App Information Web Fonts Viewer
- App NameWeb Fonts Viewer
- Package Nameorg.superdry.webfontsviewer
- UpdatedDecember 1, 2011
- File Size57k
- Requires AndroidAndroid 2.2 and up
- Version1.0
- Developersuperdry
- Installs10,000 - 50,000
- PriceFree
- CategoryLibraries & Demo
- Developer
- Google Play Link
Web Fonts Viewer Version History
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Web Fonts Viewer 1.0 APK File
Publish Date: 2016 /3/3Requires Android: Android 2.2+ (Froyo, API: 8)File Size: 56.9 kBTested on: Android 2.2 (Froyo, API: 8)File Sha1: 580af66ec54c60f3c75e6022b6a9cfc989b43081
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Telerik Examples 2016.3.1222 APK
"UI for Android" is a set of nativeUIcontrolsthat assist in building Android applicationsfaster.For more information, pleasevisit: & Features includedListView- Group, Sort, Filter- Load on demand- Pull to refresh- Selection- Deck of Cards layout- Slide layout- Swipe to execute- Item reordering- Linear, Grid and StaggeredGrid layout strategies- The Telerik ListView is based on the Android RecyclerViewsoUIvitualization is provided out-of-the-boxChartView- Series- Line- Spline- Area- SplineArea- Bar- RangeBar- Pie- Donut- Financial (OHLC, Candlestick)- Scatter- Bubble- Axes- Categorical- DateTimeCategorical- DateTimeContinuous- Linear- Logarithmic- Plotting multiple axes on a single chart- Behaviors- Pan & Zoom- Trackball- Tooltip- Selection- Miscellaneous features- Palettes - set of predefined styles for each chart type- Annotations - visual elements for highlighting areas ontheplot.Can be used as comments or as markers for specific valuesontheplot.- Labels - both for series and axes- LegendDataForm- Default and Custom editors- Validation- Read-Only mode- Different commit modesCalendarView- Can display events from the device's calendar- Week, Month & Year view- Single, Multiple & Range selection- Customizable cells- Different events display modesSideDrawer (NavigationDrawer)- Predefined open/close animations- Can be opened from all edges of the screen- Customizable fade layer- Customizable drawer sizeGauge- The Gauge control stretches the data visualizationcapabilitiesofyour app, allowing you to present numeric values overacircularscale. The Gauge is a great way to illustrate themagnitudeof avalue in a given range of upper and lower bounds. Thisvaluecouldbe speed, distance, temperature or progress ofaprocess. AutoCompleteTextView- With AutoCompleteTextView implemented in your appyourend-userscan type faster. The control gives them suggestions,basedon thecharacters they’ve already typed. This is usefulinvarioussituations such as choosing from a list of airports oralist ofknown recipients. It features:- Different completion modes: Append, Suggest orSuggestAppend- Different filter modes: StartsWith, Contains- Multiple selection of items with Tokens- Null-text- Text highlightData Source- A non-UI adapter that offers an easy way to sort, groupandfilterin-memory data. Used internally by the ListView.- The DataSource is most useful when used as a "data hub"wheredatais obtained, reshaped and sent to a view tobedisplayed.AppFeedback- A component that exposes an easy way to gather feedbackfromyourapplication users. The AppFeedback control is integratedwiththeTelerik Platform and provides a convenient way to managetheuserfeedback.ScrollView- A control based on the native Android ScrollViewthatprovidessimultaneous horizontal and vertical scrolling.New examples are added regularly. The application's sourcecodeisavailableonGitHub: