App Information Sonica boy
- App NameSonica boy
- Package Namecom.NadMed.AmazingCowboy
- UpdatedMarch 2, 2015
- File Size15M
- Requires AndroidAndroid 1.6 and up
- Version1.0
- DeveloperNadMed
- Installs1,000 - 5,000
- PriceFree
- CategoryAdventure
- DeveloperEmail bon-gos@live.frQrt des fleures, F.B.S
- Google Play Link
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Sonica boy 1.0 APK
Amazing cow boy is an adventure game for all categories ofpeopleThis game is easy so you can enjoy every time you want,you will funwith this.Featurs :- funny picture- cute game- nice sound- can play at online or offlineYou can help all the cowboy to pick all of the gasolin than youwill get scores, so drive the cowboy as much as you can.this is an enjoyable game.& it contain a lot of levels need toachieve , don't think it is easyPlay and enjoy now, it's FREE!
قصص مضحكة قصص جحا والبخلاء 1.1.1 APK
تطبيق قصص جحا والبخلاء - مضحكة .قصص جحاقصص جحا قصص مضحكة قصص متنوعة ورائعة قصص للأطفال، قصصجحاوالحمار،قصصجحا المضحكة قصص جحا المضحكة والقصيرة قصص جحاالمضحكةمكتوبة قصصجحاالمضحكة جدا قصص جحا وحماره مضحكة قصص جحا وحمارهمضحكةنوادرجحا، قصصمكتوبة قصص نادرة لجحا، قصص جحا للاطفال مكتوبة،قصصجحاللاطفالمكتوبة، قصص جحا المضحكة، قصص جحا المضحكةمكتوبة،حكاياتجحامكتوبة.JuhaapplicationstoriesandScrooges - funny.Juha storiesJuha stories funny stories varied andfascinatingstoriesofchildren's stories, Juha stories and ass,stories JuhafunnyJuhastories ridiculous and short Juha storiesfunnywrittenJuhastories very funny Juha stories and donkey funnyJuhastoriesanddonkey funny anecdotes Juha, written stories arerarestoriesofJuha, stories Juha for children written , Juhastorieswrittenforchildren, Juha funny stories, funny storieswrittenJuha,Juhatales written.
حاجيتك و ماجيتك مع كبور 1.5 APK
لعبة حاجيتك ماجيتك مع كبور هي لعبة ستعود بناللزمن الجميل .. ستعود بنا لحكايات أجدادنا .. التطبيق يحتوي على أكثرمن 100 حجاية جميلة ..مع حاجيتك و ماجيتك سوف نعانق نسمات من عبق (الماضي ) وعطر الأجداد.. ستعيش الماضي الجميلالحجايات ستبدأ من الأسهل إلى الأصعب.بعض الحجايات التي ستجدنها فالتطبيق :راه راه و الغوت وراهتيه تيه و للي جا يديه ؟ناكل ما نشبع و إلى شربت نموت فالشتوى ندفي لخوت أو فالظلمة نضوي أومن بعد نموتمن لخشب أو من لحديد ما خطيت لا مكتب لا بيت عندي 4 ديال الرجلين وزحاف ما نمشي فينحاجيتك على اللي مبدية باللام كديدة في غار متيبس متخضاركنكتب و مكنقراش معروف بالتدوين و التكناش ذكرني ربي فكتابو و إلاما كنت أنا الكاتب ما يوقع كتابوحاجيتك على الحاء و الحاء ما سافر حتا طلب السماحة و اركت فالطيارةلشرق داتو : الحاج مشى بسمية و رجع بجوج سعداتوحاجيتك ما جيتك على لي خضراء في نباتها و حمراء في يباسها و إلا ماتيقتينيس سول لي دكاتهاعجوزة و مكمشة حمرة و خضرة غلبات لقاضي فلعشا من حرها شواربو جاتهمرعشةدار لقياد حامية لعباد مشدودة بوتاد لونها لون غراب أو طيها طيالكتابلبسوني نساء و رجال أنا و الجلابة فلخاوة مثال نتلبس فالفرح وفالهم نجي حتى لباب الجامع و نحسمحايجتك ما جيتك على لي مبدي بالدال و الدال ميتحفن ما يدار في شبكةو لا في شواري يغرر عينين لكبار حسبلاك الدراريحاجيتك على اللي مبدي بالنون و النون ولد غزال يغلب نساء و رجال ويهبط طيور من الجبال يغلب بويا و بوك و يغلب سلطان و الملوكحاجيتك على دارنا دار كبيرة ما فيها لا دقيق و لا غبيرة داخل ليهاحيد كسوتو و الخارج منها بصحتوالواو للإبرة قياسها ناس كتهرب من لبلا و هي حطاه فوق راسهاحاجيتك على ليجي من سوق حالتو حالة ريشو منتوف راسو لتحت و رجليهلفوقشفتو ما شريتو أو لبستو أو ما ريتو بحال غيري ما عندي خير في لونوما نقدر نمشي من دونوحاجيتك ما جيتك على الشين و الشين عروسة زينة و زينها وتاها جاهاالمرض و سكنها حتى داها تواسي العاشق و الولهان و حتى حد ما وساهاحاجيتك على لميم و لميم في كل بيت موجودة ما تزرع ما دير كبالة ومن لماء موخودة وخا حجرة حية و تحلا بها لكيةGame Hajitk Majitk withKippur is a game that will return us back to the time .. willreturn us to our ancestors .. Tales application contains more than100 beautiful Hjayh ..With Hajitk and Majitk will embrace of fragrant breezes (last)perfume and grandparents will live past the beautiful ..Ahadjayat will start from the easiest to the most difficult.Some Ahadjayat which Stjdnha Valttbaiq:Rah Rah Rah and Algot Teh Teh and Lee Ja hands?Eat what satisfying and drank to die Vawy floccular to Khot orNazavi of Darkness does or after we dieFrom wood or iron for what Ktit not no home office I have a 4Dayal two men and what Crawler walk FeinHajitk on Elly expressing Ballam Kdidh in the cave of stiffMtkhaddarKnketb and Mcnaqrah known blogging and Altknac Victabo remindedme of my Lord, and I'd never sign what I Author KtaboHajitk on what ha ha and Hatta traveled request forgiveness andArket Vtaiarh East Dato: Alhaji walked toxicity and returned BjojSaadatoHajitk what Logitech on me in the green vegetation and red inEbasha and only what Tiqtines Seoul me DkadthaAjuzh and Mkmhh red and green Glebatt judge Vsha of its heatHoarbo Jathm jerkDar manageable for a protector of the slaves tight Butad colorcolor crow or folded book CollapseBy Sony for women and men and I Jellaba Vlkhaoh example NtalpsValfarah and Volhm Njie even to the door of the mosque andresolveHaajtk what Logitech on me Mbda signifier and signifier Mathvenwhat is administered in a network and not in Huari lured the eyesof senior Hsplak DarariHajitk on who Mbda Balnon and Noon was born Ghazal predominantlywomen and men and the birds fall from the mountains dominated Boyaand Facebook and predominantly Sultan and KingsHajitk on Darna large house that is in them is not accurate andnot spore inside a single guardian Xoto and abroad includingBsahtoWaw to needle people Ktherb measured from without and are Ahtahover her headHajitk on Legge of market Halto Rissho plucked case of Warsawand under his feet to aboveHevco what Harito or pesto or any way else Reto my best in Nuappreciate what walk of dunnoHajitk what Logitech on Shin Shin bride and Accessories andgarnish Tahaa and prestige of the disease and inhabited until Dahaconsoles beau and Alolhan and even somewhat SahaHajitk on the M and M in each house found what you sow whatKbalh monastery and from Mukhodh to water Loja living room and Thlaby ownership
نكت جزائرية قمة الضحك 1.0.02 APK
أفضل واروع النكت الجزائرية التي تقتل بالضحكأكثر من 300 نكتة في هذا التطبيق، يمكنك قراءتها دون اتصال بالإنترنت،يكفي تتبيث هذا التطبيق فقط واراك الزهو الضحك والنشاطسهلة الاستخدام.لا تتردد في الاتصال بي إذا كان لديك طلب أو مشكلةان كنت معجب بهذا التطبيق فلا تتردد في تقييمه بنجمة.نكتة زوينة قصيرة نكات فكاهة مضحكة، زوينة الزهو الضحك والنشاطالتطبيق ييمكنك من ارسالها مباشرة لأصدقائك عبر مشاركتها في فيسبوكCoolestAlgerian jokes that kill with laughterMore than 300 joke in this application, you can read it without anInternet connection, enough Taatbeth this application only and Arakpride laughter and activityEasy to use.Do not hesitate to contact me if you have a request orproblemThat I was impressed with this application please feel free toRated star.Zoe short joke jokes funny humor, laughter and pride ZoeactivityApplication of Iemkink be sent directly to your friends viaparticipation in Facebook
Nokat fokaha maroc- نكت مغربية 1.0.15 APK
أفضل واروع النكت المغربية والمفرشخة بالضحكأكثر من 300 نكتة مغربية في هذا التطبيق، يمكنك قراءة هذه النكات دوناتصال بالإنترنت، يكفي تتبيث هذا التطبيق فقط واراك الزهو الضحكوالنشاطسهلة الاستخدام.لا تتردد في الاتصال بي إذا كان لديك طلب أو مشكلة حول هذاالتطبيق.ان كنت معجب بهذا التطبيق فلا تتردد في تقييمه ب 5 نجمات.نكت مغربية، نكتة زوينة، النكت المغربية، نكتة مغربية، نكت قصيرة،نكات، فكاهة، نكت المغربية، نكت مضحكة، نكت زوينة ، الزهو الضحكوالنشاط nokat zwina, nokta maroc, nokta marocaine, noukta zwina,blaguesنكت مضحكة، نكت مغربية 2014، نكت زوينة، نكتة مغربية، نكت قصيرة،نكات، فكاهةnokta maroc, nokat zwina, nokta marocaine, noukta zwina, blaguesmarocaines 2014, noukat maghreb, noukate maghribiya, nokatemoroccoالتطبيق ضحك مولاها ربي ييمكنك من ارسال النكت مباشرة لأصدقائك عبرمشاركتها في فيس بوكFacebook و تويتر Twitter وبرنامج واتس ابWhatsAppCoolestMoroccan jokes and laughter MufrchkhMore than 300 Moroccan joke in this application, you can read thesejokes without an Internet connection, enough Tetbit thisapplication only and Arak pride laughter and activityEasy To Use.Do not hesitate to contact me if you have a request or problemabout the application.That I was impressed with this application please feel free toRated by 5 starlets.Jokes Moroccan, Zoe joke, jokes Morocco, Moroccan joke, shortjokes, jokes, humor, jokes Moroccan, funny jokes, jokes Zoe, prideand laughter activity nokat zwina, nokta maroc, nokta marocaine,noukta zwina, blaguesFunny jokes, jokes Moroccan 2014, Zoe jokes, joke Moroccan, shortjokes, jokes, humornokta maroc, nokat zwina, nokta marocaine, noukta zwina, blaguesmarocaines 2014, noukat maghreb, noukate maghribiya, nokatemoroccoApplication laughed Mollagha Lord Aamkink from sending jokesdirectly to your friends via its participation in Facebook, andTwitter Twitter and program Watts August WhatsApp
Meilleures Blagues françaises 2.2.5 APK
tu peux rigoler tous les jours grâce à Mort derire!Les meilleures blagues sélectionnées pour vous !Plus de 200 blagues sont disponibles et tous les jours, denouvelles blagues sont ajoutées par l'équipe.Retrouvez, en un clin d’œil, les blagues les plus drôles pour votretéléphone Android.LE PARTAGEOn ne vous laissera pas en rire seul, chaque blague peut êtrepartagée :- Par email- Sur Facebook- Sur Twitter- Par SMSLES ALERTESPour ne pas louper la blague du jour, abonnez-vous gratuitement auxalertes, nous vous préviendrons dès que la blague est publiée!Des centaines de blagues pour vous faire rire quelle que soit lasituation dans laquelle vous vous trouvez:- La blague du jour : une nouvelle blague chaque jour, sélectionnéepar nos experts du rire.- Un dîner entre hommes ? Faites-vous plaisir avec les blagues surles femmes !- Une amie blonde : tout est dans l’application pour la taquiner!- Bien sûr, quelques blagues coquines pour mettre un peu de pimentdans vos soirées !- Une simple et soudaine envie de rire.Sans oublier les classiques :- Toto- Homme et Femme- Blonde- Humour Politique-Enfant-Divers et d'autres ....-Recherche de blague par catégorie préférée !Enfin, la rubrique « Favoris » vous permettra d’accéder rapidementà vos blagues préférées._______________________blagues marrantes , devinettes, comiquesyou can laugh all daywith Laugh out loud!The selected best jokes for you!Over 200 jokes are available every day, new jokes are added by theteam.Find, in the twinkling of an eye, the funniest jokes to yourAndroid phone.SHARINGWe will not let you alone laugh, every joke can be shared:- By email- On Facebook- On Twitter- By SMSALERTSNot to miss the joke of the day, sign up for free alerts, we willnotify you when the joke is published!Hundreds of jokes to make you laugh no matter what the situationwhere you are:- The joke of the day: a new joke every day, selected by ourexperts of laughter.- Dinner for men? Spoil yourself with the jokes about women!- A blonde girlfriend: it's all in the application for thetease!- Of course, a few naughty jokes to put a little spice to yourevening!- A simple and sudden urge to laugh.Not to mention the classics:- Toto- Man and Woman- Blonde- Humor Politics-Child-Miscellaneous And other ....-Research Joke by preferred category!Finally, the section "Favourites" will allow you to quickly accessyour favorite jokes._______________________funny jokes, riddles, funny
وصفات آيس كريم مثلجات حلويات 2.1 APK
تطبيق الوصفات الوصفات هو تطبيق مجاني يحتوي علىألذ و أشهى الوصفات العربية التي يمكنك تخضيرها في منزلك بكل سهولة وفي وقت قصير.التطبيق مجاني ولا يحتاج إلى الأنترنيت يكفيك تحميله والاستمتاع بأكثرمن 100 وصفة :وصفات آيس كريموصفات مثلجاتوصفات حلوياتوصفات كيكةوصفات مربىالآن يمكنك توفير الكثير من الوقت في البحث عن وصفات الحلويات، ولنتعد بحاجة إلى شراء كتب تحضير الحلويات، كل ماتحتاجينه هو هذا التطبيقالمجانيبودينغ الشوكولاكيكة النسكافيه الباردةكيك المالتيزرتشيز كيك الإسنيكرزترافل الفواكه الصحىعيش السراياحلو قمر الدين بالجيليالسميدية بالقشطةالماسية بالحليبمثلجات الرمانكوكتيل الفواكه والكريمةكيكة الآيس كريم بالكراميلApplication recipesrecipes is a free application that has the tastiest and mostdelicious Arabic recipes that you can Tkhadderha in your home withease and in a short time.Free application does not need the internet is sufficient for youto download and enjoy more than 100 recipe:Ice cream recipesRecipes sundaeRecipes SweetsCake RecipesRecipes jamNow you can save a lot of time searching for recipes and desserts,will not longer need to buy books to prepare desserts, allMathtegenh This is a free applicationChocolate PuddingCake cold NescafeCake AlmaltiserCheesecake AlasnikrzTravel the healthy fruitLive SarayaSweet Qamardeen PaljalaAsameedah creamDiamond milkSundae pomegranateFruit cocktail and stonesCaramel Ice Cream Cake
Nokat Fokaha Maroc نكت مغربية 2.0.1 APK
أفضل واروع النكت المغربية والمفرشخةبالضحكأكثر من 300 نكتة مغربية في هذا التطبيق، يمكنك قراءة هذه النكات دوناتصال بالإنترنت، يكفي تتبيث هذا التطبيق فقط واراك الزهو الضحكوالنشاطسهلة الاستخدام.لا تتردد في الاتصال بي إذا كان لديك طلب أو مشكلة حول هذاالتطبيق.ان كنت معجب بهذا التطبيق فلا تتردد في تقييمه بنجمة.نكت مغربية، نكتة زوينة، النكت المغربية، نكتة مغربية، نكت قصيرة،نكات، فكاهة، نكت المغربية، نكت مضحكة، نكت زوينة ، الزهو الضحكوالنشاط nokat zwina, nokta maroc, nokta marocaine, noukta zwina,blaguesنكت مضحكة، نكت مغربية 2014، نكت زوينة، نكتة مغربية، نكت قصيرة،نكات، فكاهةnokta maroc, nokat zwina, nokta marocaine, noukta zwina, blaguesmarocaines 2014, noukat maghreb, noukate maghribiya, nokatemoroccoالتطبيق ضحك مولاها ربي ييمكنك من ارسال النكت مباشرة لأصدقائك عبرمشاركتها في فيس بوكFacebook و تويتر Twitter وبرنامج واتس ابWhatsAppThe best and the finestMoroccan jokes and laughter MufrchkhMore than 300 Moroccan joke in this application, you can read thesejokes without an Internet connection, enough Taatbeth thisapplication only and Arak pride laughter and activityEasy to use.Do not hesitate to contact me if you have a request or problemabout this application.I was impressed that this application please feel free to Ratedasterisk.Moroccan jokes, joke Zoe, jokes Morocco, Moroccan joke, shortjokes, jokes, humor, jokes Moroccan, funny jokes, jokes Zoe, prideand laughter activity nokat zwina, nokta maroc, nokta marocaine,noukta zwina, blaguesFunny jokes, jokes Moroccan 2014, the jokes Zoe, a Moroccan joke,short jokes, jokes, humornokta maroc, nokat zwina, nokta marocaine, noukta zwina, blaguesmarocaines 2014, noukat maghreb, noukate maghribiya, nokatemoroccoApplication laughed Mollagha RBI Iemkink from sending jokes toyour friends directly through their participation in Facebook, andTwitter, and the program Watts August WhatsApp
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لعبة المزرعة السعيدة 2 APK
المزرعة السعيدة هي من أكثر الألعاب المحبوبة فيالوطن العربي، وهي لعبة مسلية وممتعة. فمن داخل اللعبة يجب عليك أنتبدأ بتنفيذ المهام التي تكون في شمال الشاشة، عندما تقوم بالإنتهاءمن إنجازها، تتاح لك إمكانية اللعب بحرية.اللعبة عبارة عن زراعة المنتجات، ومن ثم الحصاد، وكذلك بيع وشراءالعتاد والحيوانات.يمكنك توسيع مزرعتك لكي تزيد من الأرض المزروعة، وشراء الحيوانات مهمجدًا لأنها تعطيك المواد الخام مثال: الحليب+ معمل =الجبن)اسرع و كن من الاوائل في لعب لعبة المزرعة السعيدةHappy Farm is one of themost beloved games in the Arab world, a game entertaining andenjoyable. It is within the game you have to start theimplementation of the tasks that are in the north of the screen,when the completion of deliverables, you have the possibility toplay freely must.The game is agriculture products, and then the harvest, as well asthe sale and purchase of equipment and animals.You can expand your farm in order to increase the cultivated land,the animals and the purchase is very important as it gives you anexample of the raw materials: milk + cheese = plant)Be the fastest and one of the first to play the game HappyFarm
Adventure Top Show More...
The Walking Dead: Season One APK
***Season pass on sale for 50% off. Purchasemust be made in app.***As featured in TegraZone, The Walking Dead is a five-part gameseries (Episode 2-5 can be purchased via in-app) set in the sameuniverse as Robert Kirkman’s award-winning series. Play as LeeEverett, a convicted criminal, who has been given a second chanceat life in a world devastated by the undead. With corpses returningto life and survivors stopping at nothing to maintain their ownsafety, protecting an orphaned girl named Clementine may offer himredemption in a world gone to hell. Experience events, meet peopleand visit locations that foreshadow the story of Deputy SheriffRick Grimes. A tailored game experience – actions, choices anddecisions you make will affect how your story plays out across theentire series.• Plays great on NVIDIA SHIELD• Winner of over 90 Game of the Year awards• All five award-winning episodes plus special episode ‘400Days’• Choice matters: your decisions change the story around you• Save over 25% on additional episodes by purchasing the SeasonPass and gain access to Episodes 2-5, plus special episode 400 Daysimmediately- - - -SYSTEM REQUIREMENTSMinimum specs:GPU: Adreno 200 series, Mali-400 series, PowerVR SGX540, or Tegra3CPU: Dual core 1GHzMemory: 1GBRecommended specs:GPU: Adreno 300 series, Mali-T600 series, PowerVR SGX544, or Tegra4CPU: Quad core 1.5GHzMemory: 2GB
Game of Thrones APK
***Episode 1: Iron From Ice is nowFREE******BEST VALUE - Get additional episodes in Game of Thrones bypurchasing the Season Pass [Episodes 2-6 bundle] viain-app***Game of Thrones - A Telltale Games Series is a six part episodicgame series set in the world of HBO's groundbreaking TV show. Thisnew story tells of House Forrester, a noble family from the northof Westeros, loyal to the Starks of Winterfell. Caught up in theevents surrounding the War of the Five Kings, they are thrown intoa maelstrom of bloody warfare, revenge, intrigue, and horror asthey fight to survive while the seven kingdoms tear themselvesapart. You will take on the role of different members of theForrester household, and determine their fate through the choicesyou make; your actions and decisions will change the story aroundyou.The Season Pass is the best value and entitles you to all fiveremaining episodes at a discount when compared to buying eachepisode individually (All Episodes Available Now!).SYSTEM REQUIREMENTSMinimum specs:GPU: Adreno 300 series, Mali-T600 series, PowerVR SGX544, or Tegra4CPU: Dual core 1.2GHzMemory: 1GB- - - -The game will run on the following devices but users may experienceperformance issues:- Galaxy S2 – Adreno- Galaxy S3 MiniUnsupported Device(s):- Galaxy Tab3- Droid RAZR
Crafting and Building APK
Do you like building games? Crafting andBuilding is a new free building game. Download now the FREE game of2017!Start building and show the world your best game and constructions.Crafting and Building is a free game for the whole family: fromkids, boys and girls, to adults.Features:- Building game: Build your own constructions. Who will have thebest building?- Fun game: Play with villagers and animals it is so fun!- Cool game: Find a hidden cave with your friends, multiplayer modeis cool!- Perfect game for the family: boys and girls will love it.- One of the best simulation games: start constructing your houseand meet your neighbors.- Cool graphics: enjoy the best pixel graphics with high fps.- Free game: play the game for free!- Choose your character: boy or girl? Custom skin ?- Build anything: house with a room and a kitchen? A castle?- Multiplayer games: you can play online and help your friendbuild!The gameplay:Learn to build by building your house in a fortress or amine.Decorate your building with friends furniture and your own skin.Learn more and more and you will be capable of building massivestructures castles and temples in no time!Exploration:Tired of people? Play with pets! Adopt a wolf or a cat, ride ahorse! Unlike in other games, there is no monsters in crafting andbuilding you can focus on constructing your buildings or exploringthe world.Play with friendsStart exploring! You can visit a world built by your friends! Who'sgot the biggest structure? Check if they finished their new castleand give them a hand, they will repay you later! Multiplayer is somuch fun!Many block types:There are many block types ranging from grass block to diamond andeven temple stone. You have many options when it comes to buildingyour empire.Crafting and Building it is an innovative free building game whereyou can play with pets, start incredible construction and play inmultiplayer.Disclaimer:Not an official minecraft product. not approved by or associatedwith mojang.
The Walking Dead: Season Two APK
***Save 25% on additional episodes bypurchasing the Season Pass***The Walking Dead: Season Two is a five-part (Episodes 2-5 can bepurchased via in-app) game series that continues the story ofClementine, a young girl orphaned by the undead apocalypse. Left tofend for herself, she has been forced to learn how to survive in aworld gone mad. Many months have passed since the events seen inSeason One of The Walking Dead, and Clementine is searching forsafety. But what can an ordinary child do to stay alive when theliving can be just as bad – and sometimes worse – than the dead? AsClementine, you will be tested by situations and dilemmas that willtest your morals and your instinct for survival. Your decisions andactions will change the story around you, in this sequel to 2012’sGame of the Year.• Decisions you made in Season One and in 400 Days will affect yourstory in Season Two• Play as Clementine, an orphaned girl forced to grow up fast bythe world around her• Meet new survivors, explore new locations and make gruesomechoices- - - -SYSTEM REQUIREMENTSMinimum specs:GPU: Adreno 300 series, Mali-T600 series, PowerVR SGX544, or Tegra4CPU: Dual core 1.2GHzMemory: 1GB- - - -The game will run on the following devices but users may experienceperformance issues:- Galaxy S2 – Adreno- Droid RAZR- Galaxy S3 MiniUnsupported Device(s):- Galaxy Tab3
Criminal Case 2.35 APK
Criminal Case - the #1 free hidden objectgame! Are you ready to solve murder cases?Download now and discover who killed Rosa Wolf...Join the Police of Grimsborough to solve a series of murder casesin this captivating hidden object, adventure game. Investigatecrime scenes for clues, bring the suspects in for questioning andanalyze evidence to catch the killers. Are you ready to prove yourdetective skills?FEATURES:• Investigate crime scenes in a grim and corrupt city• Play with your friends to be the best detective ever• Examine clues and analyze samples to look for evidence• Interrogate witnesses and suspects• Bring the killer to justicePLEASE NOTE – Criminal Case is completely free to play, howeversome game items can also be purchased for real money. If you don'twant to use this feature, please disable in-app purchases in yourdevice's settings.Under our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy, you must be at least 13years old to play or download Criminal Case.Terms of Use: Policy:
Disney Infinity: Toy Box 3.0 1.2 APK
Star Wars™: The Force Awakens™ has arrived.Play as Rey, Finn, Kylo Ren and Poe Dameron in Disney Infinity: ToyBox 3.0. Visit the store in the app to find out more.Create your own universe in the Toy Box!Great Characters. Great Adventures. JOIN FORCES.Imagine a wide-open world of possibilities where all thecharacters, vehicles and settings you’ve collected can cometogether in whatever way you want them to. Create your own gameuniverse where you can make anything happen. Mix, match and mash-upStar Wars™, MARVEL, Disney and Disney•Pixar characters together inone place!ALL-NEW FEATURES:- NEW CHARACTERS - Toy Box 3.0 now welcomes Star Wars™ to theever-growing collection of MARVEL, Disney and Disney•Pixarcharacters – including those from Toy Box 1.0 and 2.0! Put yourimagination to play with over 80 characters to choose from!- 3D TOY BOX HUB - Introducing the all-new 3D Toy Box HUB whichincludes: Toy Box sharing, networked multiplayer, INteriors,platforming, combat, racing and farming simulation- IMPROVED CONTROLS – Play the game using classic controls orgesturesWEEKLY CHARACTERSTry 3 Characters for Free – They rotate often, so check back toexplore new characters and play styles.DAILY CHALLENGESPlay in new Daily Challenges, a mini Play With Friends - Connectonline to play and build Toy Boxes together!TOY BOX 3.0 ANYWHEREAccess your Toy Boxes from your Android device, PC, and console.Continue right where you left off on any platform when logged intoyour Disney Account.CHARACTER UNLOCKSLogin to your Disney Account in the TOY BOX, TOY BOX 2.0 and TOYBOX 3.0 apps to unlock and carry forward your previous TOY BOXcharacters. Use web code cards from your physical Disney InfinityFigures to unlock characters in the Toy Box 3.0 app.Registration may be required for some features.Before you download this experience, please consider that thisapp contains in-app purchases that cost real money, pushnotifications to let you know when we have exciting updates likenew content, as well as advertising for The Walt Disney Family ofCompanies and some third parties.Disney Infinity: Toy Box 3.0 for Android is compatible withselect phones and tablets running Android Version 4.4 and higher,with xhdpi or higher resolution.Privacy Policy – http://disneyprivacycenter.comTerms of Use –
Castle of Illusion APK
PLAY AS MICKEY IN THIS MAGICAL DISNEYADVENTURE! ALL-NEW HD GRAPHICS AND GAMEPLAY!Mickey Mouse returns to star in Castle of Illusion, a fantasticalreimagining of the Sega Genesis classic. When the evil witchMizrabel kidnaps Minnie, it’s up to Mickey to brave the dangers ofthe Castle of Illusions to rescue Minnie. Gather your courage andtraverse enchanted forests, take on hordes of rebellious toys andnavigate mazes of living books. Play as Mickey and save Minnie fromMizrabel’s evil clutches!GAME FEATURES –- Play as Mickey Mouse in this reimagining of the classic SegaGenesis/Mega Drive game!- Experience a world of wonder, brought to life with all-newgraphics and magical adventures!- Journey across five magical worlds filled with Mizrabel’spowerful minions!- Complete hidden challenges to customize Mickey with classiccostumes!- Best played with a controller- Get Castle of Illusion on the Google Play Store and you will beable to play on Android phones, Android Tablets and Android TV.(Progress is not synched between devices) - Android TV users: acompatible gamepad is required to play additional information about our practices in the United Statesand Latin America regarding children’s personal information, pleaseread our Children’s Privacy Policy at
Fly and survive through the 🏆 Game of theYear -winning action adventure BADLAND.More than 50 MILLION players and counting!★ 5/5 - AppSmile★ 4/4 - Slide to Play★ 5/5 - AppSpy★ 9.2/10 -★ 9/10 - Destructoid★ 4.5/5 - TouchArcade"BADLAND is one of the most beautiful games on Android and one ofthe must download games of 2013." -- Android Authority“BADLAND is a standout game that we can’t stop playing.” --AppSmile“BADLAND’s unique gameplay and atmosphere make it a must-download.”-- Slide to Play“BADLAND doesn’t simply look pretty, it’s an absolute treat toplay” -- AppSpy“A hallmark of excellence.” -- Destructoid🏆 Outstanding Mobile Game -- Satellite Awards 2014🏆 Grand Prix -- the International Mobile Gaming Awards2014🏆 Nordic Indie Sensation Award -- Nordic Game 2013🏆 Apple Design Award 2013🏆 Apple iPad Game of the Year 2013OVERVIEWBADLAND is an award-winning atmospheric side-scrolling actionadventure platformer set in a gorgeous forest full of variousinhabitants, trees and flowers. Although the forest appears to beright out of a beautiful fairy tale, there’s something terriblywrong. The player controls one of the forest dwellers to find outwhat’s going on, and discovers an astonishing number of imaginativetraps and obstacles on the way.BADLAND takes side-scrollers to the next level with its innovativephysics-based gameplay combined with stunning, atmospheric graphicsand audio.BADLAND also features a highly original local multiplayer mode forup to four players on the same device, where the name of the gameis survival of the fittest with no rules. It’s totally OK to pushyour rivals in front of spinning circular saws to survive. Or, ifthat's too rough for you, you can also cooperate with your friendsand play the modified single player campaign with up to fourplayers.FEATURES• SINGLE PLAYER campaign with 100 truly unique levels and morecoming in updates• MULTIPLAYER mode for up to four players on the same device in 23levels and more content in future updates• COOPERATIVE mode for up to four players - Survive the modifiedsingle player campaign with your friends• LEVEL EDITOR: Create levels, share & play!• LEVEL WORLD: New levels to play all the time• Intuitive one-touch controls combined with innovative leveldesign• Full support for game controllers 🎮• Highly immersive audio-visual gaming experience• Designed for Android phones, tablets and Android TV• Supports Cloud Save and Immersive mode• More levels and content coming in updatesNow featured on NVIDIA TegraZone. Plays great with full controllersupport 🎮 on NVIDIA SHIELD Portable and SHIELD Tablet, and AndroidTV.Follow usFacebook - - / www - http://www.badlandgame.comBADLAND Forum -