App Information VeryDoge a very doge game
- App NameVeryDoge a very doge game
- Package Namecom.netforza.verydoge
- UpdatedDecember 19, 2015
- File SizeUndefined
- Requires AndroidAndroid 2.3 and up
- Version
- DeveloperNetforza
- Installs10,000 - 50,000
- PriceFree
- CategoryCasual
- Developer
- Google Play Link
VeryDoge a very doge game Version History
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VeryDoge a very doge game 4.2.0 APK File
Publish Date: 2017 /4/25Requires Android: Android 2.3+ (Gingerbread, API: 9)File Size: 12.5 MBTested on: Android 4.1 (Jelly Bean, API: 16)File Sha1: 5a2d3352bc410b1b5d06ba20bf78184776cefdf2 -
VeryDoge a very doge game 4.1.1 APK File
Publish Date: 2015 /12/17Requires Android: Android 2.3+ (Gingerbread, API: 9)File Size: 11.2 MBTested on: Android 4.1 (Jelly Bean, API: 16)File Sha1: 851bbf297e0aa754e7ea01631083ec2cb1062e50
Netforza Show More...
VeryDoge a very doge game APK
★★★★★ "Veeery nice. One of the betterDoge-themed games I've seen!"★★★★★ "I love that this game supports external keyboard! One of thefew games I can play on my mini-pc"★★★★★ "Such Game! Very Fun! Much Coins! "Doge wants to fly to the moon he desperately needs cash to buy arocket.He just got into a crypto-mine to catch some dogecoins.To catch the coins use the control buttons or tap where you wantthe money sack to be.FEATURES:+++ Upgrade the falling bonuses to increase your score.+++ Compare your score with all VeryDoge players from allplatforms+++ Lots of Fun+++ Funny doge clothes that can be combined in hilarious ways+++ Landscape mode that works fine on TVs+++ Physical keyboard and mouse support for mini-pcControl the doge with ARROW KEYS or A , Z , K , M keys.Restart and pause the game with SPACE BAR.
Genial Santa Claus 2 APK
Hello, Elf!Are You ready to help Santa Claus fulfill Christmas wishes?Do You think you have what is needed?Only the Elfs with the sharpest mind and dexterity will be able toslide the magic cards so they match and create all the Christmastoys for Santa.What are You waiting for? Install the game and let's see what areYou made of?"Genial Santa Claus 2 - the Christmas Cards" is a beautiful childfriendly Christmas game.In the game you help Santa Claus bring Christmas presents tochildren by matching 3+ Christmas cards in a row to create toys.The toys can be used to fulfill Christmas wishes and earnsmiles.If Santa Claus has no more presents to give, the game ends and youlose.There are now 366 Christmas missions to complete.Get as many smiles as possible.Fulfill all wishes to get 3 stars.Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!Game Features:+ Holiday themed imagery and music+ 366 levels for long periods of fun+ Beautiful family friendly graphics+ Great exercise for your mind, challenge your mind and handdexterity+ The game is really free, no in-app purchases+ Leaderboards and Achievements, find out who is the best SantaElf.Game Tips:+ Match more than 3 cards to get more presents+ After matching 3 cards you still have a small amount of time toadd more matching cards to the row.+ You can slide more cards at once if you tap farther from theempty space+ Use taps instead of swipes, it's much faster+ Take a peek at the toys you are missing and try to make those, toget 3 stars
Учимся Читать - Цвета Free APK
"Учимся Читать - Цвета" это игра для малышейот 2 до 6 лет.В нее ребенок будет самостоятельно решать простой пазл с фигурамиодновременно составляя из букв название цветов. При успехе, ребенкапохвалит нежный голос и на картинке предметы разукрасятся новымцветом.Играя в нашу игру малыш учится определять похожие формы.Знакомиться с видом и звучанием букв.Узнаёт как из букв образуются слоги и слова.Знакомится с названием цветов.Игра "Учимся Читать - Цвета" исключительно на Русском языке.И игре используются новые методики изучения чтения длямалышей.Даже дети вообще не умеющие читать и не знающие букв русскогоалфавита смогут играть в нашу игру, и получат удовольствие отигры.Принцип игры основан на том что когда ребенок собирает пазл у негоработает та часть мозга которая отвечает за распознавание форм, вэтот момент мы также показываем букву и озвучиваем ее что легчеусваивается ребенком."Learning to Read -Colors" is a game for kids from 2 to 6 years.In her own child will be decided by a simple puzzle with piecesmade up of both letters the name of the flower. If successful, thechild praise and gentle voice in the picture items to decorate thenew color.Playing our game kid learns to identify similar shapes.Become familiar with the look and sound of letters.Learns how letters form syllables and words.Acquainted with the names of colors.Game "Learning to Read - Colors" exclusively on the Russianlanguage.And the game uses the new technique of studying reading forkids.Even children do not know how to read and do not know the lettersof the Russian alphabet can play our game and get pleasure from thegame.The principle of the game is based on the fact that when a childcollects puzzles in his work is the part of the brain that isresponsible for shape recognition, at this moment, we also show theletter and articulate that it is easier to digest baby.
Times Ninja Adventure FREE APK
Learn multiplication like a ninja.Times Ninja Adventure is a new fun way for kids to memorize thetimes table.Features:1.) Adaptive math teaching. Times Ninja Adventure will adapt toyour child knowledge, it will remember which multiplicationquestions were given incorrect answers and will provide more ofthese for your children to remember.2.) Each consecutive correct answer will result in a different morepowerful attack. So if your children know the times tables anddon't make mistakes they will advance much faster until they reachchallenging levels.3.) Even if the main character loses and the game restarts themultiplication learning continues. The application will rememberwhat your child has already learned and will provide newchallenging questions. If your child feels that the game became toodifficult you can reset the learning process by pressing 3 times onthe reset button in the "pause menu".This is a Free Demo version. It is limited to only the first leveland multiplication of numbers up to 5.
Genial Santa Claus APK
Genial Santa Claus is a unique mix of Match 3and Sliding Puzzle games.Santa Claus is on his way to bring Christmas presents tochildren.Use the Christmas magic to help Santa Claus fulfill childrenwishes.Solve sliding puzzles and Match 3 toys in a row to create presentsthat Santa can give.The golden box is a magic present that can fulfill any wish.If Santa has no presents to give he goes home and you lose.Tap on toys close to the empty space to move them like in a slidingpuzzle.Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!Feliz Navidad y un Feliz Año Nuevo!Craciun Fericit si La Multi Ani!С Новым Годом и Счастливого Рождества!Joyeux Noël et une Bonne Année!Frohe Weihnachten und ein gutes neues Jahr!
Learn to Read - Colors Free APK
Learn to Read - Colors is a cuteeducational game, for small children, that will teach your kidsthe basics of English reading and spelling.The game will familiarize your kids with the look and sound ofEnglish letters.While playing the game, children will discover how letters make upthe syllables and words,and learn the color names in English.By solving simple puzzles, your child will also develop the abilityto identify similar shapes.The game is designed for preschool children and does not requireany prior knowledge of letters or the Alphabet.Learn to Read - Colors is a great way to teach your children thebasics of reading English.The game can be played even by toddlers, even though they will notstart reading after finishing the game it will help them developreading intuition, which is very usefull for the next stages ofdeveloping reading comprehension.The teaching is based on the Phonics method where the kids willdevelop the ability to hear, identify, and manipulatephonemes.Most important thing about Learn to Read Colors is that it isfun to play, the children usually want to know what colorwill be next and they want to see the Magical Meadow fullycolored.This is the free version of Learn to Read - Colors and it issupported by in game adverts.
Învățăm să Citim Culorile Free APK
"Învățăm să citim - Culorile" este un jocpentru copii mici, între 2 și 6 ani.În acest joc copilul va rezolva un puzzle simplu cu piese compusedin litere sau silabe.La fiecare nivel copilul descoperă o culoare nouă, în care secolorează un obiect din imagine.Jocul este interesant și pentru copiii care nu cunosc delocliterele din alfabetul Roman.Jucând în "Învățăm să citim - Culorile" copilul Se familiariza cuaspectul și sunetul literelor din limba Română.Învață să identifice forme similare.Descoperă cum literele formeză silabe și cuvinte.Face cunoștință cu denumirea culorilor in limba Romana.Invatam sa citim culorile stimuleaza curiozitatea copiilor.Copilului ii este interesant sa vada ce culoare va fi urmatoarea sicum va fi colorat desenul final. In asa fel copilul trece joacapana la sfarsit fara a fi impus de parinti.Jocul e mic si se limiteaza doar la culori, ceea ce nu e deajuns cacopilul sa inceapa sa citeasca de sinestatator.Dar el invata in ce ordine si in ce directie trebuie sa citestiliterele, cum din litere sa formezi silabe, ceea ce ajuta foartemult la alte lectii de citire mai avansate."We learn to read -Colors" is a game for children between 2 and 6 years.In this game the child will solve a simple puzzle pieces consist ofletters or syllables.At each level the child discovers a new color, the color is anobject in the image.The game is interesting for children who do not know all theletters in the Roman alphabet.Playing in "learn to read - colors" child is familiar with the lookand sound of letters in the Romanian language.Learn to identify similar shapes.Discover how letters make up the syllables and words.Get acquainted with the name of the color in Romanianlanguage.Learn to read colors stimulate children's curiosity. The child isinteresting to see what will be next and how color will be coloredfinal drawing. In so play to end child goes without parentsimposed.The game is small and limited to colors, which is not enough thatthe child begins to read by themselves.But he learns in what order and in what direction you must readletters as letters to dial syllables, which helps greatly to moreadvanced reading other lessons.
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Doge Swag Clicker 1.24 APK
A very best Doge game ever! Enter the game and start earning SWAGby rapidly tapping your screen. Level Up and develop your SocialMedia to make your fanbase bigger. MORE SWAG = MORE FANS = MORECOINS! Earn much swag, evolve your Doge and become a millionaire!Buy Items and Upgrades You need to earn as much SWAG as you can, sogo to the shop and buy more stuff or upgrade your Doge Skills toget more SWAG. Wear Amazing Clothes Bored with the look of yourDoge? Go to the shop or take part in event to acquire brand newcloths. Choose from over 50 hats, glasses and necklaces and makeyour Doge look amazing! Develop Your Social Media Without your fansyou are nothing. Take care about your Swagbook, Swagchat andSwagstagram to get more coins and more fans! Hire Many Helpers Yourfinger hurts and you can't tap your screen anymore? Hire helpersand watch your SWAG grow thanks to them. YOLO Log in everyday andlaunch your YOLO boost increasing your SWAG gain times 10! Beat TheTOP List Do you know pop star Lady Swaga or Cate Perry? Have youheard songs from Snoop Doge or Dogale Jackson? Now you can earnSWAG and beat many stars and characters from movies, but mostimportantly, as a Doge, you have to beat the Cate! Time LimitedEvents Keep your game updated and take part in many events likeChristmas, Halloween or Valentine's Day and recieve special prices!Evolve Your Doge Complete missions, Level UP your Swag Level andadd new perks to evolve your Doge! Such a good game!
Doge Breed 1.1 APK
You can look after your Doge in this game, buy things to please himor transform him into Lion Doge, Lionel Doge, Seal Doge and others!Play funny minigames to make money. If you have ideas for newminigames or doge transformations, feel free to e-mail me! How toplay: - take care of your doge - his all stats must not drop tozero at any moment - you can increase the stats by hitting the Shopbutton and buying things - in Growing Doge minigame, drag yourfinger to move your doge, hit the dogenuts and avoid the enemy - inDoge Zeppelin minigame, tap the screen to inflate your zeppelin andrise up, or just leave it shrink and descend gradually - the goalis to avoid the spikes
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Case Clicker 1.9.0a APK
--> NOW WITH THE ROULETTE SYSTEM! <--Combination of counter strike case simulator with clicker.Click, buy keys and open cases! Be the best!What can be found in the game?— Arm deal contracts, just like in real Counter Strike!— Roulettes and Online Jackpot system!— Match betting system - place bets on real matches!— Jackpot & trading system!— Over 200 achievements— Rank system, from silver to global elite!— Mission system— Souvenir system— Capsules with stickers— Over 250 upgrades— Over 700 obtainable skins!— Over 600 obtainable stickers!— Ability to sell skins for real market pricesAnd much more!
My Talking Tom APK
Discover the #1 games app in 135 countries!Adopt your very own baby kitten and help him grow into a fullygrown cat. Take good care of your virtual pet, name him and makehim part of your daily life by feeding him, playing with him andnurturing him as he grows.Dress him up any way you like and pick from a wide selection of furcolors and other accessories. Decorate his home and travel theworld to meet other Toms. Play mini-games and watch as Talking Tombecomes part of your everyday life.FEATURES: - Play over 10 mini-games: Happy Connect, Bubble Shooter, PlanetHop and more! Earn gold coins and have fun!- Nurture your very own Tom: Play games with him, feed him hisfavorite foods, tuck him into bed. - Collect flight tickets and travel around the world to meet otherToms. Fill your album with postcards from different places andunlock clothes fit for a true adventurer.- Enjoy life-like emotions: Tom can be happy, hungry, sleepy,bored... his emotions change according to how you play withhim. - Unleash your creativity: Create your very own Tom by choosingfrom 1000’s of combinations of furs, clothing andfurniture. - Get rewards as you progress: Help Tom grow through 9 differentstages and 999 levels unlocking new items and coins as yougo! - Interact with Tom: Talk and Tom still repeats everything you say.Poke, stroke and tickle him, and watch how he responds.This app is PRIVO certified. The PRIVO safe harbor seal indicatesOutfit7 has established COPPA compliant privacy practices toprotect your child’s personal information. Our apps do not allowyounger children to share their information.This app contains:- Promotion of Outfit7's products and advertising- Links that direct customers to our websites and other Outfit7apps- Personalization of content to entice users to play the appagain- The possibility to connect with friends via social networks- Watching videos of Outfit7's animated characters via You Tubeintegration- The option to make in-app purchases- Items are available for different prices in virtual currency,depending on the current level reached by the player- Alternative options to access all functionalities of the appwithout making any in-app purchases using real moneyTerms of use: policy:
My Talking Angela APK
Explore Talking Angela’s world and customizeher fashion, hairstyle, makeup and home - all while playingaddictively cute mini-games.With over 165 million downloads already… don’t miss out on thefun!ADOPT BABY ANGELAAdopt Angela as your very own virtual pet and give her a fabulouslife! Help her grow into a stylish city kitty. From teeth brushingto clothes shopping – she’s all yours!TAKE CARE OF HERMake Angela your very own superstar! Nurture her, sing to her, feedher delicious treats. Just watch – she’ll become your new bestfriend!CREATE COLORFUL MAKEUPLet your stunning sense of style shine through by giving TalkingAngela a style make-over!Lipstick, eyeshadow, blush - customize to your heart's content!With dozens of different colors and endless creative freedom; youcan really express yourself!EXPRESS YOUR FASHION FLAIRYou’re fabulous, so make Angela fabulous too! Dress her in thelatest fashions and the cutest costumes, from beautiful ballerinato punk ninja! Complete the look by giving her the perfecthairstyle too! With over a million different fashion combinations,you can create something truly unique!PLAY MINI-GAMESDiscover and play amazing new mini-games! From Happy Connect toBubble Shooter - all your favorites are here… and more are addedall the time!AND MUCH, MUCH MORE...Unlock exclusive new outfits, level up, collect special stickers,customize her fabulous home… all while she repeats everything yousay - in classic Angela style!This app is PRIVO certified. The PRIVO safe harbor seal indicatesOutfit7 has established COPPA compliant privacy practices toprotect your child’s personal information. Our apps do not allowyounger children to share their information.This app contains:- Promotion of Outfit7's products and advertising- Links that direct users to other apps and Outfit7'swebsites- Personalization of content to entice users to play the appagain- The possibility to use and connect with friends via socialnetworks- Watching videos of Outfit7's animated characters via You Tubeintegration- The option to make in-app purchases- Items are available for different prices in virtual currency,depending on the current level reached by the player- Alternative options to access all functionalities of the appwithout making any in-app purchase using real money (levelprogress, games, in-game functionalities, ads)Terms of use: policy:
iCá - Ban Ca Online v2024.1.0 APK
iCa The TOP 1 FREE of fishing online andcasual game in VN ! Join the battle with MILLION Vietnamese playersfor a FREE Fishing online game competing between 2 to 4 players perlucky game!Game Features:- iCá is an online game simulation of the coin fish game will give you the real and exciting experience from your mobileinstead of sitting still and shoot nets monotonously as before. Youcan Aim and shoot your multi-Level power nets to catch fish andearn Gold and XP whenever and wherever you are!- Large varieties of colorful sea creatures, particularly, morethan 11 different kinds of fish and 4 beautiful mermaids, which arethe same as those in a lucky coin fish game machine.- 9 different Levels of Cannons to catch fish. The larger theCannon you use, the more lucky coins you get.- The Challenge mode of 2 to 4 players cannot be missed. The winnertakes it ALL!- Many Fish Bosses would bring for you different experiences and somuch GOLDs : Golden Fish, Golden Frog and especially Phoenix thatjust updated in Lunar New Year- iCá has friendly graphics designed suit all ages which helps youhunting and earn Golds at any time and any place.- The highly attractive game iCá definitely will bring you withexcitement, fun much more than other fishing games. Especially themore difficult creatures you catch, the more Gold coins you get!More than REAL!- Invite friends via Zalo and Facebook and daily login with iCá cangive you Daily FREE Golds! this is one of the quickest ways to getas more gold coins as possible within the shortest time.- Much more exciting features like daily missions – battle withfriends, gold exchange etc.- iCá freely support for all devices which are more advanced thanGalaxy S2- More than MILLION Players of iCá, come and join with us!Who gonna be the MILLIONAIRE of the iCá Top Chart? Don’t hesitateand Join us now, FOR FREE!*** GUIDE FOR PURCHASE via GOOGLE PLAY ***Step 1: Pick "Nạp" and choose 1 packet in game.Step 2: "Add credit or debit card" or "Direct Carrier BillingMobifone/Viettel/Vina/Vietnamobile" then fill inforequirementStep 3: Click "Buy" and enjoy your game-----------------------------------------------------NOTE: The game will require GET_ACCOUNTS, READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE,WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE to play some features and secure yourdata.Website:
Township 9.9.1 APK
Township is a unique blend of city-buildingand farming!Build your dream town! Harvest crops at the farms, process them atyour facilities, and sell goods to develop your town. Trade withexotic countries. Open restaurants, cinemas, and other communitybuildings to give life in your town special flavor. Explore themine to get resources and find ancient artifacts. Run your own zooand collect animals from around the world.Are you ready to become a farmer and city-manager to build yourdream? Let’s get started!Township features:● Different buildings and decorations you can use to create yourdream town● Various crops to grow and later process at your factories● Fun, charismatic townspeople with orders you need to fill● Your town's mine packed with ancient artifacts to discover andcollect● Lovely animals to take care of● Farms to manage and expand● Exotic goods brought from islands● A zoo to build where you can even breed animals● Country flags and famous landmarks you can use to decorate yourtown, like the Statue of Liberty, Big Ben, and many more!● Play with your Facebook and Google+ friends, make new friends inthe game community create your own clans!Township is free to play, though some in-game items can also bepurchased for real money.*Internet connection is required to play the game and enable socialinteractions, competitions and other features*Enjoying Township? Learn more about the game!Facebook: Contact our Tech Support at
Let's Farm 8.29.0 APK
Join one of the most popular farming games onmobile, top 5 family games in 100+ countries! And is FREE to play!10 million+ farmers are already dragging their fingers to- PLANT fresh crops- COOK delicious food- FEED lovely pets- GREET friendly neighbors- TRADE with farmers from all over the world- COMPLETE challenging missions- DESIGN the prettiest farm with hundreds of decorationsThe game is free to play but some of the contents can be purchasedfor real money. Internet connection is required.Fans Page:
Happy Girl Lolita 1.2 APK
Your Sexy and Naughty Happy Girl is ApproachingHere comes your Happy Girl – Lolita! Seductive Figure and CharmingFace. Take a moment to sense her gracefulness and to feel hersweetness. She might be angry, so you need to take care of hercarefully; she will be happy, if you send her tasty fruits and sexyLingerie, and she will reward you with a passionate dance; she willaccompany you to play different games when you feel lonely and keepyou away from distress. She is the Happy Girl, Goddess forhomebodies. Come on buddy. Let’s party with your naive and cuteHappy Girl.Full description:Your Sexy and Naughty Happy Girl Lolita is ApproachingHere comes your Happy Girl Lolita! Seductive Figure and CharmingFace. Take a moment to sense her gracefulness and to feel hersweetness. She might be angry, so you need to take care of hercarefully; she will be happy, if you send her tasty fruits and sexyLingerie, and she will reward you with a passionate dance; she willaccompany you to play different games when you feel lonely and keepyou away from distress. She is the Happy Girl, Goddess forhomebodies. Come on buddy. Let’s party with your naive and cuteChinese Happy Girlfriend.Game Features:Limitless coins with all stages. Pay or not pay, you will feelhappy.Your sexy and charming Happy Girl Lolita changes clothes fromwearing pajamas, skirts, to bikini etc. Hot dances reveal herbeautiful body figure no matter as a waitress, college student orbikini girl.Four kinds of interactive games to allow you feel as if you arehaving an intimate experience with your Happy Girl – Lolita in reallife and feel her cheerfulness and gracefulness face-to-face.Three kinds of fruits allowed for you to present to your HappyGirl, to let her feel your caring heart and reward you withsurprises.The most modern interactive raising game with your ideal HappyGirl Lolita! Have fun with your Chinese virtual girlfriend.For Android 2.2 and above