App Information WeWa Wetterwarner [Widget]
- App NameWeWa Wetterwarner [Widget]
- Package
- UpdatedJuly 25, 2015
- File Size1.3M
- Requires AndroidAndroid 2.1 and up
- Version2.2.1
- DeveloperKI-Tools
- Installs5,000 - 10,000
- PriceFree
- CategoryWeather
- Developer
- Google Play Link
KI-Tools Show More...
WeWa Wetterwarner [Widget] 2.2.1 APK
Die Wetterwarner - App bietet einen leichten Zugriff aufUnwetterwarnungen des Deutschen Wetterdienstes.Ein Hintergrundservice ruft in frei wählbarem Abstand (10-60Minuten) alle wichtigen Wetterwarnungen ab und zeigt diese optischauf einem Widget (3x1, 2x1 oder 1x1) an.Der Landkreis bzw. die Art der Benachrichtigung (Ton, Vibration,Statuszeile, ToastMessage) kann von Ihnen frei gewählt werden.Wichtig: Um den Hintergrundservice zu aktivieren muss ein Widgetauf dem Homescreen abgelegt werden!Umfang:* Komplett Werbefrei* Dauerhaft Kostenlos* Widget (3x1, 2x1 oder 1x1) mit Warnstufe, Anzahl der Warnungen,Kreis und Warnfarbe* Hintergrundservice (Intervall variabel zwischen 10 und 60Minuten)* Zweiter Warnkreis im Widget 2x1* Einfacher Zugriff auf die mobile Seite des DWD* Alarmwiederholung* Teilen-Funktion für Wetterwarnungen* Bildschirmorientierung per Lagesensor* Umfangreiche Warnung (Ton, Vibration, Toastmessage, etc.)* Deutschlandkarte* Niederschlagsradar (-film)* Warnung bei Vorabinformation "Unwetter"* Hitzewarnung* Viele Einstellmöglichkeiten (Kreis, Benachrichtigung, Töne,etc)* "Immer laut alarmieren"-Modus* Variable Benachrichtigung nach Warnstufe* Übersichtskarte "Waldbrandindex"* Akku- und Speicherfreundlich* TestalarmFür Geräte bis Android 2.3.7 (API 10) bitte folgende Versionnutzen, da einige Funktionen in den WeWa-Versionen ab 2.1.4 aufdiesen Geräten nicht funktionieren:!Dies ist keine offizielle App des Deutschen Wetterdienstes! Sieliest, ähnlich wie ein normaler Browser, nur den Inhalt derenWebseite aus und zeigt diesen unverändert in der App an!Der Autor entwickelt nach bestem Gewissen an einer korrektlaufenden App. Dennoch sind Fehler oder gar Abstürze möglich. DerAutor übernimmt keine Haftung dafür und bittet um Rückmeldung überFehler.Schlechte Bewertungen verbessern die App nicht! Bitte nutzen Siedie Supportfunktion um Fehlerberichte und eine Beschreibungeinzureichen. Vielen Dank für die bisher eingereichtenBerichte!TheWeather Warner - app provides easy access to weather warnings ofthe German Weather Service.A background service calls in a freely selectable distance (10-60minutes) from all major weather alerts and displays it visually ona widget (3x1, 2x1 or 1x1).The county or the type of notification (sound, vibration, statusbar, toast message) can be freely chosen by you.Important: To activate the background service a widget to be placedon the home screen!Scope:* Completely Ad-Free* Permanently free* Widget (3x1, 2x1 or 1x1) with warning level, number of warnings,county and warning color* Background Service (interval variable between 10 and 60minutes)* Second warning circle in Widget 2x1* Easy access to the mobile side of the DWD* Repeat alarm* Share function for weather warnings* Screen orientation via position sensor* Extensive warning (sound, vibration, Toast Message, etc.)* Germany Map* Precipitation Radar (movie)* Warning for preliminary information "storm"* Heat Warning* Many settings (circle, alert tones, etc)* "Always loud alarm" mode* Variable notification to alert level* Overview map "Forest Fire Index"* Battery and Memory Card Friendly* Test AlarmFor devices to Android 2.3.7 (API 10) Please use the followingversion, as some functions in the Wewa versions from 2.1.4 on thesedevices are not working: =!This is not an official app of the German Meteorological Service!It reads, similar to a normal browser, only the content of theirwebsite and displays it unchanged in the app!The author developed in good faith to a correct running app.Nevertheless, errors or crashes are possible. The author assumes noliability for this and asks for feedback on errors.Bad reviews do not improve the app! Please use the supportfunction to bug reports and submitted a description. Thanks for thereports submitted to date!
Wetterwarner [Widget] 2.0.8 APK
Einfacher und kostenloser Wetterwarner, derWarnungen des Deutschen Wetterdienstes (DWD) anzeigt. EinHintergrunddienst läd im frei wählbarem Intervall die Warnungen dergewünschten Landkreise / Städte und zeigt diese mittelsBenachrichtigung oder Widget an. Die Benachrichtigungen können freieingestellt werden.Auf dem Homescreen können Widgets (1x1) für die jeweiligenWarnbereiche angelegt werden. Das erste angelegte Widget ist fürden 1. Warnbereich, das zweite für den 2. Warnbereich. Zudemermöglicht ein flexibles Widget die Ansicht einer Warnkarte fürganz Deutschland. So hat man stets die flächenmäßige Warnung imBlick.Ebenso ist über die App ein einfacher Zugriff auf folgende Warn-und Informationsseiten möglich:(rechtes Menü)- Warnseite des DWD- Satelittenwetter- Übersichtskarte- Radarbilder/-filme- Waldbrandgefahrenindex- Pollenfluggefahrenindex- Soziale Medien des DWD(linkes Menü)- FeWIS (für Registrierte!)- Hochwasserportal- Lawinenwarndienst- Warnungen des BBKSupport / Hilfe / Ideen / Wünsche gibt es in der G+ Community: es sich in letzter Zeit häuft:Bitte kontaktieren Sie bei Problemen oder Fragen ZUERST denSupport, bevor Sie Negativbewertungen abgeben. SchlechteBewertungen helfen nicht die App zu verbessern. In der Regel findetsich ein Lösungsansatz!--------------------------------------------------------Dies ist keine offizielle App des DWD! Verwendete Wetterdaten: ©Deutscher WetterdienstDie Nutzung der App erfolgt auf eigene Gefahr ;)Easy and Free WeatherWarner, the warnings of the German Weather Service (DWD) displays.A background service loads in freely selectable interval thewarnings of the desired counties / cities and displays them bynotification or widget. The alerts can be set freely.On the homescreen widgets (1x1) for the respective warning areascan be created. The first scale widget is for the 1st warning area,the second for the second warning area. In addition, a flexiblewidget allows you to view a warning card for all of Germany. So onealways has the areal warning in view.Likewise, a simple access to the following warning andinformation sites is possible via the app:(Right menu)- Warning page of the DWD- Satelittenwetter- Overview Map- Radar Pictures / Movies- Forest fire risk index- Pollen risk index- Social media DWD(Left menu)- FeWIS (for Registered!)- Flood Portal- Lawinenwarndienst- Warnings of BBKSupport / Help / Ideas / Requests are available in the G +Community: ------As it accumulates lately:Please contact us before you leave any problems or questionsFIRST support negative reviews. Bad reviews do not help to improvethe app. Usually there is a solution!-------------------------------------------------- ------This is not an official app of DWD! Weather data used: © GermanWeather ServiceUse of the app at your own risk)
WaFoeGPS [Feuerwehr] 2.0 APK
Die App unterstützt Einsatzkräfte derFeuerwehr bei der Erstellung von Einsatzplänen für dieLöschwasserförderung über lange Wegstrecken. Dabei wird anhand vonfrei wählbaren Variablen (u.a. Förderdruck, Reibungsverlust undHöhenverlust in Bar) und der Nutzung des GPS-Signals (Entfernungund Höhendaten) die mögliche Strecke zwischen mehrerenPumpenstandorten berechnet. Der Benutzer bekommt dabei diezurückgelegte Strecke, den theoretischen Pumpeneingangsdruck, dieAnzahl der Pumpen und B-Schläuche und den Abstand zur nächstenPumpenposition in Metern und optisch über eine Prozentanzeigeangezeigt. Rechtzeitig (50 Meter) vor Erreichen des nächstenPumpenstandortes wird zudem akustisch gewarnt.Zur Laufzeit der App wird eine GPX-Datei mit Pumpenstandortenund den jeweiligen Wegpunkten zwischen den Pumpen erstellt. DieseDatei(en) werden auf der SD-Karte mit Datum und Uhrzeit gespeichertund können für weitere Maßnahmen verwendet werden (z.B. Import inKartenprogrammen).In einem internen Vorschaufenster können die gespeichertenGPX-Dateien (Pumpenstandorte und Wegstrecke) geladen und betrachtetwerden. Hierüber können die erstellten GPX-Dateien auch "geteilt"werden.Zur Hilfestellung sind die am weitesten verbreiteten Pumpen(Förderdruck, Förderstrom und Reibungsverlust) in einer Tabelleabrufbar. Ebenso ist die folgende Kurzanleitung in der Appabrufbar.Kurzanleitung:1. GPS in den Telefoneinstellungen aktivieren.2. App starten und warten bis die GPS-Position ermitteltwurde.3. Einstellungen vornehmen (Förderdruck, Reibungsverlust,Höhenverlust).4. An der Startposition (1. Pumpe) auf "Start" klicken.5. In angemessenem Tempo (10-30 Km/h) Richtung Objekt fahren.6. App signalisiert nächsten Pumpenstandort -> Anhalten, "Pumpesetzen" klicken.7. Ab Punkt 5 wiederholen (bis Objekt erreicht).8. Am Objekt "Stop" klicken -> Letzte Pumpe wird gesetzt,GPX-Datei wird erstellt, Werte zurückgesetzt.9. Übersicht wird angezeigt.10. Für weitere Strecken: Punkte 2 - 8 Wiederholen.Achtung:Die App ist für die "kalte Lage" (sprich Einsatzplanung)geschaffen. Zudem sollten geplante Strecken z.B. im Rahmen einerÜbung unter Realbedingungen getestet werden! Wärend der Laufzeitder App bleibt der Bildschirm eingeschalten!Bitte unterstützen Sie uns bei der Verbesserung der App undmelden Bugs / Fehlberechnungen über den "Support / Bugs"-Buttonunter "Information". Schlechte Bewertungen helfen nicht die App zuverbessern!The app supports taskforces of the fire department in the preparation of operationalplans for the extinguishing water pumping over long distances. Itis calculated the possible distance between two pump sites based onarbitrary variable (including delivery pressure, friction loss andheight loss in bar) and the use of the GPS signal (distance andheight data). The user gets while the distance traveled, thetheoretical pump inlet pressure, the number of pumps and hoses Band the distance to the next pump position in meters and displayedvisually on a percentage. In Time (50 meters) before reaching thenext pump location is also warned acoustically.At runtime, the app a GPX file with pump locations and therespective waypoints between the pump is created. These file (s)are stored on the SD card with date and time and can be used forfurther measures (eg import in card programs).In an internal preview window, the saved GPX files (pumplocations and distance) can be loaded and viewed. Using the createdGPX files can be "shared".To help the most widely used pumps (feed pressure, flow rate andfriction loss) in a table are available. Similarly, the followingbrief instructions in the app is available.Quick Start Guide:First GPS function in phone settings.Start second app and wait until the GPS position has beenacquired.3 settings (delivery pressure, friction loss, loss ofheight).4 At the starting position (first pump) on "Start" button.5 In a reasonable pace (10-30 km / h) drive towards theobject.6 app next signaled pump location -> Stop, "Set pump"click.7 From point 5 repeat (to object reached).8 On Property "Stop" button -> Last pump is set GPX file iscreated, values.9 Overview appears.10 For further distances: points 2-8 Repeat.Danger:The app is created for the "cold layer" (ie scheduling). Inaddition, should planned routes as be tested as part of an exerciseunder real conditions! For the lifetime of the app the screen staysturned on!Please help us improve the app and report bugs / miscalculationson the "Support / Bugs" button under "Information". Bad reviews donot help to improve the app!
FireWeek [Feuerwehr Widget] 1.4 APK
Absolut überflüssige App die dem Anwenderanzeigt ob er sich aktuell in einer geraden oder ungeraden Wochebefindet. Er kann dabei selbst auswählen ob die gerade oderungerade Woche mit einem grünen Flammenicon angezeigt wird. Zudemwird die Wochennummer rechts neben dem farbigen Iconangezeigt.Anwendung findet diese App vor allem bei übermotiviertenFeuerwehrkameraden, die anhand der Alarmierungsplanung an geradenoder ungeraden Wochen auf überaus wichtige Kleineinsätze (z.B. dasSichern einer Schaufensterscheibe um 4 Uhr Nachts) verzichtenmüssen. So weiß der motivierte Kamerad mit einem Blick, dass seinFME/DME jederzeit auf dem Gruppen- oder Zugalarm auslösen könnteoder er beruhigt wichtige Dinge in seinem Leben vollenden kann.Die App besteht aus einem Widget und einem kleinen Menü zumEinstellen der Woche. Ein Klick auf das Widget öffnet dieEinstellungen.Absolutely unnecessaryapp, the user indicates if it is currently in an even or odd week.He can even choose whether even or odd week is displayed with agreen flame Nicon. In addition, the week number is displayed to theright of the colored icon.Applications for this app especially for overly motivatedfirefighters who require (backing up a shop window by 4 clock atnight, for example) on the basis of the alert planning on even orodd weeks on all-important small bets. To know the motivatedcomrade with a look that his FME / DME could trigger at any time onthe Group or Zugalarm or he calms can accomplish important thingsin his life.The app consists of a widget and a small menu for setting theweek. A click on the widget to open the settings.
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WarnWetter APK
Die WarnWetter App vom Deutschen Wetterdienst.Detaillierte Informationen zur aktuellen Warn- und Wetterlage.Fügen Sie Ihre Orte als Favorit direkt auf den Homescreen ein, umper Push-Nachricht vor Unwettern gewarnt zu werden und um über dieaktuelle Wetterentwicklung informiert zu werden.Inhalt im Detail:- Übersicht über die aktuelle Warnlage für Deutschland- detaillierte Informationen zur Warnsituation vor Ort durchamtliche Warnungen incl. Warntrend- konfigurierbare Warnelemente und Warnstufen fürPush-Nachrichten- zuschaltbare Alarmierungsfunktion bei Änderung der Warnlage vorOrt- prognostizierte Zugbahnen u.a. von Gewitterzellen undSchneefallgebieten (Warnmonitor)- Ortsbezogene Prognosen und aktuelle Messwerte- DWD - Niederschlagsradar- aktuelle Satellitenbilder- Modellvorhersagen für warnrelevante Ereignisse wie Sturm, Dauer-oder Starkniederschläge- Videoinformationen bei besonderen Unwetterlagen- Optional: Google-Untergrundkarte, auf Wunsch inkl. aktuellerVerkehrssituationHinweisFür Nutzer mit Android 2.3 - Android 4.3:Die Berechtigung Fotos/Medien/Dateien wird in der WarnWetter Appfür GoogleMaps und beim Teilen für den Zugriff auf Fotosbenötigt.Bei Fragen beachten Sie bitte auch unsere FAQ's unter warning Weather appfrom the German Weather Service. Detailed information about thecurrent warning and weather conditions. Add your favorite placesthan directly on the home screen in order to be alerted via pushmessage from storms and to be informed about the current weathersituation.Detailed contents:- Overview of the current severe situation for Germany- Detailed information about the warning situation on site byofficial warnings incl warning trend.- Configurable warning elements and warning levels for pushmessages- Selectable alarm function when changing the warning situation onthe ground- Forecasted storm tracks, among others of thunderstorms andsnowfall areas (warning screen)- Location-based forecasts and current measurements- DWD - Precipitation Radar- Date satellite images- Model predictions for warning-related events such as storms,continuous or heavy precipitation- Video information on special weather warnings- Optional: Google underground map, on request including currenttraffic conditions.NoteFor users with Android 2.3 - Android 4.3:Eligibility Photos / media / files are needed in the warningweather app for Google Maps and the parts to access photos.For further information please also refer to our FAQ's under
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Weather - The Weather Channel APK
Plan and prepare with confidence with theworld’s most downloaded Weather App.GET ACCURATE FORECASTS FOR ANY LOCATION• Cognitive Home Screen: Changes based on your currentlocation, weather, and time of day, so you get your currentconditions plus the weather info you need most.• Local & National Forecasts: Hourly, 15-day and weekendforecasts available in Celsius or Fahrenheit for the US, Canada,and locations around the world.• Current Weather Conditions: Beyond accurate temperatures,you’ll get “feels like” weather, humidity, dew point, sunrise,sunset, wind speed, UV index, visibility and barometricpressure.• Weather Maps: Fast-loading doppler radar maps show pastand 6-hour future radar. Map layers show road or satellite views,water temperature, wind speeds, snow cover, and more.• Plan for Trips: Get access to seasonal weather trends,road conditions, the tides, and 15-day forecasts for your favoritedestinations like Chicago, New York City, Los Angeles, Toronto andVancouver.PERSONALIZED REAL-TIME WEATHER ALERTS• Severe Weather Alerts: Stay safe with National WeatherService government issued notifications of extreme weather. Knowthe moment tornado, hurricane or severe storm watches and warningsare issued.• Breaking News Alerts: Stay informed with national andlocal weather news updates. Track tropical storms and hurricanes asthey develop while receiving storm safety and preparednesstips.• Lightning Alerts: Get real-time alerts for your GPSlocation, and know where lightning is striking near you.• Daily Rain Alerts: Never get caught in the rain again withreal-time alerts for your GPS location and morning precipitationreports for your favorite locations.• Pollen Alerts: Know the pollen counts near you.It’s easy and free! Activate these alerts by going to your in-appsettings.DIVE DEEP INTO YOUR WEATHER• GoRun Forecast: Like to run? Now you can create apersonalized GoRun Forecast to help you answer questions like “Whenshould I run?” “What should I wear?” “How far should I go?”• 24/7 Remote Temps: Populate your notification bar with thecurrent temperatures of your favorite locations worldwide.• Weather Widgets: We have widgets available in 1x1, 2x2,1x4 and 4x4.• Weather News: From severe storms and tornadoes tostraight-up bizarre weather occurrences, we’ll keep you up todate.• Weather Videos: Local forecasts, climate change news, andeverything in between, all streamed in HD.• Sleek Interface: Easy to use and beautiful in itssimplicity.• Stunning Imagery: Amazing background photos match yourcurrent weather conditions.• Love For Android Tablets: The best weather app and widgetsare optimized for Android Tablets.THE WEATHER CHANNEL ON THE WEB AND SOCIAL MEDIA:Find us at, like us on,and follow us on Twitter and Instagram @weatherchannel.FEEDBACK:We’re always looking to improve our app and appreciate yourfeedback. Please rate and review us in the Google Play Store.Submit your suggestions to may be interested in our Privacy Policy, which can be foundhere: and our Termsof Use, which can be found here:
1Weather:Widget Forecast Radar APK
1Weather meets all your weather needs in asimple, beautiful package.Track and view weather forecasts and current conditions for “MyLocation” to get real-time updates wherever you go, or add anylocation you choose.Whether you want to check the temperature, precipitation forecast,Doppler radar, or simply keep up with the current phases of the sunand moon, 1Weather has you covered. Plus, it’s outstanding design,makes getting your weather info both easy and fun. Why wait? Make1Weather your weather today.REVIEWS SPOTLIGHT:"#1 Best Weather App for Android” – Phandroid
“Top 25 apps you should download right now” – CNN Tech
"The Most Attractive, Feature-Packed Android Weather App We’ve EverSeen" – Lifehacker
“The most beautiful weather app we’ve ever seen” – AndroidPoliceFeatures include:Track current conditions and forecasts for your location and up to12 locations of your choosing. Access graphs, precipitationforecast, maps, weather facts and videos, and Severe Weather Alerts(U.S. only) from the National Weather Service (NWS). Easily shareweather conditions with your friends via email and social media.See below for more detailed info:Current Conditions:Feels like Temperature, Wind Speed, Visibility, Humidity, UV Index,Barometric Pressure, Dew Point, Percentage Chance of Precipitationfor the Next Hour (POP)Forecasts:Hourly – 2 day / 48 HourDetailed – 1.5 days, detailedExtended – 10 days12 Week – a 1Weather app exclusive, the 12 Week PRECISONCAST fromrenowned meteorologist Gary Lezak. A must for planning weddings,vacations, reunions, parties, and other outdoor events! Featuresvideo and text forecasts.Graphs:7 hours of temperature highs and percent chance ofprecipitation1 week of temperatures highs and lows percent chance ofprecipitationPrecipitation Forecast:7-day percentage chanceMaps:Fullscreen mode with ZoomTerrain, and Satellite map viewsWeather Layers:Radar, Clouds, Severe WeatherSun & Moon:Track Sunrise and Sunset TimeLunar (Moon) PhasesTool Tips - by long pressing icons receive tool tips for moreinfoNotifications:Current conditions, rich notification and sever weather alerts withoptional sound/flashAppearance:Live weather background, dynamic photo backgrounds (Dogs, cats,cars, sports and more), or create your own custom backgroundLanguages:Catala, Cestina, Dansk, Deutsch, English (US), Espanol, Esperanto,Francais, Hrvatski, Italiano, Magyar, Nederlands, Norsk, Polski,Portugues (Portugal), Romana, Slovencina, Slovenscina, Suomi,Svenska, Turkce, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese, TraditionalChinese, and moreTemperature Units:Fahrenheit (*F), Celsius (*C)Wind Units:Miles per hour (mph), Kilometers per hour (km/h), Meters per second(m/s), Knots (kn), Beaufort scalePressure Units: Inches of Mercury (“), Millibars (mb), Millimetersof Mercury (mm), Atmosphere (atm), Kilopascal (kPa)Distance Units: Miles, KilometersDon’t wait any longer. Make 1Weather your weather today.
Weather XL PRO APK
This is simply the best weather app for yourregion... and the rest of the world.- Gorgeous and realistic animations of weather conditions- See at a glance the next weather condition change- Updated continuously- Accurate hourly forecasts for the next 10 days- Fast, beautiful and simple to use- Detailed forecasts on rain, ice, snow, fog, wind, storm, dewpoint, UV index, humidity, pressure- Highest and lowest historical values- Satellite and radar map animations- Optimized for both phones and tablets- Live Wallpaper- Weather in notification area and temperature in status bar- Great widget for your home screenAnd it’s all free.Try it now !Cities: New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Houston, Philadelphia,Phoenix, San Antonio, San Diego, Dallas, San Jose, Austin and allthe others!
Weather 5.2.2 APK
Weather is exceptionally easy to use app forstaying always updated with the weather conditions.The Weather app is specifically designed to be as simple andintuitive as possible. With just one click you receive the weathercondition in your status bar at your current location.The climate state is gorgeously animated so that you can almostexperience it, seeing how the weather comes alive.The app is using Weather Underground as a data channel and the liveupdates are really tiny so that you would not use up your datacap.FEATURES- Weather supports geo-positioning, retrieving the latest weatherconditions for your current location- An option to manually add your location- Measure ambient temperature and UV index on supporteddevices- Full support for Android TV- Add and track the weather conditions in multiple locations- Weather is one of the most lightweight weather apps on GooglePlay!- Animated weather conditions - see how the weather comesalive!- Widgets for different locations- Hourly and weekly forecasts- Intuitive, seamless user interface- Support for the lock screen widget in Android 4.2- Weather benefits all known screen resolutions- Offers quality support for Android devices - from Android 1.5 toAndroid 5.0- Tap on the temperature to switch between Celsius andFahrenheit- You can allow and disable the notifications- Choose by yourself what will be the next feature of Weather!Leave a comment or send us an e-mail and help us make Weather thebest app of its kind.Get in touch with us and follow the latest news regarding ourapps:
Weather Live APK
Meet Weather Live. The most beautiful weatherapp. Ever.Don't let bad weather take you by surprise! Set the gorgeousanimated wallpapers with live weather conditions on your homescreen and be aware of any weather that is coming your way. Whetherit is cloudy, rainy, snowy or even stormy outside, Weather Livewill provide you with current weather conditions and forecast inyour city and multiple locations all around the world.Cold or warm weather, it will magically come alive on the crispscreen of your device. You won’t even have to look out the windowas Weather Live will make you feel like you are already outside!With an innovative technology Weather Live™ implemented into theapp, we made it possible!• Weather forecasts for multiple locations all around theworld• Live weather scenes reflecting real-time weather conditions• Beautiful weather widgets• Fabulous animated wallpaper with live weather conditions right onyour home screen• Cloud, satellite, rain maps• Animated weather radar for any location in the USA• Bad weather warnings and alerts to warn you about severe weatherin your area. Data provided by National Weather Service• Customizable layout. Choose weather parameters you want to bedisplayed in the layout settings• Local time in 12 or 24-hour format• 7-day and 24-hour weather forecast• "Feels Like" temperature. Today’s Min and Max• Wind direction and speed. Visibility details• Humidity and precipitation information. Pressure in inches, mm ormbar• Fahrenheit or Celsius and Miles or Kilometers• Easy navigation between cities: swipe either to the left or tothe right to switch between locations• New York, Los Angeles, Chicago or any other location worldwide –get accurate weather forecasts wherever you are!Compatible with Android Wear: tested on Moto 360, Sony Smartwatch3, Samsung Gear Live, LG G Watch.Get Weather Live and be prepared for any weather!AdChoices:
Weather Timeline - Forecast APK
Weather Timeline is a simple weather app thatfocuses on summarising the next hour, the next 48 hours and thenext week so you don't have to. It presents the forecast in atimeline to help you quickly glance and digest the information andhas a strong focus on color to outline the weather conditions. Theapp includes current weather alerts/warnings for your chosenlocations and includes a time machine weather forecast so you canlook at the forecast months, even years in advance or check whatthe weather was like several decades ago.---- WATCH FACE ----This app includes an interactive watch face, tap on the watch faceto view different weather data.------------------------------Features:. Simple, elegant design. Bold use of color to increase legibility. Watch Face. Timeline forecast so you can easily glance at theinformation. Time machine forecasting to check the weather months/years inadvance. Local weather alerts front and centre. Multiple weather provider options. Great theme customisation options (choose colours). Easy to understand graphs and charts of temperature, rainetc.... Android wear support. Table layout. Multi language support. Powered by the hyperlocal weather service, Forecast (andothers)
Yahoo Weather APK
The forecast is beautiful.Prepare for your day with the most accurate hourly, 5-day, and10-day forecasts. Stunning Flickr photos match your location, timeof day, and current conditions.Favorite features- Get all the details: wind, pressure, and chance ofprecipitation.- See animated sunrise, sunset, wind, and pressure modules.- Browse interactive maps: radar, satellite, heat, and snow.- Track all your favorite cities and destinations!Helpful tips- Scroll down for detailed weather information.- Tap the plus sign to add up to 20 cities.- Swipe left-to-right to move between locations.- Submit your photos to Yahoo Weather by joining #projectweather onFlickr.Tell us what you thinkWe are committed to building the best mobile experiences and wouldlove to hear your feedback.Let us know your thoughts
GO Weather Forecast & Widgets APK
GO Weather Widget & Wallpaper, over 50million users' choice, provides accurate current & futureweather info, beautiful widgets & live wallpapers.Features of GO Weather Widget & Wallpaper►Weather & Clock Widgets: Easily check the current &future weather info via widgets in 2*1, 4*1, 4*2, 5*1, 5*2 sizes.In the meantime, all widgets can switch between differentthemes.►Live Wallpapers: Show real-time weather status with dynamicwallpapers which can by applied to the weather app or even to yourhome screen.►Current Weather Info: Detailed real-time weather report,including real-time weather status & temperature, "feels like"temperature, precipitation, UV index, humidity, visibility,pressure, pollen counts, etc.►Hourly/Daily Forecast: Detailed weather forecast, includingweather status prediction, highest/lowest temperature,precipitation, wind, etc. You can check all these data detailed inevery single day or even every single hour.►Weather Alerts: Inform you the real-time weather alerts andwarnings.►Precipitation Forecast: Tell you to bring an umbrella withyou before it rains.►Wind Forecast: Current & future wind force and winddirection information.►Map & Radar: Show you the interactive dynamic maps,radar and satellite images.►Health & Sport: Tell you the local health informationfor your area, and the suitability for different kinds of outdooractivities.3 Outstanding Characteristics of GO Weather Forecast &Widgets☆AccurateGO Weather Forecast & Widgets cooperate with AccuWeather whichprovide the most professional and accurate weather service for200,000+ locations worldwide.☆SimpleBeautiful, concise and easy-to-use user interface.☆PersonalizedProvides various weather widgets in different sizes , 100+personalized themes (weather widget themes and weather-reflectingdynamic backgrounds)Supported LanguagesArabic - العربيةBulgarian - БългарскиChinese - 中文Chinese(Traditional) - 繁体中文Czech - ČeštinaDanish-DanskDutch - NederlandsEnglishFilipino - TagalogFinnish - SuomiFrench - FrançaisGerman - DeutschGreek - ἙλληνικήHebrew - IvritHindi - हिन्दीHungarian - MagyarIndonesian - Bahasa IndonesiaItalian - ItalianoJapanese - 日本語Korean - 한국어Lithuanian - LietuviųMalay - Bahasa MelayuNorwegian - Norsk BokmålPersian - فارسیPolish - PolskiPortuguese - PortuguêsPortuguese(Brazil) - Português(Brasil)Romanian - românăRussian - PусскийSerbian - СрпскиSlovak - SlovenčinaSlovenian - SlovenščinaSpanish - EspañolSwedish - SvenskaThai - ไทยTurkish - TürkçeUkrainian - УкраїнськаUrdu - اردوVietnamese - Việtetc.If you would like to help us with the translation &localization, please join us: you very much!Stay In TouchFacebook: goweatherexfeedback@gmail.comAdvertising partner: Facebook Ad ChoicesFor more details, please visit: of Service: Policy: Company Homepage: