Top 17 Apps Similar to Dieta para Diabeticos

Diabetes a la carta 2.1
Diabetes a la carta es una aplicación móvil que te permitegestionarla alimentación cotidiana de manera sencilla, atractivayequilibrada, rompiendo el tópico de que la diabetes impideseguirdisfrutando de la buena cocina y del placer de comer. ElCentro deInvestigación IDIBAPS, y la Fundació Alícia (Alimentaciónyciencia) lideran este proyecto, con la colaboración de ESTEVE.Enla aplicación encontrarás las siguientes herramientas:1.Calculadora de hidratos de carbono: Te permite calcular segúnlasvariables introducidas la cantidad de hidratos decarbonorecomendada según las necesidades de cada persona. 2. Métododelplato: permite crear menús variados y sanos adaptados alasnecesidades de la persona con diabetes y de sus familias deunamanera fácil y sin grandes complicaciones. Con este sistemasepromueve hacer menús equivalentes sin que se altere la cantidaddehidratos de carbono que va a ingerir, obteniendo así unmejorcontrol de su diabetes. También permite poder conocer lacantidadde hidratos que vas a consumir cuando estás en unrestaurante,incorporando los alimentos y cantidades a laaplicación… “La ideaes que en un plato de tamaño normal seconstruya el menú principal,comida o cena, dividiéndolo en cuatropartes. Dos cuartas partespara ensalada o verdura, ya que sucontenido en hidratos de carbonoes muy bajo. Una cuarta parte delplato será para la proteína:carne, pescado o huevos. Y en la otracuarta parte pondremos lasharinas, como arroz, pasta, patata,legumbres. Además se incluiráuna pieza de fruta de tamaño mediano yel pan si fuera necesario”.3. Equivalencias: Los alimentos aparecenexpuestos en la cantidadque aportan 20 gramos de hidratos decarbono (equivalente a 2sobres de azúcar). 4. Recetas: Muysencillas y fáciles de preparar,incluye tanto la adaptación deplatos de la cocina tradicional comoplatos más creativos o de otrasculturas. En todas las recetasaparece la cantidad de hidratos decarbono que contiene el plato,especificado también comoequivalentes de sobres de azúcar.
Diabetic Diet 1.0
On the off chance that you needtheuncommoncapacity to turn around the underlying driver ofdiabetesnormally"voluntarily,", then the Diabetic Diets applicationwillindicateyou precisely how to get a diabetic diet plan for FREE.Tap to introduce the Diabetic Diets App so you can gettheprojectcompletely free.Here's the best diabetic diet features:We've made a diabetes diet vault accessible online thatyoucanutilize today for yourself, or a friend or family member.However, this isn't for everybody.Dietary Guidelines for Diabetes, an instructiveapplicationmadeby FinalApps. An every day supper arrangement is acriticalpieceof your diabetes administration, alongsidephysicalmovement,glucose.This is what diabetic diet recipes mean:"Diabetic Diets" is an application consolidatingviabledietingprincipals you can use, alongside essential vitaminsandmineralsthat finish the inversion.There's a considerable measure to be had byintroducingthediabetic diet foods application. Also, individualswho knowtheseinsider facts are profiting quick.Presently it's a great opportunity to pick in case you'reinorout.Tap the "Introduce" catch to try it out danger free.The "Diabetic Diets" application is promptly accessible.Get Your FREE Diabetic Diet App Today!
Diabetic Recipes :Healthy Food
Diabetic recipes free app is perfectlydesignedcookbook which contains variety of healthy dishes forfree. Healthyrecipes will help to maintain our health. This app isa perfectlydesigned cookbook. Even kids can easily cook dishesusing this app.Diabetic recipes are always loved by all people.Diabetic patientsalways likely to use vegetarian dishes andrecipes. This app havestep by step guide for cooking recipes. Soyou can save your timevery much.App includes categories like :healthy diabetic recipessaladsdessertssoupsmain dishseafoodssmoothiescakescookiesdiabetic breadsand more. Healthy and delicious diabetic recipes includes MintandMasoor Tikkis, Karela Theplas, Carrot Methi Subzi,ChineseFriedRice etc. You can get your loved or favorite recipe byjustsearching. Advanced searching option is also provided. Findeasydiabetic and vegan dinners for eating healthy. The selectionofdiabetic cooking depends on many reasons . Discoverdelicious,healthy recipes that fit perfectly into a diabetic diet.Collectionof diabetic-friendly recipes,low-sugar meals have to betasteless.Check out this collection of recipes to find a dishperfect forevery course. The app features include:Global searchSearch recipes by ingredients, names, tagsShopping listRecipe preparation timeOffline recipe accessFavorite recipes can be stored separatelyReverse recipe searchRecipes can be shared to anyone by a single clickRecipes are provided with their nutritional value, caloriesNumber of servings is also providedRecipe of the momentThis app contains largest collection of diabetic recipes. Ifwefollow diabetes diet recipes in proper way we can surelycontroldiabetics. Vegetable soups also helps in maintaining ourhealth.Vegetable soups are always healthy.These diabetic recipes will be the ultimate cookbook that willhelpyou to control your diabetes and almost all diseases.Here we provide you thousands of diabetic recipes which you cancookeasily.Happy Cooking !!
Diabetic Diet 1.0
Are tired of all not knowing what toeat,whento eat and how much you should eat? The Diabetic Dietbasicplanfree android application is your solution. You can findalltips,reasons, food list, basic meal planning guide. Livingwithtype 1diabetes and type 2 diabetes will help you makingtheultimatediabetic diet plan.•*´¨`*•.¸¸.•*´¨`*•.¸FEATURES˜”*°•.˜”*°••°*”˜.•°*”˜ .•*˜•Treatment and Management of Type 2 Diabetes•Pharmacological Management of Diabetes 2•Diabetes Drugs Made Simple•Diabetes Healthy Eating•8 Herbs for Effective Diabetes Management•The Perfect Treatment for Diabetes and Weight Loss•Diabetes Food List•Best and Worst Meals for Diabetes•A Lot MoreYou now have all the information you need for youperfectDiabeticDiet Plan.
Diabetic diet 1.0
Our diabetic diet application will helpnotonlystarting the diet but also provide you with recipesandinformationsto keep it always up. As we now have alargeexperience with dietplans we chose to do this diabeticdietapplication to help thepeople in need.For more than 15 years now, ADA has recognized thatpeoplewithdiabetes should eat in a way that helps them reachtheirbloodglucose, cholesterol, blood pressure, and weightgoals.So if you have the symptoms of diabetes and checkedwithyourdoctor lets help you leading a healthy lifestyle. Letfightbackagainst the diabetes symptoms.We also provide how to lose weight applications. So ifyousufferfrom diabetes because of overweight you might want tocheckitout.*Take advice before starting any type of diet
Diabetic Recipes Free 1.0
Are you health conscious? Are you takeyourownhealth seriously? Are you looking for easy anddeliciousdiabeticrecipes?Everything you need is right here in this easy-to-useapp.Diabeticis now days a common disease. The difficult part ofbeingadiabetic patient is that you may not be able to eat asyouwish.The seduction to the taste buds by the mere view ofthosetastyrecipes may be very tempting. The interesting part isthatbytaking proper care in food we can control diabetes. Thisisacomplete reference with detailed information for eachdiabeticandrecipe items that can heal the diseases. We give youtastyyetglucose free and hence sugar level controlling recipes.Weensurethat our users get healthy diabetic recipes which makesyouhealthyand fit. You don't have to give up flavor when youreducecalories.Add flavor with flames, not fat. The app will beyourdiabetic mealplanner. Diabetic menu planning will be mucheasier ifyou havefree food journals which caters you more diabeticfoodrecipes andwith that you can make a healthy, diabeticfriendlymenu. Now youcan save a lot of time and effort and findthatperfect recipeyou've been looking for! No more need to flipthroughdozens ofcookbook or magazine pages. This is a collectionofdiabeticrecipes that you should include in your diet plan so younolongerneed to wonder what to eat such as summer fruitsalad,orientalshrimp noodle soup, spicy chicken breasts, veggieburger,pastawith fresh tomato sauce, curried chicken and brownricecasserole,savory roasted root vegetables, breakfastbrownies,shredded potatosalmon cakes, spinach and leek white beansoup,cranberry andcilantro quinoa salad, chocolate banana tofupudding.This awesomediabetic recipe app has all the diabeticrecipes youwillneed...and it's free for a limited time! Choosinghealthyhomemadefoods instead of over processed supermarket ortakeout foodis aneasy way to begin or maintain a healthy lifestylefor yourwholefamily. Healthy lunch diabetic recipes to help youassistinpreparing something good for your body. Amazingcollectionofhealthy dinner recipes friendly dishes to prepare fortheirfamilymembers or themselves. Follow these directions and youmaynot needany diabetic sugar tracker where to reduce theconsumptionof sugarand fat. Start your day with healthy breakfastdiabeticbreakfastrecipes. Have a healthy life and enjoycooking!
Diabetic Diet 3.0
Gato Apps
Diabetic Diet refers to the diet that is recommended for peoplewithdiabetes
Dietas Sanas 4.0
Chiquito Apps
We propose a healthy diet, diets to avoid cholesterol, cleansing...
Type 1 Diabetes 1.0
This type 1 diabetes symptoms appgivescompletedata about type 1 diabetes illnesses. Best thoroughreviewcovers theside effects and treatment of type 1 diabetes .This diabetes type 1 app has been created for everybody,thesumtotal of what subjects has been made to make itcomplete,valuableand intriguing.We trust you will discover this type 1 diabetescureappexceptionally educational and valuable. On the off chancethatyoulike it kindly do impart it to your loved ones.Applicationdoesnot over-burden you with confused medicinal wording,thedialect isclear and does not require any capability.What is type 1 diabetes?Type 1 Diabetes is a condition where the body can'tuseglucoselegitimately inside the body. Take in about type 1diabetes,andhow it can be looked after and oversaw. Type 1diabetesdisliketype 2 diabetes, so it is imperatively vital to seehow todealwith this condition appropriately.Type 1 Diabetes App is an app with data on Type 1 Diabetes.Itisintended for those searching for general data on and forpeoplethathave been determined to have Type 1 Diabetes. Whatmakesthesymptoms of type 1 diabetes app extraordinary is that itistotallyunique, effectively comprehended andessentiallyexplored.Get your FREE Type 1 Diabetes app Today!
¿Qué Puedo Comer? 5.4.1
Descárgate de forma gratuita la aplicaciónQuéPuedo Comer y encuentra información alergénica de más de20.000productos de 1900 marcas diferentes en cualquier momento yencualquier lugar. (Atención: La base de datos de estaaplicaciónestá realizada con productos comercializados enEspaña)Qué Puedo Comer te facilita una guía informativa de productos yunescáner de códigos de barras con el que podrás comprobar siunproducto es apto o no según tu perfil en el momento en el queestásrealizando la compra.Podrás encontrar productos sin gluten, sin leche, sin lactosa,sinhuevo, sin soja, sin cacahuete, sin frutos secos, sin pescado,sinmoluscos, sin crustáceos, sin apio, sin sésamo, sin mostaza,sinsulfitos, sin látex, sin fructosa y sin altramuces, además deotrosproductos aptos para vegetarianos y diabéticos. (*)Además, siguiendo las recomendaciones de la OMS de limitarelconsumo de azúcar, grasas saturadas y sal, no sólo parapersonascon colesterol, obesidad, hipertensión, diabetes,…sinoparatodos/as, Qué Puedo Comer ha incorporado a su base dedatosinformación nutricional. Además de poder establecer límitesdeconsumo, la aplicación ordena los productos en un rankingporcategorías, de manera que el usuario pueda conocerotrasalternativas a ese producto más saludables: con menos azúcar,sal ograsas.Encontrar productos en el buscador de alimentos de Qué PuedoComeres muy sencillo:1. Define tu perfil alérgico/intolerante alimentario así cómosideseas limitar azúcar, grasas saturadas y/o sal.2. Una vez creado tu perfil, busca productos a través delasdiferentes modalidades de búsqueda que te ofrece Qué PuedoComer:por marcas, por categorías y textual.3. Escanea el código de barras de los productos y recibeinformaciónalergénica y nutricional de acuerdo a tu perfil y en elmomentoexacto en el que estás realizando la compra.4. Completa nuestro buscador de alimentos mediante la opción“añadirproductos” que encontrarás en el menú principal.5. Valora y comenta los productos que sean de tu interés.6. Obtén información adicional sobre los puntos de ventadóndepodrás encontrar los productos seleccionados.7. Disfruta del contenido informativo y de laspromocionesdisponibles en la web, también en la aplicación:buscador derecetas, cupones descuento, sorteos, información sobrealergias eintolerancias, salud, etc.¿Tienes opiniones y sugerencias?En Qué Puedo Comer queremos mejorar cada día y por eso,cualquiercomentario acerca de nuestra app siempre es tenido encuenta.Trabajamos para lograr tu satisfacción.(*) Por el momento no disponemos de información alergénicasobreHistamina, proteína LTP, frutas y verduras. Esperamos ofrecerestainformación lo antes posible y así ayudar a un mayor númerodepersonas.Download theapplicationfor free and find I can eat Allergen information of over20,000different brands 1900 products anytime and anywhere. (Note:Thedatabase of this application is made with products marketedinSpain)I can eat an informative guide provides you with product andbarcodescanner with which you can check whether a product issuitable ornot according to your profile at the time you aremaking thepurchase.You can find gluten-free products, no milk, no lactose, noeggs,soy, no peanuts, no nuts, no fish, no shellfish, no shellfish,nocelery, no sesame, no mustard, no sulfites, latex, withoutfructosewithout lupins, and other products suitable for vegetariansanddiabetics. (*)In addition, following the WHO recommendations to limitconsumptionof sugar, saturated fat and salt, not only for peoplewith highcholesterol, obesity, hypertension, diabetes, ... but forall / as,I can eat it has added to its database nutritionalinformation. Inaddition to set consumption limits, the applicationsorts theproducts in a ranking by category, so that the user candiscussalternatives to the healthier product: less sugar, saltorfat.Find products in the search of food I can eat is very simple:1. Define your allergic / intolerant food and whether you wanttolimit sugar, saturated fat and / or salt profile.2. Once you create your profile, look for products throughdifferentsearch modes that offers What Can I Eat: by brand, bycategory andtextual.3. Scan the barcode of the products and receive allergenandnutritional information according to your profile and at theexactmoment you're making the purchase.4. Complete our food using the "add products" option you willfindin the main menu.5. Rate and comment on products that are of interest.6. Get additional information about the outlets where you willfindthe selected products.7. Enjoy the informative content and promotions available ontheweb, also in the application: recipe finder, discountcoupons,sweepstakes, information about allergies and intolerances,health,etc.Do you have opinions and suggestions?In I can eat to improve every day and therefore any commentaboutour app is always taken into account. We work to achieveyoursatisfaction.(*) We do not have information about Histamine Allergen,LTPprotein, fruits and vegetables. We hope to provide thisinformationas soon as possible and help more people.
Diet Watchers Diary 6.5.11
Diet Watchers Diary is the ultimate all inoneWW Type app - Food Value Calculators + Built in Values list's+Diary management!Join "Diet Watchers Diary" group in Google+ ,or join theBetaprogram at get all the newest versions before anyone elseThorough user guide in English is available here guide lines is that Mobile App should besimple,effective ,stable and fast.we are here to help accomplish the really hard mission oflosingthat extra weight.✔ Android Wear devices support - count points from your phone✔ Dropbox integration - keep your backups on the cloud✔ Support of Smart system (2016 Plan)✔ Barcode scanner - powered by the community (additional fee)✔ Count it later - picture the meal and count it later✔ Click2Sync - Single click to sync between your mobile and Tablet-(using dropbox)✔ Food Value Calculators for Classic Plans (Flex & Momentum)andPlus / Pro methods and the new system Smart✔ BMI Calculator✔ Food Value lists with several thousands of records whichwillcontinue to growLanguages with points lists:German (Classic & Pro & Smart)French (Classic & Pro & Pro 2.0 & Smart)English (Classic & Pro /Plus & Smart)Dutch ( Classic & Pro )Spanish ( Classic & Pro)Portuguese ( Classic & Pro 2.0 & System C)✔ Light or Dark theme UI.✔ Meal \ Recipe Creator - define your meal using other fooditems.✔ Track various health recommendations on daily basis , suchasliquids , healthy oils and more...You can add your own recommendations.✔ Mark your most common foods as Favorites and easily selectthoseto deduct from your daily budget.✔ Plenty of widgets to accommodate your needs✔ Weekly points management, Points bank feature along withSimplyFilling technique.✔ Backup and restore application data.✔ Weight tracker with good looking charts to monitor yourweightloss progress & BMI values✔ Daily Points Allowance calculators (For allsystemssupported)✔ Activity points calculator (by weight ,intensityandduration)✔ Share your personal favorites list with other Weight Watchersteammembers.If you have your own personal excel sheet with points list senditto me and I will convert it to the application format.✔ Export Daily Diary - including all the details, to mail astextfile, HTML file to be used in the weekly meetings.✔ Email for support from Settings windowGood luck on your diet!!!Disclaimer:Diet Watchers Diary is not a weight-loss program in and ofitself,but a tool for you to use with a weight-loss program thatyou arealready involved with. It does not provide you with alltheintimate details of determining certain aspects of anyweight-lossprogram. It assumes you are already involved with aweight-lossprogram.Please consult your health care provider for anyhealthconcernsThis application is not affiliated with nor endorsed by anycompanyincluding Weight Watchers ™ which is a registeredtrademark.
Diabetic Diet 1.0
Moe Game
If you are decided to live healthier.Ifyouwant to fight your diabetes this application is for you.Diabetic Diet is the solution to start your diet today.Thisfreeandroid application has all the information you needtoprogramyour diabetic meal plan. It include various mealplansdepending onyour calorie intake. It will not only help youmakeyour diabeticdiet plan but it will also provide you with tonesofdiabeticrecipes.ҳ̸Ҳ̸Ҳ̸ҳ FEATURES ҳ̸Ҳ̸Ҳ̸ҳ-1200 calorie Diabetic Diet Plan-1400 calorie Diabetic Diet Plan-1600 calorie Diabetic Diet Plan-1800 calorie Diabetic Diet Plan-2000 calorie Diabetic Diet Plan- Hundred of Diabetic Recipes-TOP 10 Foods You Can Eat-TOP 10 Foods for diabetes Control-TOP 20 Fruits for Diabetes...Start your diet for diabetes today !!
Rebalance your Metabolism 1.2.7
This is a guideline that will accompany you through the 21DaysMetabolic Diet
Dieta i trening
❤ Po pierwsze prostota. Nie musiszposiadaćkonta, ani ciągłego dostępu do internetu!❤ Korzystaj z POLSKIEJ bazy produktów i aktywności!❤ Wybieraj z dużej ilości gotowych dań i zup polskich,ruskiepierogi nie będą problemem!❤ Plasterek sera, czy kromka chleba? Nie ma problemu! Skorzystajzprzycisku "+1"❤ Nie ma Twojego produktu w liście? Dodaj własny!❤ Prowadź dziennik treningów aktywnych i siłowych!❤ Zapisuj własne pomiary i ustawiaj cykliczne przypomnieniaonich,❤ Twórz własne schematy posiłków, tak aby jeszcze szybciej iłatwiejdodawać produkty do kalendarza❤ Skonfiguruj aplikację do własnych potrzeb:a) Zarządzaj posiłkami wg własnej potrzebyb) Ustawiaj rodzaje pomiarów, nie ograniczaj się tylko dowagic) Oblicz kalkulatorem swoje zapotrzebowanie GDA lub wprowadźjeręcznie❤ Załóż hasło na aplikację, jeśli nie chcesz by ktoś inny miałdoniej dostęp,❤ Ustaw automatyczną kopie bezpieczeństwa lub przeprowadź jąręcznieby nie utracić swoich danych❤ W kalendarzu podświetla treningi, jeśli takie byłydanegodnia❤ Jeśli masz problem z aplikacją lub wątpliwości śmiało piszmaila,co można ulepszyć i poprawić, na każdy postaram sięodpowiedzieć:)Pobierając aplikację akceptujesz zasady programu "Dieta itrening"zawarte w Ustawieniach w zakładce "Założenia iwarunki"❤ First simplicity. Youdonot need an account, or continuous access to the internet!❤ Enjoy the base POLISH products and activities!❤ Choose from a large number of ready meals and soupsPolish,Russian dumplings will not be a problem!❤ slice of cheese or a slice of bread? No problem! Usethe"+1"❤ Do not have your product in the list? Add your own!❤ Keep a log of active and strength training!❤ Save your own measurements and set recurring remindersaboutthem,❤ Create custom diagrams meals, so that even quicker and easiertoadd products to your calendar❤ Configure the application to suit your needs:a) Manage meals according to their own needsb) Keep your measurement types, do not limit yourself only totheweightc) Calculate your needs GDA calculator or enter them manually❤ Create a password for the app if you do not want anyone elsehadaccess to it,❤ Set automatic backups or perform it manually so as not toloseyour data❤ The calendar highlights the training, if any, of the day❤ If you have a problem with an application or concerns feelfreewrite an email, which can be improved and improved, for eachwilltry to answer :)By downloading you accept the rules of the "diet and exercise"inSettings under "Assumptions and conditions"
Dieta dos Pontos - Controle 0.0.7
The Lose weight Diet helps you calculate and track yourpointssimple.
Menu Dieta (con Lista della Sp
Follow the Diet Menu for: 🛒 Facilitating Spending 🍏 Eat healthy💪Lose weight
Dieta Dukan Receitas 3.0
Mattias Apps
O aplicativo contém informações sobre aDietaDukan e todos os produtos que fazem parte deste eficientemétodo deemagrecimento.Detalhes do aplicativo:Como funciona a Dieta Dukan?Como fazer passo a passo.Alimentos permitidos na Dieta Dukan.Cardápio Completo da Dieta Dukan.Receitas com a Dieta Dukan.10 dicas essenciais.A Nova Dieta Dukan.Fotos Antes e depois da Dieta.Os Melhores Videos da Dieta Dukan: Meu emagrecimento, como perdi20Kg. Atualização de peso -42kg em 4 meses! Dieta Dukan:Jáexperimentou acreditar em você? e muito mais.Confira nossa aplicação completa da Dieta Dukan: comofunciona,restrições alimentares, tempo de emagrecimento e muitomais.A Dieta Dukan é a solução para emagrecer definitivamente.Confira o passo a passo da Dieta Dukan em nosso tutorial.The applicationcontainsinformation on the Dukan Diet and all products that arepart ofeffective weight loss method.Application details:How does the Dukan Diet?How to do step by step.Foods allowed on the Dukan Diet.Full menu of the Dukan Diet.Dukan Diet Recipes with.10 essential tips.The New Dukan Diet.Before and after photos of the Diet.The Best Videos of the Dukan Diet: My weight loss as I lost 20 kgofweight -42kg Update in 4 months.! Dukan Diet: Have you triedtobelieve you? and more.Check out our full application of the Dukan Diet: How itworks,dietary restrictions, while slimming and more.The Dukan Diet is the solution to lose weight permanently.Check out the step by step tutorial on our Dukan Diet.