App Information TvQuran
- App NameTvQuran
- Package Nameappinventor.ai_Yousefodeh1.tvquran
- UpdatedAugust 21, 2016
- File SizeUndefined
- Requires AndroidAndroid 3.1 and up
- Version4
- Installs1,000,000 - 5,000,000
- PriceFree
- CategoryMusic & Audio
- Developer
- Google Play Link
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TvQuran 4 APK File
Publish Date: 2016 /8/23Requires Android: Android 3.1+ (Honeycomb, API: 12)File Size: 4.3 MBTested on: Android 3.1 (Honeycomb, API: 12)File Sha1: 9d0b814b8893ec5d087c2849770dee67913f9089 -
TvQuran 3.5 APK File
Publish Date: 2015 /10/31Requires Android: Android 2.3+ (Gingerbread, API: 9)File Size: 2.4 MBTested on: Android 2.3 (Gingerbread, API: 9)File Sha1: 93aa8441e4ecddb6127c6f54154bad7d0c7dd28c Show More...
TvQuran 4 APK
Listen To Holy Quran , Live For All " Sura's "With High Quality And Easy To Use , 120 Reciters full Quranavailable , supports new download manager with download all buttonand progress bar , many new features like Repeat,Playnext,Share,Random, and Timer.Listen To Holy Quran ,for more than 120 reciters with full QuranavailableTV QURAN IS THE BEST APPLICATION IN GOOGLE PLAY FOR QURANwith features to share surah to your facebook timeline to yourWhatsApp and all another social network appTVQURAN APP allows you to add star behind your favouritereciteralso, you can run the application in the backgroundif you have any question don't forget to contact usbw4@hotmail.itthe application need your support don't forget to share it withyour friendsTHE RECITER LIST IN 20/7/2016___________________________________________________Wadee Hammadi Al YamaniMuhammad Salah NafeaAhmad SaudAhmad Al-ShalabiSulaiman al otaibiMajed Al-ZamilAbdul-Aziz AlqaraaniNemat Al-HassanAyman Al-DeebAbdul-Mujeeb BenkeranAbdul-Rahman Al-AwsiSaleh Al-TalebIdrees AbkrMohammed Siddiq Al-MinshawiMohammed Al-Minshawi - MujawwadAbdulwali Al-ArkaniFahad Al-KandariKhalid Al-JileelIbrahim Al-JebreenMahmoud Al-Bana - MujawwadAbu Baker Al-ShatriAhmad Al-hawashiAhmad Al AjmyAbd Al Rahman AlSodesMaher Al Mo'ekleMohammad HassanSa'd Al GhamdiYaser Al DosaryMishary Al-AfasiFares AbbadAbd Albaset Abd AlsamadAbd Albaset Abd Alsamad - MujawadSaud ShuraimAhmad Al-MusbahiAhmad Khader Al-TarabulsiAhmad SaberAhmad SalamahAhmad No'ene'Ahmad Muhammad AmerAkram Al-AlakimiIbrahim Al-AkhdarAlZain Mohammad AhmadAl-Dukali MuhammadAl-Ashri ImranAl Ouon Al-KowsheElhan TokYassin ReciterAnas Al-EmadiBasel Al-RawiTawfeeq Al-SayeghJamal Shaker AbdallahJaman Al-OsaimiHatem AlWaerKhaled Abu-ShadiKhaled Al-kahtaniKhaled Al-MahnaKhaled Abd Al-KafiKhalifa Al-TonejeZaki DaghastaniSahel YassinSayed RamadanShawqi Abd Al-HameedSherzad Abd Al-RahmanSaber Abd-HakamSalah Al-BudeirSalah Al-HashimSalah Bu-KhatirAdel Al-KalbaniAdel RayanAbd Al-bare' Al-ThobeitiAbd Al-bare' MohammadAbd Al-Rasheed SaufiAbd Al-Wadood HaneefAbd Al-Aziz Al-AhmadAbd Al-Aziz NadaAbdallah besagharAbdallah KhayatAbdallah Al-JuhaniAbdallah Al-MatroodAbdallah KamelAbdallah Taha SerbelAbu Al-Hasan Al-KurdiAbd Al-Muhsen Al-HarthiAbd Al-Mohsen Al-ObeikanAbd Al-QasemAli Al-HuthaifiAli bin Al-HuthaifiAli JaberAli Hajjaj Al-SuwaisiEmad ZuhairFuad Al-KhamriHani Al-RufaiHussein Al-SheikhKamel JaballahOmar Al-kzabriMaher ShakhasheroMohammad AyoubMohammad Al-BarrakMohammad Al-TabalawiMohammad Al-LohaidanMohammad Al-MuhaisniMohammad JebrilMohammad Saleh Al-AalamMohammad Abd Al-HakeemMohammad Abd Al-KareemMahmoud Al-Rufa'iMahmoud Al-ShaimiMahmoud Khaleel Al-hasriMahmoud Ali Al-BannaMostafa IsmaelMostafa Al-LahuniMostafa Al-AzzawiMuammar ZaMoftah Al-SaltaniMeqdam HadaryMusa BilalNabeel Al-Rufa'iNaser Al-KatamiHani Al-Rufa'iWaleed Idris Al-MunisiWaleed Al-Na'eheYaser Al-QurashiYaser Al-Mazroo'eYaser SalamahYahya Ahmad Al-HuliliYahya HawaYousef Al-Showe'e
حالات للفيس بوك و الواتس اب 1.31 APK
يحتوي هذا التطبيق على حالات وكلمات جميله للفيسبوك و الواتس اب مع الصور؛ تطبيق أكثر من رائع ؛ فهو بسيط وسهل الإستخدام ، ويتمتع بعدة خصائصومزاياحيث يمكنك مشاركة الحالة أو الصورة التي تعجبك على مواقع التواصلالإجتماعي ،كما بإمكانك الإحتفاظ بالصورة أو الحالة التي تعجبك ؛ومن المزايا التي يتمتع بها هذا التطبيق أنه يوفر حالات وكلمات يوميةومتجدده ؛ولا يقتصر هذا التطبيق على نوع معين من الحالات ؛فمنها ما هو حالات عن الحب ومنها ما هو عبر عن الحياه ومنها أقوالمشهورة للشعراء والعظماء ؛ تطبيق أكثر من رائع .تستطيع ايضا ارسال حالة ويتم نشرها عند الموافقة عليهاتستطيع اضافة اعجاب على الحالة التي تعجبكتستطيع اضافة الحالة الي قائمة المفضلةتم بحمد الله عمل تحديث جديد للتطبيق بإضافات جديدة ، يمكنكم الآنتنزيل التطبيق من الرابط :*نبذة عن الميزات والمواصفات الجديدة للتطبيق :1- " إضافة حالة جديدة من قبل المستخدم " :أصبح بامكانكم الآن المشاركة في اضافة الحالات والصور للتطبيق ، وعليهسيتم نشر الحالات أو الصور في حال الموافقة عليها .2- " زخرفة الحالة " :حيث يمكنكم نسخ النص ووضعه في خانة الزخرفة واختيار نوع الخط المزخرفالذي يناسبكم ، اذ تم إضافة عدد من الزخرفات العربية المتنوعة .3- " البحث بالحالات " :هذه الميزة تختصر عليك الكثير من الوقت في ايجاد نص أو حالة معينه ،حيث يمكنك البحث عن الحالة التي تريدها في خانة البحث.4- " المفضلة " :تتيح هذه الميزة للمستخدم وضع الحالات والصور المفضلة لديه في خانةواحدة ، بحيث يقوم بالرجوع اليها بسهولة ، وذلك بالذهاب الى خانةالمفضلة .* لاستفساراتكم أو اقتراحاتكم يرجى التواصل معنا عبر الصفحةتستطيع استخدام تطبيق حالات للفيسبوك والواتسب اب لمشاركة الحالات علىجميع مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي المختلفة منها الفيسبوك والتواتسبوالانسجرام لتحصل على افضل الاعجبات المختلفة مع ممزيات كثير داخلالتطبيق من اهمها التحديث المستمر والحالات المختارة بعناية لتناسبالجميعتستطيع ابهار اصدقائك بحالات ومنشورات وبوستات وصور عليها كلماتجميلة تساعدك بجلب اعجاب الاصدقاء بكل بسطاة من خلال استخدام التطبيقبكل سهولةاستخدام التطبيق بكل سهولة كل ما هو عليك فتح التطبيق وشاهد قائمةتزيد عن 5 الاف حالة جديدة والقائمة مستمرة التحديث وسوف يصلك اشعارعند اضافة حالة جديدة داخل التطبيق بكل سهولةالتطبيق لا يقوم بستخدام الانترنت بكمية كبيرة والصور مناسبة لجميعالاعمار من الصغار والكبار يوجد داخل التطبيق حالات اسلامية وحالاتليوم الجمعة وحالات لمعظم الشعوب العربية وحالات لجميع المناسباتوحالات عن الام والاداب وغيرهاوتستطيع تصفح الحالات من خلال الموقع الرسمي لتطبيقnew-status.netلا تنسى مشاركة الحالات بكل سهولة من خلال الضغط على زر المشاركةالموجود داخل التطبيق وسوف يظهر لديك جميع اختيارات مشاركة الحالة علىFacebook او الWhats app بكل سهولة ايضا تستطيع تحميل الحالات علىجهازك الخاص او تقوم بنقل نص الحالةتستطيع ايضاا زخرفة الحالة من اكثر 5 انواع مختلفة من الزخرفة الجميلةالبسيطة لتبهر اصدقائك على مواقع التواصل الاجتماعيالتطبيق بحاجة لدعكم لكي يستمر لا تنسى مشاركة التطبيق مع اصدقائكلنصل لاكبر عدد ممكن من المتسخدمين المميزين ونتباع تطوير التطبيقواضافة حالات جديدة ومتميزة اخرىThis application containsthe words and situations pretty Facebook and Alwats August withphotos; The application of the most fabulous; it is simple and easy touse, and has a number of features and benefitsWhere you can post status or image that you like on the socialnetworking sites, As you can keep the image or situation that you like;It benefits enjoyed by this application because it provides dailysituations and words and renewable;This application is a specific type of cases is not limited; Some of them are cases about love and some of which is acrossfrom life and from the sayings of famous poets and great men; theapplication of the most fabulous.You may also send the case and are posted when approvedYou can also add impress on the situation that you likeYou can also add the case to the favorites listWe have successfully make a new update to the application of newadditions, you can now download the application from thelink:* About the new features and specifications of theapplication:1. "Add a new situation by the user":I can trust is now participating in the Add cases and images of theapplication, and it will be published cases or pictures in theevent of approval.2. "Status frills":Where you can copy the text and put it in a decorative box andchoose the ornate line that suits you type, as was the addition ofa number of diverse Arab decorations.3. "Search cases":This feature abbreviated you a lot of time to find a text orsituation, where you can search for the situation that you want inthe search box.4. "favorite":This feature allows the user to put cases and pictures of hisfavorite in the single digits, so that the reference to it easily,so go to your favorite box.* For inquiries or suggestions, please contact us via the pageYou may use the application cases for Facebook and Allowazb Augustto share cases on all the various social networking sites includingFacebook and Altoazb and Alansgram to get the best various Alajbatwith Mmaziat many within the application of the most importantcases continued modernization and carefully selected to suiteveryoneThey may wow your friends to cases, leaflets and Bostadt andpictures of the beautiful words help bring impress friends with allBstah through the use of the application with easeUse the application with ease whatever it is you open theapplication and see a list of more than 5000 new cases andcontinuously update the list and you will receive notice whenadding a new case within the application with easeThe application will not be a large amount Bsthaddam onlinephotographs suitable for all ages of children and adults locatedwithin an Islamic application cases and cases and cases on Friday,most of the Arab peoples and cases for all occasions and situationsfor the mother and the Arts and otherThe cases can browse through the official website for theapplicationnew-status.netDo not forget to post cases with ease by clicking on the Sharebutton inside the application and you will all post status onFacebook or the choices Whats app that shows you easily can alsoload cases on your own computer, or you move the text caseYou may Aydaa state decoration of the most 5 different kinds ofbeautiful decoration simple to impress your friends on socialnetworking sitesThe application needs to in order to continue Dekm Do not forgetto post the application with your friends to reach the largestpossible number of discerning of Users and Ntba applicationdevelopment and add new and distinct cases Other
التقويم الهجري-Hijri Calendar 1.0 APK
يمكنكم تحميل المشروع كاملا من خلال : Calendar - التقويم الهجريتطبيق التقويم الهجري.مميزات:- عرض التاريخ الهجري و الميلادي.- دعم الودجت.- التنقل بين الشهور عن طريق السحب.للإقتراحات و الإبلاغ عن أخطاء :Hijri Calendar application.Features:- View Hijri and Gregorian.- Widget.- Move between months by slide.You can download theentire project through: Calendar - Hijri CalendarHijri Calendar application.Features:- View the Hijri and Gregorian.- Support Alodjt.- Navigate between months by clouds.For Suggestions and reporting errors:Hijri Calendar application.Features:- View Hijri and Gregorian.- Widget.- Move between months by slide.
درع المسلم 1.0 APK
يمكنكم عمل كتبكم الاسلاميه و بشكل سهل جدا , you can create your ownislamic booksدرع المسلمفي ظل الاوضاع الحاليه و لما عم من الجهل في الدين في هذا الزمن .فقد قمنا و بحمد الله بعمل درع المسلم الذي يهدف لتقوية الايمان والغاء العديد من الشبهات و التشويه الذي يقوم به بعض شياطين الانسلاشبعاء قلوب بعض اخواننا الذين لم يتعمقوا لفهم الدين على اكملوجهيحتوي البرنامج على* اسماء الله الحسنى و معانيها*حصن المسلم*الاعجاز العلمي في القران*مكائد الشيطان و الوقايه منها*الاربعين نووية*الردود على الشبهات المشهورة عن الاسلامأرجو من الله التوفيق و السداد shieldUnder the current circumstances and the uncle of ignorance inreligion at that time. We have this work and praise God shieldMuslim who aims to strengthen faith and cancel many of thesuspicions and distortion carried out by some of the demons ofmankind Ashavae the hearts of some of our brothers who have notAtamqgua to understand religion to the fullestThe software contains a* Names of Allah and their meanings* Fortress of the Muslim* Scientific Miracles in the Holy* Machinations of the devil and Prevention* Forty nuclear* Responses to popular suspicions about IslamI ask God to help and guide
Radio Quran 1.0 APK
Radio QURAN is an online Quran app for Androidusers to listen to many reciters over Radio Can create your own version of Radio Quran by Download thewhole source code for free : notice you can use the code for free for any can create your own web, Desktob, Mobile apps. using our APIservice and for free : easiest ever for streaming (HQ) High Quality MP3 Radio Channelsfor several reciters.Some of the Available reciters :Ahmad Al AjmySa'd Al GhamdiAbd Al Rahman Al SodesMshari Al AfasiShuraimMp3 Quran API Hosted using Amazone Cloude Services which means thatit can be expandable based on the number of users .Amazone Cloude Site: Clouse Services used for MP3 Quran :* Amazone S3 : it used to store all the assets need for the MP3Quran (Reciters Images,MP3 Sounds for each reciter,......)*Amazone RDS : is a web service that makes it easy to set up,operate, and scale a relational database in the cloud for our APIData.*Amazone EC2 : Elastic Compute Cloud delivers scalable,pay-as-you-go compute capacity in the cloud ( the phisical serversfor our API and Application )*Amazone Cloude Front :is a web service that makes it easy todistribute content with low latency via a global network of edgelocations, and we use it to make the streaming services for the mp3sounds using RTMP protocol as you can see in the youtube , alsoitis alow user to seek any mp3 sound file positition .MP3 Quran also aims to make it really easy for any pearson orcompany to use alot of already made players to embed them in theirwebsite with a short time :Sampel Players :->>>>> for Developers we allow them to download the source code forall the above players and also they have a full access to the ApiService Method so they can build their own application on Smartphones,....For the write services like Playlist Services we give the option touser to register for new sign key using one of the social sites:
Imam Nawawi's Forty Hadith 1.0 APK
Imam al-Nawawi’s collection of 40 Hadiths isone of the most important collections of hadiths we have today.Imam al Nawawi actually compiled a total of 42 hadiths for thiscollection not 40. Imam al-Nawawi was one of the greatest scholarsof Islam, he lived from 631 A.H. to 676 A.H, passing away at theage of 45. Allah (swt) granted him blessing and success in his workso that he could make great contributions to Islam before passingaway at a relatively young age.Imam al-Nawawi begins the “Forty Hadith” with and introduction.Many times we are in the habit of skipping the introduction orquickly looking through introductions. This is a mistake,especially when studying Islamic sciences. We need to move on to apoint where we actually know what we know and we can present it toothers. This is important in being able to carry the dawah. In hisintroduction, Imam al-Nawawi is telling us essentially why he wrotethis book, what got him to write this book and this is important inunderstanding the purpose of the work.
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TvQuran - تي في قران 1.1 APK
استمع للقران الكرام بصوت اكثر من 100 قارئمعامكانية تحميل السور لتشغيل بدون انترتيتيح لك تطبيق TvQuran الاستماع للقران الكريم وتحميل سورالقرانالكريم مع امكانية التحميلوامكانية عمل قوائم تشغيل خاصة بك بكل سهولةوالتطبيق يحتوي على مجموعة كبيرة من المميزات منها تعدداللغاتوالتشغيل بالخلفية مع امكانية التحكم من خلال السيارات اواجهرةالبلوتوث بكل سهولةتستطيع اضافة القارئ او السورة الي المفضلة وستتطيع انشاء قوائمتشغيلخاصة بك متنوعة ومختلفةكل هذا بالتطبيق بسيط وتصميم انيق نرجو ان ينال اعجباكمListen to the voice ofthewedding of dear reader more than 100 loaded with fencepossibilityto run without AntertTvQuran application allows you to listen to the Holy Qur'ananddownload the Holy Quran with the possibility of loadingAnd the ability to make your own playlists with easeThe application has a wide range of features, includingmultiplelanguages and operating background with the possibilityofcontrol by car or Ajhrh Bluetooth with easeYou can also add or reader Sura Favorite Stttia and createplaylistsof your own diverse and differentAll of this application is simple and stylish design we hopetoobtain Ajbackm
TvQuran - تي في قرآن 1.0.2 APK
برنامج اسلامي يقدم إليكم القرآن الكريم و هويتلى بأحسن الأصوات و من أكبر المشائخ و القراء.وهذا التطبيق هو معتمد في بياناته علي موقع www.tvquran.comوان شاء الله سوف يتم اضافة المزيد حيث انه يعتمد علي قاعدة بياناتمتجددةفي حاله وجود اي مشاكل بالبرمجه او احد السور يرجي استخدام زر "ابلاغ"او مراسلة المبرمجصدقة ورحمة علي روح المغفور له بإذن الله "عاطف شحاتة"Islamist program offers you the Koran is recited and the best ofthe votes of the largest and sheikhs and readers.This application is supported in its data on the sitewww.tvquran.comGod willing, will be adding more as it depends on the databaserenewableIn the event of any problems or programming, please use one fencebutton "inform" or programmed correspondent
القرآن كاملا بصوت السديس 1.0 APK
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ViNyL Music Player 1.2.9 APK
The Top Music Player for Android. is amusthave music player for smart phones.Built-in powerful Bass Booster and Equalier, Quick scan allmusicfiles and The New Interactive Experience you have never hadbefore.HD Vinyl Playback, Over 10 gorgeous background skins to makeyourmusic player look more outstanding.And more than 3 desktop widgets make your music play never beensoeasy.Free to get this best music player pro.,b>Key Features:- Browse and play your music quickly by albums, artists,songs,playlists, and folders- HD Vinyl Playback style- 10 beautiful default skins or custom with your own photos- High quality decoding with mp3,mp4/m4a,wma,flac and ape- 3 home screen WIDGETS(4*1, 2*2, 4*1)- Music Library wide search. Find all your music never beensoeasy.- Audio Recorder- Sleep mode- Lock screen support.- Five band graphic equalizer and Bass Booster- 10 types of pre-set music one for you choice, or you canmanuallyadjust the equalizer- Lyric support, Automatic scanning all the lyric files ,andmatching the most appropriate lyrics file for your songs.- Headset support. Support one button and multiple buttonsheadsets.Leave your device in the pocket!- Notification STATUS support: display album artwork, titleandartist, play/pause, skip forward and stop CONTROLS innotificationstatus.To learn more about the advanced settings, please feel free todownand have a try. You won't be disappointed.
القران الكريم الحصري بدون نت 1.0 APK
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Cat Sounds Ringtones is a brand newappthatbrings all the best cat sounds to your phone! All youcatloversout there are going to be so pleased with this greatapp.CatSounds is a collection of most adorable cat noises,kittysoundsand cat meowing sounds. You will find every possiblesoundthatyour favorite animal makes right here! You can choose fromarichselection of all natural cat sounds and set your favoritesoundasa ringtone, SMS notification or alarm sound. Wake upeverymorningwith your phone purring just like a real cat does!DownloadCatSounds Ringtones for free now and turn your smartphoneintomeowingcat![ Features ]- Hold the play button to set sound as ringtone,notificationsound(SMS/email) or alarm.- Assign as ringtone to specific contact in your contactlist.- Easy to use UI, Cat Sounds Ringtones works inlandscapeandportrait mode, optimized for all tablets andsmartphones.- Most popular cat sounds on the market!Kids are the biggest animal lovers and they are goingtoadorethese cat sounds! They will have so much fun hearingthesebestringtones. You will put a smile on their face every timeyouplay afunny cat sound. You will be surprised how much joythesecatsounds can bring. Browse through an extensive selectionofvariouslovely free ringtones. Pick your favorite free soundfromthis catsound effects soundboard and set it as a SMSalertnotification,chat notification, ringtone or alarm sound!Download“Cat SoundsRingtones” and enjoy them with your family!It’s time to turn your phone into your favorite animal!Youwillbe the center of attention whenever your phone makes asound.Alltrue cat lovers are going to be thrilled when they hearyourphoneringing. Share Cat Sounds Ringtones with your friendswhoadorecats! They are going to be most thankful and willappreciateyoufor discovering and sharing these cool ringtones withthem.CatSounds Ringtones is the best collection of topringtones,meowingSMS notification sounds and purring alarm tones.Bedelightedwhenever your phone meows! Download Cat SoundsRingtonesfor freenow.Feel free to contact us for any questions or feedback.
Emma for Spotify (TV) 1.00 APK
*** Spotify PremiumAccountisnecessary***Info that Emma will shut down on Jan 28, 2017.All + features are free starting from now (November 2016)***************************************************You need a Spotify Premium Account to use this software.- Access to top playlists (Top 100, Viral, Pop, Rock, etc.)- Access to New Releases, New Albums and Featured PlayLists- Play album, top songs, start radio, play any Playlistviavoicecommand- save songs to your Library & follow playlists.***If this app does not work for you, don't buy the+version,because it will not solve the problem*** Some userhaveproblemsusing it on Sony Bravia TVswith Emma for Spotify+ you will get:- more Categories, more Featured Playlists, Recent Playlists- MyLibrary screen with your Songs, Artists,AlbumsandPlaylistsincl. features to remove tracks from Libraryandunfollowplaylists.- Shortcuts on mediaplayer screen (Play Artist TopSongs,StartArtist Radio, Play full Album, Save Tracks)- a feature to add tracks to your own playlists.Examples for Voice Commands:Systemwide Voice Commands like "Play Coldplay" or"PlayMyloXyloto"In App-Voice Commands:- "Play Coldplay" plays Top Songs from Coldplay- "Album Coldplay Live 2012" plays specific Album- "Radio Coldplay" starts radio based on similar Artists- "Playlist Chill Out" plays a playlist named chill out- "Dance Music" or "Chill Out" searches andshowsspecificplaylists.This app is designed to work on AndroidTV!This app uses the official spotify beta sdkforandroid( endorsed, certified or otherwise approved in any waybySpotify.Spotify is the registered trade mark of theSpotifyGroup.
Best Car Sounds 2.1 APK
Best Car Sounds delivers theultimateexperiencewhen it comes to expensive and high-quality, topnotchvehiclesounds. This new app is bringing you the bestcollection ofthehottest incoming call alert melodies, SMSnotification soundsandloud alarm tones. Car lovers will startloving their favoritecarseven more because of these realistic andloud engine sounds.Yourmobile phone will sound so cool, like neverbefore, and yourheartwill beat faster when you hear that thrillingsound ofengineignition or the sound of tires screeching onasphalt. DownloadBestCar Sounds for free now and start your race!- Best new futuristic ringtones & SMS sounds!- Set as ringtone, notification sound (SMS/email) or alarm.- Assign as ringtone to specific contact in your contactlist.- Easy to use UI, Best Car Sounds App works in landscapeandportraitmode.Best Car Sounds is the newest most popular app foryoursmartphone!Assign different tunes for each contact and enjoythesepowerfulblasting sounds on daily basis. It is a loud andamusingway to getthe best out of every phone call or SMS you getand todraweveryone`s attention. Get your daily dose of adrenalinewiththesecrazy new roaring ringtones right now! If you feel theneedforspeed, these ringtones will awaken the passion in you andyouwillbe under the impression that you’re racing with anothercarthat isspeeding up right next to you. Go “fast and furious”withBest CarSounds! Anyone with passion for fast cars andpowerfulvehicleswill go crazy about these ringtones.Feel free to contact us for any questions or feedback.
Amex UNSTAGED: Taylor Swift 1.2.0 APK
Step inside acinematicinteractivemusicalexperience starring Taylor Swift. Choosewhereyou go, whoyoufollow and what you explore in a stunninghousefilledwithcharacters, objects and scenes.Shot with groundbreaking 360° cameras and scored witharichaudiosoundtrack based on Taylor’s single ‘Blank Space’fromhernew album1989, the experience is an immersivejourneywithintertwinedstorylines, multiple rooms and dozensofhiddeninteractive featureswaiting to be unlocked andexplored.The app also features the original ‘Blank Space’musicvideo,1989album purchase details and tour ticketinginformation.You canalsoexplore exclusive behind the scenes footagefrom theTaylorSwiftshoot, as well as the archive of Amex UNSTAGEDliveeventsand filmswith other top artists.The American Express UNSTAGED app is intended for ages 13+.
Lagu Natal 2017 1.2 APK
Natal (dari bahasa Portugisyangberarti"kelahiran") adalah hari raya umat Kristen yangdiperingatisetiaptahun oleh umat Kristiani pada tanggal 25Desemberuntukmemperingati hari kelahiran Yesus Kristus. Nataldirayakandalamkebaktian malam pada tanggal 24 Desember; dankebaktianpagitanggal 25 Desember. Beberapa gereja Ortodoksmerayakan Natalpadatanggal 6 Januari (lihat pula Epifani).Dalam tradisi barat, peringatan Natal jugamengandungaspeknon-agamawi. Beberapa tradisi Natal yang berasaldari Baratantaralain adalah pohon Natal, kartu Natal, bertukarhadiah antaratemandan anggota keluarga serta kisah tentang SantaKlausatauSinterklas.Kata “natal” berasal dari ungkapan bahasa Latin DiesNatalis(HariLahir).Dalam bahasa Inggris perayaan Natal disebutChristmas,dariistilah Inggris kuno Cristes Maesse (1038) atauCristes-messe(1131),yang berarti Misa Kristus. Christmas biasapula ditulisΧ'mas, suatupenyingkatan yang cocok dengan tradisiKristen, karenahuruf X dalambahasa Yunani merupakan singkatan dariKristus ataudalam bahasaYunani Chi-Rho.Untuk menyambut natal dan tahun baru, makakamimengembangkansebuah aplikasi yang berisi kumpulan lagu-laguNatalyang populerbaik di Indonesia maupun Dunia, adapun lagu-lagunatalyang kamisajikan pun cukup lengkap, antara lain :♦ Jingle Bells♦ We Wish You Merry Christmas♦ Selamat Hari Natal dan Tahun Baru♦ Telah Datang♦ Kita Rayakan Hari Natal♦ Oh Holy Night♦ Malam Sunyi Senyap♦ Sebab Dia Lahir Bagi Kita♦ Christmas is Here♦ Angel We have heard on High♦ Malam Kudus♦ Gita Surga Bergema♦ Hai Mari berhimpun♦ The first Noel♦ Twelve days of Christmas♦ Oh come little children♦ Hark the herald angels sing♦ Natal Pertama♦ dllFitur :♦ Bisa dijadikan ringtone hp♦ Bisa dijadikan alarm♦ Bisa dijadikan nada notifikasi♦ Tidak membutuhkan koneksi internet♦ Sudah menerapkan android 7♦ Aplikasi GratisSemoga dengan hadirnya aplikasi Lagu Natal 2017inibermanfaatbagi anda yang merayakan, jangan lupa ratedanreviewnya!!Christmas(fromPortuguesemeaning "birth") is a Christian holiday whichiscelebrated annuallyby Christians on December 25 to commemoratethebirth of JesusChrist. Christmas is celebrated in theeveningservice on December24; and service in the morning ofDecember 25.Some Orthodoxchurches celebrate Christmas on 6 January(see alsoEpiphany).In the western tradition, Christmas warningalsocontainsnon-religious aspects. Some Christmas traditions fromtheWestinclude Christmas trees, Christmas cards, exchanginggiftsbetweenfriends and family members as well as the story ofSantaClaus orSanta Claus.The word "Christmas" comes from the LatinphraseAnniversary(Birthday) .In English Christmas celebrationcalledChristmas, fromthe old English term Cristes Maesse (1038)orCristes-messe (1131),which means Mass of Christ. Christmasusuallyalso written Χ'mas, ashortening that fits with theChristiantradition, because theletter X in Greek is an abbreviationof theChrist or the GreekChi-Rho.To welcome Christmas and new year, we developedanapplicationthat contains a collection of Christmas songsarepopular inIndonesia and the World, while the Christmas songsthatwe serve isquite complete, among others:♦ Jingle Bells♦ We Wish You a Merry Christmas♦ Merry Christmas and Happy New Year♦ Has Come♦ We Celebrate Christmas♦ Oh Holy Night♦ Silent Night Silent♦ Because He is Born for Us♦ Christmas is Here♦ Angel We Have Heard on High♦ Holy Night♦ Gita Heaven Bergema♦ Hi Mari rally♦ The first Noel♦ Twelve days of Christmas♦ Oh come little children♦ Hark the herald angels sing♦ First Christmas♦ etc.Features:♦ Can be used as a ringtone hp♦ Can be used as alarm♦ Can be used as a notification tone♦ Does not require an internet connection♦ Already applying android 7♦ Free AppsHopefully with the presence of a Christmassong2017application is beneficial for those who celebrate, donotforgetrate and the review !!