Top 12 Apps Similar to MyFootprint | SEB

Mano EŽYS 3.4.9
Mano EŽYS – tai programėlė, kuriąprivaloturėti kiekvienas išmanus EŽIO klientas!Programėlėje gali:• matyti EŽIO sąskaitos ir TIPSŲ likutį;• matyti turimų minučių, SMS ir interneto duomenų likučius;• papildyti sąskaitą;• užsisakyti EŽIO planus ir akcijas;• matyti savo sąskaitos istoriją;• įjungti ar išjungti ROAMING paslaugą;• rasti visus EŽIO VIZOS pasiūlymus.My EŽYS - this isthegadget that everyone should have an intelligent clientEzio!The gadget can:• see Ezio Tipsius account and balance;• see the available minutes, SMS and Internet data balances;• replenish the account;• Subscribe to Ezio plans and actions;• Check your account history;• activate or deactivate the roaming service;• Find all Ezio VISA proposals.
Šiaulių bankas 1.1
With the means of the new Šiaulių bankas app, you canquicklyandeasily manage your daily finances via smart devices. Intheinitialstage of the app, we focused on the most frequentlyusedservices,in the later stages it is planned to expand anddevelopthefunctions of the app. We invite you to get acquaintedwiththefeatures of the app and try them for yourself: •LoginwithSmart-ID or mobile signature; • Fast connection withafingerprintor created PIN code; • Balances and reserved amountsofall youraccounts; • Fast transfer of money to your accounts;•Simple andinstant transfers to other banks; • Payments fromdraftsorrecipients by entering only three letters in the recipientfield;•Currency exchange; • Push notifications of account receipts;•Viewof recent transactions list. For your convenience, theappisavailable in Lithuanian and English. The first time youloginusing the online banking login tools, you will be asked tocomeupwith a 4-digit PIN code that will allow you to quicklyconnecttothe app. You will also be able to use a fingerprint tosign in.
Swedbank Lietuva
[LT]Su „Swedbank“ išmaniąja programėle galite:Privatūs klientai:- Nauja! Interneto parduotuvėse, naudojančiose„BankLink“atsiskaitymus, už pirkinius iki 30 Eur atsiskaitytitiesiaiprogramėlėje be jokių kodų.- Nauja! Pateikti vartojimo paskolos paraišką irsudarytisutartį.- Akimirksniu sužinoti, kiek pinigų yra sąskaitoje – vospapurtętelefoną.- Su programėlės funkcija „Siųsti“ žmonėms iš savo gavėjųsąrašopinigus pervesti be jokių kodų.- Norite, kad draugas pervestų Jums pinigų? Įrašykite sumąirišsiųskite SMS arba el. paštu nuorodą į pervedimą, kurįdrauguireikės tik patvirtinti!- Peržiūrėti sąskaitų likučius, išrašus ir rezervuotas sumas.- Atlikti vietinius mokėjimus, siųsti pinigus tarpsavosąskaitų.- Sužinoti valiutų keitimo kursus ir konvertuoti pinigus.- Rasti artimiausią bankomatą ar banko padalinį.- Papildyti išankstinio mokėjimo EXTRA, EŽYS, LABAS arPILDYKsąskaitas.- „Paslaugų nustatymuose” galite įjungti ar išjungtismulkiųmokėjimų paslaugas („Siųsti” ir „Gauti”), sąskaitos likučiorodymą(„Greitasis likutis“) bei pasikeisti kitus nustatymus.Verslo klientai:- Peržiūrėti sąskaitų likučius, išrašus ir rezervuotas sumas.- Atlikti vietinius mokėjimus, siųsti pinigus tarpsavosąskaitų.- Patvirtinti mokėjimo pavedimus (pirmu arba antruparašu).Mokėjimai (vietiniai, tarptautiniai ar darbo užmokesčio)gali būtiatlikti per interneto banką verslui.- Sužinoti valiutų keitimo kursus ir konvertuoti pinigus.- Rasti artimiausią bankomatą ar banko padalinį.Pasirūpinkite savo telefono saugumu – apsaugokite jįįėjimoslaptažodžiu bei įsidiekite antivirusinę programėlę. Jeipraradotetelefoną ar juo nebesinaudojate, išjunkite paslaugas,prieinamasneįvedant prisijungimo duomenų, prisijungę prie savointernetobanko ar paskambinę į banką.[EN]What can you do with Swedbank app?For private:- New! Pay for purchases costing up to 30 EUR using mobile apponlocal websites offering Swedbank payments.- New! File an application for consumer credit and enter intoanagreement.- Instantly check your account balance by shaking yourphone.
- Send up to 30 euros to the people from your beneficiaries list,nocodes needed.- Send money requests via SMS or e-mail, which only needs tobeapproved.- Transfer money to persons, businesses or betweenyouraccounts. - Check your accounts statement, balance andreservedamounts.
- Check out exchange rates and convert money.
- Find the closest branch or ATM/BNA machine.- Top-up EXTRA, EŽYS, LABAS or PILDYK mobile accounts.- Under “Settings” you can switch on or switch off smallpaymentservices (“Send” and “Receive”), display of bank balance("QuickBalance"), and change other settings.For business:- Check your accounts statement, balance and reserved amount.- Make domestic payments and transfer money betweenyouraccounts. - Perform payment double confirmation. Payments (domestic,foreign,mass payments) can be prepared in corporate internetbank.
- Check out exchange rates and convert money.- Find the closest branch or ATM/BNA machine.Please consider security recommendations while usingthisapplication - use screen lock (pattern solution is notrecommended)and install antivirus program. If the device isstolen/lost orchanged to a new one, remove services withoutauthentication fromthis device using internet bank or calling tothe bank.
SL-Journey planner and tickets 7.8.4
This is the official app for public transport in Stockholm.
Skånetrafiken 1.53.1
Region Skåne
In Skånetrafiken’s new app you can purchase tickets andeasilysearch your trip. 6.6.0
Diginet LTU - populiariausi skelbimai! Šimtai tūkstančiųpuikiųpasiūlymų Tau.
Mano PILDYK 3.28.0
Tele2 LT
Programėlė MANO PILDYK – viskas vienoje vietoje, patogiaiirgreitai!
CityBee shared mobility 5.16.4
CityBee is a one-way car sharing service.
Mans LMT 1.6.3
Manage your LMT connections, invoices and services 24/7 to thepointwhere you should be!
Citadele - Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia 13.38
Mobile banking has never been so simple and convenient!Becomeacustomer in just 7 minutes and choose the right X cardforyourneeds: - X smart: enjoy free transfers and cashwithdrawalsfromATMs worldwide - X supreme: enjoy everyday benefitsas wellasinsurance for your purchases and travels - X prime:receive alloureveryday benefits, plus extensive insurance for youand yourfamilyIn mobile app, you can: - Authorize and approvepaymentsusingbiometrics; - Continue using PIN to authorize andmakepayments ifyou wish so; - View the quick balance of the accountinboth theapp and the widget; - Make payments up to EUR 10 000;-Block andunblock cards and change their PIN codes; - UseMobileSCANtoapprove payments and log into portals; - Chat withBank’semployeeonline; - View the last transactions and theirinformation;-Change X REWARDS points to get valuable prizes. Appisavailablefor Citadele Bank customers in Latvia, LithuaniaandEstonia.Customers in Latvia who have activatedMobileSCANauthorizationdevice and/or Quick balance on yourmobileapplication, in case ofloss/theft of the mobile device,shouldimmediately call (+371)67010000 to block these, andwww.citadele.eeFeedback andsuggestions are welcome! Thismobileapplication is developed by AS“Citadele banka” (reg.No.40103303559) for the usage of bank’s mostpopular dailybankingservices on mobile devices.
Financial Plus Credit Union 2021.03.01
FPCU Mobile Serving members who live or work inLaSalle,Bureau,Grundy, or Putnam Counties in North CentralIllinois. Webelong toyou and that's the PLUS!! *FREE Mobile BankingApp. Enjoyaccessingyour account anytime, anywhere! Financial PlusCreditUnion MobileApp makes it safe and convenient to: + Checkyourbalance +Transfer money + View recent transactions + Pay bills+View andactivate your cash back offers FPCU's Free Mobile Appisdesignedspecifically for your Android phone or Android tablet.Itis fullysecure using advanced encryption technology. Nopersonalorconfidential information is stored on the mobile device.Tolearnhow we protect your privacy,pleasevisit
TebMobile 1.5.0
Banking services for anytime and everywhere! TebMobile isanelectronic service, through which, clients have access totheiraccounts and other bank products, at any time andeverywhere.TebMobile is user friendly, secure and an effectiveservice whichis offered to all clients. It is available fornon-customer aswell, offering different features. The chance ofstayingcompetitive in the market will be even higher throughTebMobileservices since the cross selling of different productssuch asaccounts, loans, credit cards, payments, standing orderswillincrease. TebMobile will be available in two languages:English& Albanian TEB Customers have these features availableinTebMobile: Dashboard - View total assets - View total debts -Viewfuture debts in calendar - Define standing order in calendar -Viewaccount in diagram - View credit card in diagram - View loanindiagram Accounts - View account transactions - Viewaccountbalances - View account details - IBAN extract Credit Cards- Viewcredit card transactions - View credit card debt - Viewcredit carddetails - Apply for new credit card - Apply forsupplementary card- Apply for credit card limit increase - Changepayment date forcredit card - Change payment method for credit card- View creditcard statement - Pay credit card debt/another person -Invoicepayment with credit card Loans - View loan paymentplan/details -Send loan payment plan via email - Apply for loanPayments -Invoice payment with barcode reader - Make institutionpaymentsfrom account or credit card - Make payment for pre-paidservices(IPKO) - Make mobile top-up refill (IPKO, VALA, ZMOBILE)Transfers- Quick transfers - Transfer between my accounts -Transfers to TEBaccounts - Transfers to other banks Investments -View rates -Foreign exchange (buying/selling) Non - Customers havethesefeatures available in Teb Mobile: - View Branch/ATM locator -ViewCampaigns - Calculator for different currency (GBP, CHF,USD),deposit, loan - View News & Events - Apply for Loan -Apply forCredit Card - Contact Us - New User Application SecurityTebMobileuses SmartKEY for authetication. This technology usesmulti-factormechanism with the latest cryptographic methods toprotect yourtransactions for a higher security. It provides astrong andtransparent technology with a simple user experience tothe usersfor mobile application and e-banking authentication.Also,TebMobile combines this technology with Touch ID toprovideseamless user experience with finger print.