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Kitab Bulughul Maram
Segala puji hanya milik Alloh Subhanahu waTa'ala, kami memuji-Nya, memohon pertolongan, ampunan danridla-Nya. Shalawat dan salam semoga tetap dilimpahkan kepada NabiMuhammad Shallallahu 'Alaihi wa Sallam beserta keluarga, paraSahabat dan pengikutnya yang lurus hingga hari Kiamat.Bulughul Maram merupakan salah satu karya fenomenal darial-Hafizh Ibnu Hajar al-Asqalany setelah Syarah (penjelasan) ShahihBukhari, yaitu Fathul-Bari. Kitab ini beliau tulis berdasarkanhafalan beliau tanpa melihat kepada kitab aslinya. Sungguh muliabeliau menghafal sekian ribu hadits, lalu mengajarkannya. Begitupunhingga kini, berapa banyak berapa banyak ulama yang telah dansedang mengajarkan kitab ini kepada kaum muslimin. Semua itumudah-mudahan Alloh Subhanahu wa Ta'ala membalas dengan kebaikanyang berlipat-lipat ganda kepada al-Hafizh Ibnu Hajar al-Asqalanydan para ulama, serta umat Islam yang telah dan sedang mengajar danmempelajarinya.Isi:1. Kitab ThaharahBab Air-airBab Bejana-bejanaBab Najis dan Cara MenghilangkannyaBab WudluBab Mengusap Dua KhufBab Yang Membatalkan WudluBab Cara Buang AirBab Mandi dan hukum JunubBab TayammumBab Haidl2. Kitab ShalatBab Waktu-waktu (Shalat)Bab AdzanBab Syarat-syarat ShalatBab Sutrah Bagi Orang Yang ShalatBab Anjuran Khusyu Dalam ShalatBab Mesjid-mesjidBab Shifat ShalatBab Sujud Sahwi dan yang lainnyaBab Shalat ThathawwuBab Shalat Berjama'ah dan imamBab Shalat Musafir dan Yang SakitBab Shalat Jum'atBab Shalat KhaufBab Shalat Dua Hari RayaBab Shalat GerhanaBab Shalat IstisqaBab Pakaian3. Kitab Jenazah4. Kitab ZakatKitab ZakatBab Zakat FitrahBab Shadaqah ThathawwuBab Pembagian Shadaqah5. Kitab ShiyamBab Shaum Sunnah dan Shaum Yang DilarangBab I'tikaf dan Ibadah Ramadlan6. Kitab HajiBab Keutamaan Haji dan Yang Berkewajiban HajiBab Tentang MiqatBab Wajib Ihram dan SifatnyaBab Ihram dan Yang Berhubungan DengannyaBab Sifat Haji dan Masuk Kota MakkahBab Terlambat dan Terhalangnya Haji7. Kitab Jual BeliBab Syarat-syarat dan yang Di Larang Diperjual-belikanBab KhiyarBab RibaBab Rukhshah Menjual Buah-buahanBab Salam, Qiradh, dan GadaiBab Taflis (Bangkrut) dan Hajr (Menyita)Bab PerdamaianBab Memindahkan Hutang dan MenanggungBab Syirkah dan WakalahBab Iqrar (Pengakuan)Bab AriyahBab GhashabBab Syuf'ahBab QiradhBab Musaqah dan IjarahBab Menghidupkan Tanah Yang MatiBab WaqafBab Hibah, Umra dan RuqbaBab Barang TemuanBab FaraidlBab WasiatBab Barang Titipan8. Kitab NikahHadits-hadits tentang NikahBab Kafa'ah dan KhiyarBab Pergaulan Dengan IstriBab MaskawinBab WalimahBab Pembagian GiliranBab KhuluBab ThalaqBab RujukBab Ila', Zihar dan KafaratBab Sumpah Li'anBab Iddah dan IhdadBab PenyusuanBab Nafaqah/Pemeliharaan9. Kitab Urusan PidanaHadits-hadits tentang PidanaBab DendaBab Menuntut Darah dan SumpahBab Memerangi Para PemberontakBab Memerangi Para Penjahat dan Membunuh Orang Murtad10. Kitab HukumanBab Hukuman Pelaku ZinaBab Hukuman MenuduhBab Hukum PencurianBab Hukuman bagi Peminum dan Penjelasan tentang Minuman YangMemabukkanBab Ta'zir dan Hukum Penjahat11. Kitab JihadHadits-hadits tentang JihadBab Upeti dan Gencatan SenjataBab Berlomba dan Memanah12. Kitab MakananBab Binatang Buruan dan SembelihanBab KurbanBab Aqiqah13. Kitab Sumpah dan Nazar14. Kitab Memutuskan PerkaraBab PersaksianBab Dakwa dan Bukti15. Kitab Memerdekakan BudakBab Mudabbar Mukatab dan Ummul Walad16. Kitab KelengkapanBab AdabBab Kebaikan dan SilaturrahmiBab Zuhud dan WaraBab Peringatan untuk Menghindari Kejelekan AkhlakBab Mendorong untuk Melakukan KebaikanBab Dzikir dan Do'aPraise be to Allah SWT,we praise Him, pleading for help, forgiveness and His ridla.Prayers and peace may remain delegated to the Prophet Muhammadsallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam and his family, the Companions andtheir followers until the Day of Judgment straight.Bulughul Maram is one of the phenomenal work of al-Hafiz IbnHajar al-Asqalany after Sharh (explanation) Sahih Bukhari, namelyFathul-Bari. The book he wrote based on his rote without seeing theoriginal book. It's noble hadith he memorized so many thousands,then teach it. Likewise, until now, how many how many scholars whohave been and are being taught this book to the Muslims. Hopefullyall that Allah SWT reply with kindness double manifold to al-HafizIbn Hajar al-Asqalany and the clergy, as well as Muslims who havebeen and are being taught and learned.Contents:1. Book thaharah Air-water section Chapter vessel-vessel Chapter Impure and eliminating it Chapter wudlu Wiped Chapter Two Khuf The chapter wudlu Cancel Chapter How to Remove Water Bath and legal chapter junub Chapter Tayammum Chapter Haidl2. Book of Prayer Part-time time (Prayer) Chapter Adhan Terms Chapter Prayer Chapter sutrah Prayers For The People Prompts Chapter khusyu In Salah Chapter mosques Chapter Shifat Prayer Prostration chapter Sahwi and others Chapter Prayer Thathawwu Chapter Prayer in congregation and priest Chapter Musafir Prayer and The Pain Chapter Friday prayer Chapter Prayer Khauf Chapter Two Prayers Feast Chapter Eclipse Prayer Chapter Prayer Istisqa Chapter Clothing3. The Book of Bodies4. Book of Zakat Book of Zakat Chapter Zakat Fitrah Chapter Sadaqah Thathawwu Distribution Chapter Sadaqah5. Book Shiyam Chapter shaum Sunnah and shaum Prohibited Chapter seclude themselves and Worship Ramadan6. Book of Hajj Chapter virtue of Hajj and Its Obliged Hajj Chapter About Miqat Mandatory Chapter Ihram and nature Chapter Ihram and in connection therewith Chapter nature and Hajj in Makkah City Late Chapters and obstruction of Hajj7. Book Sale Chapter The requirements and the Di Disallow traded Chapter khiyar Chapter Riba Chapter rukhshah Sell Fruits Chapter Regards, Qiradh, and Pawn Chapter Taflis (Bankrupt) and Hajr (Arresting) Section of Peace Chapter Moving Debt and Bear Chapter Shirkah and Wakalah Chapter Iqrar (Recognition) Chapter Ariyah Chapter Ghashab Chapter Syuf'ah Chapter Qiradh Chapter Musaqah and Ijarah Chapter Turning The Dead Land Chapter Waqf Chapter Grants, Umra and Ruqba Goods Chapter Findings Chapter Faraidl Chapter Probate Chapter Goods Courier8. The Book of Marriage Hadiths about Marriage Chapter kafa'ah and khiyar Chapter Intercourse With Wife Chapter dowry Chapter Walimah Distribution Chapter Rota Chapter Khulu Chapter THALAQ Refer to Chapter Chapter Ila ', zihar and expiation Chapter Pledge Li'an Chapter idda and Ihdad Chapter Breastfeeding Chapter Nafaqah / Maintenance9. Book of Criminal Affairs Hadiths about the Criminal Chapter Fines Chapter Demanding Blood and Oath Chapter Fighting The Rebels Chapter Fighting The Villain and Kill People Apostate10. Punishment Book Chapter Punishment Actors Adultery Accusing Chapter Punishment Theft Laws Chapter Chapter Penalties for drink and Explanation of IntoxicatingDrinks Chapter Ta'zir and Legal Criminals11. The Book of Jihad Hadiths on Jihad Chapter Tributes and Armistice Chapter Racing and Archery12. Book of Food Chapter Hurry and slaughtered animals Chapter Sacrifice Chapter Aqiqah13. The Book of Oaths and Nazar14. Deciding Book Case Chapter testament Chapter arraignment and Evidence15. Book of Freeing Slaves Chapter Mudabbar Mukatab and Ummul Walad16. Book Completed Chapter Adab Chapter Goodness and Silaturrahmi Chapter Zuhud and Wara Warning to Avoid Ugliness Chapter Morals Encourage chapters to Perform Goodness Chapter Dhikr and Du'a
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Ashtottaras In Telugu
Ashtottaras In Telugu is an intuitivedevotional app displaying ashtottaras in clear telugu font.Thisversion of the app features ashtottaras of the following god andgoddess:Shree GanapathiShree LakshmiShree ShivaShree Anjaneya SwamyShree Raghavendra SwamyShree SaibabaShree SubrahmanyaShree SaraswathiShree RamaShree KrishnaThe app also provides menu options to increase/decrease the fontsize which comes in handy to adjust the font size according to thescreen size.For comments/suggestions, Please reach me at: androidsmr@gmail.com
Mutun talib al-ilm (mustaua 1)
Verily, all praise is due to Allah. We praise Him, we seek Hisassistance and we seek His forgiveness. We seek refuge with Allahfrom the evil of our own selves and from the consequences of ourbad deeds. Whoever Allah guides; no one can lead him astray. Andwhoever Allah leads astray; no one can guide him. And I testifythat no deity has the right to be worshipped except Allah, HimAlone without any partners. And I testify that Muhammad is Hisservant and Messenger.In the name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the MostMerciful!"The texts of talibul ‘ilm"This great work was done by imam and Prophet's Mosque, peace andblessings of Allah be upon him, sheikh ‘Abdul Muhsin al-Qasim.There are 18 texts that is ordered to be learned by the pupilsof sheikh Muhammad ibn Ibrakhim.Features of this collection, let Allah will bless of the one whomade it:1. All harakats in each text (helps the student to get rid ofmistakes in reading).2. A variety of types of the presented sciences.3. The partition into five levels.4. There are instruction in the preface about how it isnecessary to learn these texts and recommendations for the size oflearning at an approach and methodology of repetition oflearned.First collection:نواقض الإسلام “Nauaqid al-islam”القواعد الأربع “Al-qaua’id al-arba’a”الأصول الثلاثة وأدلتها “Al usulu salasa ua adillatuha”الأربعون النووية “Al-arba’un an-Nauaui”Interface language: engishText language: arabThis application is made by Abu ‘Ubaidullah.بسم الله الرحمن الرحيمالحمد لله والصلاة والسلام على رسول الله وبعدطلاب العلم ..أبشروا بهذا العمل المميز لفضيلة الشيخ عبد المحسنالقاسم إمام وخطيب المسجد النبويوالموسوم بمتون طالب العلـمجمع فيها ثمانية عشر متنا كان الشيخ محمد بن إبراهيم - رحمه الله-يأمر طلابه بحفظها فتخرج على يديه علماء أجلاء مثل الشيخ ابن باز رحمهاللهمميزات هذا العمل بارك الله في صاحبه1- ضبط كل متن بالشكل وهذا مهم جدا حتى يتجنب الطالب اللحن فيقراءته2- مراعاة التدرج في الحفظ مع تنويع الفنون3- تقسيمها إلى خمس مستويات4 - تقديم نصيحة في منهجية دراسة هذه المتون مع مراعاة مقدار الحفظوكيفية المراجعةالمتون المدرجة في هذه الرسالةالمستوى الأولنواقض الإسلامالقواعد الأربعالأصول الثلاثة وأدلتهاالأربعون النوويةبسم الله الرحمن الرحيمالحمد لله والصلاة والسلام على رسول الله وبعدمتون طالب العلـم«Тексты, которые стоит заучить требующему знания»Составил эту прекрасную работу имам и мечети пророка, мир ему иблагословение Аллаха,шейх Абдуль Мухсин аль-Касим.Здесь собрано 18 текстов, которые приказывал заучивать своимученикам шейх Мухаммад ибн Ибрахим.Особенности этого сборника, да благословит Аллах, того, кто егосоставил:1. Расстановка харакатов в каждом тексте. Это очень важно, таккак это помогает студенту избавиться от ошибок в чтении.2. Поуровневое разделение текстов в заучивании и, вместе с тем,разнообразие видов представленных наук.3. Разделение на пять уровней.4. В предисловии помещается наставление о том, каким образомследует учить данные тексты, указаны рекомендации по размерамзаучивания при одном подходе и методология повторениявыученного.Первый уровень (Мутун талибуль ‘ильм, мустауа 1):نواقض الإسلام “То, что делает ислам недействительным”القواعد الأربع “Четыре правила”الأصول الثلاثة وأدلتها “Три основы и их доказательства”الأربعون النووية “Сорок хадисов ан-Науауи”.Язык интерфейса: английский.Язык текста: арабский.Разработчик приложения: Абу ‘Убайдуллах.Verily,all praise is due to Allah. We praise Him, we seek His assistanceand we seek His forgiveness. We seek refuge with Allah from theevil of our own selves and from the consequences of our bad deeds.Whoever Allah guides; no one can lead him astray. And whoever Allahleads astray; no one can guide him. And I testify that no deity hasthe right to be worshipped except Allah, Him Alone without anypartners. And I testify that Muhammad is His servant and Messenger.In the name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the MostMerciful!"The texts of talibul 'ilm"This great work was done by imam and Prophet's Mosque, peace andblessings of Allah be upon him, sheikh 'Abdul Muhsin al-Qasim.There are 18 texts that is ordered to be learned by the pupilsof sheikh Muhammad ibn Ibrakhim.Features of this collection, let Allah will bless of the one whomade it:1. All harakats in each text (helps the student to get rid ofmistakes in reading).2. A variety of types of the presented sciences.3. The partition into five levels.4. There are instruction in the preface about how it isnecessary to learn these texts and recommendations for the size oflearning at an approach and methodology of repetition oflearned.First collection:نواقض الإسلام "Nauaqid al-islam"القواعد الأربع "Al-qaua'id al-arba'a"الأصول الثلاثة وأدلتها "Al usulu salasa ua adillatuha"الأربعون النووية "Al-arba'un an-Nauaui"Interface language: engishText language: arabThis application is made by Abu 'Ubaidullah.بسم الله الرحمن الرحيمالحمد لله والصلاة والسلام على رسول الله وبعدطلاب العلم .. أبشروا بهذا العمل المميز لفضيلة الشيخ عبد المحسنالقاسم إمام وخطيب المسجد النبويوالموسوم بمتون طالب العلمجمع فيها ثمانية عشر متنا كان الشيخ محمد بن إبراهيم - رحمه الله -يأمر طلابه بحفظها فتخرج على يديه علماء أجلاء مثل الشيخ ابن باز رحمهاللهمميزات هذا العمل بارك الله في صاحبه1 - ضبط كل متن بالشكل وهذا مهم جدا حتى يتجنب الطالب اللحن فيقراءته2 - مراعاة التدرج في الحفظ مع تنويع الفنون3 - تقسيمها إلى خمس مستويات4 - تقديم نصيحة في منهجية دراسة هذه المتون مع مراعاة مقدار الحفظوكيفية المراجعةالمتون المدرجة في هذه الرسالةالمستوى الأولنواقض الإسلامالقواعد الأربعالأصول الثلاثة وأدلتهاالأربعون النوويةبسم الله الرحمن الرحيمالحمد لله والصلاة والسلام على رسول الله وبعدمتون طالب العلم "Texts are worth memorize requiring knowledge" Made this excellent work and the imam of the mosque of theProphet, peace be upon him,Sheikh Abdul Muhsin Al-Qasim.It collected 18 texts, which ordered his disciples to learnSheikh Muhammad ibn Ibrahim. Features of this collection, bless God, the one who made it:1. Harakat alignment in each text. This is very important as ithelps the students to get rid of errors in reading.2. State to state kinetics division of texts in learning and at thesame time, the diversity of species represented Sciences.3. Division into five levels.4. In the preface placed instruction about how to teach thesetexts, are recommendations on the size of learning at an approachand methodology of repeating what you have learned.First level (Mutun talibul 'ilm, mustaua 1)نواقض الإسلام "What makes Islam invalid"القواعد الأربع "Four Rules"الأصول الثلاثة وأدلتها "Three pillars and their proofs"الأربعون النووية "Forty Hadith Al-Nauaui."Language: English.Language of text: Arabic.The application developer Abu 'Ubaydullah.
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Japanese English Dictionary
Easily learn Japanese with Japanese EnglishDictionary & Translator app! Free download & no Internetconnection required!The app enables you to search Japanese & English words withdefinitions, examples, pronunciation, and more.FEATURES- Detailed word definitions & example sentences- Related search suggestions- Advanced sentences analyzer- Favorite words & search history- Flashcards for self-learning support- Customizable font sizes for better readability- Japanese (Kanji & Kana), English & wildcard charactersearch support- Japanese, British English & American English pronunciationwith phoneticsWelcome to download the Japanese English Dictionary &Translator app!ABOUT Bravolol- Web site:http://www.bravolol.com- Facebook:http://www.facebook.com/Bravolol- Twitter:https://twitter.com/BravololApps- Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/bravolol/- Email:cs@bravolol.comACKNOWLEDGEMENTThis app includes the data of EDict files are the property of theElectronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and are usedin conformance with the Group's license. Seehttp://www.csse.monash.edu.au/~jwb/edict.html andhttp://www.edrdg.org/.
NOOK: Read eBooks & Magazines
Get the FREE NOOK Reading App for your Androidsmartphone or tablet to start enjoying Barnes & Noble’saward-winning eBook discovery and digital readingexperience. Access our vast online library of over 4 millioneBooks, magazines, graphic novels, and comics; plus, enjoyrecommendations just for you curated by our expertbooksellers. Customize your experience with multiple font andpage styles and robust organization and social sharing tools.Put down your reading and pick up where you left off—even as youjump from one device to another. The NOOK Reading App syncsacross all your devices.Barnes & Noble at Your Fingertips• Shop the latest new releases, bestsellers, and promotions. Browseexpert recommendations just for you! The more you use NOOK, thebetter our suggestions.• Over 1 million free titles! Try a new author or start a newseries risk-free.• Enjoy thousands of kids’ interactive picture books. Use the “Readand Record” function and never miss story time, even when you can’tbe there in person.• Download free eBook samples and add favorites to yourWishlist.• Try any newspaper or magazine free for 14 days*.Rich, Customizable Reading• Adjustable font styles, line spacing, margins, page animations,background color and screen brightness for more comfortablereading.• Add notes, bookmarks, and highlights as you read. Share favoritehighlights with friends across social networks.• Organize your Library into custom collections.• Search inside the book and look up words with the downloadablein-app dictionary.• Use ArticleView™ to easily read magazine articles usingcustomized font settings.• Enjoy Comics with Zoom View™ for a guided panel by panel readingexperience.• Accessible to blind and low vision users leveraging Androidassistive technology that includes screen magnification andTalkBack.One App for the Whole Family• With Profiles, family members can share an account while stillenjoying their own customized NOOK experience.• Share eBooks, magazines, newspapers, and comics acrossProfiles—no need to purchase again! Reading position, bookmarks,highlights, and notes are saved to each Profile.• Child Profiles come with full parental controls, so you controlwhat your child sees.Discovery Delivered Daily• Visit B&N Readouts for daily streams of free book excerpts,magazine articles, and all kinds of bookish news—including reviewsfrom our community. Share on social, email, and otherapps. • Join the thousands of NOOK readers on Serial Reads, Barnes &Noble’s latest free reading program. Enjoy a book every month,delivered in free daily chapters directly to your device. Titlesare hand-picked by B&N editors across genres.• Enjoy our Free Fridays eBook selection every week.*NOOK account and credit card registration required.
Belajar Gitar
Indonesia :Mungkin bagi anda yang sudah mahir bermain gitar bukanlah sesuatuyang sulit, namun bagi pemula seperti alangkah sulitnya walau hanyamenghafal satu lagu yang hanya terdiri dari beberapa chord saja.Buku ini akan memberikan bimbingan dan pengenalan atas Chorddasar, sehingga untuk orang yang sama sekalli belum mengenal gitarakan mudah belajar dan memahaminya, karena buku ini di susun denganbahasa yang sederhana dan dengan gambar-gambar ilustrasi yang akanmemudahkan dalam belajar.English :Perhaps for those of you who are already proficient guitar playingis not something that is difficult, but for a beginner like itwould be difficult if only memorize one song that only consists ofa few chord alone.This book will provide guidance and introduction to the basicChord, so for those who are not familiar with the same sekalliguitar will be easy to learn and understand it, because the book isin the bunk with simple language and illustrated with pictures thatwill make it easier to learn.Indonesia:Perhaps for those of you who are already proficient guitar playingis not something that is difficult, but for a beginner like itwould be difficult if only memorize one song that only consists ofa few chord alone.This book will provide guidance and introduction to the basicChord, so for those who are not familiar with the same sekalliguitar will be easy to learn and understand it, because the book isin the bunk with simple language and illustrated with pictures thatwill make it easier to learn.English:Perhaps for those of you who are already proficient guitar playingis not something that is difficult, but for a beginner like itwould be difficult if only memorize one song that only consists ofa few chords alone.This book will provide guidance and introduction to the basicChord, so for those who are not familiar with the same guitarsekalli will be easy to learn and understand it, Because The bookis in the bunk with simple language and illustrated with picturesthat will make- it Easier to learn.
Tamil Dictionary
It is simple Tamil Dictionary, it contain more than 70kEnglish-Tamil wordsIt contain several feature like1) Offline, no need to internet connection2) History- Auto-save so you can find already searched words3) Favorite - You can select word as a favorite so you can find iteasily4) Setttings - you can change font size, English and it's meaningword Color
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LibriVox Audio Books offers unlimited accessto over 24,000 free audiobooks. Each LibriVox audiobook can bestreamed over the internet or downloaded for later use without anycharge. The LibriVox Audio Books app includes listings for newrecordings, featuring classic best sellers and out of printtreasures.The LibriVox audio book app makes it easy to find the book youwant. You can see the most popular books, browse by title, authoror genre, look at new recordings, or search by keyword. You caneven find books read by a favorite narrator. This app allows you tostop playback with a sleep timer, and unlimited bookmarks areavailable for each book. Access to the entire LibriVox collection,thousands of old time radio dramas and many other collections isentirely free.With full support for bluetooth controls as well as Android Autoand Google Cast, LibriVox Audio Books makes it easy to take yourbooks with you wherever you go. Lists of favorites, recent books,and downloaded books make it easy to pick back up just where youleft off.Audio books from LibriVox are free thanks to the dedicated work ofhundreds of volunteers who record, edit and distribute publicdomain books. New releases are prepared daily, and the entirecatalog spans the breadth of world literature, including novels,history, biography, short stories, poetry and more in both fictionand non-fiction. US users can purchase an additional 75,000professional audiobooks, including new releases and bestsellers.
Islamic SMS Messages
Islamic SMS Messages provides the collectionof Islamic messages which can be shared by using email or yourmessaging service.The messages are in English , Persian as well asin Urdu.This app includes data from following sources:Islamic SMSEid SMSFajr SMSFather SMSFriendship SMSGood Morning SMSGood Night SMSHadithHijab SMSImam Ali(A.S) SayingsDid you know SMSDua SMSMarriage SMSAlhamdulillah SMSParents SMSSunnah SMSJannah SMSJuma Mubarak SMSMother SMSMotivative SMSMuharram SMSNamaz SMSNikah SMSPersian SMSQuran SMSWomen SMSRamadan SMSShaban SMSSmile SMSPatience SMSSatan SMSSIN SMSUrdu SMS
Korean English Dictionary 영한사전
Easily learn Korean & English with KoreanEnglish Dictionary & Translator app! Free download & noInternet connection required!The app enables you to search Korean & English words withdefinitions, examples, pronunciation, and more.FEATURES- Detailed word definitions & example sentences- Related search suggestions- Advanced sentences analyzer- Favorite words & search history- Flashcards for self-learning support- Customizable font sizes for better readability- Korean, English & wildcard character search support- Korean, British English & American English pronunciation withphoneticsWelcome to download the Korean English Dictionary & Translatorapp!ABOUT Bravolol- Web site:http://www.bravolol.com- Facebook:http://www.facebook.com/Bravolol- Twitter:https://twitter.com/BravololApps- Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/bravolol/- Email:cs@bravolol.com
LEO dictionary
The application offers access to the LEOdictionaries, language courses and Survival Kits as well as thevocabulary trainer and forums.DictionariesLEO’s online dictionaries are always up to date (no updatesnecessary).★ English ⇔ German (805,000 entries)★ French ⇔ German (256,000 entries)★ Spanish ⇔ German (208,000 entries)★ Italian ⇔ German (194,000 entries)★ Chinese ⇔ German (192,000 entries)★ Russian ⇔ German (294,000 entries)★ Portuguese ⇔ German (93,000 entries)★ Polish ⇔ German (65,000 entries)With LEO you can do more than just look up the meaning of a word ina different language. LEO also provides:☆ noun and verb tables☆ real voice audio pronunciation (nospeechsynthesis)☆ definitions☆ grammar and etymology,as well as other information relevant to the search term(s)including☆ orthographically similar words☆ possible base forms for inflected words☆ links to forum discussions containing the search term(s)Language courses and Survival KitsLearn a new language and find your way round in a new country. WithLEO’s language courses and Survival Kits you can learn ninelanguages and find out about different customs and cultures – onyour desktop or mobile device (also offline). The language coursesand Survival Kits can be purchased within the app.Vocabulary trainerUse our free vocabulary trainer to create personal word lists andimprove your vocabulary. We use a two-way synchronization method,which means you can access all your word lists on your mobiledevices or on your desktop, all you need is a free account.ForumsConnect with other users and get help with language-relatedquestions that are not answered by the dictionary. To participatein the forums all you need is a free user account.The app contains adverts which you can choose to remove bysubscribing to our ad-free version.For a detailed description of all features, pleasevisithttps://www.leo.org
Linux Journal
Wherever you go, Linux Journal goes with you.Inside the app, you’ll find recent LinuxJournal.com headlines, afree full sample issue(September 2011), as well as single issues that are available forpurchase. Subscribers receive free access to full issues in the appand access to their Linux Journal subscription in a variety otherformats: PDF, online edition, iOS and Android apps, and ePub.From this app, enjoy:- searchable content- a bookmarking feature- an archive of your issues- scrolling through the magazine page by page or text-optimizedviewing of articles- e-mailing or sharing articles with your friends andcolleaguesPublished since 1994, Linux Journal is the original magazine ofthe global Linux community, delivering readers the advice andinspiration they need to get the most out of their Linux systems.In-depth information provides a full 360-degree look at featuredtopics relating to Linux, giving a comprehensive source ofeverything readers need for creating and completing their ownprojects--not just tools they will use today, but relevant andencompassing information they will turn to in future months andyears. Every issue also includes: opinions; new productinformation; profiles of leaders making major contributions in OpenSource; product reviews; business, social and technical news anddevelopments in order to fulfill its mission as the central forumand advocate for the greater Linux community throughout theworld.____________________This application is powered by GTxcel, a leader in digitalpublishing technology, provider of hundreds of online digitalpublications and mobile magazine apps.
Bíblia King James
Bíblia Sagrada Offline (não precisa de internet) na versão KingJames ( KJ ), gratuita, em português.Com as seguintes funcionalidades:- Totalmente Offline (funciona sem internet)- Divisão histórica (por cores) dos livros: Pentateuco, Históricos,Poéticos, Profetas Maiores, Profetas Menores, Evangelhos,Histórico, Cartas de Paulo, Cartas Gerais, Profético.- Listagem de livros com duas exibições (lista de nomes ou quadroabreviações)- Copia versículos- Compartilha versículos- Funciona em celular e tablet- Opção para aumentar e diminuir a fonte dos versículos através domenu- Opção de modo noturno para leitura de versículos através domenu- Busca por palavras- Opção de continuar lendo de onde parou- Tela de leitura se mantém sempre ativa durante a mesmaCaso encontre algum problema, seja de tradução, ou doaplicativo, nos avise que analisaremos e corrigiremos.Holy BibleOffline (no need internet) in the King James Version (KJ), free inPortuguese.With the following features:- Fully Offline (works without internet)- Historical Division (for color) Books: Pentateuch, Historical,Poetry, Major Prophets, Minor Prophets, Gospels, History, Paul'sletters, General Letters, Prophetic.- List of books with two views (list of names or tableabbreviations)- Copy verses- Share verses- Works on mobile and tablet- Option to increase and decrease the source of verses from themenu- Night mode option for reading verses from the menu- Search by words- Option to continue reading where you left off- Reading screen always stays active during the sameIf you find any problem, either translation or application, letus know and we will correct that we will analyze.
Korean English Translator
This free app is able to translate words andtexts from english to korean, and from korean to english.- very useful app for easy and fast translations, which can be usedlike a dictionary- voice input for text available- share translations with your friends and contacts- if you are a student, tourist or traveler, it will helps you tolearn the language!- Korean is the national and official language of Korea.
Hindi English Translator
This free app is able to translate words andtexts from english to hindi, and from hindi to english.- very useful app for easy and fast translations, which can be usedlike a dictionary- voice input for text available- share translations with your friends and contacts- if you are a student, tourist or traveler, it will helps you tolearn the language!- Hindi (or Hindustani) is one of the official languages ofIndia._____________________________________________- Contact us for supportE-mail: gkapps.contact@gmail.comKik: gkappsTelegram: gkappsWeChat: gkapps
Cadre Bible - Bible Study App
Welcome to the “CadreBible – Bible Study App”for Android (also on iOS)!Jesus Christ is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. His Word isthe power to salvation.* Enjoy Reading or Studying the Scriptures with this innovative,OFF-LINE Bible Study App!* Quick and easy to use for Daily Bible Reading or Study furtherwith our great range of Bibles, Strong’s, Greek, Hebrew and Latinresources (NO Internet Connection to read).* Large Library of free and premium Bibles, Dictionaries,Commentaries, Cross-References, Reading Plans, Devotionals,Children's Bible Stories and other resources available within ONEapp.* Split Screen (2nd Window). Re-sizable Split Window with accessto any book in Library.* Workspace (3rd Window). Optimized for Tablets with on-screenaccess to Notes, Passage Selector, Search and more.* Parallel. Compare multiple Bibles and Commentariesverse-by-verse.* Reading Plans: “Create My Own” Reading Plan using any Bible orCommentary. Built-in plans available.* Search. Fast Search across multiple Bibles/ books/Notes withadvanced Search options.* Look Up. Look Up a word definition in any installed Dictionarydirectly through the Bible text.* Passage Selector. Quick Bible Passage Selector with optionsfor List/Grid, Large Buttons, Alphabetical/Canonical.* Bookmarks. Bookmark single/multiple verses with “QuickBookmark” option available. Arrange into Categories/Folders or Tag,fully editable.* Notes. Create Notes on single/multiple verses. Arrange intoCategories/Folders or Tag, fully editable. Add or Delete verses inexisting Notes at any time. Draft Notes.* Highlights. Highlight words, phrases or verses with full colorpalette.* Underlines. Underline words, phrases or verses with full colorpalette .* Share. Share favorite verses via Facebook, Twitter, TextMessage, E-mail and other.* Copy. Copy single/multiple verses to clipboard for lateruse.* History. Stores browsing History for future reference.* Synchronization & Backup. Built to work with Google Driveenabling access across multiple devices.* Settings. Many custom Settings:Create your own Themes, Colors for Toolbar, Text, Background &Words of Christ, Font face, Main/Split Window Sync, Auto-rotateScreen, Keep Screen on, Full Screen, Show/Hide Strong’s..Free & Premium books available in the CadreBibleLibrary:KJV - King James VersionKJV Strong’s – King James Version with Strong’s ConcordanceMHCC - Matthew Henry's Concise CommentaryMHC - Matthew Henry's Commentary UnabridgedBDB - Brown-Driver-Briggs Hebrew DefinitionsBHS – Biblia Hebraica StuttgartensiaESV – English Standard VersionESVSB - ESV Study BibleHCSB – Holman Christian Standard BibleHCSB Strong’s – Holman Christian Standard Bible with Strong’sConcordanceISV – International Standard Version (with Notes & Maps)IVP – IVP Bible Background Commentary (OT & NT)JGE – John Gill’s Exposition of the Entire BibleNA28 – Nestle-Aland, Novum Testamentum Graece, 28th RevisedEditionNASB – New American Standard BibleNASBEC – New American Standard Bible with Exhaustive Concordance(Strong’s)NGÜ - Neue Genfer ÜbersetzungNKJV – New King James VersionNET Bible (with Notes)SRN - Scofield Reference NotesTGD - Thayer's Greek DefinitionsTSK – Treasury of Scripture KnowledgeASV - American Standard VersionBBE - Bible In Basic EnglishDarbyJFB - Commentary Critical and Explanatory on Whole BibleKJ2000KJV ApocryphaLXX – SeptuagintMHCC- Matthew Henry's Concise CommentaryPNT - People's New Testament CommentarySBL Greek NTScrivener Greek NTTanakhVulgate – Biblia Sacra Juxta Vulgatam ClementineWHGNT - Westcott-Hort Greek NTWEB - World English BibleWeymouthWycliffeYLT - Young's Literal TranslationAnd more.
Spanish English Dictionary & Translator
Easily learn Spanish & English withSpanish English Dictionary & Translator app! Free download& no Internet connection required!The app enables you to search Spanish & English words withdefinitions, examples, pronunciation, and more.FEATURES- Detailed word definitions & example sentences- Related search suggestions- Advanced sentences analyzer- Favorite words & search history- Flashcards for self-learning support- Customizable font sizes for better readability- Spanish, English & wildcard character search support- Spanish, British English & American English pronunciationwith phoneticsWelcome to download the Spanish English Dictionary & Translatorapp!ABOUT Bravolol- Web site:http://www.bravolol.com- Facebook:http://www.facebook.com/Bravolol- Twitter:https://twitter.com/BravololApps- Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/bravolol/- Email:cs@bravolol.com
Google Play Books
Make digital reading even easier with GooglePlay Books, featuring smart recommendations personalized just foryou, access to millions of best sellers, comics, and textbooks, andloads of customizable features.Just some of the highlights of Play Books are:* Preview free samples from our catalog of millions of booksincluding romance, comics, mystery, sci-fi, young adult &more* Read your books, comics, and textbooks on Android, iOS, or yourweb browser, even when you’re offline* Find your next read via our highly personalized recommendations,curated series and author pages, and in-app alerts about newreleases you’ll love* Read Discover, a daily feed of book news & stories witharticles from Slate, Vox, the Google Play editors, and more (USonly)* Follow your favorite comics series, devour our weekly deals, andread about your favorite superhero with Bubble Zoom, an exclusivetechnology preview that’s available on select titles* Customize your reading experience by choosing your preferredfont, text size, or page color, and make late night reading easieron your eyes with Night Light* Rent or buy digital textbooks and study better when you harnessthe power of Google with integrated Google Search, rapid Skim Mode,Quick Bookmarks, and the ability to easily sync your notes andhighlights to Google Drive
Logos Bible
The free Logos Bible app for Android isdesigned and built for deeper Bible study. Read, study, and shareyour insights from wherever you are. The Logos Bible gives youaccess to incredible tools and Bible study content right from yourphone or tablet so that you can learn and grow wherever youare.READ YOUR FAVORITE BIBLE•The Logos Bible app includes access to many of your favorite Bibletranslations, including ESV, NASB, NLT, NKJV and many more.•You can create your own reading plan or use one of ours to buildhealthy habits and spend more time in the Bible. •Use visualfilters to change how the Biblical text is displayed, and quicklycompare translations to deepen your understanding of God’sWord.PERSONALIZE AND SHARE•Use the Logos Bible app to highlight your favorite verses andattach notes to specific passages.•With built-in sharing, you can quickly share your new insightswith your church, friends, and family over your favorite socialmedia platform-- including Faithlife.com.ACCESS A BIBLE STUDY LIBRARY•Creating a free account gives you access to a carefully curatedcollection of books and and Bible study resources. Your digitallibrary includes well-known devotionals and commentaries to helpyou dig deeper and learn more about God's word. If you own a LogosBase Package, your theological library is synced across all of yourdevices.TOP FEATURES:•NOTES—Attach your thoughts, comments, and questions to any verseor book.•HIGHLIGHTING—Mark the words that matter with fully customizablecolor and text options.•BIBLE WORD STUDY—Learn more about any word by examiningdictionaries, lexicons, and cross-references.•PASSAGE GUIDE—Get a detailed, verse-specific report includingcommentaries, cross-references, literary typing, and mediaresources.•TEXT COMPARISON—Compare any verse across up to five translationswith visual and percentage indicators of difference.•SPLIT SCREEN—Delve into any secondary resource side by side withyour preferred translation.•SEARCH—Find every mention of a word or phrase in every resource inyour library.•SOCIAL SHARING: Share Bible verses to Facebook, Twitter, Evernote,and Email•Audio Books: Listen to the Word wherever you are.
Sibley Birds of North America
NB: Please backup your list before installingv1.6.0! Your list should upgrade automatically but there have beeninstances on certain devices where a list upgrade has failed and islost.On Sale Now !!!The most popular printed field guide to North American birds is nowavailable in its entirety on the Android!NB: Please note that an additional download of 360MB is requiredonce this app has been installed. Please ensure you use a WiFiconnection to prevent additional data costs.The Sibley Guide to Birds has become the most popular and fastestselling printed guide to birds as well as the most comprehensiveand authoritative guide to North American Birds:● Over 6600 images.● Every species is shown perched and in flight from above andbelow.● Shows every major seasonal, age, and sexual variation.● Detailed coverage of subspecies and regional variations.● Detailed maps showing not just winter and summer range but alsomigration and rare occurrence.● Detailed descriptions of songs and calls, comparing similarspecies measurements of length, wingspan, and weight for everyspecies.Now all of that information is available in an easy-to-navigateportable format on any Android device.Includes the following functionality:● Swipe to move to the next or previous species.● One-tap enlargement of images with extended zoomfunctionality.● Over 2300 carefully-selected and edited sound recordings. Nearlyall species are represented with multiple examples showing therange of vocalizations.● The ability to compare any two images, maps, or sounds, side byside on the screen.● The ability to filter by state/province, so that you see only thespecies likely to occur in your location, and to further reduce thepossibilities to the most common birds in that area.● The ability to search by distinguishing features such as size,prominent colors, habits, and group.● *A basic personal species list that stores your sightings savedto the device (ability to upload list coming soon)* Uninstalling/reinstalling the program will result in the loss ofyour list, it is recommended that you keep your own backup (masterlist) separate from the application (application providesbackup/restore functionality in "My List" page)We go out of our way to resolve customer issues, please feel freeto contact us by email at support@mydigitalearth.comWe invite all users to share their comments and ideas on our forumat www.mydigitalearth.com
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German English Dictionary
Easily learn German & English with GermanEnglish Dictionary & Translator app! Free download & noInternet connection required!The app enables you to search German & English words withdefinitions, examples, pronunciation, and more.FEATURES- Detailed word definitions & example sentences- Related search suggestions- Advanced sentences analyzer- Favorite words & search history- Flashcards for self-learning support- Customizable font sizes for better readability- German, English & wildcard character search support- German, British English & American English pronunciation withphoneticsWelcome to download German English Dictionary & Translatorapp!
كتاب الرقية الشرعية من القرآن
كتاب الرقية الشرعية من القرآن الكريم والسنة النبويةتطبيق كتاب الرقية الشرعية من القرآن الكريم والسنة النبويةللدكتور خالد بن عبدالرحمن الجريسي...جمع الكاتب في هذه الرسالة ما تيسر من أنواع الرقى، وضمنها أدلةالرقية الشرعية، وتتبع الآيات القرآنية، والأحاديث النبوية في الرقيةوأثرها، وأورد ما له صلة بالدعاء، وما يقرأ كعلاج للأمراض المستعصية؛كالإصابة بالعين، والصرع، والمس، والسحر، وهي الأمراض التي قد لايعترف بها الأطباء العصريون، وإنما تحدث هذه الأمراض المستعصية بأسبابخفية، ولا يظهر لها علامات في الأشعة ونحوها، فأصبح علاجها شرعيًّاكما قال تعالى: {وَنُنَزِّلُ مِنَ الْقُرْآنِ مَا هُوَ شِفَاءٌوَرَحْمَةٌ لِلْمُؤْمِنِينَ}.ميزات البرنامج :- استعراض مطابق للنسخة المطبوعة .- يستعرض مصغرات لسهولة التنقل بين الصفحات .- عند تصفح الكتاب وإغلاقه يتم استعراض آخر صفحة تم قراءتها وذلكلتسهيل إتمام عملية القراءة .- يمكن إضافة علامة مرجعية للصفحات المميزة لدى القارئ وذلك لاستعادةالرجوع إليها عند الرغبة .- إمكانية التكبير والتصغير لتسهيل القراءة .- إمكانية تدوير الشاشة حسب الرغبة أفقيا وعاموديا .- إمكانية الذهاب للصفحة حسب الرقم .- إرسال الكتاب عن طريق الفيس بوك والتويتر وبقية مواقع التواصلالاجتماعي .
周易 正/繁體版
《周易》包括兩個部分:《易經》與《易傳》。《易經》是西周時代的一本占卜書,內容包括有八卦(幹、坤、震、巽、坎、離、艮、兌)、六十四重卦、三百八十四爻,以及卦辭和爻辭。相傳八卦為伏羲所畫。《易傳》是戰國時代的儒者對《易經》的解釋,包括《彖》上下、《象》上下、《繫辭》上下、《文言》、《序卦》、《說卦》、《雜卦》十篇。《易傳》的思想有一套獨特的世界觀,蘊含深刻的哲學意義,對後來宋明理學的發展有重大影響。---------------”周易正/繁體版“是建立在九步應用平台上的實例應用。九步是上海名申科技創建並維護的內容應用平台,目標是發布各種圖書內容,不限於已經出版的讀物或者未出版的圖書內容,最大的受益者是所有希望發布圖書內容並擁有自己的Android的圖書應用程序的作者,內容收集者和編輯者。人們不需要通過出版機構即可在九步快速發布一款應用,向手機內容讀者呈現自己的作品,發布者直接通過應用內插入的廣告點擊盈利。九步是一個發布內容讀物的Android的應用模板,可以發布電子書籍,擁有諸多強大功能,包括,標準的佈局,靈活的個性化設置,快捷的創建過程和直接的盈利模式,令Android的內容應用的創建和發布成為人人可以完成的簡單工作。簡單的九個步驟,完整的Android的應用,無需編程能力,有東西就可以發布!內容作者或發布者是通過簡單易操作的步驟自行發布電子書。作者不必是Android的技術開發者,不需要掌握任何開發技術。發布的電子書應用程序預先植入了作者指定的廣告橫幅(AdMob的),在讀者閱讀電子書並點擊廣告橫幅時,便為作者或發布者帶來現金收入。發布者可以是圖書的原作者,也可以是發布免費圖書的內容蒐集者。九步還在開發過程中,目前已經進入初級版本的測試階段,僅限於內部使用,本應用便是本階段的測試產品,希望廣大讀者提出寶貴意見和建議。一旦九步進入公測階段,我們會公佈九步實例應用的發布網站,到時歡迎大家踴躍發布自己的作品,實現擁有自己的手機應用產品和通過應用產品直接獲取經濟收益。九步的最終版本確定之後,屆時會告知廣大作者和內容發布者.請訪問 http://aoandroid.com查看九步的發布狀態。© 2010-2011上海名申科技有限公司版權所有 http://www.mingsh.com意見反饋:anadroid@mingsh.com"Book ofChanges" consists of two parts: the "Book of Changes" and "easy topass.""Book of Changes" is a book of divination Zhou era, includinggossip (dry, Kun, earthquake, Sunda, Hom, from, Burgundy, against),sixty-four heavy Gua, three hundred eighty-four Yao, and Guaci andCi. Legend has it that gossip is Fuxi painted."Easy pass" is the Warring States era of Confucian "Book ofChanges" explanation, including the "hog" up and down "like" up anddown, "copulative" up and down, "classical", "Xu Gua", "said Gua","Miscellaneous Gua "ten. "Appendices" thinking has a unique view ofthe world, contains profound philosophical sense, have asignificant impact on the later development ofNeo-Confucianism.---------------"Book of Positive / Traditional" instance of the application isbased on the nine-step application platform. Nine Steps is the nameShanghai Shanghai Science and Technology to create and maintaincontent application platform, the goal is to publish a variety ofbook content, is not limited to books already published orunpublished book content, the biggest beneficiaries of all thecontent you want to publish books and have their own Andr Author ofbooks oid applications, content collectors and editors. People donot need to be an application by publishing institutions in ninesteps quickly publish to mobile content readers to present theirown work, the publisher inserted directly through the in-app adclick profit.Nine Steps is a publication of the contents of books Andr oidapplication templates, you can publish e-books, has many powerfulfeatures, including standard layout, flexible and personalizedsettings, fast and direct the process of creating profit model, soAndroid content creation and publishing applications, everyone canbecome a simple job done. Nine simple steps to complete Andr oidapplications without programming skills, there are things you canpublish!Content the author or publisher is publishing e-books on theirown through a simple and easy to operate steps. On the technologydoes not have to be Android developers do not need to master anydevelopment technology. EBook publishing application specified bythe author previously implanted banner (AdMob), and in the e-bookreader and click on ad banners when they bring cash income for theauthor or publisher. The publisher can be the original author ofthe book, it can be released for free content collector ofbooks.Nine-step process is still in development, has now entered thejunior version of the test phase, limited to internal use, thisapplication is the product of this phase of testing, I hope thereaders for their valuable comments and suggestions. Once the ninesteps to enter the beta stage, we will announce the nine-stepexamples of application publishing site, when we enthusiasticallywelcome to publish their own works, to achieve its own mobileapplications and get direct economic benefits through theapplication of the product. After nine steps to determine the finalversion, will then inform the majority of authors and contentpublishers.Visit http://aoandroid.com view nine-step releasestates.© 2010-2011 Shanghai name Shanghai Science and Technology Co., Ltdhttp://www.mingsh.comFeedback: anadroid@mingsh.com