Top 16 Apps Similar to Auto Coaching PNL

Despertador PNL 1.02
Es un despertador diferente nos ofrecelaoportunidad de empezar el día con afirmaciones positivas:La PNL parte de que nuestro subconsciente siempre nosestaescuchando, y aunque se nos olvide lo que decimos, lo dejatodoapuntado y cumple las ordenes que le damos. Tiene unfuncionamientomuy simple como vemos. Trabajar con afirmacionespositivas nosayuda a inclinar la balanza a nuestro favor.Con los siguientes audios tu puedes ser tu propio coachyconstruirte a ti mismo:- Adelgazar- Atraer dinero- Bienestar- Dejar atrás el pasado- Liberar adicciones- Mejorar su autoestima- Mejorar su comunicación- Mejorar su relación de pareja- Mejorar sus relaciones sociales- Mejorar su salud- Mejorar su sueño- Mejorar su trabajo- OptimismoRecuerda que debes de repetir cada afirmación en voz altaparaque la Programación NeuroLingüística sea más eficaz.Los 30 megas que ocupa la app es para no tener que conectarseainternet para cargar los audios, de esta forma podemosdespertarnostranquilos con el modo avión puesto o habiendo quitadolos datos,para que no nos moleste el wassap cuando dormimos. Ademásseinstala por defecto en la memoria externa o tarjeta SD denuestrosmartphone.También tiene la opción de despertar con música que tengas entusmartphone o en tu almacenamiento en la nube (Dropbox y GooglePlayMusic).Para terminar recordarte donde nos puedes encontrar:!!!It's a differentclockgives us the opportunity to start the day withpositiveaffirmations:NLP part of our subconscious we alwaysarelistening, and although we forget what we say, pointedleaveseverything and fulfills the orders we give it. It has a verysimpleoperation as we see. Working with positive affirmations helpstipthe scales in our favor.With the following audios you can be your own coach andbuildyourself:- Slimming- Attracting Money- Wellbeing- Leave the past behind- Releasing Addictions- Improving your self-esteem- Improve communication- Improve Your Relationship- Improve their social relations- Improve your health- Improve your sleep- Improve your work- OptimismRemember to repeat each statement aloud toneurolinguisticprogramming more effective.The 30 megs which occupies the app is to avoid havingtoconnect to the internet to upload audios, in this way can wakecalmwith the aircraft position or having removed the data, so itdoesnot bother us when we sleep mode wassap. Furthermore isinstalledby default in the external memory or SD cardoursmartphone.You also have the option to wake up with music you haveonyour smartphone or on your storage in the cloud (Dropbox andGooglePlay Music).Finally remind you where you can find us: s !!!
Intuitive Life Coaching Oracle
The Intuitive Life Coaching Oracle guides you through all yourdailychallenges.
The 30 Day Life Upgrade 1.0.13
Based on expertise gained through 17 yearsofmentoring NBA stars, rock icons, billionaires and globalTitans,Robin Sharma guides you day-by-day in this revolutionary apptoupgrade your life!With Robin's revolutionary 30 Day Life Upgrade app, unlock anewvideo lesson every day for high achievement and personalchange.Share powerful ideas with your friends via Facebookintegration andbuild powerful habits together! We've also built ina rewards storeto reward you for taking the time and effort tobuild powerfulhabits with us!Download Robin's 30 Day Life Upgrade today to haveRobinpersonally coach you to take that very first step to bringyourlife up to a whole new level!About Robin SharmaRobin Sharma is the globally celebrated author of 11internationalbestselling books on leadership including The LeaderWho Had NoTitle, the phenomenal #1 blockbuster that is inspiring amovementaround the idea that “Now, anyone - in any organization -can showLeadership”. His work has been published in over 60countries andin nearly 70 languages, making him one of the mostwidely readauthors in the world. He shot to fame with The Monk WhoSold HisFerrari, which has topped international bestseller listsand soldmillions of copies. Robin is the founder of SharmaLeadershipInternational Inc., a global consultancy that helpspeople inorganizations Lead Without a Title. Clients comprise ofmany of theFORTUNE 500 including Microsoft, GE, NIKE, FedEx andIBM.Organizations such as NASA, IMD Business School, YaleUniversityand The Young President's Organization are also SLIclients. Robinis a former litigation lawyer who holds two lawdegrees including aMasters of Law (Dalhousie Law School).
Power Coaching 1.0
A diferença entre aqueles que vãoobtersucessodos que ficarão pelo caminho está na maneira como cadaumencarapositivamente os obstáculos.Power Coaching é o aplicativo definitivo para seinspiraremmomentos que antecedem situações de pressão na suavida.Diferentemente dos outros aplicativos da categoria.PowerCoachingtrás a novidade de possibilitar ao usuárioainteratividade com oconteúdo sem perder a essência do coachingqueé o processoreflexivo.Ao invés de focar no que “não fazer” (perspectivanegativa),PowerCoaching prima por dar a oportunidade de o usuárioentender“o quefazer” (perspectiva positiva) em determinadassituações queexigem ouso do domínio emocional.Seguindo essa linha, o aplicativo lhe oferece um temapordiavoltado a assuntos fortalecedores e que impelem aação,dotipo:- Como obter sucesso na minha vida?- De que forma posso ser mais assertivo?- O que fazer para o universo conspirar ao meu favor?Dentre outros.Para cada pergunta reflexiva, há três opções deresposta,sendoque apenas uma está alinhada com ocontextomentalpositivo/fortalecedor.Além disso, uma mensagem descritiva acompanha cada umadasopçõesde resposta, com o intuito de memorizar e esclareceraindamais otema acessado.Chame seus amigos para fazer um “QUIZ” de perguntaserespostas,você vai adorar saber que com essa estratégia ogrupotodo pode sebeneficiar do Power Coaching.Desejamos todo SUCESSO do mundo pra você!Thedifferencebetweenthose who will succeed will be those who by theway is theway eachone takes a positive view obstacles.Power Coaching is the definitive application forinspirationinmoments before pressure situations in your life.Unlike other applications category. Power Coachingbehindthenovelty of allowing the user interactivity with thecontentwithoutlosing the essence of coaching is that thereflectiveprocess.Rather than focus on what "not to do" (negativeoutlook),PowerCoaching strives to give you the opportunity tounderstand"what todo" (positive outlook) in certain situations thatrequirethe useof emotional control.Following this line, the application offers a theme a dayaimedatempowering and issues that drive the action, such as:- How to succeed in my life?- How can I be more assertive?- What to do to the universe conspiring in my favor?Among others.For each reflective question, there are threepossibleanswers,only one of which is aligned with the positivementalcontext /empowering.In addition, a descriptive message with each one oftheanswerchoices, in order to memorize and further clarifytheaccessedtheme.Call your friends to make a "QUIZ" Q & A, you willlovetoknow that with this strategy the whole group can benefitfromPowerCoaching.We wish everyone SUCCESS for you! - Habit Tracking & Bu 2021.11.15.3
Track and build any habit. Get help from community and coaches.
Sleep Learning NLP Super Learning 1.0.5
Sleep Learning
Each recording combines the pioneering, deeper learningstrategiesof Dr. Milton Erickson and Neuro-Linguistic-Programmingtogetherwith the ancient wisdom of many religious, philosophicalandmystical traditions - and has been intricately conceivedtoliberate the positive, life-transforming energy of yourdeepermind! Initially conceived by Dr.John Grinder and RichardBandler,Neuro Linguistic Programming has been demonstrated innumerouspsychological studies to provide effective techniques bothforinducing positive emotional states and for replacingself-defeatingbehavior patterns with more attractive andlife-enhancingalternatives. Robert Siegel, author of these NLPHypnosis Programs,has created a series of hypnotic recordings whichirresistibly lurethe listener on a journey inwards... to themetaphorical realms ofthe unconscious mind. Using tales and legendscompiled from theworld's ancient cultures, the listener's consciousmind becomeseffortlessly absorbed in the entrancing narration, theskillfulweave of hypnotic language patterns and metaphoricalscenariosensuring that the listener's unconscious mind receiveshighlybeneficial suggestions for encouraging positive change!Having beena professional hypnotherapist for many years, and awareof the manystyles and interpretations of hypnosis, RobertSiegel'spresentation is one of the magical storyteller -entertaining,captivating and mesmerizing. Included are all theideal componentsfor creating in the listener numerous potentialsfor learning andchange. These programs are not the 'run of themill' standardizedprocesses that seem to proliferate; instead theyenhance Robert'sstatus as a highly talented and creative hypnoticauthor. The powerof Ericksonian hypnosis is not to beunderestimated, You will bepleasantly surprised how effortless thisprocess is - because youconsciously don't have to do anythingexcept turn on your NLPHypnosis Program and sit or lie backcomfortably, allowing yourselfto be guided within your inner mindadventure. The programs aremade to be interesting, informative andpleasant to listen to inyour conscious mind - but the real work isbeing done in yoursubconscious with the NLP techniques! Combiningthese innovativeapproaches, the NLP Hypnosis Programs generatewithin you athoroughly positive life perception: naturally. TheHigher Selfthat is YOU - recognizes these truths and guides yourmind towardsmore productive and life-affirming behavior patterns.
WorkOnIT - Personal Life Coach 1.3
WorkOnIT - Your Personal Life Coach inYourPocket. Define goals, get coaching, track your progress andinviteyour friends and family to help and follow along with you.Pushmessaging between you and your followers means you cansharemessages and photos and get immediately notified withouthaving toopen the app.WorkOnIT is also available in an Enterprise Edition forusewithin a single organization with customized goals, coachingandbackend tools to manage and track usage. Visit our support sitetolearn how you can have a customized WorkOnIT inyourorganization.WorkOnIT helps you to define your goals, share them withothers,and provides coaching advice on how to work better toachievethem.WorkOnIT is the only app providing specific coaching advicetohelp you in your quest to achieve more. Our WikiCoachsystemprovides a database of coaching information from ourownprofessional coaches, with hand selected links, and autogeneratedfeeds to keep you informed and on track. Whether your goalisbusiness focused, such as asking for feedback, delegating,orselling better, or personal such as reducing stress,eatinghealthy, or learning to play guitar, we have the coachingadviceyou need. Our database is growing each day and iscommunitysupported, just like Wikipedia, so we allow you to shareyouradvice with others.Sophisticated push messaging keeps you informed when yourgoalfollowers are active in helping you. You can even send out apushto your followers to ask them for help and advice.Features:• Defining – Goal creation based on the SMART goalsystem(Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, Time-Bound). Wehaveover 100 goals you can choose from or create your ownuniquegoals!• Tracking – Keep track of the progress you are makingtowardsyour goal, frequency of activity and percentage done.• Sharing – Get help from people around you by inviting themtofollow you and give you encouragement and advice throughcomments,star ratings, and reward “medals”.• Coaching – Our WikiCoach database of coaching advice formanyof the most common business and personal goals to helpyouunderstand how to achieve your goal.• Push Messaging – Integrated push messaging helps keepyouinformed of your activity with those supporting you. No needtocheck if you have new advice or words of encouragement, theapptakes care of notifying you.In-APP Purchases Available to Extend the FunctionalityofWorkOnIT to do even More• Add pictures to your comments. We say "a picture is worthathousand words" and this add-on allows you to post pictures inyourcomments to share also with your followers. It is a great waytovisualize your accomplishments and inspire those you are helpingtoachieve their goals.• Add actions to your goals. This add-on allows you tocreatesteps within your goal. Think of actions as milestones alongtheway to accomplishing your goal. Each action has a separate duedateand an automatic reminder. You can set as many steps along thewayto achieving your goal as you like and your actions are sharedwiththe people you are following. Your followers will getnotificationswhen you create an action and when it has beencompleted, helpingthem to follow your progress towards yourgoal.
Life Coach 3
Ashunda Thomas the Virtual Life Coach.Coaching sessions can be conducted via this app, phone, Skypeorover the phone.For further details, visit Ashunda's as well as Facebook, Twitter, InstagramandPeriscope.
Self Improvement Guide 1.0
This application give you the information of powerfulselfimprovement guide.
¡Hola! 2.0
Hola S.L.
Le presentamos la aplicación para Android de conlasúltimas noticias y fotografías sobre tus celebrities favoritas.Disfrute de los mejores artículos de al completo ydeuna gran variedad de contenido que incluye nuestras seccionesdereferencia, Sociedad, Realeza, Moda y Belleza.La app para Android de es gratuita, con ella puedeverlas mejores fotos de que acompañan todas lasnoticias,tras pulsar sobre la imagen la  verá atodapantalla. Con la aplicación oficial de, nunca se volverá aperderuna gran historia.Introducing the Android App with the latest newsandpictures about your favorite celebrities.Enjoy the best articles full and a wide varietyofcontent that includes our reference sections, Society,Royalty,Fashion and Beauty.The app for Android is free, with it you can seethebest pictures of accompanying all the news, afterclickingon the image you'll see it full screen.With the official implementation of, has neveragainlose a great story.
iLifeCoach 1
iLifeCoach answers some of life's mostpressingquestions in a clear and concise manner. Everyone hasquestions onlife, love, and business but not everyone can afford$150 per hourfor Life Coaching, so this app is the solution! Findthe questionsthat you've been asking yourself and embrace theanswers. Theseanswers are real, relevant, and straight to thepoint. If there is apressing question that you have but it's notlisted please submit itto us so what we can have that questionadded. Enjoy this LifeCoaching experience in the palm of yourhand.
Been Together (Ad) - D-day
Essential app for couples!Check how long you have been with your lover at a glance.How long have you been with your lover?Celebrate your anniversary with your memories.Also the number is shown on the widget, so you can check itwithoutopening the app.[Features]- Calculate number of passed days from the anniversary- Show it on widget, notification area, or lock screen- Customize as your own by using photos and changing names- Customizable background- Notify you by each 100 days- Multiple anniversaries on side-menu- Share your screen on SNS* How to show it on background- From your launcher(background), long press or menu buttonwillshow you an option to add a widget on your background.- From the widget list, you could find 'Been Together' widget- Add this widget to your background and layout it asyouwish.Thank you.- This version is Ad-Supported -* Special Thanks to.. *Italian : Thanks to Filippo Perissinotto!Hungarian : Thanks to Tamás Magyar & Norbert Kis-Szabó!Turkish : Thanks to Mert Yiğitbaşı! Dedicated to hislovelyDilara- Location information is used in the ad serving, but not storedortransmitted.
Como mejorar tu autoestima 1
Free !!
Tener autoestima significa tener un sano y buen conceptodenosotrosmismos, es amarnos y aceptarnos tal y como somos, eselrespetohacia uno mismo desde el reconocimiento denuestrosdefectos hastala valoración de nuestras habilidades. Enestaaplicación teayudaremos a mejorar tu autoestima. Sigue elmétodo ylas leccionesque te proporcionamos y lograrás valorarte yteneruna vida másagradable.
Salad Card Decks 1.92
This FREE app gives you a selection ofcardsfrom the famous SALAD coaching cards series. In this freeversionyou receive sample cards from the best selling decks ofEricksonianHypnosis, Irresistible Influence, NLP Coaching, NLPBelief Buster,Instant Wealth and Instant Happiness. In all youreceive a fullmixed card deck, and you can receive the full versionof each deckor a bundle of decks at greatly reduced prices. Andit's never theprice that matters anyway, it's the learnings you getand how youput them into effect.V1.9 is now released and will appear in the Store shortly.Thisupdates resolves the gesture issues which we have heardabout.PLEASE NOTE : TEST THE FREE APP BEFORE PURCHASINGFULLDECKS.There are hundreds of Android devices, and we cannot testeverydevice. If you have any issues with navigating the app,swipingbetween cards or seeing the free card content, STOP ! Thencontactus for advice and assistance. We will endeavour to supportyourparticular device, possibly requiring some furtherdeviceinformation from you. Thank you for your understanding ofthesetechnical issues.
NLP 1-2-3 vol. 1 1.0
NLP 1-2-3 vol. 1 (CHANGE) – your doorwaytoself help NLP techniques for changeThe NLP 1-2-3 vol. 1 Android application gives you:1. CHANGE – helps to broaden your model of perception2. CHANGE – helps to pinpoint what can limit you3. CHANGE – gives you NLP techniques to change limitingstatesSupported languages: English and DanishNLP 1-2-3 vol. 1 app contentThis application contains:- 12 sections explaining the required NLP theory and techniquestochange- 3 NLP techniques that help you change state quicklyNLP 1-2-3 theoryHave you ever wanted to change the way you feel in asituation?Do you want to get the important things done ?The MINDSETMAX™ technology is founded on NLP, NeuroLinguisticProgramming (neurolinguistics). MINDSETMAX™ enables youto make thechanges and grow your life the way you want it.You will be guided through this essential MINDSETMAX™ step,givingyou insight and awareness of the way your own mind andbehaviouralpatterns are, and then consecutively how to co-exist andco-operatewith other people in a better way.The MINDSETMAX™ technology has been founded by John Rhodes,MindsetTrainer, NLP Trainer and President of the DanishNLPAssociation.iNLP 1-2-3 – part of the MINDSETMAX™ technologyThe MINDSETMAX™ technology is divided into modules, compoundforoptimum efficiency and outcome for the individual – to gainaccessto progressive nlp training.The individual fases of the MINDSETMAX™ technology are createdusingthe modeling philosophy, which is the praxis of decodingtheefficient strategies and mindsets during interviews of expertsinevery area, and from these results – create a toolbox/modelthatcan be used by anybody in a step by step procedure, the firststepof these nlp techniques being NLP 1-2-3 vol. 1.
Femme Actuelle Actu 1.6.4
Prisma Media
*****NOUVEAU*****Ajout de la fonctionnalité Magazine Enrichi : Scannez votremagazineFemme Actuelle et accédez directement à des contenusexclusifs,directement depuis votre Android !Découvrez l'application gratuite Femme Actuelle !Actu, mode, beauté, déco, cuisine, minceur, santé, amour,bien-être,enfant, culture, retrouvez tous les articles, diaporamasphotos etvidéos de Femme Actuelle.- Actu : L'actu en France et à l'étranger- Mode : Les dernières tendances- Beauté : Les conseils et astuces maquillage, coiffure...- Déco : Les lieux les plus design et les dernièresactualités- Cuisine : Les recettes de grand chef les plus gourmandes- Minceur : Toutes les astuces minceur et les décryptagesdesderniers régimes- Santé : Les conseils santé- Amour : Vie à deux, rencontres, sexualité...- Bien-être : Coaching et astuces bien-être- Enfant : Les conseils éducation pour mieux comprendrevotreenfant- Culture : Toute l'actualité cinéma, télé, musicale...*****NEW*****Adding functionality Magazine Enriched: Scan your magazineFemaleCurrent and directly access to exclusive content, directlyfromyour Android!Discover the free app Female Current!News, fashion, beauty, decor, kitchen, slimming, health,love,wellness, child, culture, find all articles, slideshows,photos andvideos Femme Actuelle.- News: The news in France and abroad- Mode: The latest trends- Beauty: The tips and tricks makeup, hair ...- Deco: the design locations and the latest news- Kitchen: Recipes from great most demanding chef- Slimming: All slimming tricks and deciphering thepastregimes- Health: health advice- Love: Life in two meetings, sexuality ...- Wellness: Coaching and Wellness Tips- Children: The education tips to better understand yourchild- Culture: All news cinema, TV, music ...