Top 3 Apps Similar to LSi-View

IC View 8.00.002
Access and control DVR, NVRs and IP Cameras directlyfromyourAndroid device. Watch and listen to your livesurveillancevideostreams - fast and simple. Features - Compatiblewith themostAndroid devices! - Stream live video directly fromyoursecuritydevices (not through 3rd party servers) - Remainsecuredwithusername/password authentication - Full control of PTZcameras-Take snapshots of live streaming video - Landscapeandportraitmode - Support of ICRealtime’s full range of offerings-Supportmulti-window view - Support live audio -Supportbidirectional talk- Support favorites - Support remoteplayback -Support push alarm- And much, much more!
CLS View 1.6.00
CLS View allows you to view your Argos Web, MyData, FishWeborThemis Web tracking data on your android device. CLSViewprovidesa user-friendly atmosphere for maritimeandterrestrialapplications, by displaying maritime mobile positionsondetailedmarine charts or terrestrial mobile positionsonopenStreetMap and/or satellite maps. In addition, CLS Viewcandisplay any WMS orTMS map layer. Tracking functionsinclude:Displayinglocations(date, latitude/longitude, speed andheading),measuringdistance between two points, and calculatingestimatedtime ofarrival. For more information,pleasevisit: tracking/position display function are availablefor CLSclientsonly: CLS View automatically connects to the CLSserver todownload20 days of tracking data.
LSI Map Mobile
Cette application LSI Map Mobile s'adresseauxclients de LSI Technologies, bénéficiant déjà dusystèmeChronossat.LSI Map Mobile permet la visualisation en temps réel devotreflotte de véhicules.This LSI MapMobileapplication for customers of LSI Technologies, alreadybenefitingfrom Chronossat system.LSI Map Mobile allows real-time visualization of your fleet.