Top 11 Apps Similar to ARA PACIS MUSEUM

Mobile Rome 1.7
Mobile Rome is an application that presentsagreat deal of both tourist and historic attractions inRome:ancient monuments and buildings; basilicas, churches, andtemples;museums and galleries; squares and fountains; villas andpalaces;and the Vatican City.Here you will find current information about many pointsofinterest, maps, photos, a five-day weather forecast, the optiontoshare information with friends, etc.Facilitate your travel and stay in Rome by followingthedriving/walking directions to the places of your interest.Takeadvantage of the subway map in the application and never getlosten route to any sightseeing spot or attraction.Enjoy high quaility pictures shared by the millions whohavealready visited this great and ancient city.Relive the days of the Roman empire while you glidethroughoutthe most spectacular places of Rome: the Colosseum,Vatican City,Saint Peter's Square, the Trevi Fountain, the SpanishSteps, thePantheon, the Borghese Gallery, the Roman Forum, CircusMaximus,Castle Sant Angelo, and many other attractions andsightseeingswith our Android Rome guide in your hands!Keep in mind that we are constantly adding and improvingtheapplication database, so you always will have up todateinformation at your fingertips.
Cartagena Offline mappa Map 1.13
My Native Guide
The offline mappa map helps you make themostof Cartagena in Spain with a POI database and search built in.This is the mappa map for Cartagena and its surrounds.Cartagenais the main seaport of the Murcia region. Cartagena isfull ofmonuments, with many archaeological sites and outstandingbuildingsof historical interest, together with the charm of the seaand thetypical bustle of a port city. New redevelopments (liketheinitiative "Cartagena, Port of Culture") and restorationshaveturned it into a major tourist destination, and is afrequentdisembarkation point for numerous cruises. The map includesthefamous holiday resort La Manga del Mar Menor, part of the MarMenorcoast and several protected areas of natural beauty nearthecoast.There are plenty of tourist attractions:* Roman remains, Roman theatre, recently restored. Alsoofinterest is its Museum.* Modernist houses, made by the pupils of the famousarchitectGaudi.* Military fortresses and facilities.* The Promenade and the harbour, including the famousPeralSubmarine and the ARQUA (National Museum ofSubacquaticArchaeology).* Other ancient remains (of Punic, Byzantine orArabicorigin).* Several churches throughout the city.The mappa map covers car parks, bus routes, taxi ranks andtrainstations. Find the ayuntamiento and the tourist offices.Top 5 reasons to get your offline mappa map forCartagena,Spain:1. SIMPLE - No geeky features. It’s a map!2. ENTIRE LOCATION AVAILABLE OFFLINE - download the entire cityandPOI database to your phone and travel without anInternetconnection. You won’t get any nasty roaming charges. Yourmap willwork anywhere.3. VECTOR DATA - means that you get maximum detail, maximum zoomandmaximum coverage with a tiny map file that takes moments todownloadand uses hardly any space on your phone.4. POINT OF INTEREST DATABASE BUILT-IN - Search a dozencategoriesincluding, restaurants, bars and hotels, also handyplaces such ashospitals, taxi ranks and public transport stops.We’ve alsoincluded a fuzzy partial search for POI and street namesto make itfast and easy.5. EXCELLENT COVERAGE - Maps are the very latest OpenStreetMapwithsuperb coverage and detail. And you will get free updates totheapp and map forever as long as we add new versions.Install your offline mappa map for Cartagena now!Follow us @Facebook:
Multimedia-guide of Paestum 3.0
Edizioni TSM
Multimedia guide to the city of Paestum,whichin Ancient Greece was known asPoseidonia and was founded at the beginning of the 6th Achaeancolonists from Sybaris who settled on the fertile plain to thesouthof the river Sele.Conquered by the Lucani and then by the Latins, todayPaestumpresents three areas tothe visitor: two of these, the north and south sanctuaries,weresacred. The third areain the centre, for public use, was once the Greek Agora andlaterbecame the RomanForum.In the two sanctuaries there are three beautifullyconserveddoric temples: to the north,the temple of Ceres, dedicated to the goddess Athena, to thesouththe Basilica ortemple of Hera and the temple of Neptune, dedicated to Apollo.In the public area there are Ancient Greek buildings such astheEkklesiasterion, forpublic assemblies, and the Heroon (the underground tomb of theherothat founded thecity), and Roman buildings such as the forum, the Italic temple,theamphitheatre andliving quarters.The walls surrounding the ancient city have fourgatewayscorresponding to the cardinalpoints (Porta Aurea to the north, Porta Giustizia to thesouth,Porta Sirena to the east,and Porta Marina to the west).The map highlights points of interest where the visitor cangetmore information fromthe videos with photos, 3D reconstructions and commentaries.
Coming Out Roma Tour 2.3.1
138 monuments and places of interest in Rome, 700+ minutes ofaudiowith maps and images carefully prepared by experts in thehistoryof art, architecture, mother tongue translators and speakerstogive you highest historical and cultural quality and themaximumexperience during your visit. This audio guide combinesinnovativeapproach with fascinating content. It is intuitive andadaptable toyour needs. If you are a tourist or a great"traveller", this iswithout a doubt the perfect audio guide foryou. A technologicalrevolution for tourism! * IMPORTANT: you mayneed up to 15 mins anda stable WiFi to download the encyclopediccontent of our app. Onceyou opened the app, choose the language youneed and proceed withthe download. At any time you can download adifferent languageversion at no cost, deleting first the installedapp. Audio shouldbe listened in your regular call mode or with thehead speakers.Please regulate the volume of the audio with therespective buttonsof your smartphone.******************************************* WHYUSE COMING OUT ROMATOUR:******************************************* * COMPLETENESS:over 12hours of audio, 138 monuments and places of interest. *MULTIPLELANGUAGES: currently available in English, Spanish,Italian,French, Portuguese and German. * WORKS OFFLINE: for most ofthefunctions of our app (except for tailor-made tours and ExpressTourdescribed below), there is no need for internet connection.Themaps, tours and audio can be easily downloaded when you are athomeor in hotel (you need 500mb of free space and wifi connection)andthen used offline during your city tours, therefore no extracostwhile you are using the app. At any time the app will pick upyourlocation through GPS and will indicate the main monumentsaroundyou. * FASCINATING CONTENT: we will tell you untoldstories,mysteries and curiosities about one of the most beautifulandancient cities in Italy, and all done in a fun and astonishingway.The audio guide is enriched with complete layouts andvariousimages so you don't miss a thing. The monuments have beenrated byimportance, many of them are not in the usual tour guides.*TAILOR-MADE TOUR: the app will create an itinerary thatincludesonly those monuments that you select. * PREDEFINED TOURS:we haveselected for you 10 itineraries with the monuments andplaces ofinterest that in our opinion have a common denominator:BaroqueRome, Classical Rome, Rome of Bernini and Borromini and 7othertours full of exciting curiosities. * EXPRESS TOUR: you canbuildyour personalized route according to your time availabilityandposition. * NO ADVERTISING: the app will not distract youwithannoying ads! * FOTO AT ANY TIME: you can take pictureswithoutleaving the app.
Rome Guide Tours 2.3.1
This app has been developed for ReMarhotels, a 4-star hotel groupinItaly. *************************************** WHY USE ROMEGUIDETOURS: *************************************** *COMPLETENESS: over12 hours of audio, 138 monuments and places ofinterest. * MULTIPLELANGUAGES: the app is currently available inEnglish, Spanish,Italian, German and French. * WORKS OFFLINE: formost of thefunctions of our app (except for Tailor-made tours andExpress Tourdescribed below), there is no need for internetconnection. Themaps, tours and audio can be easily downloaded whenyou are at homeor in hotel (you need 500mb of free space and wificonnection) andthen used offline during your city tours, thereforeno extra costwhile you are using the app. At any time the app willpick up yourlocation through GPS and will indicate the mainmonuments aroundyou. * FASCINATING CONTENT: it is not just adidactic guide... it ispure fun! We will tell you untold stories,mysteries and curiositiesabout one of the most beautiful andancient cities in Italy, and alldone in a fun and astonishing way.The audio guide is enriched withcomplete layouts and variousimages so you don't miss a thing. Themonuments have been rated byimportance, many of them are not in theusual tour guides. *TAILOR-MADE TOUR: the app will create anitinerary that includesonly those monuments that you select. *PREDEFINED TOURS: we haveselected for you 10 itineraries with themonuments and places ofinterest that in our opinion have a commondenominator: BaroqueRome, Classical Rome, Rome of Bernini andBorromini and 7 othertours full of exciting curiosities. * EXPRESSTOUR: you can buildyour personalized route according to your timeavailability andposition. * NO ADVERTISING: the app will notdistract you withannoying ads! * FOTO AT ANY TIME: you can takepictures withoutleaving the app. * IMPORTANT: you may need up to 15mins and astable WiFi to download the encyclopedic content of ourapp. Onceyou opened the app, choose the language you need andproceed withthe download. At any time you can download a differentlanguageversion at no cost, deleting first the installed app. Audioshouldbe listened in your regular call mode or with the headspeakers.Please regulate the volume of the audio with therespective buttonsof your smartphone.
Pantheon Rome Audio Tour Guide 30.1
The Pantheon Rome Audio Tour Guide exploresthePantheon, one of the popular Rome attractions among the Top10things to do in Rome. The Roman Pantheon history dates back to118AD under the reign of Emperor Hadrian. Cassius Dio recordeditshistory in his works and the Pantheon Rome Tour gives you allthePantheon facts and Pantheon Tours and Activities in Rome.★★★ ABOUT THE PANTHEON ROME★★★The Pantheon is an ancient temple and one of the topRomeattractions. Millions of tourists visit it every year to admirethesheer scale and grandeur of the Rome Pantheon. Pantheon meanseveryGod, and it was a place of worship of many deities fromRomantimes. The Pantheon Rome is one of the top things to do inRome.It’s characteristic feature is the massive dome with an oculusinthe centre to view the sky. For more Pantheon facts andhistory,download the Pantheon Rome Tour.★★★ WHAT DOES THE PANTHEON ROME TOUR MOBILE APP OFFER? ★★★The Pantheon Rome Tour App from Guiddoo makes visiting theRomePantheon informative and interactive with a visual and textguideto all of the key sights. With information like Pantheon factsandPantheon history and trivia at your fingertips, know more thantheaverage tourist. It explains in detail the methods ofconstruction,stories about the Pantheon and life in ancientRome.- The virtual tour of the Pantheon Rome is anenlighteningexperience for pantheon facts and a detailedexplanation of theancient monument.- The Pantheon Rome tour mobile app lets you find other things todoin Rome, close by Rome attractions, book other Rome toursandactivities.- You can use the Pantheon Rome Tour mobile app for trip planningbychecking the local weather, making travel arrangements andmanagingyour travel itinerary. With all this travel info, tripplanning iseasy.- With this travel app, you have access to detailed mapsanddirections so don’t feel lost in a new city ever again. FindthePantheon with ease as well as other Rome attractions. Now youhavedozens of new things to do in Rome.- Currency converter to quickly calculate ticket prices,hotelrates, travel packages and more.- Find and book nearby hotels, find Rome restaurants andshoppingsites near the Pantheon Rome.- Find other Rome attractions and find out other monumentsbesidesthe Pantheon and the Colosseum and find other things to doinRome.★★★ GUIDDOO MOBILE APP ★★★Guiddoo is your ultimate Pantheon Rome Tour Guide and tripplannerapp for Rome which lends intricate details of world’s besttraveldestinations. We are the leading interactive travel guide formorethan 300 locations across the globe. Wherever you go,ourcomprehensive Audio, Visual and Textual coverage of keymonumentsand destinations will never let you miss out on anydetail.★★★ GUIDDOO IN THE NEWS ★★★Guiddoo is being globally appreciated for reinventingtheinteractive travel guide genre. We have featured on CNBC, TimesofIndia, Bloomberg, Technode China, Khaleej Times, Tech in Asia,theNational and other media channels.★★★ DIFFERENT FROM AVERAGE ROME CITY GUIDE APPS ★★★We are not your usual Pantheon Rome Tour Guide that tells youaboutthe ‘Top 10 Things to do in Rome’. We take pride in providinganin-destination experience which:- Gives you rich, extensive and engaging tours of Tourist SpotsforPantheon Rome.- Provides Audio Visual Tours of Pantheon Rome.
Ancient Roman Routes 1.2.2
Within the European project Danube LimesBrand,the Province of Rimini presents Ancient Roman Routes.Through this app you can discover the history of the roadnetworkbuilt around Rimini, consisting of the Via Aemilia, theViaPopilia, the Via Flaminia, and other locations fromRomantimes.Discover places of interest located along the consular roads.Youwill find archaeological museums, ancient bridges, arches andmanyother places of historical importance.Customize the paths of travel on the map by selecting the typeofpoint of interest and display the sites closest to you.Travel through time from 300 B.C. up to the year zero to retracethemost important stages of construction of the road network thatmadeAriminum Caput Viarum.
Roma Manuale 1.0
MotorCo Apps
Si tratta di una guida turistica di Roma Italia, una cittàidealeperun'applicazione GPS percorribile. Questa applicazioneforniscebasatisulla localizzazione indicazioni per tesoriinestimabili diRoma, tracui statue antiche, musei di famamondiale, mosaicibizantini eaffreschi rinascimentali abbagliarenelle chiese ricched'arte dellacittà e piazze medievali. L'utenteè data distanzarelativa alleattrazioni rappresentativi di Roma,ordinati per piùvicino al piùlontano. E quindi l'utente puòguardare l'attrazionenei dettagli.Ogni attrazione ha un live mappadi Google per laposizione, el'applicazione è portabile abilitato.Inoltre, in ognipagina didettaglio è il tempo, qualora l'utentevoglia dipianificare inanticipo. Nessuna registrazione, nessunpop-up,nessun annuncio, solouna guida turistica basatisullalocalizzazione. Buon divertimento aRoma. Attrazioni descritteinapp: il Vaticano, la Cappella Sistina,Piazza San Pietro,Basilica,Piazza del Popolo, Piazza Navona, Viadei Condotti,Pantheon,Piazza di Spagna e Piazza di Spagna, PiazzaColonna,Fontana diTrevi, Forum, Piazza della Repubblica e ilColosseo.
Via Flaminia 1.0.0
Space S.p.A.
The app, dedicated to the Antica ViaFlaminia[Ancient Via Flaminia], is a valuable tool to discoverthearcheological areas located along the course of the ancientViaFlaminia, within the regional Umbrian territory. Along thetractcrossing the municipalities of Otricoli, Narni and Terni,there isimportant evidence of ancient Roman presence: sizable citycenters,such as Ocriculum, or the ancient Carsulae, with itsmunicipal,residential and entertainment buildings; the ancientRoman colonyof Narnia with its remaining bridge of Augusto[Augustus].The three archeological sites, pinpointed on a map, aredescribedtextually and enriched by in-depth sidebars with text andimages,dedicated to the sites that can be visited.
Guía de Roma, guía de viajes 1.00.72
Presentamos la audio guía de Romaofflinemáscompleta, mapa, GPS, rutas, itinerarios,contenidoaudiovisualúnico, callejero y mucho más. Creada porprofesionalespara amantesde los viajes. Escucha lo más interesantede tusciudadespreferidas en una atmósfera refrescante y diferente.Hemosañadidouna banda sonora que hará tu viaje más emotivoeinolvidable.ESTAS VIENDO LA VERSION DEMO DE LA GUIA DE ROMA.Estaversióncontiene alrededor del 20% del contenido original.CARACTERISTICAS PRINCIPALES:- Completo mapa offline con el máximo detalle.Nonecesitasconexión a internet para su uso. Incluye soporte paraelcalculo derutas, por supuesto offline. Con el GPS encendido laappte dará laruta más óptima para llegar al punto. También incluyeelcallejerode la zona turística para que puedas localizar todaslascalles.Carga en el mapa cualquier punto de interés o calle y apptedarála ruta más óptima para llegar.- Soporte para GPS. Una vez enciendas el GPS a medidaquevayasandando por Roma la app te mostrará los puntos de interésqueterodean. IMPORTANTE: La primera vez que enciendas enGPS,algunosdispositivos pueden tardar varios minutos en captarlaposición. Apartir de ahí volver a captar la posición esmuyrápido.- Contenidos originales. Todos los contenidos estánescritospornuestros autores exclusivamente para 2steps. Tantolositinerarioscomo los puntos de interés, siempre que hayasidoposible, tieneninformación extra sobre entradas, comollegar,dirección postal,etc.- La historia, itinerarios así como los puntos deinterésdisponende locuciones con las que podrás escuchar laexplicaciónde todas lasatracciones. Y por si fuera poco todos elaudio estáambientado conuna musica especifica para cada lugar queconseguiráque te sumerjasaún más en la ciudad.- Itinerarios para hacer turismo. La guía incluyeitinerariosconla ruta marcada sobre el mapa que recorren toda laciudad.Siguiendolos itinerarios podrás parar en cada Punto deinterésmarcado yescuchar la explicación. Con nuestros itinerariospodráshacerturismo de forma sencilla y amena mientras te empapas desuhistoriay personajes.- 95 atracciones históricas, explicadas con audio yambientadoconmusica acorde a cada sitio. Todos incluyen fotos dealtacalidad paraidentificar rápidamente el lugar. En los puntosdeinterés se indicael nivel de importancia, si es una atraccióndepago o gratuita,dirección postal así como información adicionaldeinterés para elviajero.- Información para el viaje. Incluimos en la guíainformaciónquete será muy útil como transporte, emergencias,díasfestivos.-Notas y curiosidades. Más contenido sobre la ciudad enformadenotas sobre personajes, eventos históricos olugaresemblemáticoscon el que ampliarás tu conocimiento.- Incluye los itinerarios por los alrededores de la ciudadde"VíaAppia y Catacumbas" y "Ostia Antica".-Itinerario especial Top Essentials que aglutina lospuntosdeinterés más importantes de Roma. Si tienes pocotiempoesteitinerario es el tuyo.-Actualizaciones gratuitas tanto de la aplicacióncomodelcontenido. Una vez comprada la guía siempre podrásactualizarlasincoste alguno.¡Sube a bordo y no olvides tus auriculares!También pueden interesarte nuestras guías deVeneciayFlorencia.De parte de todo el equipo de 2steps te deseamos buen viaje.IntroducingtheRomeoffline audio guide more complete, map, GPS,routes,itineraries,audiovisual content only, street and more.Created byprofessionalsfor travel lovers. Listen to the mostinteresting ofyour favoritecities a refreshingly differentatmosphere. We'veadded asoundtrack that will make your trip moreemotional andmemorable.WATCHING THESE DEMO VERSION OF THE GUIDE OF ROME.Thisversioncontains about 20% of the original content.MAIN FEATURES:- Full offline map with maximum detail. You do notneedinternetconnection to use. Includes support for routecalculation,ofcourse offline. With the GPS on the app will give youtheoptimalroute to get to the point. It also includes the streetfromthetourist area so you can locate every street. Load on themapanypoint of interest or street and app will give you theoptimalrouteto arrive.- Support for GPS. Once you turn on the GPS as yougowalkingaround Rome the app will show the points of interestaroundyou.IMPORTANT: The first time you turn on GPS, some devicesmaytakeseveral minutes to capture the position. From theretorecapturethe position is very fast.- Original Content. All contents are written byourauthorsexclusively for 2steps. Both itineraries includingpointsofinterest, provided it has been possible, have extrainformationontickets, how to get, mailing address, etc..- The history, routes and points of interest featurephraseswithwhich you can listen to the explanation of alltheattractions. Andto top it off all the audio is set with aspecificmusic for eachlocation that will get you dive deeper intothecity.- Routes for sightseeing. The guide includes routes withtheroutemarked on the map that run through the city.Followingtheitineraries you can stop at each point of interestmarkedandlisten to the explanation. With our itinerariescanmakesightseeing easy and enjoyable while you soak yourstoryandcharacters.- 95 historical attractions, explained with audio andsetwithmusic according to each site. All include high qualityphotostoquickly identify the place. At points of interestindicatesthelevel of importance, if it is a paid or freeattraction,mailingaddress and additional information of interest tothetraveler.- Travel Information. Included in the guide informationwillbevery useful as transportation, emergencies, holidays.-Notes and trivia. More about the city in the form ofnotesoncharacters, historical events or landmarks with whichyouwillexpand your knowledge.- Includes the routes around the city of "Via AppiaandCatacombs"and "Ostia Antica".-Special Itinerary Top Essentials brings togetherthemostimportant attractions of Rome. If your time thisjourneyisyours.-Free updates both the application and the content.Oncepurchasedyou can always update the guide free of charge.Get on board and do not forget your headphones!Our guides may also be interested in Venice and Florence.On behalf of the entire team we wish you bon voyage 2steps.
Rome City Directory 3.4
Rome City Directory Rome, Italy’s capital, is asprawling,cosmopolitan city with nearly 3,000 years of globallyinfluentialart, architecture and culture on display. Ancient ruinssuch as theRoman Forum and the Colosseum evoke the power of theformer RomanEmpire. Vatican City, headquarters of the RomanCatholic Church,boasts St. Peter’s Basilica and the VaticanMuseums, which housemasterpieces such as Michelangelo’s SistineChapel frescoes. Area:1,285 km² Weather: 22°C, Wind S at 3 km/h,69% Humidity Local time:Wednesday 11:24 AM Province: Province ofRome Population: 2.753million (2010) Area: 352 km² Local time:Monday 4:57 AM Weather:23°C, Wind S at 19 km/h, 20% HumidityPopulation: 603,488 (2013)100% Offline Map & Guide. Discovernew places, and browse fullfeatured offline map on your device. OurOFFLINE Map is highresolution, and you can using this map withoutdata roaming, WIFIConnection and hidden costs! 10 LANGUAGESsupported: english,german, french, russian, korean, portuguese,spanish, japanese,italian, chinese FEATURES: - complete offline mapwith GPSgeolocation (100% offline) - List of categories to Finddifferentthings using google play serveice - List of categorieslikeairports, - attractions list with description & photo(offline)- Location show on map with respect to your currentlocation -multilingual city information about transport, food,history,airports and many others information like clima table oreat &events (offline) - currency converter: euro, britishpound, USdollar, chinese Youan, Japanese Yen, Korean Won, Rupee,RussianRuble (offline) - multilingual interface - hotels deals(onlinemodule) - Things to do & trips - Pani Puri details..Discovercities and places with our offline app. Our Offline Map& Guideprovides you with an easy way to find anything. Browse afullfeatured offline map on your device and find your way. NOTE :Alldata on this app is coming from google Play API . For moredetailscontact us on