Top 11 Apps Similar to SMS Planner

LATR (SMS scheduler) 1.2.3
N+N Apps
LATR provides a simple and easy way tosendSMSat the scheduled time. Just pick a number, enter yourmessageandselect a desired date. This is it! The app can alsorepeatmessagesevery hour, every day, every week, every month orevenevery year.LATR is totally free and without ads.IMPORTANT Enabling power saving mode may affect theappnormalbehaviour on some devices. Please make sure LATR isactiveand is notblocked by the task manager or by thebatteryoptimizerutilities.Key features: * User-friendly interface.* Your SMS are sent precisely at the specified time.* Pending messages reminder – you will be notifiedbeforeyourmessage is sent.* Supports devices with multiple SIM cards (requires Android5.1orhigher). You can choose one for every message.
SMS Scheduler 1.6.5
This program is designed to create andsendmessages to the specified date.You use your SMS app, the program intercepts the messagewhensending and offers two options, either to send now or later.functions:Vibration in delayed shipping.Sending SMS to multiple numbers .Ability to remove the icon from the blinds .Notification when sending SMS .Create a new SMS text messages directly from the program .Automatically send SMS after 5 seconds , even if the "Send Now"donot press ( configurable parameter ) .
SMS Scheduler 2.7
Globalapps R
A simple application to create a scheduleforsending SMS messages. For example, if you remember anythingatnight, and night is not convenient to write. Specify the timetosend "10.00", and SMS will be sent at this time. Or you cannoteall birthdays and set the sending of congratulations.***Follow us on Twitter, where, first you ll find all our newsinEnglish, and, second, we publish there funny mini poems:***Published a new free version! To find it, write in the search(inPlay.Google): "com.sced"***Options:Sms Scheduler.Setting the frequency from hourly - up to a annual.Reminder about sending: 2 days before.The application is available in 18 languages.In ex. of analogues our application doesnt divide long messagetoseveral short, and has: a wide frequency of sending, a reminder:2days before dispatch.Also, in exc. analogues with a billion functions andsettings,our application is very easy and works well even on theslowestdevice, and does not overload the CPU. You understand whatwe aremeaning.
Auto Send SMS Text Message 7.5.3
SMS Scheduler + Auto SMS Sender - send SMS automaticallytopresetlist of recipients at a scheduled time in thebackgroundwithoutuser interaction. (SET and FORGET – an app will dothe rest-automate your daily tasks on your Phone) AUTO MESSAGESENDER -AUTOSMS SENDER - Use It to send mass texting (bulk sender),autosendreminders, auto send notifications ●●●USE FOR SENDING●●●★BirthdaySMS Wishes, ★ Holiday SMS Greetings ★ SMS to contactsindifferentTime Zones ★ SMS Reminders -medicine, pill reminder,todoreminder, team reminder ★ SMS Remote control overGSMforcontrolling any device that accepts commands via SMSmessagesandreact on it by performing a task, like security system,openthegate, turn on the lights, heating or air conditioning.★Dailydeals, coupons, events etc. ★ Auto SMS notifications ★Sendkissday and love auto sms ✔ Multiple SMS schedulers ✔Addmultiplerecipients - bulk sms sending ✔ Select recipientsfromcontacts ✔Schedule different message to be sent to differentpeopleat thesame time ✔ List of scheduled sms, deactivate orrescheduleany orall of them ✔ Send same message to multiplecontacts ✔ AutoSMScould be sent by date or week days ✔ Status barnotificationsaretriggered for sent messages and delivery reports ✔History ofsentand delivered messages is available (menu – “sentmessages”screen)✔ Track the delivery status of sent messages –Sending,Sent, Error✔ Customize your auto sms text. ✔ Reuse amessage whichis alreadysent ✔ Option resend unsent messages ✔ Allowsendingdifferent smstypes: long sms - No message lengthrestriction,repeat automatedsms ( recurring ) ●●●SEE ALSO●●● AutoSMS Scheduler/ Sender Pro ✔ADS - FREE ✔ MMS message - recordpersonalized voiceor even videomessage or attach images to yourtext (or bundle themalltogether).
Schedule SMS 1.1
A simple application that allows youtoschedule your smses. The app is perfect for smsingimportantmessages at the appropriate time. Users can also sendbirthdaywishes and many more, never forgetting anyimportantoccasions!
Schedule SMS: Send it later 1.99.07
Pham Hung Son
You can schedule to send sms at any time in the future asyouplease. It is an SMS Scheduler with beautiful UI !Main features:* Use android alarm instead of service to spare battery life* Send multiple parts messages is ok ( > 160 chars)* Auto complete contacts selector* Save sent message to stock sms app* Notification & sound on message delivery* Beautiful UI: beautiful widgets & swipe-n-deletefingergestureAvailable in 7 languages: Vietnamese, English, French,Polish,Russian, Slovenian, Serbian. If you need it in yourlanguage, justdrop me a mail, we can work it out.This app is open-source, feel free to use the sourcecode;)
SMS Scheduler 1.48
Gizmoquip LLC
Schedule SMS Text messages to be sent anytimein the future. The flexible and easy to use SMS Schedulerallowsyou to create new text messages and specify when to sendthem. Youcan even create recurring text messages to serve asreminders toyourself or friends.Schedule a message to be sent to an individual recipient ortomultiple recipients.Send to any phone number, or to contacts in the contact list.See History of messages that have been sent.Basic Features:1) multi-language support ( translated to English and Chinesefornow)2) easy and intuitive GUI3) send repeat message ( recurring )4) select recipients from contacts5) multiple recipients can be chosen6) sent SMS messages are added to the properconversationthreads7) Auto sending of past due messages when the phone is poweredbackon8) doesn't divide long messages into short9) Backup/Restore your scheduled messages to SD card toeasemigrating to a new phone.
Auto Text: Schedule.Send.Reply 5.1.4
Automate messages on WhatsApp, Telegram and SMS. Mass text&send bulk messages.
SMS Scheduler
SMS Scheduler is a simple tool forautomaticsms messages sending with chosen frequency.Have you ever forgotten about sending your mother happybirthdaywishes ? Has your love one ever wanted to break up with youafternot getting any sweet nothings on your anniversary ? Have youeverhoped for tightening up relations with your business partnersbysending them Christmas wishes? Now you can do it in advanceandjust don't trouble with it anymore.****** Main features ******* recipients can be typed in directly or selectedfromcontacts* multiple recipients can be chosen* flexible scheduling system - you can send sms once, every5minutes, 15 minutes, every hour ...* sent sms messages are added to the properconversationthreads* status bar notifications are triggered for sent messagesanddelivery reports* history of sent and delivered messages is available****** USAGE ******On the main screen you see information about scheduled SMSmessagesdispatches. Every entry specifies recipients, dispatchfrequencyand date and time of next sms transmission. You can editeveryentry just by clicking on it. To add a new entry use a buttononthe bottom of a main screen. You can specify as many recipientsasyou want just by separating numbers with a comma. Remember thattoschedule a new sms dispatch you have to provide a phone numberanda message - those fields are required. Also if you want to sendamessage only once choose "Once" as a frequency.To see a status of last 1000 sms dispatches and deliveriespressMenu button on the main screen and choose History. Every entryinthe list specifies a recipient, original date and time on whichsmsshould be sent, real date and time on which sending ordeliveryoccurs and status of the whole operation ("Sent withoutproblems"or "Successfully delivered" means that everything wentwell).In the menu on the main screen you can also choose"Preferences"option which lets you enable/disable notifications andconversationthreads insertion.Now please enjoy!
Schedule SMS 2.6.1
Nikhil Soni
"Schedule SMS”, An application for automatic transfer ofmessagesand a pre-fixed date and time app. Just new idea, newmotive, newtechnology....... In the busy world, we may forgetsometimesanyone's birthday, anniversary or any special event. Thisgreatapp, in which we would have to type message by picking upspecificdate and time, will help to resolve the issue of memorizinganyevent. The message will automatically be received atpre-defineddate and time by a sender. To select a receiver, justtouch on"plus (+)" sign, all your mobile contacts will show up.Save time,less effort, expedite execution, fast updates are keyfeatures ofthis app. Once use, you would surely get addicted tothis new app.
Message Delay Express 0.1.6
Create your text (sms), set a date or delayandsit back. This application will handle the rest.* Send a text (sms) at any time without any input fromyou.* Sent text messages are shown in your sent box.* Send morning texts(sms), without waking up.* Repeat hourly, daily, weekly, monthly or yearly.* Turn your phone off and on and it will still work.* Extremely low battery usage.* Track the status of each text(sms) and even edit them beforetheyare sent.* Updates adding the features you want.Permissions required so you may select contacts, add messagestooutbox and send messages even while your phone sleeps.***********************************************************Thanks for your responses and votes, I appreciate them all(evenconstructive negative ones).If you have any issues with this application pleasebeconstructive in your comments.If you are experiencing problems add this app to the ignorelistof any task/processor manager/killer as that is likely to bethecause of messages failing to send.