App Information The Marijuana Times
- App NameThe Marijuana Times
- Package Nameorg.marijuanatimes
- UpdatedJuly 15, 2016
- File SizeUndefined
- Requires AndroidAndroid 4.0.3 and up
- Version1.2
- DeveloperM6 Ltd.
- Installs5,000 - 10,000
- PriceFree
- CategoryNews & Magazines
- Developer
- Google Play Link
M6 Ltd. Show More...
BORN2INVEST - Business News APK
The best business and finance news from themost trusted sources in 80 words or less.Updated throughout the day, Born2Invest is a professionally curateddigest of business and finance news summaries from the mostreputable news organizations around the world.TOPICS COVERED BY OUR BUSINESS NEWS DIGEST:Prepared by an in-house team of journalists, Born2Invest covers awide spectrum of topics, such as investing, economies and globalmarkets, trending business news, as well as industry updates ontech, real estate, media, and personal finance. Born2Invest alsoprovides in-depth coverage on precious metals and mining (e.g.silver, gold, nickel) as well as luxury goods and services (e.g.collectibles, travel, auto). Finally, we also offer a growingselection of targeted business videos.Stay on top of the latest news and financial affairs of the world.Digest features include news by category, fluid navigation, elegantinterface, easy bookmarking, and localized app versions.Want to read news only about specific topics? Just select thecategories you are interested in. You can also read business inover 20 native languages, all from within the same application.Just switch your language inside the settings, that's it!Born2Invest – the best business and finance news in your pocket!Enjoy.
The Marijuana Times 1.2 APK
The Marijuana Times is the leadingmarijuanaand cannabis app that covers anything related tomarijuana: medicalmarijuana, cannabis and hemp news, videoscovering the marijuanaindustry, hemp and marijuana cultivation,legislation and more.Whether you call it hemp, cannabis, hashish, sinsemilla, ormoreinformally pot, dope, grass, weed, Mary Jane, bud, hash,bhang,kef, ganja, locoweed; reefer, doob, spliff, toke, roach,TheMarijuana Times covers it via its in-depth reporting, allpresentedinside an elegant mobile app.
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grow! Magazin 10.0 APK
Das grow! Magazin informiert seit 1995 überdie zahlreichen Facetten von Hanf und der Cannabiskultur. Dabeispielen die Entwicklungen in Politik und Gesellschaft eine ebensogroße Rolle, wie das Thema Drogen-Aufklärung und -prävention. Auchdie Hanfscene selbst kommt im grow! Magazin etwa in Interviews undHomestories zu Wort.Ein besonderes Augenmerk gilt dem Thema „Cannabis als Medizin“,dessen Nutzen bei immer mehr Ärzten und Patienten auf Interessestößt. Neben informativen, unterhaltsamen und wissenswertenBerichten und Artikeln bietet das grow! Magazin seinen Lesernaktuelle Informationen rund um das Thema Hanf.Den optimalen Lesekomfort bietet unsere App mit diesenFunktionen:• Alle Inhalte des gedruckten Hefts im bekannten Layout• Auswahl aus aktuellen und Archivausgaben• Optimierter Lesemodus für die Texte• Nachtlesemodus• Auswahl der Schriftgröße• Lesezeichen-Funktion• Teilen von Artikeln via Facebook und co.Sie können die digitale Ausgabe von grow! Magazin als Einzelausgabeoder im Abonnement erwerben:Das ePaper erscheint zweimonatlich zum Preis von 2,99 €oder ganz bequem im grow! Magazin Jahres-Abonnement (14,99€).Das Digital-Abonnement verlängert sich automatisch um dieentsprechende Laufzeit, wenn diese Funktion nicht bis 24 Stundenvor dem Ende der Laufzeit in den Benutzereinstellungen deaktiviertwird. Eine Rückvergütung eines einmal abgeschlossenen Abos istnicht möglich, der Zugriff auf einmal erworbene Ausgaben bleibtauch nach Auslaufen des Abonnements erhalten.Bei Fragen und Anmerkungen schreiben Sie uns gerne grow! Magazineinformed since 1995 about the many facets of cannabis and thecannabis culture. The developments in politics and society play anequally important role as the subject drug information andprevention. The hemp scene itself comes in grow! Magazine about ininterviews and home stories to word.Special attention is given to the subject of "Cannabis asMedicine", whose usefulness has met with more and more doctors andpatients on interest. In addition to informative, entertaining andworth knowing reports and articles has the grow! Magazine itsreaders the latest information on the subject of hemp.The optimal reading comfort our App with these features: • All contents of the printed booklet in known Layout• Choice of current and archived issues• Enhanced reading mode for texts• Night Reading Mode• selection of font size• Bookmark function• Share articles via Facebook and co.You can download the digital edition of grow! PRO magazine as asingle issue or by subscription: The ePaper is published bimonthly at the price of 2.99 €or sleep comfortably in the grow! Magazine annual subscription (€14.99).The digital subscription automatically renewed for the sameduration, if this does not turn off until 24 in the user settingshours before the end of the term. A reimbursement of a once closedsubscription is not possible to access once acquired expenditureremains even after the subscription expires.For questions and comments please contact us
Gro Pro 4.4.3 APK
Gro Pro has been specifically tailored toprovide growers with the most up to date gardening information anda selection of tools to ensure your garden flourishes.Quickly diagnose, treat and prevent your gardening issues using ourvast image gallery and detailed explanations of pests, diseases,environmental stresses and control options. Track your gardensprogress and set tasks using your personal password protectedcalendar. Utilize the garden exporter, moon calendar, unitconversion calculator, green garden light, weather, and much more!Submit a photo or email a question about your problem and ourhorticultural experts will provide you with professional advice tohelp identify and solve your gardening issues. We are constantlystriving to provide our users with a top quality app, we provideregular updates and new features!PRIVACY: Your privacy is very important to us, it is for thisreason that we do not store, share or have access to any of yourpersonal information.CONTAINS:LOCATE A STORE: Find hydroponic stores and garden centers inyour area quickly!EVENTS: View all the latest local and international gardeningevents, post comments and share pictures. Submit and share yourfavorite events too!CHAT: Connect! Internet isn't required, although it isrecommended as you can now read and share comments, connect withFacebook and Twitter and share via email and text message.SUBMIT: Add your own events, locations, garden issues andresolutions!PROBLEM IDENTIFIER: Having difficulty solving a gardening issueSend a photo and/or ask a question and our horticultural expertswill work with you to get the problem fixed.CHARTS AND MEASUREMENTS: Make your garden thrive! Utilize theLeaf Analysis chart, Liquid Measurement Conversion chart, pH Scalechart, PPM Measurement chart, Nutrient Availability chart and LightSpectrum chart.GALLERY: Quickly diagnose garden deficiencies, pests anddiseases using our ever increasing collection of images.IDENTIFY & SOLVE: Quickly figure out what is wrong in yourgarden and the best way to restore your plants to full health.CONTROLS: Detailed explanations of organic, homemade and brandname products to treat your garden issues.GARDEN SCHEDULER: Track, monitor and record your gardensimportant information with your personal, password protectedcalendar.GARDEN PROGRESS EXPORTER: Track and export your gardensprogress, delivered directly to an email of your choice.GREEN GARDEN LIGHT: Protect your garden at night by using thisgentle green light to view your plants.UNIT CONVERSION CALCULATOR: Easily convert volume capacity,light, heat, length and many more.WEATHER: Set your personal weather forecast.
Marihuana News 0.2 APK
Discover everything about this medical plant.Features:• Always updated information• Different news• Descover censured information_____________________________________Medical marihuana. Social Cannabis Club,how to grow indoor and many other rss feeds_____________________________________www.tierraverde.club_____________________________________
What Is Marijuana - Weed Facts 1.0 APK
Now more than ever people are starting tofocuson Marijuana and the many things that come along with it.This app is updated wit hall the news you will needs, and ifyouwant to learn more about what Marijuana is, stop by oursite't forget, we do not lean one way other when it comestoMarijuana as we only wish to offer the facts. So our sitewillnever make it sound like smoking weed is cool and we neverpromotebreaking any law.
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Eenadu - official news app 3.0.0 APK
Please note: This app is curatedbyEenadueditors. It has all the content of the e-paper and more,andistotally free to useEenadu (Hyderabad, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh) -officialfreeapp connects you to your favorite TeluguLanguagenewspaperanywhere you are, anytime you want to read it. TheEenaduappoffers everything a Telugu news reader is looking for.Get24/7access to breaking news on politics,business,entertainment,technology, district news, sports andlifestyle. Andmuchmore...The Eenadu app also allows you to get more out of your copyoftheprinted Eenadu news paper. Seamlessly integratingtheprint(offline medium) with the digital (online) space is avisualsearchcapability which lets you discover the story behind animage.Click on enabled editorial or advertising imagesinEenaduNewspaper with your phone camera and getrelevantinformation. Youcould even take part in polls and quizzesbyclicking on theseimages.Features:* 24X7 access to the latest news from Andhra Pradesh,TelanganaandHyderabadNews, in a flash- breaking news updates by the minute* Comprehensive coverage of trending articles-relatedcontent:articles, videos, photos etc.* Breaking news notifications* Follow your district with personalizeddistrictspecificnews.* Check on your daily horoscope* Image enabled Polls and Quizzes* Visual search- click on the images in the newspaper tofindrelatedarticles.* Shopping, Click and Buy: click on the image in thenewspaperandshop online instantly.* Print Ads in the Newspaper can be clickedformoreinformation.* Share what matters to you via email, fb twitter etc.* Create your own library- save articles and organisethemintofolders* Read articles offline. Downloaded or saved articles canbeaccessedoffline too.Please Note: Eenadu Mobile app does not work onMicromaxwithAndroid versions less other than Lollipop
Narendra Modi 2.1 APK
App of Prime Minister of India,NarendraModi.It brings to you latest information, instant updates&helpsyou contribute towards various tasks. It providesauniqueopportunity to receive messages and emails directly fromthePrimeMinister.Download the app and get the latest updates anywhere,anytime!Narendra modi news todayPMO APPHighlights of the Narendra Modi app:• Receive the latest news and updates• Exclusive opportunity to receive E-Mails &Messagesdirectlyfrom the PM.• 'Mann Ki Baat' with the PM.• Small Tasks, Big Satisfaction: Contribute & earnBadgesthroughto-do tasks.• Your chance to Interact with the PM & shareIdeas&Suggestions.• Never miss out thoughts from PM Modi, read his Blogs.• Know more about PM Narendra Modi through unique insightsintheBiography section.• Read about PM Modi’s Governanceinitiatives&achievements.• Learn more about PM Modi’s efforts augmentingIndia’sGlobalRecognition.• Know about how Good Governance is improvinglivesthroughInfographics.Real Digital India App.This is informational ApplicationforModilovers,This is the perfect app to have a Shri NarendraModiworksand his informations.This is true digital India :)So register with the application to get best results.Key Features -* Different government portal on-line* Direct connect to Mr. Modi* All social connection at one place* Man ki baat ,digital India,live chat with PM.* Easy to Narendra Modi (Indian PM) details shareBest Digital India.Note: Best results in 3G network.DISCLAIMER: This is un-Official App of Prime MinisterofIndia,Narendra Modi.The content provided in this application is hosted on NICIndiaandis available in the public domain also. We have notuploadedanyvideos or any type of content. This application isjustanorganized way to browse and view NIC India portals likeMyGOV,MakeIN India,Maan ki Baat etc in another way.