/ June 19, 2017
(4.5/5) (27815)


With Skat-Palast you can play online Skat freeand without any advertisements, with opponents from around theworld. Thanks to thousands of members you will find like-mindedplayers online 24 hours a day for the most popular German cardgame.

Choose french or German card designs and step up in our free laddersystem or join a club and find new friends to play with. Ourstandard tables are set to the international Skat tournamentruleset, but we also offer tables with custom rules like Contra andRe, Ramsch and many more!

The Palace ist the largest app for Skat online and now availablefor all your mobile devices and desktop computers. Download the appnow and play immediately, no registration required!

Skat, the trump of card games!

General Information:
Skat-Palast is intended for an adult audience and does not offerany real money gambling nor is it possible to win real money.Practice or success at Skat-Palast does not imply future success inreal Skat.

App Information Skat-Palace

Skat-Palace Version History

Select Skat-Palace Version :
  • 1.19.0 (33024060)
  • 1.18.1 (33023061)
  • 1.16.1 (33021051)
  • Skat-Palace 1.19.0 APK File

    Publish Date: 2017 /12/14
    Requires Android: Android 4.0+ (Ice Cream Sandwich, API: 14)
    File Size: 20.3 MB
    Tested on: Android 6.0 (Marshmallow, API: 23)
    File Sha1: d808fb029a59676e5e53a1e0c0d8ab6f7863904a
    APK Signature: f29f80d9ed2f35e977cd388b7ac6048260b6b4a0
  • Skat-Palace 1.18.1 APK File

    Publish Date: 2017 /1/21
    Requires Android: Android 4.0+ (Ice Cream Sandwich, API: 14)
    File Size: 18.5 MB
    Tested on: Android 5.0 (Lollipop, API: 21)
    File Sha1: 9f327d551675a15d12d4c29c20a3d6b121f64fc7
    APK Signature: f29f80d9ed2f35e977cd388b7ac6048260b6b4a0
  • Skat-Palace 1.16.1 APK File

    Publish Date: 2015 /12/27
    Requires Android: Android 2.3+ (Gingerbread, API: 9)
    File Size: 16.6 MB
    Tested on: Android 4.4 (KitKat, API: 19)
    File Sha1: 2ad40bfdcfc73cdbfaf628088c54140751f7bada
    APK Signature: f29f80d9ed2f35e977cd388b7ac6048260b6b4a0

Spiele-Palast GmbH Show More...

Skat-Palace APK
With Skat-Palast you can play online Skat freeand without any advertisements, with opponents from around theworld. Thanks to thousands of members you will find like-mindedplayers online 24 hours a day for the most popular German cardgame.Choose french or German card designs and step up in our free laddersystem or join a club and find new friends to play with. Ourstandard tables are set to the international Skat tournamentruleset, but we also offer tables with custom rules like Contra andRe, Ramsch and many more!The Palace ist the largest app for Skat online and now availablefor all your mobile devices and desktop computers. Download the appnow and play immediately, no registration required!Skat, the trump of card games!General Information:Skat-Palast is intended for an adult audience and does not offerany real money gambling nor is it possible to win real money.Practice or success at Skat-Palast does not imply future success inreal Skat.
Schafkopf 1.57.862 APK
Schafkopf-Palace brings you Schafkopf(Sheepshead), the popular card game from Germany. Play Sauspiel,Wenz and Suit solos for free and without advertisements with onlineschafkopfen. Play for free against real opponents or with yourfriends from all over the world. We offer not only a dynamic leaguesystem but also custom tables with your own rule sets,friendslists, detailed statistics, a variety of card decks and muchmore.We play according to the rules of the German Schafkopfschule e.V.In addition we offer these custom rules:- Short Deck- Placements (Doubling)- Hirsch- Marriage- Vulture- Suit Wenz- Begging- Ramsch- Cross Round- Schafkopfen with BockroundsYou may also want to visit http://www.schafkopf-palast.de to meetother Schafkopf (Sheepshead) players or contact the developers.What are you waiting for? Login now and play Sauspiel, Wenz andmore!
Crazy 8s - Mau Mau APK
Mau-Mau-Palace brings you MauMau, the popularcard game from Germany. Play for free against real opponents orwith your friends from all over the world. We offer not only adynamic league system but also custom tables with your own rulesets, friendslists, detailed statistics, a variety of differentcard decks and much, much more.We play according to the most popular ruleset. In addition we offerthese custom rules:- 9 reverts direction of play- Idiot Mau Mau- Extra Turn after Ace- Turn ends after Drawing- Jack on Jack- Break up Jack with 10- Queen of clubs: Draw 4- Start with +1 card- Two decks- Double score from JackYou may also want to visit http://www.mau-mau-palast.de to meetother MauMau players or contact the Mau-Mau developers.★★★ How to play ★★★To get into action, push "Play" in the menu. You will then bepresented with the gamelist, showing you all open tables. On theleft side you can see how many rounds are played on each table. Onthe right side the selected rules are shown:★ Tables with custom rules are marked with the red card backs.Click on it, to see which custom rules exactly are active.★ Tables with bets have the Chips icon on them. The red numbertells you how much you have to pay, the green number is the Jackpotthat will be payed out 70% to the 1st place and 30% to the 2ndplace at the end of the table.★ The percentage value on some tables shows you the minimum loyaltythat is required to join the table. Loyalty decreases if you leavetables during play and automatically replenishes slowly overtime.Now click on a table to join it. The game starts as soon as enoughplayers have joined. Remember that in Mau-Mau Palace you only playwith real people. At the end of each round you see the game summarythat shows you how the scores are distributed. Furthermore you cansee a small star next to your name. It represents the adjustment ofyour skill rating. You receive Star points for victories and loseStar points for losing game rounds. If you gather enough Starpoints, you will receive another Star in your profile. You can earnup to 5 Stars in total!All your games are automatically recorded in our league. Hit"League" in the menu and there "Mein Rank" to check your currentposition. Every 3 months we award the Quarter-Champion and a newseason starts. Additionally, each month we award the player withthe most Chips won, each day the player with the most scores andfurthermore we display the best players live from the last hourprominently in the menu, visible to all players.But that is not all:★ You want to make your favorite game a science? Easy with us:Check your own statistics or those of the best players to analyzeand learn from them.★ Add ingame acquaintances to your friendslist to keep in touch andto play on private tables with them.★ Join one of the many clubs, be it for late night chit-chatting orcompetitive matches in the club-league.All of this and much more - Only in Mau-Mau Palace. What are youwaiting for?
Rummy 2023.16.2 APK
Rummy, shuffle your deck and be ready for the great card game.
Doppelkopf Doko 1.12.3 APK
Doppelkopf Palace brings you Doppelkopf(Doko), the popular card game from Germany. Play for free againstreal opponents or with your friends from all over the world. Weoffer not only a dynamic league system but also custom tables withyour own rule sets, friendslists, detailed statistics, a variety ofdifferent card decks and much, much more.We play according to the rules of the German DoppelkopfAssociation. In addition we offer these custom Doko rules:- Doko without Nines- Catch Karlchen- Piglets- 2. Dulle beats 1.- Extra score for trick of Hearts- 5 wimps Slap Down- 7 solids Slap Down- Solo gains lead- Compulsory solo- Bockrounds- IndigenceYou may also want to visit http://www.doppelkopf-palast.de to meetother Doko players or contact the Doppelkopf developers.General Information:Doppelkopf Palast is intended for an adult audience and does notoffer any real money gambling nor is it possible to win real money.Practice or success at Doppelkopf Palast does not imply futuresuccess in real Doppelkopf.
Solitaire 2023.15.0 APK
Fascination Solitaire - Tackle the game, now live with thousands ofplayers.
Pinochle 1.3.1313 APK
Fascination Pinochle - Here you will find real players for livecard games.
Canasta 1.48.045 APK
Fascination Canasta - The popular card fun now live with thousandsof players.