Top 16 Apps Similar to 3-D brain Atlas

Brain 3D Anatomy Lite 1.0.3
Brain 3D Atlas of Anatomy allows you to rotate a highly realistic3Dbrain model as it was in your hands.The human brain anatomical 3D model is revolvable inanydirection giving a 360° view of the object.Moreover, the names of specific anatomical areas can beshowntouching the related pins (available in the fullversiononly).Colored lobes view can also be shown.Brain app is part of 3D Atlas of Anatomy collection, ahumananatomy reference atlas for tablet and smartphone devices. The3Dmedical models in these apps are similar to classic realplasticmodels but with the great benefits to be always available onyourportable devices when you need them and occupy nophysicalspace.These apps can be of great help for students of medicine ortoanyone who needs to study human anatomy shape in detail andfromany angle. Immediacy and simplicity together with high qualityaredistinctive features of the app.
NeuroSlice 1.1
Neuroanatomy with Interactive Slices and MRI Scans of HumanBrain& Spinal Cord
Prognosis : Neurology 4.2.5
Deduce interesting clinical presentations of neurologicaldisease,challenge your clinical acumen, and update your knowledgewithinminutes by using Prognosis: Neurology.This mobile app has been designed for busy physicians,neurologyresidents, medical students and other healthcareprofessionals bythe creators of the #1 free medical app -Prognosis: YourDIagnosis.Each clinical case is based on a real-life patient whilethemanagement options and discussions have been reviewed by a panelof120+ specialist physicians spanning 27 specialties.The cases are designed in line with current guidelines andtestclinical as well as theoretical knowledge.This free app contains 35 clinical cases andcomprehensivediscussions that are an ideal tool in preparation foracademic orprofessional licensure exams.Diseases Covered:1. Trigeminal Neuralgia2. Temporal Lobe Epilepsy3. Bell's plasy4. Acoustic Neuroma5. Lateral Medullary Syndrome6. Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus7. Ischemic Stroke8. Parkinsons Disease9. Multiple Sclerosis10. Foot Drop11. Essential Tremor12. Acute Encephalitis13. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome14. Basilar Migraine15. Myasthenia Gravis16. Bitemporal Hemianopia17. Cluster Headache18. Meningitis, Bacterial19. Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome20. Cerebral Venous Thrombosis21. Subarachnoid Hemorrhage22. Lambert-Eaton Myasthenic Syndrome23. Spinal Epidural Abscess24. Peripheral Neuropathy, B12 def.25. Guillain Barre Syndrome26. Botulism27. Cervical Spondylomyelopathy28. Chronic SDH29. Cervical Spondylotic Myelopathy30. Neurocysticercosis31. Migraine32. Transverse Myelitis33. Neuromyelitis Optica34. Functional Neurological Symptom Disorder35. Nonconvulsive Status Epilepticus
Neurology Update 0.1
A direct link to my neurology educationblog,which provides regularly updated posts about currentneurosciencetopics and cases from my office and hospital practice.Why keep searching for us on Google when you can just clickonicon!
Neurology short questions 8.0
Prepare your neurology exam with this collection of431shortquestions. The questions were found onuniversityexams.Possibility of random questions.
Anatomy Star - CNS (the Brain) 1.2.2
Learn anatomy in an easy and fun way! Over 120 differentanatomicalstructures.
Neuroppt 2.4
Neuroppt is an initiative by Dr. Vishal Pawar (Neuro-physician)toprovide a platform for sharing the knowledge related to thefieldof Neurology with fellow neurologists, physicians,neurologytrainees,medicine residents, interns, medical students andallthose who are interested in the field of Neurology.The joy of learning is in SHARING. This application isdevelopedwith the belief that anything that is value of life onlymultiplieswhen it is given.In the journey of medical education, Neurology is consideredasone of the difficult subject. The prime objective ofthisapplication is to make the subject of Neurology easy tounderstandthrough animated videos, interesting cases andarticles.During bedside case discussions, clinical questions are askedtostudents. This application will help them to find answers tocommonclinical questions and perform better in exams as well asinclinical practice.There are two major divisions in the application - Articlesandvideos.Articles include interesting cases, theory topics,clinicalinformation, neuro-radiology cases etc.Video section will be divided into many categorieslikeNeuro-anatomy, Symptomatology, Guidelines, Diagnosticcriteria,Differential diagnosis, EEG, Neuro-radiology, Interestingcases,Patient education videos etc.Each category will have sub-categories and each sub-categorywillhave a list of videos to be played.Articles and videos will be updated on a regular basis andtheuser will get notification accordingly.Please send your valuable feedback or video request on to improvetheapplication.
Survival Guide 3.1
Congress of Neurological Surgeons
NOTE!!! We are aware of frequent crash reports from themostrecentupdate. If you continuously experience a crash,pleaseuninstallthe app completely, reboot your phone, and downloadafresh installfrom Google Play. This should correcttheissue.---------------------------- Survival Guide is aquickreference,high-yield guide that encompasses the massivebreadth ofknowledgeand information necessary to care forneurosurgicalpatients. Thisis the ideal reference for allneurosurgicalresidents, interns,and medical students. It is highlyrelevant forall mid-levelpractitioners who will encounter and careforneurosurgicalpatients such as nurse practitioners,physicianassistants,neurosurgery nurses, and those workinginneuro-intensive careunits. There are hundreds of uniquetopicscovered in this guide.All content is kept up-to-date withthelatest in practicerecommendations, and will updateautomaticallyeach time theapplication is opened. New content isalways providedfree ofcharge. The NSG includes the completeneurologic exam,includingrapid reference to many protocols, a“what-to-do” guidewhenencountering many of the common neurosurgicalconditions,allaspects of neurocritical care, common neurosurgicalprocedures,apediatric section, and trauma. A learningsectionincludeshigh-yield neuroanatomy, cavernous sinus anatomy,spinalcord,functional neurosurgery, and neuroimaging. The guidealsoincludesdozens of updated graphics and professionalillustrations.TheNeurosurgery Survival Guide includes everythingyou need toknowwhen caring for neurosurgical patients. This isthedefinitiverapid reference guide—a “must have” on yourneurosurgeryrotation!
Prognosis : Your Diagnosis 6.0.8
Improve your diagnostic skill by solving realistic clinicalcasestudies
Brain 3D Anatomy 1.0.2
Brain 3D Atlas of Anatomy allows you torotatea highly realistic 3D brain model as it was in your hands.The human brain anatomical 3D model is revolvable inanydirection giving a 360° view of the object.Moreover, the names of specific anatomical areas can beshowntouching the related pins.Colored lobes view can also be shown.Brain app is part of 3D Atlas of Anatomy collection, ahumananatomy reference atlas for tablet and smartphone devices. The3Dmedical models in these apps are similar to classic realplasticmodels but with the great benefits to be always available onyourportable devices when you need them and occupy nophysicalspace.These apps can be of great help for students of medicine ortoanyone who needs to study human anatomy shape in detail andfromany angle. Immediacy and simplicity together with high qualityaredistinctive features of the app.
Internal Organs in 3D Anatomy 3.1
Virtual 3D model of human internal organs with descriptions.
Anatomy Learning - 3D Anatomy 2.1.386
3D Medical OU - 3D Anatomy Atlas
Atlas of MRI Brain Anatomy 1.1
Clinical Apps
AMBA is the definitive MRI neuroanatomyguide.It contains zoomable cross sectional MRI brain in threeplanes,labelled in detail covering:- Overview: axial, coronal and sagittal brain sectionslabelledin moderate detail- Detailed subsections covering anatomy of individuallobes,brainstems and cerebellum, basal ganglia and thalamus,whitematter, CSF spaces and vessels- Also includes links to key online and text references.AMBA is designed for anyone with an interest inneuroanatomyincluding medical students, neurology trainees andspecialists aswell as gereneral radiologists or radiologicaltrainees.Images can be magnified (by pinch or double tap) and labelscanbe toggled on or off.Please note that Atlas of MRI Brain Anatomy is intended asaneducational anatomy guide only and should not be usedfordiagnostic purposes. Furthermore, brain anatomy canvarysignificantly between individuals.
SMARTfiches Neurologie Free 1.04
SMARTfiches Médecine est la 1ère encyclopédie médicalenumériquedestinée aux professionnels et étudiants de santé.Retrouvezl’intégralité de votre doctorat en moins d’ 1 minute !Gardez dansvotre poche ‘TOUT, PARTOUT, TOUT LE TEMPS’ !L'inscription nécessite l'activation de votre compte qui vousestenvoyé par mail. Vous rencontrez un problème ? contactez nousàl'adresse outentezde vous inscrire depuis notre site web**Au programme dans SMARTfiches Neurologie**Item 192/89 - Déficit neurologique récentItem 301/90 - Déficit moteur et/ou sensitif des membresItem 231/91 - Compression médullaire non traumatique et syndromedela queue de chevalItem 215/92 - RachialgieItem 279/93 - Radiculalgie et syndrome canalaireItem 265/94 - Neuropathies périphériquesItem 122/95 - Polyradiculonévrite aiguë inflammatoire (syndromedeGuillain-Barré)Item 263/96 - MyasthénieItem 262/97 - Migraine, névralgie du trijumeau et algies delafaceItem 188/98 - Céphalée aiguë et chronique chez l’adulteetl’enfantItem 326/99 - Paralysie facialeItem 304/100 - DiplopieItem 344/101 - VertigeItem 125/102 - Sclérose en plaquesItem 235/103 - Épilepsie de l'enfant et de l'adulteItem 261/104 - Maladie de ParkinsonItem 322/105 - Mouvements anormauxItem 63/106 - (1/2) ConfusionItem 63/106 - (2/2) Démence / Maladie d'AlzheimerItem 340/107 - Troubles de la marche et de l'équilibreItem 62/128 - Troubles de la marche et de l'équilibre chez lesujetagéItem 63/129 - Troubles cognitifs du sujet âgéItem 96/148 - Méningites, méningoencéphalites chez l’adulteetl’enfantItem 146/296 - Tumeurs intra-crâniennesItem 201/330 - Traumatisé crânienItem 230/331 - Coma non traumatique chez l’adulte etchezl’enfantItem 133/335 - Accidents vasculaires cérébrauxItem 244/336 - Hémorragie méningéeItem 199/338 - État confusionnel et trouble de consciencechezl’adulte et chez l’enfantItem 209/337 - Malaise, perte de connaissance chez l'adulteAprès une inscription gratuite, les applicationssontconsultables SANS connexion internet et peuvent êtreutiliséesPARTOUT, TOUT LE TEMPS.L'inscription nécessite l'activation de votre compte qui vousestenvoyé par mail. Dans le cas où vous ne receviez pas cemaild'activation dans les 24h, pensez à regarder dans voscourriersindésirables avant de nous contacter. S'il n'y est pas,nous nousferons un plaisir d'activer votre compte.- Pour les médecins : retrouvez une information claire etvalidéeen moins d’ 1 minute.- Pour les étudiants en médecine : révisez avec des fichesconformesau nouveau programme ECNi.Plus de 90% des utilisateurs confirment que ces applicationssontutiles pour réviser et se former (enquête de satisfaction,mai2013). De même, 85 % des utilisateurs utilisent SMARTfichesafind’actualiser leur connaissances à la suite desnouvellesrecommandations qui sont intégrées lors des fréquentesmises à jourde l’application.SMARTfiches Oncologie, parce que le cancer n'est pas qu'unsigneastrologique !Vous appréciez les applications SMARTfiches Médecine ? Faiteslenous savoir en laissant une bonne appréciation et parlezdeSMARTfiches autour de vous!SMARTfiches Médecine,TOUT, PARTOUT, TOUT LE TEMPSSMARTfiches Medicine is the first digital medical encyclopediaforprofessionals and students of health. Find all of your PhD inlessthan 1 minute! Keep in your pocket 'EVERYTHING, EVERYWHERE, ALLTHETIME!'Registration requires the activation of your account that issentto you by email. You have a problem? contact us at ortryingto enroll from our website** The program in Neurology SMARTfiches **Item 192/89 - Recent neurological deficitItem 301/90 - Deficit motor and / or sensory MemberItem 231/91 - Spinal cord compression and non-traumaticsyndromeponytailItem 215/92 - RachialgiaItem 279/93 - and radicular canal syndromeItem 265/94 - PeripheralItem 122/95 - acute inflammatorypolyradiculoneuropathy(Guillain-Barre)Item 263/96 - GravisItem 262/97 - Headache, trigeminal neuralgia andclusterheadachesItem 188/98 - acute and chronic headache in adultsandchildrenItem 326/99 - Facial ParalysisItem 304/100 - Double visionItem 344/101 - VertigoItem 125/102 - Multiple SclerosisItem 235/103 - Epilepsy in children and adultsItem 261/104 - Parkinson's DiseaseItem 322/105 - Movement disordersItem 63/106 - (1/2) ConfusionItem 63/106 - (2/2) Dementia / Alzheimer's DiseaseItem 340/107 - Problems with walking and balanceItem 62/128 - Problems with walking and balance in theelderlyItem 63/129 - Cognitive impairment in the elderlyItem 96/148 - meningitis, meningoencephalitis in adultsandchildrenItem 146/296 - Intracranial TumorsItem 201/330 - Traumatized brainItem 230/331 - Coma nontraumatic in adults and childrenItem 133/335 - StrokeItem 244/336 - subarachnoid hemorrhageItem 199/338 - confusional state and disturbance of consciousnessinadults and childrenItem 209/337 - Malaise, loss of consciousness in adultsAfter free registration, applications are availableWITHOUTinternet connection and can be used EVERYWHERE, ALL THETIME.Registration requires the activation of your account that issentto you by email. In case you did not receive the activationemailwithin 24 hours, be sure to look in your spam folderbeforecontacting us. If it is not, we will be happy to activateyouraccount.- For doctors locate clear information and validated in lessthan1 minute.- For medical students: Review with plugs conform to the newEcniprogram.Over 90% of users confirm that these applications are usefultoreview and form (satisfaction survey, May 2013). Similarly, 85%ofusers use SMARTfiches to update their knowledge as a result ofnewrecommendations that are built during the frequent updates totheapplication.SMARTfiches Oncology, because cancer is not a zodiac sign!You appreciate SMARTfiches medicine applications? Let us knowbyleaving a good appreciation and discuss SMARTfiches around!SMARTfiches Medicine,EVERYTHING, EVERYWHERE, ALL THE TIME
Neurology Now® 1.0.2
Neurology Now®, an official publication oftheAmerican Academy of Neurology (AAN), features the latest newsinneurology diagnosis, treatment, management, and researchwrittenspecifically for patients and caregivers. Articles providein-depthperspectives and useful tips on living with and managing awiderange of neurologic disorders, including multiplesclerosis,Alzheimer’s disease, epilepsy, migraine, neuropathy,Parkinson’sdisease, and stroke.In addition, Neurology Now includes inspiring stories bypatientsand their caregivers, as well as advice for makinginformeddecisions about wellness and disease prevention.Articles include:-Ask the Experts: Answers from the experts to commonquestions-Eye on Therapy: A close look at a particular treatment-Speak Up: Inspiring essays about living withneurologicdisorders-Penny Wise: Expert advice on managing the cost of care-Living Well: Tips on managing your neurologic condition andgeneralwellness-New Frontiers: The latest research and promising treatments-Resource Central: Clinical trials, conferences, Web sitesandbooks, and a directory of patient advocacy organizations
Visual Anatomy Free
Interactive anatomy reference with muscle action videos and audio!