Top 16 Apps Similar to صحتي

My Health Amigo 1.1.1
run, burn calories and have fun doing that, BMI Calculator,WeightLoss Tips
My health Tracker 1.1
My Health TrackerTake your fitness to a new level with My Health Tracker.My Health Tracker helps you stay fit by acting as apersonalcoach,trains and assists in achievingyour daily goals. The various training programs helpsinimprovingyour overall fitness, healthand lifestyle.My Health Tracker App will helps you in measuringfollowingthingslike:-(1)Step Countsteps counter now in your smart phone,count yoursteps,providestatisticsabout your calories burned during your walk.Everyone should walk round about ten thousand steps perdaytoimprove your health and body fitnessand to get a healthy blood pressure value.(2)Water MeasurementThis App reminds you to drink water every day and tracksyourwaterdrinking habits.Drinking Water will help you to determine how many wateryourbodyneed everyday. When you have finished drinking a cup ofwater,youwill need toadd a glass in the app. Your next glass will be remained.(3)Sleep MonitorTrack your sleep, monitor your dreams, improve yourbedtimehabits& wake up feeling better withSleep Better offers you a simple way to improveyoursleepquality,whether you struggle to fall asleep, want to learn howyourdaytimeactivities influence your sleepefficiency to help you wake up feeling refreshed and ready toseize the day!(4)Caffeine MeasurementTrack your daily intake of coffee or tea. You only have toadd1whenever you drinks, and measure thathow many cups of tea or coffee you drink in a day.(5)Heart Rate MonitorIt measures your heart rate by analyzing blood flow on thetipofyour finger that changeswith every heart beat due to blood flow.It is a cardiographforyourandroid phones.This application helps in controlling blood pressure andimprovesindealing with hypertension.This application does not use any external hardware tocheckyourresult.FEATURES & BENEFITS:-* Map workouts in real-time with GPS &monitorexerciseprogress* Personal workout diary, advanced statistics & graphs* Customisable dashboard configuration: Displaypreferredtrainingstatistics (duration, distance, heart rate,calories burned, elevation gain, time,post-workouthydrationrecommendation) during your workouts* Monthly & overall metrics for elevation gain,heartrate,distance, number of steps, duration &caloriesburned* Auto Pause: Session is paused automatically whenyoustopmoving* Interval run training, coaching and dynamicsplit(mi/km)tables* Training Goals: Select a calorie, distance or stepsgoaltooptimise training* Challenge a Run: Compete against yourself bychallengingpastactivity results* Share sports activities on Google+, Facebook,Twitter,WhatsApp& via email
Sehaty 1.7.7
KFSH&RC have launched Sehaty Application which enables userstoaccess their health care records anywhere anytime toperformseveral tasks and submit requests too which includes thefollowing:- Health Profile, Gives an overview of the most recentinformationas recorded in patients’ health records. - Appointments,Thisfeature enables you to view your own and your dependent,upcomingappointments Postpone or cancel existing appointments -MedicalConditions, View a list of Diagnosis and Complaints asobtainedfrom the electronic health record - Medications, View alist oftheir current and inactive medications, requestprescriptionrenewals. - Health Maintenance, View a list ofprocedures orimmunizations recommended for you based on age, genderand medicalhistory. - Immunization, View a list of immunizationseither takenor recommended for you based on age, gender and medicalhistory -Laboratory Tests, View details of any future orcompletedlaboratory tests and procedure results - Radiology, Viewreports ofall completed Radiology exams and procedure. - Documents,View orrequest all kinds of medical reports including likedischargesummaries or medical evaluation - Vital Signs, View valuesandgraphs for your vital signs, height and weight as documentedoneach visit - Surgical Procedures, View details ofcompletedsurgical procedures - Pathology, View reports of allcompletedPathology tests and procedure. - Hospital Visits, View thedetailsof your previous hospital visits to outpatient, inpatientandemergency department. - Supplies, View and requestapproved,supplies required for you or your dependents - PersonalProfile,Provides personal information and emergency contactsaddress Thegoal of this initiative was driven by promoting“PatientExperiences” through meeting their growing expectationsandsatisfying their demands by effective engagements through theuseof technology as an efficient and effective communicationplatform.
M-Seha 1.0.4
Medical Record App will spare you the effort,It allows you to keep a record of your medical history ,Themedications that you use via the phone's camera , From now onNotime to waste, no chance for mistakes, no way to forget , Withthepossibility of having a complete medical history record foryou,And for every member of your family , Sharing it with yourbelovedones with ultimate privacy, So that everybody can access itwhennecessary , With one press, you can send your whole profile toyourDoctor , Or you can have it printed out directly through yourphone, Or allow your Doctor to view it directly from your phone ,In aprofessional manner, doctors can understand.Your Medical Record is in your pocket, and there is more:• Instant recognition of a drug by bar-code scan with itsprice,alternatives and medical• database Includes more than 6300 registered medicatıons• A Reminder for taking the medicine on time &medicalvisits• The Names of doctors and hospitals you have visitedYour Medical Record is in your pocket and there more• Send Medical Report to your Doctor by email or Printitout• Sync your data with your Family• Protect your data with password• Backup your data and keep it safe• All your medical history• Scheduling important medical appointments• Documents Photo• immunization / Vaccinations• Tests & Procedures• Surgical Procedures• Diagnosis• Episodes & Injuries• Hospitalizations• Physicians• Family History• Health Insurance• Visual diagnose• Current Medications• Previous Medications• Supplementary / Prescriptions• Medical Record• Medication Schedule• Vaccinations Schedule• Hospitals Schedule• Physical therapy schedule• Calculate Body Mass Index BMI• Calculate the amount of water required• Child Vaccinations Schedule• Child Diary• Weight, height, temperature, and other• Blood pressure & Glucose level measurement• Archiving blood pressure & Glucose level• Pregnancy duration detector tool• Drug Directory• Hospitals Directory
Know My Health 1.5.1
Know My Health is a revolutionary app thatthehelp the users to diagnose the health conditions. Users canusethis app to diagnose the health status before going to doctororcan use instead of going for a second opinion. Thisapplicationalso provides the analytics which can help to monitorthe diseasesspread across.
بطاقة صحتي أغلى 1.0
بطاقة صحتي أغلى هي بطاقة تقدمخصوماتمنوعةومفصلة في المجال الصحي من المستشفيات والمستوصفاتوالمختبراتومراكزالتجميل والجلدية ، ومن الجهات المختلفة التي تهتمبالصحةبمافيهاالأندية الرياضية ، ويستفيد منها المواطنين الذين لاتوجد لهمتغطياتتامينية وخاصة المتقاعدين المدنين والعسكريين والمقيمينبصورةقانونية.بطاقة صحتي أغلى هي إحدى خدمات مؤسسة طريق الخير ، المتخصصونمنسنواتطويلة في إصدار بطاقات الخصومات الخيرية بالتعاون مع العديدمنالجهاتالرسمية وغير الرسمية وتعتبر بطاقة صحتي أغلى إحداءإجازاتناعلىمستوى الخدمات الصحية في المملكة العربية السعودية ولناالعديدمنالإصدارات الخيرية الأخرى مثل بطاقة تسهيل , بطاقة صديقالمعاق,بطاقة المساعدة الصحية عالميا , بطاقة المساعدة علىالطريقوبطاقةديلي ديل الخاصة بالمطاعم وتعتبر أقوى بطاقة تخفيض بدولمجلسالتعاونالخليجي .My health isthemostexpensive card is offering a variety of detailed anddiscountsinthe health field from hospitals, clinics, laboratoriesandcentersof beauty and skin, and the various agencies concernedwithhealthJalili sports clubs card, benefiting citizens who donotexist forthem insurance coverage, especially retired civilianandmilitarypersonnel and a legal resident.My health is the most expensive is the card a pathofgoodnessFoundation Services, specialists from many years intheissuance ofcharitable deductions cards in cooperation withmanyofficial andnon-official bodies is my health card moreexpensiveAhaddaeAjazatna on the level of health services in theKingdom ofSaudiArabia and we have many other charitable versionssuchasfacilitating card , a friend with a disability card,aglobalhealth assistance card, roadside assistance card andDellDaily ownrestaurants and is considered the strongestreductioncardGCC.
eSehaty 1.3
Sehaty app compliments eHealthPortal( from Ministry of Health by bringing theportal'se-services to the citizens' and residents' mobile devicesinSultanate of Oman.Sehaty includes e-services provided on eHealth Portalforpatients, citizens and residents in Oman.
Se7tak ma3 Nabed - صحتك مع نبض
يأتيك هذا التطبيق بمحتوى توعوي ووقائي ذي مرجعية طبية عالميةموثوقة،معرّب ومبسّط
HealthWatch 360 3.0
Genomics-based Preventive Health App by GB HealthWatch
Patient Portal 5.1.0
A gate to the National Guard Health Affairs patient'smedicalservices
Appyness Healthwatch 1.1
How you feel matters and what you do when you are not feelinggreatmatters. Whether you are stressed, anxious or depressedAppynessprovides you with top tips to take control of youremotionalwellbeing. Appyness was developed by Healthwatch WokinghamBoroughfor young people struggling with their mood, following anextensivesurvey of young people. You told us you wanted morecopingstrategies and to know what to do if feeling low. This appallowsyou to scale your mood daily and plot it on a graph so youcantrack your progress over time, it gives top tips for copingwithstress, depression and anxiety. It provides links to localandnational organisations and has relevant YouTube videos.Appynesscan help you take control of your own thoughts and actions.
Ma Santé 2.1.0
L'application « Ma Santé » d’AG2R LA MONDIALE permet aux 1500000bénéficiaires de la carte de tiers payant d’affichersurleurmobile leur carte de tiers payant et de géolocaliserles97000professionnels de santé (pharmaciens,opticiens,dentistes,laboratoires, infirmiers, …) qui l’acceptent Lesystèmedutiers-payant a été instauré pour éviter d'avancerdessommesparfois élevées dans l'attente des remboursements.Aprèsavoirsaisi ses identifiants NetSanté, l’utilisateur accèdeaux2fonctionnalités de l’application : - la liste desprofessionnelsdesanté les plus proches de sa position actuelle oud’uneadressesaisie textuellement, - l’affichage de sa carte detierspayantdématérialisée. Grace à cette nouveauté, l’assuré etsafamilledisposent à tout moment de leur carte à jour et à portéedemain!Pour vous éviter l'avance des frais, utilisez le systèmedutierspayant Terciane : vous ne paierez que ce quiresterafinalement àvotre charge.
Healthi 4.2.2
Access your family's health records in the national My HealthRecordsystem.
헬스톡톡은 사용자 헬스데이터 기반의 맞춤 운동추천 알고리즘을 통해 나만의 운동플랜에 따라 맞춤형 건강을 관리하는헬스케어서비스입니다. 전문 교육과정을 거친 헬스코치를 나만의 헬스코치로 지정하여 언제 어디서나 스마트 피트니스 코칭을받을 수있는 최적의 O2O 스마트 피트니스 서비스입니다. [자세히 알아보기] ★ 국내 대기업, 공공 체육시설 등 B2B임직원건강관리 78,000명을 통해 검증된 운동 어플 ★ ★ 헬스톡톡 회원 10명 중 8.74명 건강호전 효과 달성한피트니스어플 ★ ★ 헬스톡톡 회원 평균 32% 근육량 증가한 건강관리 어플 ★ ★ 헬스톡톡 회원 평균 -5.8kg 체중감량한다이어트 어플 ★ ★ 헬스톡톡 회원 78%가 지속적으로 사용을 유지하며 건강한 습관을 형성한 건강 어플 ★맞춤형운동관리, 영양관리, 건강습관관리 및 전담 헬스코치 서비스를 통해 체력증진은 물론 다이어트부터 만성질환 예방까지도와주는건강관리 어플, 헬스톡톡! 이제 운동 어플, 다이어트 어플 더 이상 찾아 헤매지 말고 헬스톡톡으로 맞춤건강관리를실천하세요! 여러 차례 운동계획을 세운 경험과 영양관리에 대한 고민으로 당신은 성공과 실패를 모두 경험했을지도모릅니다.많은 사람들이 “혼자서 운동하는 것은 너무 지루하고 힘들다”, “체계적인 건강관리서비스는 받고 싶지만 경제적으로부담이된다”, “시간이 없다” 등 다양한 이유로 지속적인 건강관리 계획을 유지하지 못하고 있습니다. 헬스톡톡은 이런분들을위해 국내 최고의 헬스코치와 함께 개인별 맞춤형 건강관리서비스를 제공하고, 모든 진행과정을 헬스코치가 모니터링하여나에게 맞는 최적의 운동플랜을 제공합니다. 이 모든 서비스는 누구나 경험할 수 있는 무료버전과 오프라인 피트니스센터의PT 1회 비용보다 저렴한 유료버전으로 국내 최고의 헬스코치와 함께 보다 전문적이고 즐겁게 건강관리를 할 수있습니다.[주요기능] 1. 나의 정확한 건강수준 알아보기 - 나의 신체정보를 입력하고 활동수준, 병력 등 건강문진을수행합니다.6가지 관절기능 검사와 기초체력 검사까지 진행하면 헬스톡톡 맞춤 운동 추천 알고리즘에 의해 최적의 운동플랜을제공받을 수있습니다. - 입력된 헬스 데이터 및 개인정보는 헬스톡톡 MS 클라우드 서버에 저장되어 안전하게 관리됩니다.2. 나만의맞춤 운동플랜에 따라 운동하기 - 1,000여개의 HD급 고화질 운동 영상 콘텐츠는 기구운동, 소도구운동,맨몸운동과스트레칭 4가지 콘텐츠로 구성되어 있으며, 사용자별 운동종류, 운동 강도, 운동량 등이 맞춤형으로 제공됩니다.-맞춤형으로 제공된 오늘의 운동플랜으로 운동을 수행하고 맞춤으로 제공된 운동 강도, 운동량에 따라 운동을 진행합니다.-운동 수행 시 음성 카운트 안내가 제공되며, 음성 카운트는 나의 속도에 맞도록 조절이 가능합니다. - 오늘의 운동플랜의운동 콘텐츠는 운동수행 여부에 따라 운동수행 미완료는 회색, 운동 수행중은 그린색 라인, 운동수행 완료는그린색으로구분됩니다. - 운동장소나 운동기구에 헬스콘이 설치되어 있을 경우, 설정메뉴에서 헬스콘 연동 메뉴를 활성화하면운동기구근접 시 자동으로 운동 콘텐츠가 제공되어 편리하게 운동을 진행할 수 있습니다. - 모든 운동결과는 실시간으로MS클라우드 서버에 저장되며, 최종 목표 달성률에 반영됩니다. 3. 나에게 맞는 영양관리 하기 - 아침, 점심,저녁,간식을 기록하고 건강한 식습관을 관리할 수 있습니다. - 최근에 입력한 음식은 리스트를 제공하여 음식검색 없이편리하게기록이 가능합니다. - 섭취한 음식은 양호, 주의 아이콘으로 표시되며, 양호음식과 주의음식 비율에 따라 아이콘이눈물도흘리고 미소도 지으며 재미있게 건강한 식습관을 만들어갈 수 있습니다. - 섭취 칼로리와 3대 영양소 분석을 통해건강한식습관을 쌓을 수 있는 방법을 제시해 줍니다. 4. 바쁜 일상 속 건강습관 유지하기 - 식습관(아침, 점심,저녁,간식), 수분섭취, 흡연, 음주, 수면, 운동 9가지 건강습관 상태를 입력하면 헬스톡톡 알고리즘에 의해 건강습관점수를제공합니다. - 기록한 건강습관 점수는 건강평가표를 통해 월 별로 비교분석하며 지속적으로 건강한 습관을 유지할 수있도록도와줍니다. 5. 건강평가표로 나의 건강점검하기 - 운동, 영양, 건강습관, 활동량 등 건강관리 항목별 결과를쉽게분석할 수 있도록 점수와 그래프로 제공합니다. - 체형 분석 메뉴에서 최초와 현재의 모습을 확인하고, 균형잡혀가고건강해지는 나의 몸매를 확인할 수 있습니다. 6. 전담 헬스코치 코칭 서비스 받기 - 전담 헬스코치서비스(PREMIUM서비스)는 사용자 운동 목적별 맞춤형 피트니스 플랜과 전문가의 스마트 코칭, 모니터링 서비스를 통해최적의 피트니스서비스를 제공합니다. - 맞춤형 모바일 헬스케어 서비스와 전문가의 코칭이 결합된 서비스로 전문 교육과정을거친 국내최고의 헬스코치가 맞춤형 운동은 물론 영양관리, 건강습관을 지속적으로 유지하도록 도와줍니다. - 나의 운동영상을전송하고운동 자세와 호흡 등 코칭을 받는 ‘영상 코칭’, 헬스코치와 소통할 수 있는 ‘톡톡 코칭’ 등 언제 어디서나헬스코치와함께 스마트하게 건강을 관리할 수 있습니다. 7. 걸음보수 관리하기 • 자동 탑재된 만보기로 어플을 실행하지않아도자동으로 걸음수를 측정합니다. • GPS 기능을 사용하지 않아 배터리 소모가 많지 않습니다. 8. 운동기록 추가하기•추가하고 싶은 운동명칭과 시간을 선택하면 칼로리 소모량이 자동으로 계산되어 입력됩니다. • 걷기, 자전거, 요가,등산,수영 등 다양한 운동 추가기록으로 성취감을 느낄 수 있습니다. [이용방법] 헬스톡톡 어플 다운로드 후 이름,성별,생년월일, 휴대전화번호 입력을 통해 회원가입을 하면 이용이 가능합니다. 기본 운동플랜, 영양관리, 건강습관관리,활동량을제공하는 Basic 서비스는 평생 무료로 이용할 수 있습니다. 그 외의 커리큘럼, 헬스코치 서비스 등 유료서비스는 어플내 유료가입을 통해서 결제를 하셔야 이용이 가능합니다. 헬스톡톡 고객 서비스는 주중(월~금) 오전 9시~오후6시(휴일,공휴일 제외)에 상담 가능합니다. 이용 시 불편한 점이나 개선 사항이있으면toktok@healthtoktok.com으로 이메일을 보내주세요. 헬스톡톡 SNS 채널에서 다양한 정보와이벤트를만나보세요. JOIN US! ※ 헬스톡톡은 안드로이드 4.4.2버전에 최적화 되어 있습니다. [접근 권한 안내]• 필수접근 권한 - 저장공간: 헬스톡톡이 기기에 사진, 동영상, 파일을 전송하거나 저장하기 위해 사용 • 선택 접근권한 -카메라: 사진/동영상 촬영 기능을 제공하기 위해 사용 - 마이크: 녹음 기능을 제공하기 위해 사용 - 블루투스:웨어러블및 비콘 기능을 제공하기 위해 사용 * 선택 접근권한은 동의하지 않아도 앱을 사용하실 수 있습니다. [개발자연락처]+82-1661-0706 ---- 개발자 연락처 : 1661-0706
HealthWatch 1.1
HealthWatch aims at providing concreteandpractical tools for individuals, organizations and businessestomaintain and enhance health and quality of life andcounteractstress-related ill health. The service consists of threemaincomponents: health news, self-help and work environmentsurveys.The self-help section is a further developed version ofascientifically evaluated system with proven beneficial effectsonthe psychological and biological variables. The tool is basedontoday's collective knowledge and several years of research.Theservices are free of charge for individuals and groups ofmaximum25 people. Hourly rates will apply if consulting servicesareneeded. For larger groups operative and administrative costswillbe charged.The HealthWatch services are intended to provide possibilitiesforindividuals to promote their health development over time. Atthesame time, we want to facilitate organizations and companiesintheir efforts to systematically improve the work environmentandpromote health through efficient, practical and easy-to-usetools.In a simple way, you can monitor variables such as health,stress,efficiency and job satisfaction for one or more groups,departmentsand sections over time. This makes it possible forcompanies to beproactive in addition to preventive and reactivemeasures.
Full Body Workout Guide 2.0
“Looking after my health today gives meabetterhope for tomorrow.”What if you can give a charge to your entire body with helpofasingle workout session is one of the brilliant ideasever.Onedon’t need to sweat out hard in some gym or fitness centerandevendon’t need to remember of follow some day-by-dayworkoutchartexcept this workout session.The healthy body and lifestyle can be achieved with afullbodyworkout. So you don’t need some hectic fitness routine.Thisappbrings full body workout which gives you a completebodymovementand improve movement of muscles.One just needs this app in the smartphone and startsworkingouteffectively. Additionally you can incorporate yourfamilyandfriends too in this workout session for a healthylifestyle.Here's a sneak-peak of the content you will receiveinsidetheapp:A full-body workout that has you doing oneactivityeverybody-part for time (five minutes) rather than for aspecificnumberof sets and reps. It may help you to rememberdoingrest-stops.You'll essentially do the same number of reps asyou canin fiveminutes, resting when you have to.Download now, it’s free..!!Note:-This Is Content - Only App. It givesyouinformationregarding full body workout.