7.2 / June 16, 2016
(4.5/5) (1918)




1. 精心挑选的海量词汇,题目不断增加中,目前已有200关。
2. 精选200则有趣的成语故事,过关就可以品读哦。
3. 有趣的升级系统,你可以从童生一直升级到翰林文圣。难度会越来越大哦。
4. 速度奖励,考验你的思维敏捷和操作速度。
5. 绚丽动画,美妙音乐,让您置身传统文化的氛围。

Game Smart languages,idioms new play, gorgeous animation effects simply can not stop.

Too late, sit back and wait, deception, mountains ...... GreaterChina idiom profound, you are familiar with a certain few, you donot know a lot. Games selection over 3000 idioms, a total of morethan 200 off gradually increasing levels of difficulty waiting foryou to challenge, but interspersed with hundreds of rich historicalknowledge and educational idioms. Truly fun-filled, entertaining,so that children's shoes are in play school, but play inscience!

1. The mass of carefully selected vocabulary, subject constantlyincreasing, there are 200 closed.
2. The selection of 200 funny idiom stories, tricks you can readwhat oh.
3. Interesting upgrade the system, you can upgrade to a child hasbeen born from the Imperial Wensheng. Difficulty will be gettingbig oh.
4. The speed bonus, test your quick thinking and operatingspeed.
5. gorgeous animation, wonderful music, puts you in the atmosphereof traditional culture.

App Information 成语接龙大闯关

  • App Name
  • 包名
  • 发布日期
    June 16, 2016
  • 文件大小
  • 系统要求
    Android 2.3 and up
  • 版本
  • 开发者
  • 安装
    10,000 - 50,000
  • 价钱
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  • Google Play Link

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花式成语接龙 6.2 APK
花式成语接龙是传统接龙和填字结合的一款语言文字游戏。我们把精选的成语串成各种形状,而你需要从备选的字里选择并完成整个接龙。一个地方过不去,其他地方也接不起来,极大考验您的词汇量和发散思维。1. 精心挑选的海量词汇,题目不断增加中,目前已有100关。2. 有趣的升级系统,你可以从童生一直升级到翰林文圣。难度会越来越大哦。3. 速度奖励,考验你的思维敏捷和操作速度。和歇后语,灯谜,对联,名间故事一样,成语是最最体现中国古老文化的元素。快来和好友一起体验中国古老文化-成语的魅力,还可以通过微信分享,求助和挑战你的朋友们,看看谁才是才高八斗,学富五车的才子佳人。Fancy idioms SolitaireSolitaire and crossword traditional combination of a language game.We selected a variety of shapes strung idiom, and you need tochoose and complete the Solitaire alternative word from the inside.A place to make life difficult for other places pick it up, a greattest of your vocabulary and divergent thinking.1 handpicked massive vocabulary, subject constantly increasing,there are 100 off.2 Interestingly upgrade the system, you can always upgrade fromchildren born to the Imperial Wensheng. Will become increasinglydifficult, oh great.3 speed bonus, test your quick thinking and operating speed.And inter-twisters, riddles, couplets, the story of the samename, embodies elements of Chinese idiom is the most ancientcultures. Friends Come and experience the ancient Chinese culture -idioms charm, but also through micro-channel sharing, help andchallenge your friends to see who is the adequacy, educated car'sRomances.
成语接龙大闯关 7.2 APK
智慧型语言文字游戏,成语新玩法,绚丽动画特效根本停不下来。亡羊补牢,守株待兔,瞒天过海,翻山越岭……大中华成语博大精深,你所耳熟能详一定不在少数,你不知道的也很多。游戏精选3000多个成语,一共200多关逐步增加难度的关卡等你来挑战,同时穿插几百个富于历史知识和教育意义的成语故事。真正做到趣味盎然,寓教于乐,让童鞋们在玩中学,更在学中玩!1. 精心挑选的海量词汇,题目不断增加中,目前已有200关。2. 精选200则有趣的成语故事,过关就可以品读哦。3. 有趣的升级系统,你可以从童生一直升级到翰林文圣。难度会越来越大哦。4. 速度奖励,考验你的思维敏捷和操作速度。5. 绚丽动画,美妙音乐,让您置身传统文化的氛围。Game Smart languages,idioms new play, gorgeous animation effects simply can not stop.Too late, sit back and wait, deception, mountains ...... GreaterChina idiom profound, you are familiar with a certain few, you donot know a lot. Games selection over 3000 idioms, a total of morethan 200 off gradually increasing levels of difficulty waiting foryou to challenge, but interspersed with hundreds of rich historicalknowledge and educational idioms. Truly fun-filled, entertaining,so that children's shoes are in play school, but play inscience!1. The mass of carefully selected vocabulary, subject constantlyincreasing, there are 200 closed.2. The selection of 200 funny idiom stories, tricks you can readwhat oh.3. Interesting upgrade the system, you can upgrade to a child hasbeen born from the Imperial Wensheng. Difficulty will be gettingbig oh.4. The speed bonus, test your quick thinking and operatingspeed.5. gorgeous animation, wonderful music, puts you in the atmosphereof traditional culture.
成语消除 3.0.3 APK
成语消除是一款超级好玩、寓教于乐的文字益智游戏,你只要按顺序选中一个成语的四个方块,这些方块就会消除。美丽的界面,简单易上手的操作,耐玩有趣的挑战,它绝对是你闲暇时候的好伴侣。游戏一共多达140关,你需要在规定时间不断挑战你的汉语水平,你准备好了吗?疯狂猜成语玩腻了,消水果消玩了,天天玩神马,成语消除来啦。Elimination idiom is asuper fun, entertaining word puzzle game, you just have to selectthe four squares in the order of an idiom, these boxes will beeliminated. Beautiful interface, simple and approachable operation,playable interesting challenges, it is definitely a good partnerleisure time. A total of up to 140 off the game, you will need tocontinue to challenge the predetermined time your Chinese level,you ready?Crazy guess idiom tired, eliminate fruit elimination play, playevery day God Ma, idiom eliminate coming.
古诗词拼拼乐 1.0.6 APK
古诗词新玩法,创造性文字游戏。让你体会古人炼字造句的高明,享受自己组合诗歌的快乐。不会诗歌也能过关噢。每首诗的文字都像棋子一样放置在一个位置,其中很多是乱序的,你需要通过两两交换的方式,在规定步数内,把所有的文字都放到正确的位置。为了游戏的趣味性,我们还为一些字加入了特性,比如一排全消,一列全消等。你首先得猜测这是哪首诗。不会背诵整首诗怎么办?你可以通过查看译文,查看标题,答案提示等方式一步一步猜测。其中乐趣,喜欢文字的你一定懂的。你还可以通过里面的“搜索”功能,在百度搜索整首诗,了解其全部背景帮助你赏析全诗。精选200余首经典诗词,包括语文课本里出现的,唐诗三百首,爱情诗歌,写景诗歌等。希望这款游戏能带你走进唯美的古诗词文字世界,体会古人独特的文思和才情。New ways of ancientpoetry, creative wordplay. Let you experience the exact words andsentences of the ancient wise, to enjoy their happy combination ofpoetry. Oh poetry can not cross the border.Each poem is like chess pieces, like the text is placed in aposition in which many of them are out of order, you need to swapbetween two ways, within the specified number of steps, all thecharacters are placed in the correct position. For the gameinteresting, we also added some words features, such as a row oftotally disappeared, a totally disappeared and so on. The firstthing you have to guess which is which poem. Not recite the wholepoem how to do? You can view the translation, check the title, theanswer step by step tips and other ways to guess. Where fun, likethe text you must know. You can also inside the "search" function,in the Baidu search the whole poem, the background to help youunderstand its full appreciation of the poem.Selection of more than 200 classic poems, including languagetextbooks appeared, Three Hundred Tang Poems, love poetry, poetryand other scenery. I hope this game can take you into the beautifulworld of ancient poetry writing, Evans and the unique experience ofthe ancients talent.
填字大师-中文填字游戏大全,知识竞赛,汉语猜谜游戏 5.1 APK
填字大师是一款花园小清新类中文填字游戏,画面清新不伤眼,题目超多完全免费等你来。被多个安卓国内市场推荐,小米应用商店同类游戏第一名。努力做最好的知识竞赛,汉字猜谜游戏。这款填字游戏操作简单,你只需键入每个汉字的拼音首字母,谜底自然为您揭晓。填字题目全部通过我们精心挑选,保证有趣。从唐诗宋词到金庸小说,从周星驰电影到最新的科技成果,几乎无所不包。画面精致,引入花园概念,让你做题的时候宛如进入花园迷宫。1. 点击空格,下方会显示所在词条的提示信息,包括横向和纵向信息2. 根据提示信息,填入汉字的拼音首字母3. 当一个词条填完如果正确,格子会变成相应的汉字并且全部变绿,意味着答案正确4. 当此关卡的题目还剩下3条时,自动解锁下一关。5. 实在不知道,可以按“提示”按钮,会显示相应答案哦。还可以百度搜索啦。6. 每一关的填字数据都可以自动保存,没做完的关卡,下次进入会自动载入进度。现在填字题目已经更新到200关,并且做了大量优化工作。好玩又益智的填字游戏,绝对是你居家旅游,课间休息,上班路上绝佳必备游戏。马上下载做学霸,成百科知识达人。Crossword Master isasmall garden fresh class Chinese crossword puzzle, the pictureisfresh and not hurt the eyes, the title over more waiting for youtototally free. Andrews recommended by a plurality of thedomesticmarket, millet application store similar games first.Trying to dothe best knowledge contest, Chinese guessing game.The filling operation simple word game, you just type thefirstletter of each character in the alphabet, the natural answerforyou announced. Crossword title all through our carefullyselectedto ensure that interesting. From poetry to Jin Yong'snovels, fromStephen Chow movies to the latest scientific andtechnologicalachievements, almost all-encompassing. Fine screen,theintroduction of the concept of the garden, so you do whenproblemslike access to the garden maze.1. Click on the space where the entry appears below themessage,including horizontal and vertical informationThe message, fill in the phonetic alphabet characters3. When filling out an entry if correct, the grid will turngreenand all the corresponding Chinese characters, meaning thatthecorrect answer4. When the level of the remaining three topics, theautomaticallyunlock the next level.5. really do not know, you can press the "Tips" button todisplaythe corresponding answer oh. Baidu can also searchforfriends.6. Each level of crossword data can be automatically saved, didnotfinish in the points, the next will be loaded automaticallyintothe schedule.Now crossword title has been updated to 200 off, and done a lotofoptimization work. Crossword puzzle fun and games, isdefinitelyyour home travel, recess, a great way to work thenecessary game.Download tyrants learn to do, as encyclopedicknowledge ofpeople.
成語接龍大闖關-繁體版 2.0 APK
邊玩邊學成語,成語接龍新玩法,絢麗動畫特效停不下來。亡羊補牢,守株待兔,瞞天過海,翻山越嶺……大中華成語博大精深,你所耳熟能詳一定不在少數,你不知道的也很多。遊戲精選3000多個成語,一共200多關逐步增加難度的關卡等你來挑戰,同時穿插幾百個富於歷史知識和教育意義的成語故事。真正做到趣味盎然,寓教於樂,讓童鞋們在玩中學,更在學中玩!1. 精心挑選的海量成語詞彙,題目不斷增加中,目前已有200關。2. 精選200則有趣的成語故事,過關就可以品讀哦。3. 有趣的升級系統,你可以從童生一直升級到翰林文聖。難度會越來越大哦。4. 完善的成語解釋,成語出處說明。5. 絢麗動畫,美妙音樂,讓您置身傳統文化的氛圍。Play and Learn idioms,idiom new play, gorgeous animation effects not stop.Too late, sit back and wait, sneak it in, in Greater China overthe mountains ...... idiom profound, you must be familiar with afew, you do not know a lot. Featured Games more than 3,000 idioms,a total of more than 200 off gradually increasing levels ofdifficulty waiting for you to challenge, but interspersed withhundreds of rich historical knowledge and educational idioms. Trulyfun-filled, entertaining, so that children's shoes in the schoolplay, but to play in science!1. handpicked massive vocabulary idioms, subject constantlyincreasing, there are 200 closed.2. The selection of 200 funny idiom story, you can read what Ohclearance.3. Interesting to upgrade the system, you can upgrade to a childhas been born from the Imperial Wensheng. Difficulty will begetting big oh.4. Improve idiom interpretation, Idiom explanation.5. gorgeous animation, wonderful music, puts you in the atmosphereof traditional culture.
词语消消乐 1.7 APK
汉语博大精深,词汇更是千变万化。这款游戏集消除游戏,近义词反义词,成语猜猜,翻翻乐玩法于一身,考验你的汉语功底。游戏清新唯美,真正做到了传统文化趣味化。希望能带给你文字之美,文字的快乐。1. 消灭星星的玩法,酷炫特性,星星消不停。2. 类似记忆翻翻乐的玩法,对你脑力大考验。3. 近1000对常用近义词反义词,包括1个字,2个字,4个字的词语。后续会继续加入更多词汇。Chinese profound,vocabulary is ever-changing. The game set the elimination game,synonyms antonyms, idioms guess, looking through the music play inone, test your English skills. Fresh and beautiful game truly funof traditional culture. I hope to give you the beauty of words,word happiness.1. Eradicate stars play, cool features, the stars disappearconstantly.2. similar memories looking through play, for you big mentaltest.3. Common synonyms antonyms nearly 1,000, including a word, twowords, four words words. Follow-up will continue to add morewords.
成语消消乐 7.1 APK
成语消消乐是一款精致的文字益智游戏,规则很简单:按顺序选出一个四字成语即可消除。我们加入了大量动画和趣味元素,使得游戏生动耐玩。100关逐步增加难度的关卡,等你来赏玩和挑战。不管你是学生,还是上班族,在放松的同时,你一定能学到些什么。我们的目标是做最好的中国文字益智游戏,希望得到您的反馈,我们将会做得更好。Diminshing music idiom isa fine word puzzle game, the rules are simple: in order to elect afour-character idioms can be removed. We have added a lot ofanimation and fun elements, makes the game playable vivid. 100 offgradually increasing levels of difficulty, waiting for you tocrumble and challenges. Whether you are a student or office worker,at the same time relaxing, you will be able to learn something.Our goal is to do the best Chinese word puzzle game, hope to getyour feedback, we will do better.