi gathered in one, the originalinstantmagic circle round battle gameplay attack, combining RPGrole todevelop and operate real-time strategy adventure unfoldbizarretwists and turns, never let players hooked! ◇◇[Su Suites ー an have the background story]"God Hidden Magic Kyi" from the world will gather out ofthe"Book of flowers will", which recorded the whole truth of thehumanworld. Since ancient times, people believed that the world hasaghostly spirits all day, prayer, worship and fear mixed, butthepresence of these ghosts of the gods, is the heart ofpeople'sfaith by prayer and pious fear of supporting, became theearth's"truth", but with the the dynasties, the passage of time,peoplegradually ghosts who deny the existence of gods, so itsstrengthhas weakened the ...Then as you mortals, regardless of where to get this book,justturn on the first page, which flowers will be able to enterinto,peep "truth" look, when people believe in ghosts gods again,thatcan be recovered Forgotten "belief", gradually, the orderwillgradually restore balance, and ultimately the world will alsobeable collapsed out of the crisis.[Ge one woods Game Description]▼ summon three magic kingdom of God incarnate Kyioverheadfantasy story theme ▼Through time and space from the Penglai (Taiwan), Tianzhu(India),Far East (Japan) three countries in Wonderland, more thanonehundred of the incarnation of all gods "Magic Ji" and youfighttogether.▼ stylized art style authentic Japanese seiyuu battlewithpro-▼Each Magic Kyi has a nasty and sexy body Q version Ye Yan twouniqueart style, coupled with well-known Japanese voice actorsdubbinghimself, let you experience the exquisite authenticJapanese handtravel masterpiece!▼ innovation as the core of an unprecedented combination ofRPGcharacter evolution show ▼To "frontline soldiers", "defensive secondary", "Remote Out"threeoccupational categories XiangShengXiangKe any combinationofunprecedented super gorgeous effect intuitive Advancedbigmove.▼ original instant magic array operating systemfingertipsreverse the situation ▼When the battle front row ready to swap roles, magic Ji skillswillchange, with the occupation of grams, add instant funfightingstimulus.▼ rein Lingzhu cast magic Kyi absolutely gorgeous big ▼When fighting monsters will drop Lingzhu, click Lingzhuacceleratedaccumulation of SP skill set is full you can cast magicKyiabsolutely gorgeous big, instantly change thebattlefieldsituation.▼ complete social system of organization Associationplayercooperative play cross-platform game ▼And flowers will swim a few friends in the world,cross-platformiOS, Android system all play together, play friendscollaborativechange the military situation, together with theorganization MagicKyi guild now!◇ official website: http: //ests.wartown.com.tw/◇ fan group: https: //www.facebook.com/ests.wartown◇ Vicky Wikipedia: http: //zh.ests.wikia.com/
梅露可物語 癒術士與鈴之旋律 1.3.5
Happy Elements K.K
『梅露可物語 癒術士與鈴之旋律-』【Google 評選日本2014最佳幻想遊戲】【日本暢銷榜第一】【日版超過200萬下載】超爽快戰鬥!超治癒遊戲!超卡哇伊角色!梅露可物語官方網站: http://www.mstoria.tw/faq■□■□■□■梅露可物語 3大特點■□■□■□■● 「超流暢!」──行雲流水橫版戰鬥用簡單易懂的操作方式,控制可愛的角色們進行戰鬥!運用傭兵組合,打敗敵人拯救寵物;活用戰術隊形,破解任務拯救世界──可愛的夥伴為你而戰!● 「救命啊!」──夥伴系統突破困難關卡劇情任務可以選難度,normal模式一人可以輕鬆突破,hard模式嘛…運用遊戲完善的夥伴系統,不管是公會好夥伴,或著是路過好玩家~都可以參與戰鬥,一起獲得勝利唷!● 「好感動!」──不可靠的癒術士x瓶中少女の大冒險不可靠的冷淡少年,想找回記憶的瓶中少女;緊追不放的青梅竹馬,自己黏上來的可愛魔寵──主線劇情有笑有淚,每個配角都有CP,一起進入有趣深刻的奇幻世界吧~==============================================【劇情簡介】「拜託你啦!我的朋友只有你啊!!」長久以來一起生活的瓶中少女,都這樣要求自己了,怎麼辦才好呢?少年是平凡的少年,還有點冷淡。少年的朋友是住在瓶子裡、呈現半透明狀、喪失記憶的少女。少年還擁有治癒魔寵的力量,雖然很厲害但是……「我有怪獸恐懼症啊……」但是但是,瘋狂的怪獸打過來了,也只能治癒它們囉…被治癒的怪獸非常溫馴,外面還有好多想被治癒的怪獸;少女也不斷懇求,少年的朋友好想恢復記憶啊──好吧,為了朋友,少年踏上了每天都要治癒怪獸的旅程!雖然,他目前還沒有打算要為癒術士,但是未來的事情,誰說得準呢?遊戲軟體分級:輔導級12+ 注意使用時間,避免沉迷於遊戲。遊戲中有付費道具遊戲內涉及性(遊戲角色穿著輕微凸顯性特徵之裝扮,但不涉及性暗示)"Merlot melody canhealStory Warlock and bell -"[Japan 2014 Google named best fantasy game] [Japanese][Japanesebestselling first edition more than 2 milliondownloads]Super refreshing battle! Super Game cure! Superkawaiicharacter!Merlot can Story official website: http://www.mstoria.tw/faq■ □ ■ □ ■ □ ■ Merlot can Monogatari three major characteristics ■□■ □ ■ □ ■● "super smooth!" ── graceful horizontal version of fightingWith straightforward operation, control cute characterswhofight!The use of mercenaries in combination, to defeat the enemy tosavepets;Utilize tactical formations, break the task to save the world──lovely partner fight for you!● "help ah!" Buddy system ── breakthrough difficulty levelDrama can choose the difficulty of the task, normal mode onepersoncan easily break, hard mode Well ...Perfect game using the buddy system, whether it is a goodpartnerguild, or is passing through a good player -Can participate in the battle, win together yo!● "Good move!" ── more unreliable Warlock x bottle girlのAdventureUnreliable cool teenager, to retrieve memories of thebottlegirls;Pressed hard childhood, own magic stick up cute pet ──The main plot laughter and tears, each supporting both CP, wentintoa deep interesting fantasy world it ~==============================================【Synopsis】"Come on you! My only friend you ah !!"Long live with bottle girls, all this themselves, and how dowedo?Teenage boy is extraordinary, and a little cold.Teenage friends living in bottles, translucent rendering,memoryloss girls.Juvenile magic pet also has the power to cure, althoughverypowerful, but ......"I have a monster phobia ah ......"But, however, crazy monsters to fight over, they can only cureHello...Be cured monster very tame, outside there are a lot of monsterswantto be cured;Girls constantly pleading, young friends really want to restorethememory ah ──Well, for friends, teenagers embarked on a journey every daycuremonster!Although he currently has no plans to be more for the warlock,butthe next thing, Who knows for sure?Game Software Rating: PG-12 + Note the use of time, avoidindulgingin games. The game has paid propsGame involving sexual (game character wearing the dressslightlyprominent features, but does not involve sexuallysuggestive)
Defense Witches 1.2.3
StarGarage, Inc.
A brand new Defense game is releasedforAndroid!Little witches are active in the fantasy world!- Save the Stone Seal from surging monsters.Monsters are seeking the Stone Seal which contains the heart oftheevil god.Summon cute witches to save it from surging monsters.- Summoned cute witches fight in the fantasy world!Don't take a game with cute girls lightly!You couldn't imagine how this app with girl's characters isastrategic Defense game.Cute and attractive characters are active on the HD graphicsforRetina.- Save the Stone Seal!Monsters wave after wave for the Stone Seal.The Stone Seal is damaged when a monster reaches at it.Wipe the monsters off before the Stone Seal is broken,- Summon Cute Witches!Summon little witches to save the Stone Seal from monsters.Daisy : She always practice chanting spells hard. Ahardworkingstudent with cheerful character.Becky : She is the youngest daughter of a noble family.Apassionate girl protecting her friends with the fire ofjustice.She likes Daisy.Chloe : She is intelligent and always calm. While she isalwaysquiet, her magic is so flashy.Nicola : She pretends to be a calm character but actuallytendsto follow the surrounding circumstances. She is sensitiveabout thegrowth of her breasts. She likes Daisy too.Chiara : A girl with full of curiosity whose dream isflyingsomeday. She has so much unreasonable confidence.- Various StagesWORLD1 : Deep ForestWORLD2 : Steep ValleyWORLD3 : Crystal CaveWORLD4 : Active VolcanoWORLD5 : Ice TempleWORLD6 : Small IslandsWORLD7 : Ghost TownWORLD8 : Huge Tree HouseWORLD9 : Sky IslandWORLD10 : Ancient Temple- TipsDon't forget to upgrade units you once put on the field!Monsters become tougher as a stage goes while they looksimilar.Upgrade units to prepare for tough enemies.Get to know enemies' attribution!The fire magic doesn't work for an enemy with fire attribution.Makea choice to summon an appropriate unit.Concentrate attacks in a tough enemy!Some boss monsters have a lot HP. Tap them to makeconcentratedattacks.Not only monsters you can supply your magic power!But also rocks and woods with pink air have magic power. Breakthemto supply your magic power.* All stages are designed to allow a player without anypower-upitems clear with no damage. Use "Rewind" to consider atactics foreach Wave.- SupportTwitter https://twitter.com/#!/DefenseWitchesFacebook https://www.facebook.com/DefenseWitches- Notes・ Recommended environment: Android4.0 later.・ necessary capacity: 300M or more・ RAM: 2G or more・ Such as Wi-Fi we would recommend an update of astablecommunication environment.
Mini Warriors
With recruiting powerful heroes and leading invincible armies.
時空召喚——5V5實時MOBA競技手遊 2.0.2
地表最強5v5實時MOBA電競手遊超威來襲!海量英雄策略搭配,隨時隨地秒進遊戲即刻開黑連殺超神,盡享極致競技快感!經典5v5大地圖,三路推塔,讓打野、補刀、Gank、超神、插眼更暢快,極致還原MOBA核心體驗!即刻召喚好友掌上開黑,策略團戰收割戰場登頂最強王者!遊戲特色: 隨時MOBA開黑 指尖疾速Gank 實時公平競技 風騷走位carry全場 海量英雄組合 策略團戰登頂王者 5v5大地圖 極限操作收割戰場=======================客服信箱:spaceherotw@gmail.com客服電話:0222190701(上午9時~下午21時)Face Book粉絲團:https://www.facebook.com/spaceherotw/======================= 隨時MOBA開黑 指尖疾速Gank——掌上moba競技,隨時隨地手機開黑,秒進遊戲快速開局,讓戰鬥無需等待。怒氣大招一指超神輕鬆五連殺,疾速gank盡享極致純粹moba競技快感! 實時公平競技 風騷走位carry全場¬——无锁定舒暢自在的自由操作不受系統鎖定、屬性強度一致公平的道具裝備不怕有任何差異、拒絕任何副本體力的進度壓力及養成,堅持不縮水的上中下三路大戰術地圖,讓玩家在手機上也能體驗到最純粹PVP團戰對抗競技樂趣 海量英雄組合 策略團戰登頂王者——海量時空英雄隨心選擇,策略搭配組建最強團隊。射手、戰士、坦克、法師、輔助、刺客一個都不少,巧妙組合打出絕佳團隊合作登頂王者榮耀。 經典5v5大地圖 極限操作收割戰場——上中下三路大戰術地圖,三路推塔、還原最純粹的pvp團戰對抗競技樂趣。越塔強殺讓策略更豐富、讓打野、補刀、Gank、超神、插眼更暢快。盡享極限操作收割戰場的激爽MOBA體驗!
手遊地帶:召喚圖版攻略 1.0.0
櫻の戰國 1.1.3
◎遊戲介紹◎戦国萌え美少女武将を率いて戦国の世を統一せよ!戰國卡牌遊戲《櫻の戰國》華麗登場!日本多位重量級畫師精心繪製,知名聲優親自上陣配音!織田信長、豐臣秀吉、武田信玄和德川家康等上百位最萌的武將姬等你收錄旗下。由戰國時代東西中三個區域的英傑,本多忠勝、尼子經久及井伊直政帶領你穿越時空征戰天下!大人がハマる『新感覚』戦国レトロカードバトルRPG!《櫻の戰國》中武將都將以美少女的面貌呈現,遊戲中加入了第六天魔王挑戰、定期國戰及競技掠奪等等核心玩法,再透過招募武將姬、武將姬升星培養、裝備進階強化、多人組隊副本還有探索幕府寶藏等等活動,讓你除了收集美少女武將之外,更能夠體驗豐富主線劇情及精英關卡帶來的征戰樂趣,同時與其他大名互相競爭上洛的刺激快感。◎遊戲特色◎★免費武將!美少女輕鬆招喚!★除了系統贈送召換次數外,更可透過任務及收集方式免費取得高級3星級超萌美少女!★最萌少女!日系畫風不打折!★重量級日本畫師完美打造,為了1%的細節通宵達旦精心繪製,每位美少女都以最高品質呈現!★大絕連發!技能連鎖不中斷!★每位美少女都各自擁有獨特技能,千變萬化的搭配運用,享受三段技能連鎖發動的樂趣!★自由發揮!創新九宮格對戰!★三大兵種加上九宮格陣型,人見人怕的最殺攻擊陣還是魯小小最硬鐵龜陣,全都由你來決定!★培育養成!超絕頂實力進化!★沒有不會殺敵的小兵,只有不會育成的主公,只要細心培養,秀吉一樣能打趴信長!------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Facebook官方粉團 >>> https://www.facebook.com/yzg.kingnet------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Game description ◎◎E Meng Zhan country girl generals rate I wo te Zhan Shi wounifiednational There se yo!Sengoku card game "Sakura There Warring States"gorgeousdebut!Many Japanese heavyweight artist carefully drawn, well-knownvoiceactors dubbing himself into battle!Oda Nobunaga, Toyotomi Hideyoshi, Tokugawa Ieyasu, such asTakedaShingen and hundreds of the most adorable collection ofgeneralsKyi's waiting for you.Aviva from the Warring States period of three things in theregion,Honda Tadakatsu, Amago durable and Ii Naomasa expeditionlead youthrough time and space in the world!Haas adults ga ma ru "new sense of Jue" Zhan country Ritzrogrades one then found Suites Hikaru RPG!"Sakura There Warring States" in the US generals are girls willlookshow, the game added a sixth day challenge the devil,regularnational war and plunder, and so the core of competitivegameplay,and then through the recruitment of generals Kyi, thegenerals KyiRising Star training, equipment Advanced strengthenedthe team acopy of the multiplayer Shogun also explore the treasuresand so onactivities, so you girl generals addition to collecting,it is moreable to experience the rich and elite of the main plotpoints ofthe campaign to bring the fun, while Los competing withother namestimulation pleasure.The game features ◎ ◎★ Free generals! Easily summon girl! ★In addition to changing the number of times the system presentedthechurch, but also can get free 3-star Superior Super Meng girlwaythrough the mission and collect!★ most adorable girl! Japanese style does not discount! ★Heavyweight Japanese artist to create the perfect order of 1% ofthedetails carefully drawn through the night, every girl has torenderthe highest quality!★ absolutely great bursts! Skills chain is not interrupted! ★Each girl has their own unique skills, with the use oftheever-changing, and enjoy the skills chain launched threeparagraphsfun!★ free to play! Innovation squared Battle! ★Three arms plus squared formation, the most feared attacks killLusmall array or array hardest iron turtle, all up to youtodecide!★ cultivate develop! Ultra extremely powerful evolution! ★No enemy soldier will not only not be bred lord, as long ascarefulcultivation, Hideyoshi play like lying Nobunaga!-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Official Facebook dough >>> https://www.facebook.com/yzg.kingnet-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
亂世戰姬-萬千戰姬 實現你的君王夢 2.3.16
我的學妹不可能那麼萌 1.131.0
◎遊戲介紹◎《我的學妹不可能那麼萌》是2016紅遍全球華人圈的最佳手機遊戲。遊戲中加入並萌化了三國時代的英雄豪傑,還將其作為戰姬等你收錄旗下,同時將即時策略與手動操作等特色結合並融入其中。玩家們在《我的學妹不可能那麼萌》中遨遊時,不僅要理解各個戰姬的特色技能的搭配、還要有裝備道具的合理分配和精細的操作,讓你除了收集知名武將之外,更能夠體驗豐富主線劇情及各個關卡帶來的征戰樂趣,同時享受與其他玩家互相競技的刺激快感。◎遊戲特色◎★ ★ ★ 不爽上頂樓,全國制霸由你書寫 ★ ★ ★《我的學妹不可能那麼萌》最大特色,遊戲中萌化了近百位富有傳奇色彩的三國英雄,追隨玩家們四處征戰。這些戰姬是《我的學妹不可能那麼萌》中核心的遊戲特色,每個戰姬都有其不平凡的經歷和獨特的技能。若是想要在召喚師世界中稱霸,就需要深入瞭解每個戰姬的特色技能,運用你的智慧來搭配戰姬形成殺傷力極大的combo連續技組合,讓你輕鬆打遍天下無敵手。★ ★ ★ 微動作畫面,指揮戰姬釋放大招 ★ ★ ★遊戲中不僅有華麗且酷炫的絕招特效,同時各個戰姬的表情、動作都是由設計師通宵達旦所精心打造的。無論在戰鬥中或是在休息時,戰姬們的行走、揮舞道具和賣萌等每個動作,隨處可見其精細的3D畫面設計。在召喚師帶領戰姬征戰的過程中,都需要你的手指行動力,無腦跑畫面不再適合現在的遊戲了。★ ★ ★ 指尖微操作,勝負就在一瞬間 ★ ★ ★手動釋放技能的手遊已經過時了!在戰鬥中需要時時觀察戰況,並對戰姬進行微操作,像打斷敵方施法扭轉局勢或是變換施法方向運用策略欺敵等等。做為《我的學妹不可能那麼萌》中的另一個賣點,為了不讓玩家覺得就是在玩遊戲數據,體驗真正的指揮樂趣,在遊戲中的戰鬥力只能作為參考,戰力低也能通過微操作改變劣勢,讓你一舉反敗為勝!★ ★ ★ 福利社投飲料,滿滿的校園元素 ★ ★ ★暑假過了一個月,是否想念福利社的早餐呢?在《我的學妹不可能那麼萌》中,還有各種測驗來考較你的實力,除了豐富並龐大的世界觀外,還有無數的任務供你自由選擇發揮,不服氣?那就上頂樓單挑吧!將眼前所有的障礙掃除,朝著全國制霸的夢想邁進吧!────────────────加入《我的學妹不可能那麼萌》台灣官方臉書就可以參加官方舉辦的精彩活動, 贏取更多的禮物和重要訊息。(在Facebook搜尋: 我的學妹不可能那麼萌────────────────攻略,活動等最新資訊!!請點擊官方網址↓☞官方粉絲團:https://goo.gl/0yT65S☞《我的學妹不可能那麼萌》客服信箱: girls@game168.com.twLine ID:moemoegirls我們會認真聽取每個玩家的心聲,感謝您的支持。Game description ◎ ◎"My younger sister can not be so Moe" is popular in 2016globalChinese circle the best mobile games. Join the game andsproutingof the heroes of the Three Kingdoms period, which will bewaitingfor you as a war Kyi's inclusion, while real-time strategywithmanual operation and other characteristics combined into one.Whenplayers travel in "My school girl can not be so Moe", not onlytounderstand the characteristics of each battle Kyi mix ofskills,but also a reasonable allocation of equipment, props anddelicateoperation, so that you collect in addition to well-knowngeneralsoutside more can experience the rich storyline and thevariouslevels of the campaign to bring the fun with other playerswhileenjoying the stimulation of competitive mutual pleasure.◎ ◎ Game Features★ ★ ★ unhappy on the top floor, the national system ofhegemonywritten by you ★ ★ ★ "My younger sister can not be so adorable," the mostprominentfeature of the game Moe hundred legendary hero of theThreeKingdoms, players follow the campaign around. These war Kyiis "Myschool girl can not be so adorable" in the core feature ofthe game,each battle Kyi has its extraordinary experience andunique skills.If you want to dominate the world in the Summoner,you need tounderstand the characteristics of each battle Kyiskills, use yourwisdom to battle with the formation of highlylethal combo Kyicombos combination, allowing you to easily hottopic invinciblehand.★ ★ ★ micro motion picture, directed war Kyi releaselargestrokes ★ ★ ★The game is not only gorgeous and cool trick effects, whileeachbattle Kyi's facial expressions, movements are carefullycrafted bythe designer of the night. Whether in combat or at rest,war Kyi'swalking, waving to sell Meng and other props and eachaction, youcan see its fine 3D graphics design. In Summoner Kyi ledwarcampaign process, we need your finger action, no brain nolongersuitable now run the screen game.★ ★ ★ fingertip micro-operations, the outcome in the moment ★★★Manual release of the skills of hand travel has become obsolete!Inthe battle need to constantly observe the fighting and warKyimicro-operations, like magic to reverse the situation, ortointerrupt the enemy caster transform direction usingdeceptiontactics like. As "My school girl can not be so Moe"another sellingpoint, in order to prevent players feel that playingthe game data,experience the real fun of command, combat in thegame only as areference, but also low combat capabilitydisadvantages changethrough micro-operation, so that you win thegame in one fellswoop!★ ★ ★ canteen vote drinks, full campus elements ★ ★ ★After a month of summer vacation, whether canteen missbreakfastthen? "My sister can not be so adorable school", there areavariety of quizzes to test your strength compared, in addition toarich and vast view of the world, there are numerous you are freetochoose to play for the task, not convinced? then it singled outtheattic! remove all the obstacles in front, toward the dreamofbecoming the national system of hegemony it!────────────────Adding "I can not be so adorable school girl" Taiwan canparticipatein the official face bookExciting activities organized by the official, win more giftsandimportant messages.(In Facebook search: My school girl can not be so Meng────────────────Raiders News, activities, etc! ! Please click on theofficialwebsite ↓☞ official fan group: https: //goo.gl/0yT65S☞ "My school girl can not be so Moe" CustomerService:girls@game168.com.twLine ID: moemoegirlsWe will listen carefully to the voice of each player, thank youforyour support.
神話戰爭:勇者 空島 大冒險(正式OB) 1.0
SNSplus Taiwan
在遙遠的空中,有一座使用神秘力量漂浮著的空中大陸斯凱蘭。在那裡,居住著人族、精靈、獸人。其中以人族的勢力與族群最為強盛。一百五十年前,魔族從地表的塔爾喀大陸對斯凱蘭大陸發動了攻擊,自此兩族間展開了一場長達百年以上的戰爭,在魔族無比強大的力量面前,人族節節敗退,直到──魔族一舉闖人族的首都,伊利斯。這場人魔間的百年戰爭,已來到終末之刻──當歷史變成了傳說,傳說經過百年變成了神話,那些該被記住的,卻被遺忘仍舊重蹈覆輒著戰爭的軌跡……新型即時戰鬥策略遊戲《神話戰爭》在空島世界,少年勇者們進行的大冒險,突破策略遊戲新境界,即時戰鬥,三大創新:■ 核心站位系統-角色自由擺放,扭轉決戰勝負■ 新穎大富翁式探索扭蛋-顛覆一般遊戲隨機抽獎■ 天氣系統、陣型、技能、職業、武器-創造出智慧無窮變化的策略遊戲如果您在遊戲中有疑問,請不要猶豫,馬上聯繫我們為您解決。官方網站:http://tw.gamagic.com/battlehero/即刻儲值:http://www.primo168.tw/m/?go=deposit&gid=81客服中心:http://opa.primo168.tw/Service/FB粉絲專頁:https://www.facebook.com/GAMAGIC.SNSplus巴哈姆特:http://forum.gamer.com.tw/B.php?bsn=29334遊戲基地:http://www.gamebase.com.tw/forum/77101/threadGAMAGIC手機平台:http://tw.gamagic.com/m/客服中心服務時間:每周一至每周日(全年無休) 15:00~24:00快邀請你的好友們一起玩《神話戰爭》!邀請越多人就能得越到越好的虛寶!!In the distant sky,thereis a mysterious force use of air floating continentSkyland.There, inhabited by one family, elves, orcs. Among Terranforceswith the most powerful ethnic group.150 years ago, the inferno from the surface of Ta ErkaSkylandcontinent to continent attacked,Since then, between the two communities began a morethancentury-long war,In the face of extremely powerful inferno, one familyretreat,Until ──Inferno in one fell swoop break Terran capital, Elis.This magic Hundred Years' War between people, has come the moment──terminalWhen history becomes legend, legend became myth throughthecenturies, those that are remembered, is forgottenCover Noir war still repeat the track ......The new real-time combat strategy game "Myth Wars"Adventure Island in an empty world, teenagers brave conductedBreakthrough Strategy Games new realm of real-time combat,threemajor innovations:■ core station system - the role freedom of placement, reversetheoutcome of the battle■ Explore new Monopoly style toy - subversion general gamerandomlottery■ weather system, formation, skills, career, weapons - tocreateinfinite wisdom change strategy gameIf you have questions about the game, please do not hesitatetocontact us to resolve it.official website:http://tw.gamagic.com/battlehero/Immediate gift: http: //www.primo168.tw/m/ go = deposit & gid=81?Customer Service Center: http: //opa.primo168.tw/Service/FB fan page: https: //www.facebook.com/GAMAGIC.SNSplusBahamut: http: //forum.gamer.com.tw/B.php bsn = 29334?Game base: http: //www.gamebase.com.tw/forum/77101/threadGAMAGIC mobile phone platform: http: //tw.gamagic.com/m/Customer Service Hours: Monday to Sunday (year round) 15:00 ~24:00Quickly invite your friends to play with the "myth of war"!The more people will be able to invite the more the bettervirtualtreasure! !
Blizzard Jewels - HaFun 2.5.7
Powerfull Magic Jewels gameBlizzard Jewel
Age of History Lite 1.1546
Łukasz Jakowski
Age of History Lite is turn-based strategy game aboutworlddomination.
Summoners War Guide for Free 1.1
SGS Studio
Indroduce about Summoners War Guideprovidesquick and easy guide for Summoners War game that has beenreleased,on all consoles and platforms.For awesome here we go to inform you how to win easy with knowaboutMonster, Runes, and other on game. For beginner you can startforplaying this game with easy in this app.Learn about:- Summoners war monster- Summoners war runes- Starting this game for beginner from level 1.- Summoners war awakeningBonus :Included , Calender for new year.Easy Used :Easy to use and simple page. Also look good with FreeYoutubeVideo, when you stack at the games. You only make sure youTAB thebutton to view Summoners War Guide.Disclamer: This app is an unofficial third partyapplicationdesigned to provide guide for the Android version ofSummoners War.Not The game is included.This app brings a completely new experience to the game
超神戰隊-少年!召喚魔靈部落的雷霆勇士一起刀塔吧 1.3.0
ToneGames Inc.
革命性動作卡牌來襲,S級國民手遊等你來戰!革命性3D動作卡牌手遊《超神戰隊》將MOBA元素與傳統卡牌遊戲完美融合,帶來全新的掌上競技體驗。全新的召喚師技能,即時操控戰場,瞬間改變戰局!===遊戲簡介===召喚師峽穀戰火重燃,英雄覺醒引爆巔峰競技!主角絕殺、英雄連招,團控大招操控戰場!戰隊亂鬥、激情副本,戰鬥快感全面升級!超神陣容親手打造,3D動作卡牌帶你脫坑!===遊戲特色===◎ 召喚師覺醒 全域一手掌握“召喚師”技能、“英雄”技能同步登場,你的一招將成為勝利的關鍵!◎ 百余英雄 召喚隨心所欲火男、龍女、VN、德邦、草叢倫、光女悉數登場,百余名英雄任你召喚!◎ 自由養成 打造超能戰隊英雄升級、英雄進階、技能修煉、豐富養成系統締造無限可能!◎ 高清畫質 代入感爆棚原汁原味的畫風,風格迥異的英雄,完美重現激烈的復仇之戰!◎ 百種技能 策略為王連招絕殺,自由操控,卡牌與策略融合,打造革命性全新玩法Revolutionary actioncardsstrikes, S-class national mobile games waiting for you tofight!Revolutionary 3D action card hand tour "Super Sentai God"will MOBAelements with traditional card game perfect fusion,bringing a newhandheld athletic experience. The new Summonerskills, instantcontrol battlefield, instantly change the militarysituation!About the Game === ===Summoner Canyon renewed fighting, the pinnacle of athleticherodetonate awakening!Lore protagonist, the hero even strokes, battlefield controlgroupcontrol the big move!Clan melee, passion copies fighting pleasurecomprehensiveupgrade!God built the super lineup, 3D action cards with you offthepit!=== === Game Features◎ Summoner awakening global in one hand"Summoner" skills, "Hero" skills synchronization debut, a moveyouwill be the key to victory!◎ hundred heroes are summoned to arbitraryFire men, Dragon, VN, Debon, grass-lun, light female full debut,youcall any of hundreds of heroes!◎ freedom to develop to create Super SentaiUpgrade hero, the hero advanced, skills practice, develop asystemto create rich possibilities!◎ high-definition picture quality into a sense of burstingAuthentic style, different styles of hero, perfectly reproducethefierce revenge!◎ one hundred kinds of skills strategy is kingEven strokes lore, free manipulation, cards andstrategyintegration, to create a revolutionary new play
European War 3 1.4.2
New Style World War I Strategy Game
Castle Defense 2 3.2.2
DH Games
Castle Defense 2: best strategy/arcade castle defense ever !
大兵小將 1.7
《大兵小將》不落一般三國遊戲的俗套,強烈特色的百人征戰場面,造型風格迥異的可愛武將們等你來蒐集,讓您在2016年重溫當年遊玩三國的感動!獨特的的即時技能連發系統,讓您在無盡的三國荒原說殺就殺!三國名將養成、擺兵步陣、真人語音元素、洗鍊裝備、跨服排行、強大軍團聯合爭霸、武將突破系統、跨服世界競技場、跨服軍團戰、世界BOSS,讓策略遊戲不再單調!將你帶入一場前所未有的奢華遊戲體驗,讓你盡情享受每一場華麗的戰鬥。超強技能、韜略加成,超乎你的想像!◎火牛、伏兵、軍中、冰龍、堅壁五種技能隨你施放!◎20多種韜略隨你配置,增加軍團BUFF提升武將戰力!◎文韜武略,奇門遁甲,軍團韜略加成,提升你的武將,招喚出小萌撒豆兵來助陣!多項數值影響創造十萬種變化,戰局勝負難料!◎最多可同時上陣9位武將,武將萃取融合升星、武將帶兵數提升、兵種進階、裝備鍊化武器,並各自擁有獨特技能◎鍊化系統:可讓武將的武器、頭巾、衣服、配飾、篇書、坐騎提升洗鍊來增加戰力,並且新增洗鍊鎖功能~可保留橙色屬性!◎分久必合,合久必分,一城一地,方寸之爭!「聯盟爭霸戰」就是為了爭奪城池來獲得更多資源,玩家能夠對通過菁英地圖的城池進行攻打,佔領後可派武將駐守,並且隨著累計時間獲得爭霸點,快聯合你們的盟軍,在亂世中拿下一方屬於自己的領域吧。◎每週一0點選出戰力最強的七個聯盟為“本週聯盟七星”,第七到第一依次戰鬥,層層推進,當擊敗了前一聯盟後,才能繼續迎戰下一聯盟。◎擊敗三國梟雄,制霸爽感,讓你橫跨全伺服世界戰力排行,成為最強第一人!◎天下英雄,各顯神通!跨服競技場正式啟動!◎武將突破系統~讓你的紫將不在單單只是隻小兵~橙將覺醒為神將!!!快來突破武將,創出屬於自己的陣容吧!◎世界BOSS新系統「天魔境」等你來挑戰!魔化孫權、魔化曹操、魔化劉備、魔化董卓皆有獨特的攻略方法~一同來挑戰!◎「南蠻入侵」全新玩法,南華仙人不忍中原正統被蠻賊佔據,便許下重賞,號召天下英雄一起對抗南蠻。◎「天下逐鹿」世界軍團跨服開戰,你代表的可不僅僅是自己,還有代表著自己軍團的榮耀!還等什麼?快來實戰PK吧!遊戲官網:http://goo.gl/691Dn7粉絲團:https://www.facebook.com/sszgl/客服中心:http://www.1767app.com/service/1767Game 一起遊戲:http://www.1767game.com1767App 粉絲團:http://www.facebook.com/1767app
Call of Champions
Spacetime Games
Call of Champions isthemostintensereal-timemultiplayer battle arena (MOBA) on thephoneandtablet.Choose aChampion, recruit a team, smash theenemy,andcompeteagainstmillions worldwide!The heart-pounding five-minute matches inCallofChampionsdistillthe best of old-school MOBA mechanicslikelanes,minions,and itemshops into fast-pacedtacticalbrawls,game-changingpower-ups, and atug-of-war with an OrbofDeath.Featuring over 15 Champions with fullycustomizabletalenttrees,aswell as an innovative A.I. that fills inif you needtotake acall ortext, Call of Champions is the MOBAperfectedformobiledevices.Game Features:- FREE TO PLAY FOREVER!- Compete around the world inlightningfaststrategicfive-minutematches.- Receive a FREE Champion in your first weekofplay($4.00USDvalue).- Unlock and command over 15 Champions spanningfiveiconicclassesandeight unique Realms.- Push the "Orb of Death" on a track in athrillingtug-of-wartotakedown towers. No waiting on minions.- Grab power-ups for yourself or fight forboardcontroltosharepower-ups with your team. No itemshoprequired.- Customize your Champion to suit your playstylethroughanovelTalentTree.- Watch friends and pros duke it out inSpectatorMode.Followplayers,Pause, and Instant Replay. Youcontroltheplayback!- Never lose a game to drops. A.I. instantly fillsinforplayerswhoneed to take a call or reply to a text.The reviews are in, and here's what people aresayingaboutCallofChampions:- "First mobile MOBA that does somethingsuperclever"-TouchArcade- "Feels like the first true mobile MOBA" - PocketGamer- Best Mobile Game, Pax Prime 2015 - MMOGames- "Incredibly gorgeous" - AppRumors- "The 5 minute timer makes this game perfect formobiledevices"-MMOGames- "More accessible, more interesting, and alotmorefun"-PocketGamer- "Arena is so good, it’ll leave youwantingmore"-TrustedReviewsBuilt on Spacetime Studios' innovativeSpacetimeGameEngine,Callof Champions delivers high qualityreal-time actionata silky60frames per second. It's small downloadsize (80megs)andlowbandwidth requirements (synchronous over 3G andfaster)makeittheideal MOBA for an on-the-gocompetitiveexperience.Withhighresolution graphics, external displaysupportand asuiteofstream-friendly features, you can bring yourbattlestothebigscreen and share your triumphs with the world!