App Information Signature Capture
- App NameSignature Capture
- Package Namebiz.binarysolutions.signature
- UpdatedMarch 8, 2017
- File SizeUndefined
- Requires AndroidAndroid Varies with device
- Version8.1.1
- DeveloperBinary Solutions
- Installs100,000 - 500,000
- PriceFree
- CategoryLibraries & Demo
- Developer
- Google Play Link
Signature Capture Version History
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Signature Capture 8.1.1 APK File
Publish Date: 2021 /4/7Requires Android: Android 5.0+ (Lollipop, API: 21)File Size: 1.2 MBTested on: Android 10 (Quince Tart, API: 29)File Sha1: 6d2cdc374c29a8d3052522844d92fd6405828b4c -
Signature Capture 7.2.2 APK File
Publish Date: 2017 /1/14Requires Android: Android 4.0+ (Ice Cream Sandwich, API: 14)File Size: 646.5 kBTested on: Android 5.0 (Lollipop, API: 21)File Sha1: 19372af4eee8e4006b39d383affba00ce75ae803 -
Signature Capture 7.1 APK File
Publish Date: 2015 /12/5Requires Android: Android 1.5+ (Cupcake, API: 3)File Size: 944.7 kBTested on: Android 4.2 (Jelly Bean, API: 17)File Sha1: 6dc3af214cae6399eb2db09b2442ac03fad984a4
Binary Solutions Show More...
Signature Capture 8.1.1 APK
Sign by touching the screen.Electronic signature capture app and library (possible to beincluded in 3rd party Android app).Start as a normal app for demo. Requires internet connection. Whenused from external app saves/exports up to 5 signatures per week.Check website for integration instructions.For PDF signing check out our other application 'Fill and Sign PDFForms'.For other commercial purposes contact support e-mail.If you are an Android developer and you would like to request a newfeature, you can do it here:
Fill and Sign PDF Forms 5.1 APK
Fill and Sign any PDF form containingAcroFields. Attach photos, save created document, view it, mail it,share it, etc.Select PDF forms by navigating in file browser or by clicking on'Fill and Sign' context menu item (shows up after a longtouch).Signature capture capability depends on external Signature Capturelibrary. You will be prompted for installation from the AndroidMarket once when needed.*** In order to improve the application we need your feedback**** Contact the support email instead of leaving 'it does not work'comment. Comments like that do not help us make a better app.* Request and vote for missing features on our support forum here:* If you are interested in becoming our beta tester, having anaccess to the latest app versions even before they get releasedpublicly and, of course, providing us feedback, subscribe to ourmailing list here:* For custom tailored business applications contact the supportemail.Important notes:* check boxes are supported but most of PDF viewers on Androiddevices do not show them correctly. Selected check boxes *are*present in output PDF document which can be checked with AdobeAcrobat Reader on PC.* If you need a tool to create PDF forms, Adobe Acrobat, MicrosoftOffice and free Open/Libre Office have that functionality.
Elevation and Sea Depth APK
Displays elevation and/or sea depth indirection of phone.* 5km range* ele. pts every 10m/100m horizontally* directions rounded to 15° steps* location updates every 1km/10min* max. 500 elevation charts per dayTap on-screen data to set direction manually.Hold phone on flat surface and away from ferrous metal objects andelectromagnetic fields.Request new feature here:
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Signature - Demo App 1.0.2 APK
Signature is a demo app which demonstrates SignatureView Androidlibrary. SignatureView is an open source Android library whichallow developers to produce pen and paper like effect for creatingsignatures on Android. Features: Smooth signatures Auto handling ofstroke thickness on the basis of velocity Get signature as bitmapChange stroke color and background color Enable/Disable signatureon canvas You can find the project on Github ( ) and see completeexample code (SignatureView-Example) from repository for details.
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Telerik Examples 2016.3.1222 APK
"UI for Android" is a set of nativeUIcontrolsthat assist in building Android applicationsfaster.For more information, pleasevisit: & Features includedListView- Group, Sort, Filter- Load on demand- Pull to refresh- Selection- Deck of Cards layout- Slide layout- Swipe to execute- Item reordering- Linear, Grid and StaggeredGrid layout strategies- The Telerik ListView is based on the Android RecyclerViewsoUIvitualization is provided out-of-the-boxChartView- Series- Line- Spline- Area- SplineArea- Bar- RangeBar- Pie- Donut- Financial (OHLC, Candlestick)- Scatter- Bubble- Axes- Categorical- DateTimeCategorical- DateTimeContinuous- Linear- Logarithmic- Plotting multiple axes on a single chart- Behaviors- Pan & Zoom- Trackball- Tooltip- Selection- Miscellaneous features- Palettes - set of predefined styles for each chart type- Annotations - visual elements for highlighting areas ontheplot.Can be used as comments or as markers for specific valuesontheplot.- Labels - both for series and axes- LegendDataForm- Default and Custom editors- Validation- Read-Only mode- Different commit modesCalendarView- Can display events from the device's calendar- Week, Month & Year view- Single, Multiple & Range selection- Customizable cells- Different events display modesSideDrawer (NavigationDrawer)- Predefined open/close animations- Can be opened from all edges of the screen- Customizable fade layer- Customizable drawer sizeGauge- The Gauge control stretches the data visualizationcapabilitiesofyour app, allowing you to present numeric values overacircularscale. The Gauge is a great way to illustrate themagnitudeof avalue in a given range of upper and lower bounds. Thisvaluecouldbe speed, distance, temperature or progress ofaprocess. AutoCompleteTextView- With AutoCompleteTextView implemented in your appyourend-userscan type faster. The control gives them suggestions,basedon thecharacters they’ve already typed. This is usefulinvarioussituations such as choosing from a list of airports oralist ofknown recipients. It features:- Different completion modes: Append, Suggest orSuggestAppend- Different filter modes: StartsWith, Contains- Multiple selection of items with Tokens- Null-text- Text highlightData Source- A non-UI adapter that offers an easy way to sort, groupandfilterin-memory data. Used internally by the ListView.- The DataSource is most useful when used as a "data hub"wheredatais obtained, reshaped and sent to a view tobedisplayed.AppFeedback- A component that exposes an easy way to gather feedbackfromyourapplication users. The AppFeedback control is integratedwiththeTelerik Platform and provides a convenient way to managetheuserfeedback.ScrollView- A control based on the native Android ScrollViewthatprovidessimultaneous horizontal and vertical scrolling.New examples are added regularly. The application's sourcecodeisavailableonGitHub: