Top 33 Apps Similar to Colectivos y Trenes (CBA - VM)

Cadena Heat 4.12.125
The Cadena Heat mobile app
Capilla Del Monte - Cordoba 190.0.3
Guía Turistica de Capilla Del Monte,Córdoba,República Argentina a 70 km de Villa Carlos Paz y a unahora ymedia de Cordoba Capital. Conozca los Paseos y excursiones,ElUritorco, La Calle Techada, Los Terrones, Las Cuevas deOngamira,Las Gemelas. Descubra nuevos paisajes serranos con lasCabalgatasde la zona.Elija su alojamiento donde dormir, (cabañas, hoteles,posadas,hosterias, hostels). Reserve su Restaurante, comidaregional,visite las Inmobiliarias y los comercios de la Techada.ConozcaCapilla del Monte en esta Guia Comercial y en las nochesmientrasobserva el cielo tal vez vea un OVNI merodeando los cerroscercanosa esta bella ciudad.Guia Turistica y Comercial de Capilla del Monte, desarrolladaporEpixelar Digital.Tourist guide CapillaDelMonte, Cordoba, Argentina 70 km from Villa Carlos Paz and anhourand a half of Cordoba Capital. Walking and hiking Know,TheUritorco, Covered Street, Los Terrones, Ongamira Caves, TheTwins.Discover new mountain landscapes with Horseback riding inthearea.Choose your accommodation to sleep (cottages, hotels, inns,hostels,hostels). Book your restaurant, regional food, visit theEstate andthe shops in the Covered. Learn Capilla del Monte in theCommercialGuide and in the evenings while watching the sky you maysee a UFOlurking nearby hills to this beautiful city.Tourism and Trade of Capilla del Monte, developed byDigitalEpixelar guide.
Radio Capilla 2.0
RADIO CAPILLA DE RODRIGUEZ, que opera enlafrecuencia de 106.1 Mhz., desde la localidad de VillaAscasubi,Provincia de Córdoba, República Argentina.RADIO CHAPELRODRIGUEZ,which operates in the frequency of 106.1 MHz., From thetown ofVilla Ascasubi, Province of Cordoba, Argentina.
Radio Ciudad Récord - Villa Maria 1.2
Franco Zabala
Radio Ciudad, en la ciudad de Villa María (Córdoba,Argentina).Escuchá la programación de Radio Ciudad en tu Android.Estaaplicación funciona con WiFi y Paquete de datos.
Día a Día 1.018
Entrá a la versión móvil de Día a Día entuteléfono o tablet para conocer todas las noticias de Córdoba,losmejores consejos para tu vida cotidiana y las historiasmásatractivas y conmovedoras.Conocé los estrenos de cine, la cartelera de espectáculos yloúltimo sobre Talleres, Belgrano, Instituto, y los otrosclubeslocales.Podrás recibir alertas de noticias en el celular y compartir loquepasa con tus amigos a través de Facebook, Twitter yWhatsApp.Día a Día cuenta las noticias con un estilo único y biencordobés.Los videos que te divierten o conmueven, las historias delospotreros. El horóscopo y los datos del tiempo actualizadosminuto aminuto.Log in to themobileversion of every day in your phone or tablet to know all thenewsfrom Córdoba, the best advice for your everyday life and themostattractive and compelling stories.Meet the film premieres, the billboard shows and the latestonWorkshops, Belgrano, Institute, and other local clubs.You can receive news on the phone and share what's up withyourfriends via Facebook, Twitter and WhatsApp.Day by day the news has a single, well Cordovan style. Fun videosorstir you, the stories of the paddocks. Horoscope and weatherdataupdated every minute.
cordoba nutrición 1.06.03
Expert in addressing Overweight and Obesity. Coach NLP.
Sniper Shooter 2019
AIM & SHOOT - Sniper Shooter born to kill.
Club Atlético Belgrano - SC 20.00.27
Club Atletico Belgrano de Cordoba. News, Videos, Songs, Inferiores
Nuestra Radio FM Córdoba 2.0
Potencia Web
Nuestra Radio: Es la FM de la UNC que tieneporobjetivo la difusión de la música que nos representa, con unfuertesentido de pertenencia local y latinoamericana. También esuna radiogestora de cultura que articula con eventos y músicas entoda suprogramación.Con nuestra aplicación podrás:• Escuchar la Radio online en directo desdeconexionesinalámbricas.• Contactarte con la Radio a través de las principalesredessociales y acceder a sus últimas novedades.• Escuchar la Radio mientras realizas otras tareas eneldispositivo.• Compartir la aplicación.Our Radio: The FMUNCwhich aims at spreading the music that represents us, with astrongsense of local and Latin American membership. It is alsoamanagement culture within which articulates with events andmusicin all programming.With our application you can:• Listen to radio online live from wireless connections.• Contact You with Radio through the major social networksandaccess their latest developments.• Listen to the radio while doing other tasks on the device.• Share the application.
AM 580 Universidad de Córdoba 2.0
Potencia Web
Cuenta con una larga trayectoriaperiodísticaen la provincia. Su programación tiene un eje en lainformación,las noticias, el análisis y el contexto en el queocurren loshechos. Pero además entendemos la radio como unacompañía y unamanera de entretenimiento que sigue vigente a pesarde la incursiónde nuevas tecnologías en los formatos de lacomunicación.AM 580, para los nostalgiosos, tiene un servicio informativodemucho prestigio ganado por la calidad de los profesionalesquehistóricamente trabajan para contar lo que nos pasa aloscordobeces.Universidad es tierra de periodistas.Con la aplicación oficial podrás:• Escuchar la Radio online en directo desdeconexionesinalámbricas.• Contactarte con la Radio a través de las principalesredessociales y acceder a sus últimas novedades.• Acceder al Sitio Web.• Escuchar la Radio mientras realizas otras tareas eneldispositivo.• Recibir mensajes de notificación.• Compartir la aplicación.It has a longjournalisticcareer in the province. Its programming has an axis ininformation,news, analysis and context in which events occur. Butalsounderstand radio as a company and a way of entertainmentthatcontinues despite the incursion of new technologiesincommunication formats.AM 580, for nostalgic, has an information service of greatprestigegained by the quality of professional work historically totellwhat happens to the cordobeces.University is a land of journalists.With the official application you can:• Listen to the radio online live from wireless connections.• Contact You with Radio through the major social networksandaccess their latest developments.• Access the Web Site.• Listen to Radio while doing other tasks on the device.• Receive notification messages.• Share the application.
Colectivos Río Cuarto 4.1
"Colectivos de Río Cuarto" Se trata de una aplicación sencillayfácil de usar la cual contiene todos los horarios y recorridosdetodas las lineas urbanas e interurbanas de la Ciudad de RíoCuarto,Córdoba, Argentina.
Radio Carisma Córdoba 5.0.8
100% interactiva. Permite enviar mensajes, audios e imagenes alaradio, y todo 100% gratis! ahora comunicarse con la radio esmuchomás fácil y divertido!. ...y por si fuera poco tambiénpodrásgrabar tus programas favoritos para escucharlos cuandoquieras!
Mensajero 1.0.0
Mensajero para los oyentes de Cadena3Argentina, FM Córdoba y Radio Popular. Con esta novedosaaplicaciónnuestros oyentes podrán estar mas cerca de sus locutoresyprogramas favoritos.Esta novedosa aplicación les permitirá a los oyentes el envíodemensajes escritos, notas de voz, imágenes y videos.Siempre buscando estar cerca de nuestros oyentes... !!!Messenger for listenersofCadena 3 Argentina, Cordoba and Popular Radio FM. With thisnewapplication our listeners may be closer to its partnersandfavorite programs.This new application will allow listeners to sendwritings,voice, image and video messages.Always looking to be close to our listeners ... !!!
m-Indicator: Mumbai Local 17.0.276
Mumbai Local Train Timetable & Live Train Status. Bus,Auto,Taxi information.
Alianza Pastoral Cristiana 9.8
AC Creativos
Pastoral Alliance Christian Church - City of Cordoba Argentina.
Carlos Paz Mobile 28.1.3
Business and Travel Guide Villa Carlos Pazinthe Valley of Punilla, Cordoba, Argentina, all the informationofthe shows and theaters, cabins, hotels,accommodations,restaurants, pubs, bar in this town ... Know theLake San Roque andall nautical activities.Rent a Car, Sushi, Wine Coolers, taxis, limos and veterinaryorshops for your petReal estate, and all shops in Bialet Masse, Estancia Vieja,SantaCruz del Lago, Empalme and Tanti, Spa Cabalango andParqueSiquiman.Discount Coupons
Orfeo FM 6.0.0
Radio Streaming - Orfeo FM - Córdoba | Argentina
Radio Sucesos 2.0.3
Córdoba: Escucha Radio Sucesos las 24horas,estés donde estés.Córdoba: ListenRadioEvents 24 hours, wherever you are.
Radio La Docta 1.5
Radio La DoctaTel: 0351-4438216Email: produccionladucta@gmail.comFacebook: La Docta RadioTwitter: @LaDoctaRadioWeb:órdoba - ArgentinaRadio La DoctaTel: 0351-4438216Email: produccionladucta@gmail.comFacebook: La Docta RadioTwitter: @LaDoctaRadioWeb: Argentina
Radio Furor 6.6
Radio Furor
Aplicación de la Radio Del RockdeCórdoba93.5 FMwww.radiofuror.comFacebook: RADIO FURORTwitter: @radiofurorApplication oftheRockRadio Cordoba93.5 FMwww.radiofuror.comFacebook: RADIO RAGETwitter: @radiofuror
buses Lep horarios y reservas 1.2.6
Book and buy your tickets, to all our destinations
Mumbai Local Train App 1.48
NO INTERNET REQUIRED - Mumbai local Train Map Timetable, Metro,MonoRail, Bus
Horarios de tren 2.29
Take your mobile schedules Renfe: Commuter, MD, LD and Feve.
rozklad-pkp 1.2.1 (15)
rozklad-pkp – Personal Train Timetable Navigator
Mumbai Local Train Timetable 2.24
Central, Western, Harbour, Trans-Harbour line timetables
Pronuncia en Ingles Facil! 7.0
Leganux Apps
Speak hear the pronunciation and discover as you type. (No ads).
Mumbai (Data) - m-Indicator 92.0
Mumbai Local, Bus, Metro Timetable
Inteligencia Emocional (Educac 3.0
Daniel Novoa
Application / Course on Emotional Intelligence. It's not a game.
China Train Ticket for 铁路12306火车票 8.3.0
Summary [China Train Tickets for 12306] For china mainlandrailwaytickets. Real-time buy train tickets, refunds, reschedules,querytrain schedules/delay/route map/arrival reminder. Voiceassistantguide you buy tickets. Support China Mainland ID card,Hong Kongand Macao Permit, Taiwan Permit, Passport registrationaccount.Support All models railway trains. G – High-Speed / C –IntercityEMU / D – Electric Multiple Units / K – Fast / T – Express/ Z –Direct Express etc. Support Alipay / fingerprint payment,UnionPaypayment. Share travel information to Passbook / Wallet andWeChat.This software and 12306 official website fullencryptedcommunications, safety and reliability. 24 hours ofunmannedtickets monitoring! Automatic make order when monitoringsuccess!Don't worry about peak season tickets cannot be bought!===Features === [Ticket monitoring] • After selecting monitoringplan,24 hours unmanned monitoring for tickets. • Multiplecombinationsof monitoring plans, more opportunity to success. •Monitoringsuccess automatically receives alerts to payment withouthaving towait for watching. [Pay] • support Alipay payment. •SupportUnionPay payment. [Feature] • Buy tickets, reschedule,refund corefeature all in one. • Train timetable, delay, route map• Ctriphotel / airplane / bus ticket (Chinese language only) [Buyticketsteps] • Register and login • Passenger verifies statusdisplays aspending or not pass, please take valid ID card to yournearestrailway station to verify. • Verify phone number • Selectfrom andto city and departure date query trains. • Select a train,seattype, passengers and ticket type to make an order. • Pay theorderby AliPay or UnionPay • Tickets pick up: After your ticketshavebeen successfully purchased, go to any railway stationorauthorized ticket office in mainland China with a valid ID(thisshould be the same as the one used for your booking) andyourticket pickup number, which is the letter E followed by aseries ofnumbers Contact us:
MVV-App 5.73.19194
The MVV-App is a journey planningapplicationcreated by the Munich transport association (MVV). Aswell as theMVV-internet journey planner, it provides entire bus andtrainconnections quickly and reliably.The journey planning information will help you to find thequickestconnection from A to B. Just enter the name of the stop,theaddress or the point of interest as your start or destinationoruse your current location as your starting point.The result includes footpath directions to your startingordestination point. You can even mark a preferred connection asyourfavourite. Additionally, the ticket you will need for therequestedconnection is shown. If you choose the appropriatesettings in themenu, you can also avoid stairs.The departure monitor indicates the next departures for eachstop,including even real-time information for all S-Bahn (urbanrail)trains. Entering a stop is very simple as the MVV-App knowsall thestops and makes suggestions based on the initialletter(s).You can purchase selected MVV tickets using the MVV-App onyoursmartphone. Register once and choose your ticket in the appbeforestarting your journey. You can pay conveniently by creditcard orby direct debit. The ticket is then automatically saved inyoucustomer account and can be presented at any time – even ifyoudon’t have an internet connection anymore. As electronicticketsare personalized, you have to bring your official photoID.The MVV-App provides you with various plans and network maps, interactive city map, an urban rail network map (includingallS- and U-Bahn lines of the entire MVV network), a Munichtramwaynetwork map, a Munich Metrobus network map and a map of alllateservices.To improve up to the minute information for passengers, wehaveadded an interactive component to the passenger network (partofthe APP). This feature which is integrated in the journeyplanningapplication allows passengers to inform other passengersquicklyabout bus and train delays.
Rock & Pop Cba 1.1.6
Rock & Pop, Córdoba, where the Rock, LIVE!
AntelTV 3.1.15
Contenidos Premium, señales en vivo, cámaras, videos a demandaytransmisiones.