2.2 / December 29, 2019
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So you want to learn about proper wedding etiquette? In this app,you will learn all sorts of important things about etiquette andhow it affects each one of the people that are in your wedding,come to your wedding and remember your wedding. By taking the timeto follow a few simple rules, everyone can find a place in yourwedding memory book. The goods news is that you will learn a lotabout all sorts of aspects of wedding etiquette that you may nothave known about. In many ways, you may find yourself wonderingabout if you should do that or if you should do this. The goal isto provide you with the information you need to make a properdecision about your wedding. Please do rate the application andleave your valuable comments, we would be happy to hear from youall to improve this.

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  • Имя приложения
    Wedding Etiquette
  • Название приложения
  • Дата публикации
    December 29, 2019
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  • Требования
    Android 4.0.3 and up
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Life Of Christ 2.0 APK
WHY JESUS CAME TO THIS WORLDIn the beginning, before the world was made, the Lord Jesus livedin heaven.He lived in that happy place with God. Then God made the world. Hetoldthe hills to come up out of the earth, and the seas to run downinto the deepplaces which He had made for them. He made the grass, the trees,and allthe pretty flowers. He put the sun, the moon, and the stars in thesky. Hefilled the water with swimming fish, the air with flying birds, andthe dryland with walking and creeping animals. And then He said, ‘Let Usmakeman.’ Who were meant by ‘Us’? Who was with God when He madetheworld? It was Jesus.The Bible says:‘THE WORD (that means Jesus) WAS WITH GOD, AND THE WORDWAS GOD. THE SAME WAS IN THE BEGINNING WITH GOD. ALLTHINGS WERE MADE BY HIM.’-----------------------------------To summarize the life of Jesus Christ in an application is animpossible task. Entire books have been written on specific aspectsof Jesus life or death and I for one would not presume to have itall in this one application. What I am going to do is give a bird'seye view of the life of Jesus Christ, without going into the deepermeanings (and different interpretations) of his life onearth.Please do rate the application and leave your valuable comments, wewould be happy to hear from you all to improve this.
Bad Breath Cure 3.0 APK
How to fight bad breath? Did you know that there are people whoused to have bad breath and now totally cured their bad breath? Youcan get rid of bad breath almost overnight, even if everything youtried before failed miserably. Imagine having such fresh breath andso much self confidence that you'll be able to speak just inchesaway from anyone's face or kiss that special someone withoutworrying about bad breath. Learn how to fight bad breath before itbecomes a social stigma or before it affects your relationship withpeople. Number one on how to fight bad breath is proper oralhygiene. Brush your teeth religiously every morning and after everymeal including your tongue where bacteria are more likely toaccumulate. Be careful with what you eat, there are foods thatcauses bad breath like onions and garlic. Drink a lot of water,proper hydration prevents bad breath and accumulation of bacteria.Have a dental check up every 6 months to avoid tooth decay. Properoral hygiene alone sometimes doesn't work on people with chronicbad breath. If you happen to follow all the oral hygiene mentionedand after bad breath testing you believe that you still have a badbreath or someone told you that you do have a bad breath, youshould act on this at once before it could affect your social life.Finding how to fight bad breath and get rid of bad breath for goodis something you should not ignore. It's better to act on this nowthan suffer the effects of bad breath in your life. This appprovides you with more than 50+ natural remedies to cure badbreath. Please do rate the application and leave your valuablecomments, we would be happy to hear from you all to improve this.
First Aid Guide 2.6 APK
First aid training courses are the best way to get trained up infirst aid at work to make the working environment even safer.Whether you are an employee or an employer, first aid training canbe valuable in many situations and should therefore always beconsidered. Accidents can happen anywhere, even in the safest ofoffices. Simple trips and falls can have serious consequences, andunexpected problems such as heart attacks can become life-or-deathsituations. Having someone in the office trained to deal with firstaid can help to make the accident victims more comfortable, as wellas potentially save lives, and first aid at work is thereforehugely important. Accidents are Just Around The Corner Someworkplaces are clearly more dangerous than others. Those workplaceswhere heavy machinery is being operated will pose certain risks,but even a simple office can pose risks. Tripping on wires, liftingheavy objects, falling down the stairs - anything is possible andthat's why training for first aid at work is so vital. EveryWorkplace Needs Someone Just knowing that there is someone trainedin first aid in the workplace is a reassurance. If you have to callfor an ambulance then having someone on hand to administer firstaid in the first few minutes could prove to be essential. Even formore minor incidents such as small cuts, it is good to have someonewith first aid training to ensure that employees get the care theyneed. Ever wondered how you would react in an emergency situation?This application provides you with the life-saving details and toget trained in first Aid.
Swimming Tips 2.5 APK
This app is a lists ofobservations and recommendations on howswimmers can improve in their swimming and how parents can supporttheir child’s involvement in the sport. The tips will assistswimmers of all ages to improve how they train and how they swimeach of the four competitive strokes—freestyle, backstroke,breaststroke and butterfly. Junior and age group swimmers will bethe ones who will benefit the most by reading and practicing thesuggestions in these tips. The book begins by listing 20 of themost important tips based on observations at training sessions. Byfollowing these tips, swimmers will be able to dramatically improvetheir swimming and associated technique, skills and drills.Swimmers who actively improve in these areas will also show majorimprovements in their competition performance over time. Health andnutrition is an important part of every swimmers training andcompetition program. The tips in this app will assist swimmers toperform at their best by eating well and staying hydrated. Parenteducation is very important in the sport of swimming and the nextsection provides tips for swimming parents on how they can bestsupport their child. The remaining chapters look closely at each ofthe four competition strokes—freestyle, backstroke, breaststrokeand butterfly. The tips provided here will assist all junior andage group swimmers to improve in training and competition. Pleasedo rate the application and leave your valuable comments, we wouldbe happy to hear from you all to improve this.
True Love Stories 2.3 APK
People likes hearing great love stories as it bring joy andhappiness. These stories will inspire so many people who haven'tyet found love . Love stories will differ through generations asthe culture changes, but still love stories never gets old as itnot only inspire hope but, to educate and teach. Below are some ofthe stories this app covers; 1. A Feeling that will last forever.2. The first love, which lasted lifetime 3. Love with best friend.4. Secret love and many other stories are covered in this app.Please do rate the application and leave your valuable comments, wewould be happy to hear from you all to improve this.
Inspirational Bible Stories 3.0 APK
The Bible is one of the two or three oldest books in the world, butunlike most of the ancient books, it is found not only in greatlibraries, but in almost every home of the civilized world; and itis not only studied by learned scholars, but read by the commonpeople; and its many stories grasp and hold the attention of littlechildren. Happy is that child who has heard, over and over again,the Bible stories until they have become fixed in his mind andmemory, to become the foundations of a noble life. It is with thedesire of aiding parents and teachers in telling these stories, andaiding children to understand them, also in the hope that they maybe read in many schools, that a few among the many interestingstories in the Bible have been chosen, brought together and as faras necessary simplified to meet the minds of the young. The appcontains the following stories, 1, The Story Of Adam And Eve 2, TheStory Of Noah And The Ark 3, The Story Of Hagar And Ishmael 4, TheStory Of Abraham And Isaac 5, The Story Of Jacob 6, The Sale Of ABirthright 7, The Story Of The Ladder That Reached To Heaven 8, TheStory Of Joseph The Coat Of Many Colors 9, The Dreams Of A King 10,The Story Of The Money In The Sacks 11, The Mystery Of The LostBrother 12, The Story Of Moses, The Child Who Was Found In TheRiver 13, The Story Of The Grapes From Canaan 14, The Story OfGideon And His Three Hundred Soldiers 15, The Story Of Samson, TheStrong Man 16, The Story Of Ruth, The Gleaner 17, The Story OfDavid The Shepherd Boy 18, The Story Of The Fight With The Giant19, The Story Of The Cave Of Adullam 20, The Story Of Solomon AndHis Temple 21, The Story Of Elijah, The Prophet 22, The Story OfJonah And The Whale 23, The Story Of The Fiery Furnace 24, TheStory Of Daniel In The Lion’S Den 25, The Story Of The Angel By TheAltar 26, The Story Of Jesusthe Babe Of Bethlehem 27, The Story OfThe Star And The Wise Men 28, The Story Of The Child In The Temple29, The Story Of The Water That Was Turned Into Wine 30, The StoryOf The Stranger At The Well 31, The Story Of The Fishermen 32, TheStory Of The Sermon On The Mount 33, The Story Of The MiracleWorker 34, The Good Shepherd And The Good Samaritan 35, The StoryOf The Palm Branches 36, The Story Of The Betrayal 37, The Story OfThe Empty Tomb 38, The Story Of The Man At The Beautiful Gate 39,The Story Of Stephen, The First Martyr Please rate thisapplication.
Christmas Carols and Lyrics 3.3 APK
Christmas carols are songs or hymns that have lyrics based on theChristmas theme and they are sung for several days ahead ofChristmas. Carolers Christmas add spirit and authenticity to thiswidely celebrated holiday. These have thus, maintained thetradition of spreading cheer through hymns. Caroling in is one ofthe most common oral traditions that have been passed down throughnumerous generations. In the past most carolers traveled on foot,on horseback or by truck. Though they have been banned frommarching in some areas, theirs is a popular tradition. Currently,some of the caroling singers perform in neighborhoods and churchesfor charity. There are several guidelines in getting ready forcarolers Christmas during the Christmas festive. It is a beautifulgesture for a person to show their appreciation by preparing forthe carolers' arrival and offering them simple treaties upon theirarrival. If the carolers are collecting for charity, an individualor family can make contribution. Turning on the porch light in theearly evenings is the first step in getting ready for carolers. Itis helpful for the family to keep an open ear to know the carolersare in the neighborhood to be ready to greet them. Once thecarolers Christmas are outside the door they should be offered ahot drink such as hot cocoa, Christmas cookies, and chocolate candywrapped in foil or other snacks that are readily available. Can befrom the same Toronto neighborhoods with those they are singing foror they may actually be members of one's family. Taking photographsis something the carolers would love very much especially if theyare from that neighborhood. If they are from far they can leavetheir address and some of their photos can be sent to them. Thosewho are interested in joining the carolers as they go from house tohouse can ask to join them. One does not really have to be aprofessional musician to take part. in fact friends, family membersor members of the same church can organize themselves and have funentertaining their neighbors by singing carols or playing thepiano. This can be done by inviting friends or family members wholove to sing. The pure enjoyment in singing is the key to being acaroler and church choirs or singing groups are perfect for this.However, other people can tag along and join in the singing. Thebooks since they may not know all the verses word for word. Thereare several songs, which are generally sung by most carolers allover the world and any group willing to entertain the neighborhoodcan buy books, which have some of those songs. This app consists ofseveral christmas carols and it lyrics. Merry Christmas :) Pleasedo rate the application and leave your valuable comments, we wouldbe happy to hear from you all to improve this.
Indian Short Stories 2.0 APK
A fairy tale, also known as a short story,takes farfetched events that include fairies, witches, elves andother magical creatures into a story line. Many of the events alsohave evil characters trying to outsmart good-hearted characters toachieve some goal. Some of the plots may include ideas such ascontrolling a kingdom or taking over the world.Many fairy tales have some origin within history. As the events arewritten into a storyline, it may develop more variations of theoriginal tale. As time passes, the story can embellish the moretimes it is told.Often times there are dark elements in the fable. This may includeevil witches, wicked stepparents and other mythical creatures.Generally each adventure has some dark tale that turns into ahappily ever after moment. Most of the tales have some hero/heroinethat battles to evildoer and wins.Children and adults are the target for these types of tales. Astime continued on, the stories have become more of a moral lessonfor children. The adventures are to make a child rethink about howone should deal with certain situations and different types ofpeople.The end of the story will be where the good overcomes the evil witha moral lesson learned.This app contains some of the famous fairy tales of India.FEATURES:• Offline Reading;• No Internet access required• Extensive library of short Stories• Beautifully designed and Easy-to-use interface• Regular updates and additions of new stories• These stories are from some of the greatest authors of alltime.Please do rate the application and leave your valuable comments, wewould be happy to hear from you all to improve this.