App Information Tebak Tebakan Lucu Gokil
- App NameTebak Tebakan Lucu Gokil
- Package Namecom.andromo.dev316284.app305866
- UpdatedAugust 25, 2014
- File Size2.5M
- Requires AndroidAndroid 2.3.3 and up
- Version1.5
- DeveloperAzhie Media
- Installs10,000 - 50,000
- PriceFree
- CategoryEntertainment
- Developer
- Google Play Link
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Pantun Cinta Romantis 1.5 APK
Pantun Cinta Romantis adalah aplikasiyangberisi kumpulan pantun cinta yang romantis yang dapat kamujadikansebagai bahan untuk memuji atau merayu cewek/cowok kamu;)/Romantic Love Poem isanapplication that contains a collection of romantic love poemthatyou can use as material for praise or seduce a girl / guyyou;)/
Tebak Tebakan Lucu Gokil 1.5 APK
Tebak Tebakan Lucu Gokil adalah aplikasi yangberisi tebak-tebak lucu yang bisa kamu gunakan sebagai bahan untukbercanda dengan teman kamu. Bisa juga digunakan sebagai hiburan diwaktu senggang.Selamat tersenyum :)//Guess Guess Funny Harleysis an application that contains the guess-guess funny that you canuse as a material for joking with your friends. Can also be used asentertainment in my spare time.Happy smiling :) / /
Imágenes de Calaveras 1.0 APK
Decora tu wallpaper android con estos cráneosde miedo. Disfrute de las imágenes más interesantes de estoscráneos en tu Android.Imágenes de cráneos es una nueva aplicación que en pocossegundos podrás encontrar muchas imágenes incluye imágenes dediferentes cráneos caracterizados en diferentes estilos que sepueden descubrir a medida que avanza.Características:- El acceso sin conexión a un montón de imagenes deCalaveras- Puede configurar cualquier Imágenes de Calaveras como fondo depantalla- Puede compartir imagenes de Calaveras vía Tuenti, Wasap, correoelectrónico, Facebook, Twitter, MMS y otras aplicaciones- Fácil navegación, deslizar, acercar, alejar, y una pizcaDecorate your androidwallpaper with these scary skulls. Enjoy the most interestingimages of these skulls on your Android.Images of skulls is a new application in a few seconds you willfind many images includes images of different skulls characterizedin different styles that you can discover as you go.Features:- Offline access to a lot of images of Calaveras- You can set any images as wallpaper Calaveras- You can share images via Tuenti Calaveras, Wasap, email,Facebook, Twitter, MMS and other applications- Easy navigation, swipe, zoom, and pinch
Kata Kata Rindu 1.5 APK
Kata Kata Rindu adalah aplikasi yang berisi kumpulan gambarkata-kata rindu dan kata romantis. Kamu bisa share gambar tersebutke doi kamu lewat aplikasi whatsapp, bbm, line, we chat danaplikasi lainnya.SourceWords is an application that contains a collection of images ofwords and word romantic longing. You can share these images to youvia the app doi whatsapp, bbm, line, we chat and otherapplications.
Kata Bijak Islami 1.5 APK
Kata Bijak Islami adalah aplikasi yang berisikata bijak, kata mutiara dan nasehat islami yang bisa Anda jadikansebagai "pengingat" untuk diri sendiri, juga dapat digunakansebagai nasehat buat orang lain. Gambar kata bijak islami tersebutdapat Anda kirim ke teman And melalui whatsapp, we chat, line, bbm,atau dapat juga diupload ke twitter dan facebook.Selamat mencoba :)Words of Wisdom Islami isan application that contains a word to the wise, islamic quotes andadvice that you can make as a "reminder" for yourself, also can beused as advice for others. Pictures of the Islamic wise words youcan send to friends via whatsapp And, we chat, line, fuel, or itcan also be uploaded to twitter and facebook.Good luck :)
Kata Lucu Bahasa Sunda 1.5 APK
Kata Lucu Bahasa Sunda adalah aplikasiyangberisi kumpulan gambar lucu dan kocak dalam bahasa sunda.Gambarlucu tersebut dapat kamu kirim ke teman kamu melaluiberbagaiaplikasi seperti Whatsapp, Line, WeChat, Twitter, Facebook,atauBBM. Selain itu gambar tersebut juga dapat kamu jadikansebagaiwallpaper atau gambar profile DP BBM.Segera download aplikasi ini dan mulai berbagi foto gambarlucudengan teman-teman kamu :)Funny word Sundanese isanapplication that contains a collection of funny pictures andfunnyin the Sundanese language. Funny pictures you can send toyourfriends through a variety of applications such as Whatsapp,Line,WeChat, Twitter, Facebook, or BBM. Besides the picture youcan alsouse as wallpaper or DP BBM profile picture.Immediate download this application and start sharingphotosfunny pictures with your friends :)
Kata Cinta Romantis Bergambar 1.5 APK
Kata Cinta Romantis Bergambar adalah aplikasiyang berisi kumpulan gambar kata cinta romantis nan syahdu. Gambartersebut dapat kamu jadikan sebagai wallpaper, gambar profile DPBBM, atau dikirim ke pacar kamu melalui Whatsapp, Twitter,Facebook, Line, WeChat, BBM dan aplikasi lainnya.Selamat mencoba :)Picture Romantic LoveWords is an application that contains a collection of images ofromantic love nan excellent word. The images you can use aswallpaper, DP BBM profile picture, or sent to your boyfriend viaWhatsapp, Twitter, Facebook, Line, WeChat, fuel and otherapplications.Good luck :)
Gambar Kata Mutiara Islami 1.5 APK
Gambar Kata Mutiara Islami adalah aplikasiyang berisi kumpulan kata mutiara, kata bijak, petuah islami yangbisa digunakan sebagai penyemangat sekaligus pengingat bagi kitauntuk selalu berbuat kebaikan.Gambar dalam aplikasi tersebut dapat Anda kirim ke teman Andamelalui BBM, whatsapp, line, wechat, facebook, twitter, danaplikasi sosial media lainnya.Selamat mencoba :)Figure Aphorisms Islamiis an application that contains a collection of aphorisms, wisewords, Islamic advice that can be used as an encouragement andreminder for us to always do good.The images in the application you can send to your friends viaBBM, whatsapp, line, WeChat, facebook, twitter, and other socialmedia applications.Good luck :)
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Kumpulan Tebak Tebakan Lucu 1.2 APK
Melalui media audio visual seperti televisi,kita dapat menjumpai hal-hal lucu serta humor pada beragam acara,seperti acara drama komedi, film lucu, talkshow yang memilikikonsep humor, acara lawakan, bahkan pada iklan-iklan televisi.Kebanyakan masyarakat Indonesia memanfaatkan media televisi sebagaihiburan mereka setiap hari.Dan media kedua yang sangat diminati masyarakat adalah mediainternet. Humor yang seringkali mewarnai dunia internet ialahmengenai tebak-tebakan lucu. Tebakan seperti ini dapat membuat Andatertawa ketika membacanya. Tak jarang, tebak-tebakan semacam inidapat menginspirasi pembacanya untuk ia praktikkan di kehidupansehari-hari, contohnya saja dengan melontarkan tebakan lucu inipada teman-teman. Hal ini dapat membuat kehidupan sosial Anda dalamdunia nyata lebih asik dan ceria.Pada kesempatan ini, kami telah merangkumkan tebak-tebakan lucuyang kami ambil dari berbagai sumber. Tebak-tebakan lucu ini kamipersembahkan bagi Anda yang menyukai hal-hal berbau humor ataupunAnda yang membutuhkan hiburan ditengah-tengah kesibukan yang padat.Anda pun dapat mengutip salah satu atau beberapa tebak-tebakan lucudari Aplikasi Android ini guna melontarkannya pada teman-teman.Fitur yang tersedia di dalam Kumpulan Tebak Tebakan Lucu :- Gratis- Gambar Background Beragam Agar Tidak Bosan- Selalu UpdateDownload Sekarang Juga dan langsung mainkan.Jangan lupa untuk Rate dan Review Aplikasi ini setelah andamainkan. Terima kasih.
Tebak-Tebakan Lucu Seru! 1.2 APK
Kumpulan 200+ Tebak-Tebakan Lucu Terbaru Dan Lengkap Selaindenganmelihat gambar bersifat lucu dan juga cerita bergambar,tebak-tebankocak dan lucu juga bisa digunakan sebagai penghiburbanyak orang.Tebak-tebakan bisa dilakukan dengan teman-teman ketikabersantai.Sedikit melepas lelah :D Anda bisa memberikan pertanyaankepadateman anda dan kemudian biarkan mereka menjawabnya,selanjutnyaberikan jawaban kocak anda kepada teman anda ketikamereka tidakbisa menjawab dengan lucu. Banyak sekali tebak-tebakanyang bisakita manfaatkan untuk menghibur diri dan juga mgnhiburteman. Ataubahkan Anda setelah Anda melihat tebak-tebakan lucu iniAnda dapatmembuat sebuah atau banyak tebakan lucu yang dibuat olehAndasendiri. Tentunya tebakannya tidak garing sehingga teman Andaakantertawa. :D Pada kesempatan ini, kami telahmerangkumkantebak-tebakan lucu yang kami ambil dari berbagaisumber.Tebak-tebakan lucu ini kami persembahkan bagi Anda yangmenyukaihal-hal berbau humor ataupun Anda yang membutuhkanhiburanditengah-tengah kesibukan yang padat. Berikut initebak-tebakanlucu yang dapat Anda nikmati. Fitur: - 200 Lebihtebak-tebakan lucu- Navigasi mudah - Pilihan menu bookmark, danlain-lain Info:Tebakan lucu ini kami ambil dari berbagai macamsumber diinternet.jika Anda ingin mengirimkan kritik dan saran,kamu bisa mengirimnyamelalui email kita.
Funny Videos 🤣🤣 2.1.0 APK
Do you want to spend a good time with the best funny videos forwhatsapp? Do you like to watch amusing laughter videos? FunnyVideos is the best Android app (4.0+) to enjoy about all kind ofhumor in your smartphone: videos divertidos de animales, funnybabies, horror sounds, scary moments, pranks, fear, child karaoke,laughs, cats, dogs, karaoke, goats, fails, football, birthday funnyvideos and many others free videos! 😃😃 Tones of hilarious videoschistosos to have fun in your free time... Have a look to ourspecial Baby Funny Videos category, they are so cute... enjoythem!! From kids playing with nursery rhymes in child karaoke tobaby playing with animals.. If you like free funny videos editionyou will love our photo and music videos. The best humour to laughin your phone or with your friends, don't forget to share ourcontent on social networks like Facebook or Twitter. Specially ourcontent is selected to share funny videos for whatsapp. But that isnot all, you will find free videos for wasap, updated frequently.We provide the best 2019 humour videos and of course, we will bethe first including 2019 funny videos. We have some variouscategories with all kind of laughing moments: ✔ Kids playing andbaby video in happy birthday song celebration. The best falls of2019/2020. ✔ Best fails and free funny videos for whatsapp. ✔Pranks y hilarious kidding. ✔ Funny babies dancing and singing. ✔Horror sounds and terror videos. Famous clowns and their scares. ✔Funny animals videos, that are so crazy (goats edition, dogs andcats videos, lovely kitten, goats Screaming, birds sounds). ✔ Goofygirls... girls falling and compromising situations. ✔ Epic failsand football failures for wasap, like crazy Abreu!! ✔ Trendinglaughter babies videos. ✔ Funny happy birthday videos. ✔ Mostpopular scary and fear humour, without doubt, the best 2020 funnyvideos from internet. ✔ Have a look to the singer fails and livefalls. The best mobile humour, if you like it, share our funnyvideos for whatsapp! Disclaimer: Funny Videos only plays publicvideos hosted on YouTube. There are not free videos to download,you only can reproduce them inside the app.
Kumpulan Tebakan Lucu Pilihan 1.2 APK
Kumpulan Tebakan Lucu Pilihan adalah merupakankumpulan tebak-tebakan dari berbagai sumber yang bisa membuat andadan sahabat tertawa terbahak-bahak...segera download dan mulailahTebak Tebakan sekarang juga. Selamat Tertawa!Funny guess is the choiceset is a collection of guessing from a variety of sources that canmake you and your friends laugh out loud ... and start downloadingimmediately Guess Guess now. Congratulations Laugh!
Kumpulan SMS Lucu Terbaik 1.4 APK
Kumpulan SMS Kata Lucu Terbaik berisikan lebihdari 300 SMS lucu yang terdiri dari kata lucu, sms lucu dantebak-tebakan yang sangat lucu dan seru.Cocok untuk kamu yang ingin jahilin temen atau seru - seruan,aplikasi ini dapat membantu kamu membuat hubungan kalian lebihdekat dan makin akrab ke temen-temen kamu.Dengan tampilan yang mudah digunakan, dapat dicopy dan disharemempermudah kamu untuk membagikan rayuan cinta dasyat ini.Langsung download dan buat harimu lebih berwarna.Kemudahan dalam aplikasi ini :- Berukuran ringan- Mudah digunakan- Dapat dicopy dan dishare- Berisi 350 lebih dan akan terus update- Dapat mengirimkan gombalan buatanmu.Dapatkan novel-novel menarik karya penulis-penulis berbakat diIndonesia dan aplikasi seru lainnya hanya di BukuOryzaee on GooglePlay!Yuk gabung ke Fanpage kami dan beri Saran, Kritik, Request atau maumengirimkan sms kata lucu andalanmu untuk kami masukkan ke dalamaplikasi kami :
Auto Text Lucu 0.0.1 APK
Kumpulan Auto Text Lucu, Unik, Gokil dan KerenAbis TerbaruBagi para pengguna smartphone Blackberry alias BB sudah pastitidak asing lagi dengan yang namanya Autotext. Fitur unik yangtersedia pada ponsel Blackberry ini berfungsi untuk merubah texttertentu saat mengetik secara otomatis berubah sesuai dengan textyang sudah kita buat di pada Autotext BB.Dengan adanya fitur Autotext tersebut menjadikan chat BBM menjadilebih menyenangkan dan tidak monoton. Ungkapan perasaan bisadiwakilkan dengan ekspresi unik dan lucu memalui Autotext. Hampirsemua pengguna Blackberry menggunakan fitur unik yang satu ini.Menggunakan autotext pada ponsel Blackberry tidaklah sulit,karena sudah tersedia secara default pada Blackberry. Tapi andajuga bisa memanfaatkan aplikasi yang bisa di download secaracuma-cuma di Blackberry APP World seperti Autotexter dansejenisnya. Sedangkan untuk koleksi Autotext Blackberry yang lucu,unik, dan keren bisa menggunakan dari yang sudah ada dibawah ini.Anda hanya perlu melakukan copy paste sajaSet Auto Text Funny,Unique, Harleys and Keren Abis NewestFor users of the Blackberry smartphone, aka BB is certainlyfamiliar with the name of AutoText. The unique feature available onthe Blackberry phone is working to change specific text when typingis automatically changed according to the text that we have createdin the AutoText BB.With the AutoText feature makes chat fuel becomes more fun and notmonotonous. Expression of feelings can be represented with uniqueand humorous expression memalui AutoText. Almost all Blackberryusers use the unique features of this one.Using AutoText on Blackberry phones is not difficult, because itis available by default on the Blackberry. But you can also takeadvantage of applications that can be downloaded for free in theBlackberry APP World as Autotexter and the like. As for theBlackberry Autotext collection cute, unique, and cool to use thanexisting ones below. You only need to copy and paste
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Sex Game for Adults 18+ sex APK
Sex Game for Adults 18+ - Let's make yoursexual life more interesting and challenging.we will give you 12 of the best sex positions to get you off duringyour time off.Expanding your sexual experiences by having sex with randompositions. This adults 18+ game will help both of you feel sexuallysurprise, and relationship expert.Sex Games That Guarantee More Fun in Your BedroomNeed a holiday gift for your dude? I can pretty much guarantee thathe will be more than happy to find any of the following new movesin the bedroom, on that big comfy chair by the fireplace,etc.How to use :- Just click to Start button.- The positions is random.- Wait to 100% percent.- And done... Time to play with this position.Features:- Sex games for adults 18+- There are 12 positions.- Improve your sexual life.- Great for dating and making closer to your partner.Playing games with your guy or your girl in is a good thing. Theideas here will set a fun, flirty tone to create a night you bothwon't forget.**WARNING - the app contain sexual reference for adults. Please donot allow under 18 to view them**
Elite HD 2.3 APK
Elite HD ju mundeson qe te shikoni kanaletShqipetare pa pagese. Aplikacioni eshte jo fitimprures, nuk eshtebere per qellime fitimi por thjesht per t'ju ardhur ne ndihme tegjithe atyre qe nuk kane mundesi te shikojne kanalet Shqipetare.Kanalet jane pothuaj gjate gjithe kohes te qendrueshme, dhe mund teshikosh pa problem. Cilesia e transmetimit eshte lene ulet sifillim per arsye qe te perballoje fluksin, me mire cilesi pak teulet dhe te panderprere sesa mos shikosh asgje.Aplikacioni nuk ka nevoje per te instaluar aplikacione te tjeraqe te funksionoje, kjo ben ndryshimin nga gjithe "aplikacionet" etjera qe jane. App eshte shume i shpejte dhe me e rendesishmjaeshte bere konform rregullave te playstore, qe do te thote qe nukju vjedh informacione nga telefoni juaj, sic qarkullojne disaaplikacione per te pare kanale Shqipetare por ne fakt ju marrin tedhena nga telefoni juaj.Ndryshimet ne app vazhdojne se shpejti do kete dhe opsione tetjera extra per ta bere sa me te perdorshem nga ana juaj.Faleminderit!
Netflix APK
Netflix is the world’s leading subscriptionservice for watching TV episodes and movies on your phone. ThisNetflix mobile application delivers the best experience anywhere,anytime.Get the free app as a part of your Netflix membership and you caninstantly watch thousands of TV episodes & movies on yourphone.If you are not a Netflix member sign up for Netflix and startenjoying immediately on your phone with our one-month freetrial.How does Netflix work?• Netflix membership gives you access to unlimited TV shows andmovies for one low monthly price.• With the Netflix app you can instantly watch as many TV episodes& movies as you want, as often as you want, anytime youwant.• You can Browse a growing selection of thousands of titles, andnew episodes that are added regularly.• Search for titles and watch immediately on your phone or on anever expanding list of supported devices.• Rate your favorite shows and movies and tell us what you like soNetflix can help suggest the best titles for you.• Start watching on one device, and resume watching on another.Check out for all the TVs, game consoles, tablets,phones, Blu-ray players and set top boxes on which you can watchNetflix.By clicking INSTALL, you consent to the installation of the Netflixapplication and any updates or upgrades thereto.───────────────────────────────── License Agreement By downloading this application you agree to the Netflix Terms of Use and Privacy Statement, locatedat 1-month free Netflix membership offer is available to first timeand certain former members and cannot be combined with any otheroffer. Internet access and valid payment method are required toredeem offer. Netflix will begin to bill your paymentmethod for the Netflix membership fee at the end of the free monthunless you cancel prior to the end of the first month. YourNetflix membership is a month-to-month subscription that you cancancel at any time. Go to "Your Account" on the Netflix website forcancellation instructions. No refund or credit for partial monthlysubscription periods. A device that streams from Netflix(manufactured and sold separately) and broadband Internetconnection are required to watch instantly.For complete terms and conditions, please visit privacy statement, please visit
Champcash Earn Money Free 2.2.12 APK
Launched World Wide .... Launching New FixIncome Plan Soon ....Best Affiliate Program To Earn Money By Just referring to YourFriends.Install App => Refer To Friends => Earn UnlimitedFunda is SImple , We are Giving Money of Advertisement. UsersInstalls the Apps and Advertisers Pay us and We Pay Users. You canEarn Unlimited without investing any money...To Check Legal Documents , Payment Proofs and PromotionalMaterial of ChampcashClick on Following Link : Become Champcash Associate You dont Have to Pay anything . Its100% Free Business and If someone Ask you for Any type of Paymentto Join in Champcash then it is illegal and let us know aboutthat.Features :1. Earn by Referring Champcash to friends.2. Earn when your friends refers someone.3. Withdraw Payment by Bank , recharge and Gift cards.Before Installing ChampCash (earn unlimited money free) / GivingAny Bad Review Please Read Full Detail And Watch Promo Video :Champ Cash (earn unlimited money free) is 100% Free NetworkingApplication Through which Anyone Can Earn Unlimited Money By JustReferring Champ Cash (earn unlimited money free) To their Friends.Just Refer Champ Cash (earn unlimited money free) to Your Friendsand Ask them to Complete the Challenge (By installing & Opening8-10 Apps in their Android phone), You will Get its payment WithinFew Minutes .As Networking is the Best Way to do any Business we haveImplemented Networking Concept in This application.We are Aware of Many Networking Companies Who are Doing Fraudwith Their Clients By asking them To Give money for joining. Herein Champ Cash (earn unlimited money free) If we are Not taking anyMoney and Only Distributing Money To Whole Network By installingsome Apps . So, As we are 100% Free in the same way We are 100%Genuine and Legit Company to Earn Unlimited Money.How We are Distributing Money , Even We are Not taking Any ChargesFrom User :This is the Main Point and will comes in Everyone’s Mind. Hereis Your Answer : Other Companies are Giving money directly to theirUsers if they install Apps in their Phone . We Have Changed thisScenario, we are not giving any Money to the User who is InstallingApps in his phone But we are Distributing that money in WholeNetwork .In Champ Cash (earn unlimited money free), There is no limit onDirect Referrals. Means You can Join Unlimited Friends at YourLevel 1 and In the same way Your Direct Referrals can JoinUnlimited At their Direct and You will get benefit of All.Earn cash real Money referring apps through networking freerecharge ChampCash (earn unlimited money free).Steps To Earn Unlimited With Us1 : Install Champ Cash (earn unlimited money free)2 : Open Champ Cash in Your Phone3 : Signup4 : Enter Refer ID of Your Sponsor5: Accept The Challenge6 : Install Apps Given in the Challenge7 : Open Installed App For At-least 1 Min.8 : Install And Open All Apps Step By Step.9 : As You Installs All Apps You Will be Eligible to Use our N/WSystem10 : Go To Invite And Earn Menu (To invite your Friends)11 : Choose Any Message And Select Social Media Profile where youwant to Share the Message.12 : If Any of Your Friend Click on Your Shared Link And CompletesThe Challenge then You Will Instantly Gets its Payment.13 : Ask Your All Friends to Open All installed Apps one by one for1 min. Otherwise you wont gets its payout.Earn cash real Money referring apps through networking freerecharge Champ Cash (earn unlimited money free)
FreeMyApps - Gift Cards & Gems APK
Get rewarded for playing fun games, trying newapps and watching cool videos.** NEW! Introducing Video: Earn even more credits by watchingvideos from your favorite YouTube streamers. **Earn gift cards to popular retailers (Amazon, Xbox, Google Play,and more) and free in-game currencies (Gems, COD Points, Diamonds,Fifa Coins, and more), just for discovering the newest Androidgames and apps.** Over $31 Million in Gift Cards Earned using FreeMyApps! **It’s easy to earn rewards with FreeMyApps:1. Install FreeMyApps & register with a verified Facebook*account (*required).2. Download the latest free apps & hottest new games &watch fun new videos.3. Earn credits for every app, game & video you try.4. Redeem your credits for free gift cards, gems, and more!Gift Cards & Rewards:- Google Play & iTunes- Amazon & Visa Prepaid- Steam, Xbox & PSN- Sephora, CVS, WalMart & Target- Starbucks, Dominos & Groupon- Skype, AT&T & Verizon- Hulu, Redbox & Fandango- Gamestop & Best Buy- All in-game currencies, like Clash of Clans & Clash RoyaleGems, COD Points, Boom Beach - - Diamonds, & HearthstoneIce- Charities and non-profits like ALS, Red Cross, ASPCA, Habitat forHumanity, Somos Amigos, - Planetary Society, UNICEF, & TonyHawk FoundationStill have questions about FreeMyApps, like: “How long does it taketo get my gift card” or “Where can I see the full list of availablegift cards”? We have them answered for you in our FAQ
Google Play Games APK
Games get more fun with the Google Play Gamesapp. Compete with friends, track your achievements, and pick upwhere you left off, on any device. As you master more games, showoff your skills in your Gamer Profile. Record your gameplay andshare it to YouTube. And whether you love puzzles, racing, sportsor action games, you can choose from thousands of great games fromright within the app. Play the world, anywhere in the world, allfrom one place.KEY FEATURES• New! Gameplay Recording*: Easily record and share yourbest gaming moments from your favorite mobile games.• Gamer Profile: Create your custom Gamer ID, earn XP, andlevel up as you master games across Google Play.• Saved Games: Pick up right where you left off, from anydevice.• Achievements & Leaderboards: Complete challenges, earnawards, and track them all right from the app. Then, see how youstack up against other players.* Only available in certain countries
Ladooo – Get Free Recharge App 1.0.127 APK
Earn Free Talk Time and Money with Just a FewTaps!Ladooo is an android mobile app that lets you earn money forexploring your interests. Operational in six countries and trusted by over 10M smartphoneusers like you, Ladooo offers free PayPal credit, free talk-time(prepaid and postpaid), DTH recharge and cash through Paytm. Allyou need to do is to visit the offer-wall, download apps ofyour choice from the Play Store (which include some of themost popular apps ever such as Flipkart, Amazon, Eros Now, Jabong,etc) and get rewarded! What If I Complete All the Offers?No worries! Ladooo lets you earn even after completing all theoffers through the ’Refer to Earn’ option. Invite your friendsto try out Ladooo by sharing a link provided in the app throughWhatsApp, Facebook, Twitter, or Hike. Then watch your wallet fattenup!What more I could do with Ladooo?A lot! For instance, in case you do not have enough balance in yourLadooo account to recharge your mobile phone or DTH, you can useyour Debit Card. That’s right. Ladooo doesn’t make you wait.Cool! Anything else I should be excitedabout?Of course! You can transfer the money in your Ladooo account toyour online wallets such as Paytm and PayPal. That’s right! In caseyou do not want to use the money that you’ve earned for recharges,you can transfer it to your digital wallet and spend it the way youwant, say, on an Uber ride, or on movie tickets booked throughBookMyShow, or on purchase goods of your choice.Wow! Is this for real?You bet! Over 10M users are using Ladooo not only for itsofferings, but also for its incredible user experience and ease ofregistration. Imagine: An app that gives you money for downloadinggreat apps. That’s Ladooo – double the delight! Free Cash to PayPalInstant free mobile recharge for all major operators likeAirtel, Aircel, BSNL, MTNL, Idea, Loop Mobile, MTS, Reliance, TataDocomo, Tata Indicom, Uninor, Videocon, Virgin Mobile, VodafoneetcFree DTH recharge across Tata Sky, Videocon d2h, Dish TV, SunTV, Reliance Big TV and Airtel DTHPaid recharge using debit cardFree cash in digital wallets such as Paytm that can be usedfor:Pay for your Uber rideBook movie tickets through BookMyShowBook train tickets with IRCTCPay your electricity, gas and landline billsSend money to your friendsShopWhat are you waiting for?Download Ladooo app now. We’re waiting to reward you!
V – Live Broadcasting App APK
"V" is an app that lets you watch the personalbroadcasting videos of celebs on your phone. You can follow yourfavorite celebs, watch their videos, and use comments and ‘hearts’to share your thoughts and feelings with others. Your activity suchas watching videos will affect your "Chemi-beat" for the celeb; weplan to provide benefits to active users who enthusiasticallyparticipate in the activity. Scheduled shows will be listed on Vbefore they start; however, shows that a celeb personallybroadcasts can be on air without any advance notice. Enjoy watchinglive broadcasts of your favorite celebs on V!* Follow CelebsPick your favorite celebs and follow them. You can receive thenotifications of upcoming broadcasts of celebs you follow on V. Themore you watch the videos of a celeb, the higher you get"Chemi-beat" for the celeb.* Popular ChannelsBIGBANG,SMTOWN,BTS,YGFamily,iKON,Apink,WINNER,GOT7,INFINITE,BTOB,BEAST,AOA,SISTAR,CNBLUE,missA,Girl's Day,2PM,JYPnation,4minute,VIXX* UpcomingYou can see the schedule for all upcoming broadcasts on V. Don'tmiss the broadcast with your favorite celebs!* PopularIn the Popular tab, you can see the most popular videos on V.Videos containing a lot of hearts are automatically displayed inthe Popular screen; tab the heart as many as possible if you likewhat you are seeing.* What does "Chemi-beat" mean?As a short form of "chemistry beat," the V team coined the word"Chemi-beat" to express the relationship index between a celeb andme as beat count. Following celebs and watching videos (live orrecorded) are ways to increase your "Chemi-beat." We plan toprovide additional benefits based on "Chemi-beat" in the nearfuture.When APP could not be installed, device setting ->Selecting Google play from APP menu and retry after deletingdata.• Camera (required): This lets you take photos or record videos toshare on the profile or boards.• Microphone (required): This lets you record sound of your videosto share on the boards.• Phone (required): This lets V LIVE recognize your device usingthe device ID when enabling automatic login, sending pushnotifications, or watching paid content.• Storage (required): This lets you publish photos on your deviceto the profile or save them to your device.