App Information Sezen Aksu - Şarkıları Bulmaca
- App NameSezen Aksu - Şarkıları Bulmaca
- Package Namecom.sarkilari.sezenaksu
- UpdatedFebruary 9, 2015
- File Size4.3M
- Requires AndroidAndroid 2.2 and up
- Version1.0.4
- DeveloperSongs & Quizzes
- Installs1,000 - 5,000
- PriceFree
- CategoryMusic
- Developer
- Google Play Link
Songs & Quizzes Show More...
Sezen Aksu - Şarkıları Bulmaca 1.0.4 APK
Sezen Aksu şarkılarını ne kadar iyi biliyorsunuz? İşte sizeeğlenceli bir Sezen Aksu uygulaması!Sezen Aksu'nun en popüler şarkılarındaki eksik kelimeleri bularak,rakiplerinize onu ne kadar çok sevdiğinizi ve onun ne kadar büyükbir hayranı olduğunuzu kanıtlama zamanı geldi. Tek bir amacınızvar: Kolay, orta ve zor olmak üzere 3 seviyede de eksik olankelimelerle boş bırakılan yerleri doğru bir şekilde doldurup puantoplamak.Bu uygulama telif hakları ihlali yapmamaktadır, sadece eğlenceamaçlı şarkı sözleri içermektedir. Herhangi bir soru için e-postaadresimizle iletişim sağlayabilirsiniz.How welldo you know the Sezen Aksu songs? Here is a fun Sezen Aksuapp!Sezen Aksu of finding the missing words in the most popular songs,how much you love him your competitors and how much time has cometo prove you are a big fan of his. Do you have a single purpose:Easy, medium and hard place, including 3 levels in the blank withthe missing word correctly fill collect points.This application is not copyright infringement, only containslyrics entertainment purposes. You can contact our email addressfor any questions.
Sıla - Şarkıları Bulmaca 1.0.4 APK
Sıla şarkılarını ne kadar iyi biliyorsunuz? İşte size eğlenceli birSıla uygulaması!Sesiyle ve şarkılarıyla büyüleyen Sıla'nın en popülerşarkılarındaki eksik kelimeleri bularak, rakiplerinize onu ne kadarçok sevdiğinizi ve onun ne kadar büyük bir hayranı olduğunuzukanıtlama zamanı geldi. Tek bir amacınız var: Kolay, orta ve zorolmak üzere 3 seviyede de eksik olan kelimelerle boş bırakılanyerleri doğru bir şekilde doldurup puan toplamak.Bu uygulama telif hakları ihlali yapmamaktadır, sadece eğlenceamaçlı şarkı sözleri içermektedir. Herhangi bir soru için e-postaadresimizle iletişim sağlayabilirsiniz.How welldo you know the Black Eyed Peas songs? Here is a fun Silaapp!Fascinated with the sound and songs silane finding the missingwords in the most popular songs, how much you love him it's time toprove your competitors and how you are a big fan of his. Do youhave a single purpose: Easy, medium and hard place, including 3levels in the blank with the missing word correctly fill collectpoints.This application is not copyright infringement, only containslyrics entertainment purposes. You can contact our email addressfor any questions.
Ebru Gündeş -Şarkıları Bulmaca 1.0.4 APK
Ebru Gündeş şarkılarını ne kadar iyi biliyorsunuz? İşte sizeeğlenceli bir Ebru Gündeş uygulaması!Ebru Gündeş'in en popüler şarkılarındaki eksik kelimeleri bularak,rakiplerinize onu ne kadar çok sevdiğinizi ve onun ne kadar büyükbir hayranı olduğunuzu kanıtlama zamanı geldi. Tek bir amacınızvar: Kolay, orta ve zor olmak üzere 3 seviyede de eksik olankelimelerle boş bırakılan yerleri doğru bir şekilde doldurup puantoplamak.Bu uygulama telif hakları ihlali yapmamaktadır, sadece eğlenceamaçlı şarkı sözleri içermektedir. Herhangi bir soru için e-postaadresimizle iletişim sağlayabilirsiniz.How welldo you know the Ebru Gündeş song? Here is a fun Ebru Gündeşapp!Ebru finding the missing words in Gündeş's most popular songs, howmuch you love him your competitors and how much time has come toprove that you are a big fan of his. Do you have a single purpose:Easy, medium and hard place, including 3 levels in the blank withthe missing word correctly fill collect points.This application is not copyright infringement, only containslyrics entertainment purposes. You can contact our email addressfor any questions.
Sertab Erener-ŞarkılarıBulmaca 1.0.4 APK
Sertab Erener şarkılarını ne kadar iyi biliyorsunuz? İşte sizeeğlenceli bir Sertab Erener uygulaması!Sertab Erener'in en popüler şarkılarındaki eksik kelimeleribularak, rakiplerinize onu ne kadar çok sevdiğinizi ve onun nekadar büyük bir hayranı olduğunuzu kanıtlama zamanı geldi. Tek biramacınız var: Kolay, orta ve zor olmak üzere 3 seviyede de eksikolan kelimelerle boş bırakılan yerleri doğru bir şekilde dolduruppuan toplamak.Bu uygulama telif hakları ihlali yapmamaktadır, sadece eğlenceamaçlı şarkı sözleri içermektedir. Herhangi bir soru için e-postaadresimizle iletişim sağlayabilirsiniz.SertabErener How well do you know the song? Sertab Erener Here is a funapp!Sertab Erener finding the missing words in the most popular songs,how much you love him it's time to prove your competitors and howyou are a big fan of his. Do you have a single purpose: Easy,medium and hard place, including 3 levels in the blank with themissing word correctly fill collect points.This application is not copyright infringement, only containslyrics entertainment purposes. You can contact our email addressfor any questions.
Carrie Underwood - Songs Quiz 1.0.4 APK
★☆★Extremely amusing app based on CarrieUnderwood songs★☆★This is a karaoke game just about lyrics of Carrie Underwood. Innew generation of trivia games, you have one aim: To find themissing words by filling the blanks with the right lyrics on eachlevel (easy, medium and hard) of the same song. When you will getbest score, you will find the chance to show your addiction.
Pink Floyd - Songs Quiz 1.0.4 APK
★☆★Extremely amusing app based on Pink Floydsongs★☆★This app is based on Pink Floyd songs. You must find the missingwords of this English popular music band. If you will get bestscore on each level easy, medium and hard, you can show that otherplayers that you are their big fan. Time to have fun and rememberall lyrics of Pink Floyd in this karaoke game.
The Vamps - Songs Quiz 1.0.4 APK
★☆★Extremely amusing app based on The Vampssongs★☆★The aim is simple: Try to find missing words and to fill the blankswith the right words. This new karaoke game of The Vamps, you canplay in different three levels easy, medium and hard for the samesong and you should get best score to show their huge fan.
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Sıla - Şarkıları Bulmaca 1.0.4 APK
Sıla şarkılarını ne kadar iyi biliyorsunuz? İşte size eğlenceli birSıla uygulaması!Sesiyle ve şarkılarıyla büyüleyen Sıla'nın en popülerşarkılarındaki eksik kelimeleri bularak, rakiplerinize onu ne kadarçok sevdiğinizi ve onun ne kadar büyük bir hayranı olduğunuzukanıtlama zamanı geldi. Tek bir amacınız var: Kolay, orta ve zorolmak üzere 3 seviyede de eksik olan kelimelerle boş bırakılanyerleri doğru bir şekilde doldurup puan toplamak.Bu uygulama telif hakları ihlali yapmamaktadır, sadece eğlenceamaçlı şarkı sözleri içermektedir. Herhangi bir soru için e-postaadresimizle iletişim sağlayabilirsiniz.How welldo you know the Black Eyed Peas songs? Here is a fun Silaapp!Fascinated with the sound and songs silane finding the missingwords in the most popular songs, how much you love him it's time toprove your competitors and how you are a big fan of his. Do youhave a single purpose: Easy, medium and hard place, including 3levels in the blank with the missing word correctly fill collectpoints.This application is not copyright infringement, only containslyrics entertainment purposes. You can contact our email addressfor any questions.
Ebru Gündeş -Şarkıları Bulmaca 1.0.4 APK
Ebru Gündeş şarkılarını ne kadar iyi biliyorsunuz? İşte sizeeğlenceli bir Ebru Gündeş uygulaması!Ebru Gündeş'in en popüler şarkılarındaki eksik kelimeleri bularak,rakiplerinize onu ne kadar çok sevdiğinizi ve onun ne kadar büyükbir hayranı olduğunuzu kanıtlama zamanı geldi. Tek bir amacınızvar: Kolay, orta ve zor olmak üzere 3 seviyede de eksik olankelimelerle boş bırakılan yerleri doğru bir şekilde doldurup puantoplamak.Bu uygulama telif hakları ihlali yapmamaktadır, sadece eğlenceamaçlı şarkı sözleri içermektedir. Herhangi bir soru için e-postaadresimizle iletişim sağlayabilirsiniz.How welldo you know the Ebru Gündeş song? Here is a fun Ebru Gündeşapp!Ebru finding the missing words in Gündeş's most popular songs, howmuch you love him your competitors and how much time has come toprove that you are a big fan of his. Do you have a single purpose:Easy, medium and hard place, including 3 levels in the blank withthe missing word correctly fill collect points.This application is not copyright infringement, only containslyrics entertainment purposes. You can contact our email addressfor any questions.
Music Top Show More...
ButtonBass EDM Cube Dominator APK
This is the NEW EDM cube from EDM beats with ease. Start and stop loops by just pressing thecubes! Try the auto mix feature and have the cube make beats foryou! There is also an random mix button that will randomly generatea beat with the # of loops you choose. There are volume controlsfor each sound at the top and bottom of the app.I included the Keyboard control function in this one! Just clickthe show keyboard button and you can use your androids keyboard tocontrol the cube.You can play one sample at a time or press multiple buttons atonce. Swipe control is also included.Enjoy!Jason
Dubstep Pads DJ Music Game 1.0 APK
Maak Dubstep muziek door op de pads in dezeDub stap DJ app.Dubstep is een genre van elektronische uit Zuid-Londen, dat in hetbegin van het jaar 2000. Het is gemaakt van sterke baslijnengestart, patronen van trommels, geknipt monsters, en af en toezang. Hoor de bas druppel!Kenmerken:> 3 Volledige kits van studiokwaliteit Dubstep loops> Drumloops> Dubstep loops> Dubstep Drop loops> Vocal loops> 60 lussen in totaal> Gemakkelijk te gebruiken> Mooie HD-interfaceProbeer de verschillende kits om te zien welke u verkiest enword de echte Music DJ, de Dubstep Master!Logo in icoon desined door Open embleem Stock:
Real Acoustic Guitar Game 1.02 APK
Mix different guitar riffs and chords togetherin this game to create your own songs and tunes!Create your own live music and impress your friends, just like youwere playing a real acoustic guitar!Select a guitar by tapping on it to make it start playing.Tap more guitars to make them start playing too, easily creatingnew music.Red guitars are rhythm riffs and chords, while yellow guitars aresolos and lead.Have fun creating your own guitar music!Features:> 12 unique riffs to experiment with.> Easy to use User Interface.> Attractive colours and feel.> High volume recordings so you can hear the guitarsclearly.We have an Electric Guitar version coming soon!
ButtonBass House Cube House APK
This is the NEW HOUSE cube Mix HOUSE beats with ease. Start and stop loops byjust pressing the cubes! Try the auto mix feature and have the cubemake beats for you! There is also an random mix button that willrandomly generate a beat with the # of loops you choose. There arevolume controls for each sound at the top and bottom of theapp.I included the Keyboard control function in this one! Just clickthe show keyboard button and you can use your androids keyboard tocontrol the cube.You can play one sample at a time or press multiple buttons atonce. Swipe control is also included.Enjoy!Jason
Hot star Drums 1 APK
Are you looking for an awesome music drumsapplication? Feel like you are a member of a real rock band playingHot star Drums.Hot star Drums is everything you need to learn and play music ondrums set!! Get some new music skills with this Hot star drummingapplication.This virtual drum kit is great app to play and learn the drumson your mobile device.Learn how to play the pieces of rock, folk, pop music on drumset anywhere by using this music drums game. Surprise your friendsand family!Play around with your pocket drum kit. Music creation has neverbeen so easy.Hot star Drums music app comes with amazing drums set andcymbals. This Hot star Drums kit is loaded with a ride cymbal,snare drum, floor drum, closed and open hi hats, splash, crashcymbal, ring cymbal, tom toms.If you like making music, you will adore this virtualpercussion. Hot star Drums will let you create your own drum beatsor you can play songs built in Hot star Drums.Hot star Drums is a must for everyone. From the music-deaf todrums enthusiasts, kids, adults, expert drummers and musicbeginners.Download Hot star Drums and develop your music ear.To play Hot star Drums just run Drums and make music! Supersimple to play!1) Choose between 4 difficulty levels and then choose a songfrom music list.2) Use your fingers as a drum sticks and have fun playing drumbeats.3) Tap the highlighted drums and cymbals on your screen and get asmany points as possible!4) Make beautiful drum beats and record them5) Pick other parts of drum set e.g. tambourine, cowbell.6) Enjoy your own drum beats and music!Hot star Drums app features:-great entertaining music drums app-three game modes to choose from-high quality sound-simple drums music application-drums app tutorial-Four difficulty levels-easy to use app controls-multi touch percussion-drums animations, visual feedback of tapped drums andcymbals!-record and playback mode, You can share your best beats!-a lot of sample songs to play, many tracks to learn and play-develop your music ear with Hot star Drums music app
ButtonBeats Dubstep Balls Smash APK
These are the ButtonBeats Dubstep Balls. This is a follow up to thepopular Buttonbeats Dubstep Cube! I'm sure some of you have beenwaiting for this! Enjoy. Each of the spheres is a heart poundingdubstep beat. Mix 3 or four beats together to make a song! was launched in august of 2007 by me, Jason. I hada set of music samples I wanted to mix up and I didn't have anysoftware available so I made a program to mix them up. My friendcame over and was playing the program for over an hour. So Ithought It would be cool to upload it to the internet. So I boughtthe domain name and uploaded a few differentprograms I made. A short time later I made the piano. I put thesong Jingle Bells up to play on the piano. Then people began tosubmit many songs for the piano. After about a year I got my friendEverett involved in producing the site and getting the name outthere. From there we had a friend Ariel that made music. Ariel,Everett and I spent many afternoons recording sound samples,editingthe samples, designing ui, making beats, ordering beats, designingt shirts, stickers, programming and barbecuing. Within the lastyear we brought Stephan on board. He has skinned the whole sitewith a new look this summer and has other good ideas in the worksright now. Between the four of us, we have the website generatingover two million views a month. The site is popular all over theworld and continues to grow. Thanks for being part of ButtonBeats.
har•mo•ny 3 2.1.1 APK
har•mo•ny 3 is a puzzle game of beautifulcolor and captivating music, unified in perfect harmony."As close to puzzling perfection as you can get" - AppAdvice"Every part of this game oozes relaxation..." - TouchArcadeA Work of Art...New chapters feature 170 exquisite levels, each handcrafted toaesthetic perfection. Your objective is to strategically rearrangeblocks to reassemble each palette to its correct order.New Features… New Challenges...Color palettes subtly morph before your eyes. Gameplay elementsfade and dance to beautiful music. With a rapidly increasingdifficulty level, har•mo•ny 3 will delight your eyes and ears whilestimulating your brain in a relaxing, near-hypnotic experience. Yousimply have to experience it to believe it.Mesmerizing Ambience by Hammock...Treat your ears to nearly three full hours of some of the mostbeautiful music you will ever hear. har•mo•ny 3 is an encorepresentation featuring some of the most-loved music from the sequelwhile adding 6 new, unreleased tracks featured only in thegame.Wallpapers Galore...Every level you reach contains a beautiful wallpaper rich withcolor that you can save to your device.Experience the Sound of Color...Go ahead and treat yourself to har•mo•ny 3. Your eyes, ears andmind will thank you.••••••••••If you're enjoying the game please take a moment to provide agood rating & review - it helps us tremendously! Thank you foryour support!