Top 5 Games Similar to Attention Memory

Attention Please! Memory Game
Memory game: memorize the appearing numbers!
Brain Training 20
Exercise your memory and concentration
Brain Workout 3.1
Octo Inc.
You may be the smartest person in the worldandyou don't even know it. You will find some brain fitnessworkoutsthat can help your mind process information more quickly,and moreefficiently.Brain Workout is an application dedicated to braintrainingprograms; you can achieve optimum fitness by visiting yourgym, andengaging in a brain fitness program that is both funandstimulating. You will find simple but very effective braintraininggames and exercises like solving math problems to achievegreatermind fitness.Here you stretch and train your brain to the limit, you cantrainand test your memory or test your reflexes or even yourbraincreativity and improve it and much more.
Focus Trainer 1.26
Focus Trainer is a fast, powerful gamethattrains your attention, a mindfulness tool to teach youaboutattention and a new version of our popular attention test,FocusMonitor.If you have any attention deficit, Focus Trainer will teachyouabout your attention and train you to be clearer and calmer.Wehelp you gain awareness of your attentional control so that youcanuse that control outside the game in daily life. In todays worldofconstant distraction you need to have better control ofyourattention.This will help you stop unintentionally bouncing from onethingto the next thing, involuntarily losing interest insomethingimportant, becoming overwhelmed with too many things todo, losingtrack of your work, or misplacing your keys. Theawareness ormeta-attention you get from playing Focus Trainer helpssolve theseproblems in your daily life.We focus on improving your meta-attention, or your abilitytointentionally direct and control your attention. FocusTrainercombines new findings from neuroscience, old knowledgefromintrospective science (mindfulness), and modern gaming.When you start playing Focus Trainer, jump right into FocusLevel1. You will unlock levels as you progress and we will guideyou toother helpful activities and modules. We've designed allouractivities to be two minutes in length to make them easy toaccessand use anywhere, anytime.Play Focus Trainer 2 or 3 times a day to tune up yourattention.You will notice that you can control your attentionbetter, be morestable, flexible and resistant to distractions andmind wandering,making you more productive. We believe that thiswill make youhappier and healthier.The game is built around catching fireflies, one of the mostfunand exciting moments in everyone's life. The founders ofThink-Noware excited to pledge 1% of our revenue to preservinghabitat forthis declining species. Check back with us soon tounderstand howwe are partnering to make this happen.Welcome. We are happy that you are joining us to help theworldbecome a more focused place.
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