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Holi SMS 2.1
Holi SMS 2017Holi Festivalnew holi smslatest holi smsgood holi smsfree holi smsfun holi smsdowmload holi smsgreat holi smslatest holi sms 2017holiholi wishesholi grreetingsholi sms 2017One of the major festivals of India, Holi is celebratedwithenthusiasm and gaiety on the full moon day in the month ofPhalgunwhich is the month of March as per the Gregoriancalendar.Holi festival may be celebrated with various names and peopleofdifferent states might be following different traditions. But,whatmakes Holi so unique and special is the spirit of it whichremainsthe same throughout the country and even across the globe,whereverit is celebrated.Celebration of HoliThe Holi celebrations begin on the last day of Phalgun.Peoplecollect sticks and straws lying in streets at a place. Atnightthey gather at that place and set fire to the huge pile ofsticksand straws. They sing songs to the accompaniment of drums.They aremad with joy. They break up when the fire fades out.The main celebration follows the next day. People are in ahappymood. They sprinkle colored water on another. They smeartheirfaces with colored powders. Children spray colored water onthepasses-by.Even the old people are mad with joy. All people are in ajollymood. They forget social distinctions. They mix with allfreely. Inour villages people move about with colored water. Theysing,dance, and jump about. They beat drums and sing loudly in achorus.In the evening they visit their friends and neighbors.After playing holi, many people get together again in the eveningtocelebrate the occasion with delicious food and desserts. Somepeoplealso wear new clothes on this occasion.Why do we celebrate Holi?Triump of good over evil: Holi is celebrated to mark the triumphofgood over evil. It stems from ancient Indian mythology.Fertility: Holi is marked at the onset of spring and is meanttocelebrate harvest or fertility. It celebrates new life as wellasenergy associated with the season of spring.Celebrate love and compassion: Holi is also called the festivaloflove because love and compassion is celebrated duringthefestivities.Holi is an important festival to Hindus, as well as to manyotherIndians and other people of south Asian origin. It iscelebrated atthe end of winter, on the last full moon day of thelunar monthPhalgun (February/March), (Phalgun Purnima), whichusually falls inMarch, sometimes in late February.The festival has many purposes; most prominently, it celebratesthebeginning of Spring. In 17th century literature, it wasidentifiedas a festival that celebrated agriculture, commemoratedgood springharvests and the fertile land.Hindus believe it is atime ofenjoying spring's abundant colours and saying farewell towinter.To many Hindus, Holi festivities mark the beginning of thenew yearas well as an occasion to reset and renew rupturedrelationships,end conflicts and rid themselves of accumulatedemotionalimpurities from the past.It also has a religious purpose, symbolically signified bythelegend of Holika. The night before Holi, bonfires are lit inaceremony known as Holika Dahan (burning of Holika) or LittleHoli.People gather near fires, sing and dance. The next day, Holi,alsoknown as Dhuli in Sanskrit, or Dhulheti, Dhulandi or Dhulendi,iscelebrated. Children and youth spray coloured powdersolutions(gulal) at each other, laugh and celebrate, while adultssmear drycoloured powder (abir) on each other's faces.Visitors tohomes arefirst teased with colours, then served with Holidelicacies,desserts and drinks.[34] After playing with colours, andcleaningup, people bathe, put on clean clothes, and visit friendsandfamily.