财务应用 - 页1

Yahoo Finance
Your #1 finance destination to track themarkets and the economy.Follow the stocks you care about most and get personalized news andalerts. Access real-time stock information and investment updatesto stay on top of the market.Track the performance of your personal portfolio.Favorite features:- Add stocks to watchlists to get real-time stock quotes andpersonalized news- Find all the financial information you need with sleek, intuitivenavigation- Go beyond stocks and track currencies, bonds, commodities,equities, world indices, futures, and more- Compare stocks with interactive full screen charts- Sign in to view and edit your Web portfolio on the go- Track holdings performanceTell us what you think:We are committed to building the best mobile experiences and wouldlove to hear your feedback.Let us know your thoughts here:https://yahoo.uservoice.com/forums/269132-us-finance-mobile-androidNote: By clicking "install" you consent to the installation of thisapp and updates to this app in the future. This app can beuninstalled at any time.
Handelsbanken SE – Privat
Med Handelsbanken Mobiltjänst kan du utföradina vanligaste bankärenden.Det här kan du göra i appen:- Se saldo och transaktioner- Öppna nytt konto- Byta namn på konto- Göra överföringar mellan egna konton och till andras konton- Se och hantera stående överföringar- Skanna OCR, belopp och bankgiro/plusgiro vid betalning- Godkänna och hantera e-faktura- Anmäla e-faktura och lägga till, ändra eller ta bortmottagare- Se och hantera kommande betalningar- Se insättningsuppgifter från Bankgirot (Egen firma)- Se kortinformation och transaktioner för ditt kort- Aktivera kort- Öppna och stänga kort för internetköp och för köp och uttag iutlandet- Spärra kort- Göra extrainbetalning till Platinum- Se och hantera ditt fondsparande- Se och hantera innehav i depå och Investeringssparkonto- Ta del av Handelsbankens aktieanalyser och dagligamarknadskommentarer- Se pensionssparande och kapitalförsäkringar- Se låneinformation- Villkorsändra bolån- Ansöka om lån eller lånelöfte och göra lånekalkyl- Ladda kontantkort till mobilen- Se kontaktuppgifter till det kontor du tillhör- Möjlighet att ansluta sig till SwishDessutom kan du:- Söka kontor och automater- Ringa till Handelsbanken Direkt för personlig service- Följa utvecklingen av fonder, aktier och olika index- Se dagens boräntor- Ta del av våra experters marknadssyn- Se ekonominyheter från EFN (via webbläsaren)För att logga in behöver du avtal om Telefontjänster. Avtalettecknar du via Handelsbanken Internettjänst under menyvaletInternet, mobil och BankID. Du loggar in med en personlig kod ellermed Mobilt BankID.Behörighetskrav:- Enhets- och apphistorik -Används för att kontrollera om appen är aktiv för att visameddelanden i rätt fönster och annars kunna logga ut användarenautomatiskt- Kontakter -Används för att kunna välja ett telefonnummer i kontaktboken närett kontantkort ska laddas.- Plats -Används för att kunna söka efter närmaste bankomat ochkontor.- Mobil -Används för att det ska vara möjligt att göra direktuppringningfrån appen till support, kontor och kortspärr.- Foton/media/filer -Används för att kunna spara kartdata samt pdf-filer påenheten.- Kamera -Används för att kunna skanna pappersfaktura vid registrering av enbetalning.- Enhets-id och samtalsinformation -Används som stöd för felhantering och felsökning.- Övriga -Visa nätverksanslutningar - Används för att kontrollera om enhetenhar nätverksåtkomst.Fullständig nätverksåtkomst - Används för att appen ska kunnakommunicera med bankens system.Styra vibration - Används för att förtydliga knapptryckningar iappen och vid skanning av pappersfaktura.
«Приорбанк» ОАО представляет вторую версиюуслуги Интернет-Банк для мобильных устройств.С помощью этого приложения Вы сможете узнавать информацию осостоянии всех Ваших счетов в "Приорбанк" ОАО, совершать переводысредств между счетами и оплачивать большое количество услуг (услугимобильных операторов, интернет-провайдеров, коммунальные услуги идр.), осуществлять поиск банкоматов и отделений банка по текущемуместоположению или адресу.Для входа в демонстрационный режим используйтеимя пользователя: demoпароль: demoДля чего приложению разрешение "Просмотр контактов ", "Изменениеконтактов"?Данное разрешение используется только для возможности добавитьконтактный номер "Приорбанка" ОАО в список Ваших контактов намобильном устройстве. Данная опция позволит Вам быстро связаться сбанком прямо из своей записной книжки.Для чего приложению разрешение "Осуществление телефонныхвызовов"?Данное разрешение используется только для возможности совершитьзвонок из приложения в Контакт-центр Банка (например, в случаевозникшей у Вас проблемы с банкоматом).Для звонка нужно нажать на кнопку с указанной на ней причинойзвонка (например, кнопка "Позвонить по операциям вбанкоматах")Для чего приложению разрешение "Камера. Фото и видеосъемка"?Данное разрешение используется для просмотра банкоматов и отделенийв дополненной реальности.Для чего приложению разрешение "Измение данных наUSB-накопителе"?Данное разрешение используется для сохранения документов,полученных из сообщений CRM.Процедура добавления виджета на экран Вашего мобильного устройстваследующая:1. Скачайте и установите новую версию приложения.2. Кратковременно нажмите на экран и удерживайте нажатие дополучения списка для выбора- приложения, обои, виджеты и т.д.3. Выберите добавление "Виджеты".4. Вам будет предложенно выбрать из списка виджетовнеобходимый.5. Пролистывая экран, найдите виджет Priorbank.6. Если в списке виджетов отсутствует Priorbank, то проверьте местосохранения приложения по пути Настройки -> Приложения ->Priorbank.Если приложение сохранено на SD-карте, для работы виджетов егонеобходимо перенести в память мобильного устройства.7. Перенесите виджет на любой экран в свободное место.8. Проверьте, что в мобильном приложении в меню настроек стоитпризнак "Сохранять пароль" (без установки данного признака виджетыработать не будут).9. Нажмите на виджет и выберите продукт к нему (платёжная карточка,депозит, кредит).10. Обновление виджета возможно по клику на него 1 раз в минуту ипосле выхода из спящего режима, автоматически 1 раз в 10минут.Если у Вас не получилось описываемым способом добавить виджет,ознакомтесь с инструкцией к Вашему мобильному устройству."Priorbank" is the secondversion of Internet Banking services for mobile devices.With this application you will be able to learn about the status ofall your accounts "Priorbank" JSC, make transfers between accountsand pay a large amount of services (mobile operators, Internetservice providers, utilities, etc.), search for ATMs and branchesBank's current location or address.To enter the demo mode, use theusername: demopassword: demoWhy permit application "View" or a "Editing contacts"?This permission is used only for the opportunity to add a contactnumber "Priorbank" of the list of your contacts on your mobiledevice. This option will allow you to quickly contact the bankdirectly from their notebook.Why permit application "directly call phone numbers"?This permission is used only for the opportunity to make a callfrom the application to the Contact Centre of the Bank (forexample, in the case of any problems you encounter with theATM).To call you need to press on with the specified call her cause(such as a button "Call for transactions at ATMs")Why permit application "Camera. Photos and Videos"?This permission is used for viewing ATMs and branches in augmentedreality.For what application permission to "change data onUSB-drive"?This permission is used to store documents received messages fromCRM.The procedure for adding a widget on the screen of your mobiledevice is as follows:1. Download and install the new version of the application.2. Tap the screen and hold to select a list of applications,wallpapers, widgets, etc.3. Choose to add "Widgets".4. You will be asked to choose from a list of widgets needed.5. Leafing through the screen, get the widget Priorbank.6. If the widget is missing Priorbank, check the location to savethe application on the path Settings -> Applications ->Priorbank.    If the application is stored on theSD-card, for the widgets you want to transfer it to the memory ofthe mobile device.7. Drag the widget to any screen in the space.8. Verify that the mobile application in the settings menu is wortha sign "Save password" (without the installation of this featurewidgets will not work).9. Tap the widget and select the product to it (credit card,deposit, loan).10. Updating widget possible by clicking on it one time per minuteand after exiting sleep mode automatically 1 every 10minutes.If you have not got the described process can add a widget, referto the instructions of your mobile device.
ING Direct France
ING Bank France
Gérez vos comptes où vous voulez, quand vousvoulez !Accédez à votre banque en ligne ING Direct où que vous soyez etgérez vos comptes bancaires facilement grâce à notre applicationpour Android.L’APPLICATION ING DIRECT, POUR QUOI FAIRE ?• accéder à vos comptes en toute sécurité (connexion facilitée,déconnexion automatique)• effectuer toutes vos transactions et en consulter le détail• commander et confirmer la réception de vos chéquiers, récupéreret partager vos RIB• ajouter un compte externe pour vos virements• consulter et augmenter les plafonds d’achat et retrait de votrecarte• consulter et activer votre offre Livret Epargne Orange Plus• ouvrir un Livret Epargne Orange ou un Livret de DéveloppementDurable• paramétrer vos alertes SMS et email• faire opposition à tous vos moyens de paiement• parrainer vos amis, nous contacter...VOUS N’ETES PAS CLIENT ING DIRECT ?Téléchargez l’application sur votre mobile pour :• vous informer sur nos produits financiers et notre approche de labanque• une « démo » de ce qu’est l’expérience client ING Direct• tous les contacts utiles pour nous joindreNous tenons à vous remercier pour vos avis et suggestions qui nouspermettent de faire évoluer l’application dans le bon sens (levôtre !). N’hésitez pas à partager vos remarques sur la communautéING Direct : https://communaute.ingdirect.fr.A PROPOS DE NOUS :Pionnier de la banque en ligne, ING Direct(http://www.ingdirect.fr) est n°1 de ce secteur en France et compte16 millions de clients dans le monde.Ce qui nous caractérise depuis toujours : une gamme de produitsfinanciers simple et solide, pour gérer son argent, épargner ouinvestir (compte courant, livret épargne, assurance vie, Bourse…),peu ou pas de frais bancaires et un maximum de transparence côtétarifs.NOTE :L’application est compatible avec les versions d’Android 4 etau-delà.Manage your accountswherever you want, whenever you want!Access your online bank ING Direct wherever you are and manage yourbank accounts easily through our application for Android.ING DIRECT APPLICATION, WHAT FOR?• access your accounts safe (facilitated connection, automaticlogout)• carry out all your transactions and view the details• order and confirm receipt of your check books, retrieve and shareyour RIB• Add an external account for your transfers• Consult and increase purchase limits and removing the card• Consult your offer and enable Orange Savings Booklet More• open an Orange Savings Booklet or Booklet SustainableDevelopment• Set your SMS and email alerts• oppose all your means of payment• sponsor your friends, contact us ...YOU ARE NOT CLIENT ING DIRECT?Download the application to your mobile for:• inform you about our financial products and our approach to thebank• a "demo" of what ING Direct customer experience• all appropriate contacts to join usWe thank you for your comments and suggestions that allow us toevolve the application the right way (yours!). Feel free to shareyour comments on the ING Direct communityhttps://communaute.ingdirect.fr.ABOUT US :Pioneering online bank, ING Direct (http://www.ingdirect.fr) is No.1 in this sector in France and has 16 million customersworldwide.What characterizes us forever: a range of simple and solidfinancial products to manage money, save or invest (currentaccount, passbook savings, life insurance, stock market ...),little or no bank charges and maximum side transparencyrates.NOTE :The application is compatible with Android version 4 andbeyond.
*** PER SIM DI TUTTI GLI OPERATORI MOBILI***Scarica l'App PosteMobile! Il Mobile Wallet per pagare, viaggiare eraccogliere punti fedeltà… tutto CON UN’UNICA APP!Puoi effettuare PAGAMENTI OVUNQUE TI TROVI, come Bonifici,Bollettini, Ricariche della Postepay e della SIM PosteMobile, inviodi denaro all’estero con MoneyGram e controllare Saldo e UltimiMovimenti del tuo Conto BancoPosta e della tua Postepay.Se hai la Super SIM NFC di PosteMobile puoi:- effettuare PAGAMENTI NFC nei punti vendita abilitati,semplicemente avvicinando il telefono al POS- VIAGGIARE sui mezzi pubblici di ATM Milano e GTT Torino con iltuo smartphone avvicinandolo ai tornelli- aggiungere le tue CARTE FEDELTÀ per tenerle sempre a portata dismartphone.E con una SIM PosteMobile, puoi anche tenere sotto controllocredito e bonus e gestire la tua SIM in autonomia e facilità dallasezione 160!Scopri le ultime NOVITA’:- Clicca sul microfono e conosci la tua Assistente Personale! Daoggi ti basta il comando della tua voce per utilizzare l’App;- Accedi ai servizi più utilizzati direttamente dal Menulaterale;- Visualizza il numero di messaggi non letti della tua BachecaMyPoste direttamente sull’icona dell’App;- Conosci il Saldo e Ultimi Movimenti aggiornati del tuo ContoBancoPosta o della tua Postepay inseriti in App semplicementescorrendo verso il basso nella pagina.INIZIA SUBITO!AGGIUNGI TUTTE LE TUE CARTE di Pagamento, Trasporti e Fedeltànell'App!Puoi inserire le tue Carte BancoPosta abilitate alle operazionionline direttamente dall’App. Per confermare l’operazione, a tuteladel tuo Conto Corrente, tieni a portata di mano il LettoreBancoPosta. Per maggiori info sugli strumenti abilitati e su ciò dicui hai bisogno per inserirli accedi al tutorial in App.Se non hai uno strumento di pagamento BancoPosta ma possiedi unaSIM PosteMobile, puoi richiedere direttamente dall’App laE-POSTEPAY, la carta virtuale di BancoPosta che nasce già associataalla SIM PosteMobile e ti permette di utilizzare da subito iServizi dell’App e di fare acquisti online.SCOPRI TUTTI I SERVIZI DELL'APP POSTEMOBILE:- Verifica saldo e lista movimenti Conto Bancoposta o Postepayassociati alla SIM;- Attivazione Notifiche SMS su Conto BancoPosta e Postepayassociati alla tua SIM per essere aggiornato in tempo reale suiprincipali movimenti con un SMS;- Ricariche della Postepay;- Ricariche credito SIM PosteMobile;- Pagamento Bollettini;- Bonifici verso l’Italia o un altro paese SEPA tramite il ContoBancoPosta o la Postepay Evolution;- Money transfer con MoneyGram;- Acquisto beni e servizi dai nostri partner;- Organizzazione eventi con gli amici;- Cerca Ufficio Postale e prenotazione del ticket per l’orario chevuoi;- Cerca ATM, Cerca Cassetta Postale, Cerca CAP e inviotelegramma;- Visualizzazione messaggi ricevuti nella Bacheca MyPoste;- Visualizzazione dei bonus residui previsti dal Piano Tariffario odalle Opzioni attive sulla tua SIM PosteMobile e attivazione diOfferte e Piani Tariffari;- Pagamenti NFC, per il pagamento contactless nei punti venditaabilitati;- Trasporti NFC, per l’acquisto dell’abbonamento e la validazioneai tornelli;- Raccolta punti Carte Fedeltà;- Comandi Vocali.L'App PosteMobile è gratuita. Il download è tariffato in base aicosti di connessione previsti dal piano attivo sulla SIM. L'accessoall'App è automatico da rete WAP con SIM PosteMobile. Per accedereall'App con SIM di Altri Operatori Mobili o in WIFI con SIMPosteMobile è necessaria una password di sicurezza. Per riceverlavia SMS sul tuo smartphone ti verrà richiesto il numero dicellulare e la data di nascita dell'intestatario della SIM.I dati che hai fornito e qualsiasi contenuto associato all’usodell’App saranno trattati da PosteMobile S.p.A. nel rispetto delD.lgs. 196/03. Puoi consultare il documento “Termini e condizionidi uso della App PosteMobile” e i “Permessi richiesti in fase diinstallazione dell’App” sul sito www.postemobile.itSIM *** FOR ALL MOBILEOPERATING ***Download the Poste Mobile App! The Mobile Wallet to pay, travel andcollect loyalty points ... everything WITH ONE APP!You can make PAYMENTS WHEREVER YOU ARE, like bank transfers,Bulletins, refills Postepay and Poste Mobile SIM, sending moneyabroad with MoneyGram and check balance and last movements of yourBancoPosta account and your Postepay.If you have the Super SIM NFC Poste Mobile you can:- Make NFC PAYMENTS points of sale enabled, simply bringing thephone to the POS- TRAVEL on public transport of ATM Milan and Turin GTT with yoursmartphone bringing it close to the turnstiles- Add your own LOYALTY CARD to keep them always on smartphonerange.And with a Poste Mobile SIM Card, you can also keep credit andbonus check and manage your SIM independently and easily by section160!Check out the latest NEWS ':- Click on the microphone and meet your Personal Assistant! Todayjust you in charge of your voice in order to use the app;- Access to the most used services directly from the sidemenu;- Displays the number of unread messages in your Message MyPostedirectly on the icon of the App;- Know Last updated Balance and Movements of your BancoPostaaccount or your Postepay inserted in the App by simply scrollingdown the page.START NOW!ADD ALL YOUR CARDS payment, transport and loyalty App!You can enter your card BancoPosta enabled online transactionsdirectly to the App. To confirm the operation, in your statement ofthe current protection, keep at hand the BancoPosta Player. Formore info on enabled tools and what you need to insert them accessto tutorials in the App.If you do not have a BancoPosta payment instrument but you have aPoste Mobile SIM Card, you can apply directly to the AppE-POSTEPAY, the BancoPosta virtual card that comes already linkedto the SIM Poste Mobile and allows you to use immediately the AppServices & to shop online.DISCOVER ALL THE SERVICES OF APP POSTEMOBILE:- Check account balance and movements Bancoposta list or Postepayassociated with the SIM;- Enable SMS Notifications of BancoPosta account and Postepayassociated with your SIM to be updated in real time on the majormovements via SMS;- Refills Postepay;- Refills credit Poste Mobile SIM;- Payment Bulletins;- Transfers to Italy or another country SEPA through BancoPostaaccount or Postepay Evolution;- Money transfer with MoneyGram;- Purchase goods and services from our partners;- Organizing events with friends;- Post Office Search and booking the ticket for the zone that youwant;- Search ATM, Mailbox Search, Search Zip Code and sendtelegram;- View received messages in MyPoste Board;- Visualization of the residual bonus provided by the Tariff Planor the active options on your SIM Poste Mobile and activation ofOffers and Plans;- Payments NFC for contactless payment in the sales points;- Transport NFC, for a subscription purchase and validate theturnstiles;- Collection points Loyalty Cards;- Voice Commands.The Poste Mobile App is free. The download is computed on the basisof the costs of connection provided by the active SIM plan. Accessto the App is automatic WAP network with a Poste Mobile SIM. Toaccess the App with SIM Other Mobile Operators or WIFI with a PosteMobile SIM security password is required. To receive SMS on yoursmartphone you'll be prompted the mobile phone number and the SIMdell'intestatario birth date.The data you have provided and any associated content for use Appwill be processed by Poste Mobile S.p.A. in compliance with law.196/03. You can consult the document "Terms and conditions of useof Poste Mobile App" and the "Permits required during installationof the App" on the website www.postemobile.it
Money Lover - Expense Manager & Budget Planner
Awards- Google Top Developer- Editors' Choice by Google Play Store- Best of 2016 app- Top 5 best app, Google I/O 2017Do you have any problem when managing finances? Did you overspendlast month or miss some bills?Money management is time-consuming and boring task but you have todeal with it everyday if you want to control your finances and savemore money.Money Lover is the simple way to manage your money, budgets, andbills on your phone. You're able to manage finances in one place tobetter control your money.Track your expense and incomeIt's simple and quick to keep track of your daily expenses andincomes. You only need to tap on the screen to add amount and pickcategory. It's that easy for everyone.Plan budgets and forecast spendingBudget is a plan of your spending in week or month. Money Lover letcreate budget for all spending categories such as Food, Shopping.The app will let you know if you're on the track or is going tooverspend.Budget forecast shows you your spending projection then gives youadvice on how to improve it.An overview of your finances with reportsYou will better understand where your money comes and goes, howmuch you spent and how much money you have in cash or bankaccounts. Because Money Lover gives you easy-to-understand reportsabout Balance, Total Income, Expense or Total Debt & LoanLet open your phone to see how much you paid for Food last week ortotal spending this month.Manage all accounts in one placeIt helps you manage all accounts like cash, bank accounts withmultiple currencies. You can view total balance or cash flow: moneyin and out from all accounts in one place.Manage recurring transactions and billsDo you have any fixed income every week, month or recurring billssuch as rental, Internet subscription? You can set up recurringtemplates and then Money Lover will notice you before the due date.It helps you to stay on top of your bills.Sync with your bank & Paypal accountsUpdate transaction and balance from bank accounts automatically. Itwill label transactions with right category and gives you a fullreport of your linked accounts.Note: We support banks from USA, Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam,Indonesia, Australia, HongKong, Russia, UK and Paypal.OTHER FEATURES:- Manage debts and loans- Set events and savings plans- Scan receipts- Set up recurring transactions- Multiple currencies and wallets (cash, saving accounts, debitcard, etc)- Shared wallets: manage money with your partner or family- Data backup, share via Dropbox or email- Currency converter- Dash-clock extension- In-app Help & Support- Built-in calculator- ATM FinderJoin our community of hundred thousands ofPREMIUM- Create and manage unlimited Wallets and Events- Unlimited Budgets and Savings- Picture sync- No ads- Export to CSV or Excel sheetUpgrade to Money Lover PREMIUM and stay on top of your moneyforever.If you have any question or issue, contact us via in-app Help &Support or email contact@moneylover.me and we’ll get to youASAP.We love you! Follow us to get updates, useful tips andpromotions!Facebook: bit.ly/moneylover-fbTwitter: bit.ly/moneyloverappGoogle+ community for Beta Testers:bit.ly/beta-tester-android--Clarification for Access Permissions:- Network Communication (Internet Access) is for retrievingcurrency exchange rate and synchronizing backup data and/or commonwallet.- Social Information (Read Contact) is for suggesting “With” to tagyour people in your contact list.- Your Location is for identifying your location of thetransaction.- Storage (modify or delete contents on your USB storage) is forcreating and storing backup data to the USB storage.- Access to System tools is for adding Home screen shortcuts andwidget.
CIBC Mobile Banking®
Our sharp new design makes it easy to keeptrack of your deposit accounts, mortgages, TFSAs, mutual funds andRRSPs. Sign on with a single touch when you set up Fingerprint ID.Depositing a cheque? Just take a picture. Set up automatic billpayments, transfer money, receive and manage funds with Interace-Transfer® and so much more!FEATURES• Apply for bank accounts or credit cards in a single, simplifiedform and view your application status in real time. Existingclient? Enjoy immediate access to your new bank accounts.• Review details of your transaction history for deposit, creditcard and other eligible credit accounts, mutual funds, mortgagesand loans. View your eStatements and cheque images.• Deposit Canadian dollar cheque by simply taking a picture withyour device.• Save your fingerprint on your Android device and speed up thesign on process with Fingerprint ID.• Set up instant, post-dated or recurring payments and transfersand add new payees.• Send and receive funds with Interac e-Transfer®.• In Customer Services, update personal information and makeservice requests for your accounts.• Book a meeting with a CIBC advisor.• Search for nearby branches, bank machines and CIBC MortgageAdvisors.• Quickly search our entire app! Type or use your voice to searchand we’ll connect you to the right page.• Create a savings goal in your account, track its progress and setup transfers to help you save.• Get your free Equifax credit score directly in the app.For Android tablets• Easy-to-understand charts give you a consolidated view of allyour CIBC holdings.• Interactive graphs show your spending and saving behaviour.• Manage upcoming payments and transfers with the transactionscalendar.• View a list and map of nearby branches, bank machines and CIBCMortgage Advisor locations.SecurityBe reassured that your privacy and security is protected with theCIBC Online Security Guarantee.LegalBy downloading the CIBC Mobile Banking App, you consent to theinstallation of this app and to any future updates or upgradeswhich may be automatically installed depending on your device oroperating system’s default settings or the settings you haveselected. You can withdraw your consent at any time by uninstallingthis app.Accessing this app may result in additional service fees charged byyour service provider. Check with your service or hardware providerif you have questions about your specific device.Contact InformationThe CIBC Mobile Banking App is made available by CIBC, 199 BayStreet, Toronto, Ontario, M5L 1A2. To learn more, contact us at1-877-433-1902 or visit www.cibc.com/mobilebanking.*When sending an e-Transfer, you can have the app accessinformation from your contact list to fill in the requiredrecipient information. At no time is that contact list datatransmitted or shared with CIBC.Note: The enhanced Android experience is only available on devicesthat use Android 4.x software and above. However, we still supportusers who are using older Android software.Interac e-Transfer® is a registered trademark of Interac Inc. CIBCauthorized user of the mark. CIBC and related marks are trade-marksof CIBC.LANGUAGES:EnglishFrench
Finanzen100 Börse & Aktien
Die wichtigsten Features im Überblick:* Aktien, Fonds, Anleihen* Indizes (Dax, TecDax, Dow Jones, etc.)* Rohstoffe, Währungskurse und Devisen* Watchlisten und Portfolios* Realtimekurse* Widget* Partner von Wikifolio* Wertpapiersuche (Wertpapier, WKN, ISIN)* Zertifikate, Optionsscheine* Marktüberblick (z.B. Gold, Silber, Rohöl, Euro, Dollar)* Synchronisierung der Musterdepots zwischen Web und App* Finanznachrichten für Deutschland, Österreich und dieSchweizFinanzen100.de, innovativstes Finanzportal im deutschsprachigenRaum, bietet mit seiner Gratis-Android-App die einzigartigeKombination von Börsennews, Aktienkursen, Wertpapierdaten undCharts aus der Welt der Finanzen nun auch für unterwegs an - fürüber 1.000.000 Wertpapiere.Helfen Sie uns, die Android-App weiter zu verbessern! Gerne nehmenwir Ihre Fragen, Kritik oder Anregungen entgegen. Verwenden Siehierzu den Info-Punkt 'Fragen oder Feedback'.Wir arbeiten bereits mit Hochdruck an der nächsten Version.The main featuresinclude:* Shares, funds, bonds* Indices (Dax, TecDax, Dow Jones, etc.)* Raw materials, exchange rates and foreign exchange* Watchlists and portfolios* Real time quotes* Widget* Partner of Wikifolio* Security search (securities, WKN, ISIN)* Certificates, warrants* Market Overview (eg gold, silver, crude oil, euro, dollars)* Synchronization between the model portfolio and web app* Financial news for Germany, Austria and SwitzerlandFinanzen100.de, most innovative financial portal in theGerman-speaking countries, with its free Android app offers theunique combination of stock market news, stock quotes, stock chartsand data from the world of finance now available to go to - forover 1,000,000 securities.Help us improve the Android app on! We welcome your questions,comments or suggestions. Please refer to the Info-point 'questionsor feedback'.We are already working hard on the next version.
Itaucard Controle seu cartão
O APP Itaucard está de cara nova!Com o APP Itaucard você tem o total controle das suas compras nocartão de crédito.Agora você tem uma timeline onde visualiza as compras do seu cartãoem tempo real e consulta seu saldo a hora que precisar.Além disso você tira dúvidas sobre seu cartão de crédito no chatdisponível 24h por dia à sua disposição.Confira os principais benefícios do APP:AjudaCaso tenha alguma dúvida, verifique se ela está em nossas“Perguntas Mais Frequentes” na aba de ajuda.Linha do TempoConsulte suas compras em tempo real e tenha o total controle dosgastos no cartão de crédito.Detalhamento de FaturaConsulte as faturas abertos ou fechadas e realize pagamentos onlinecom rapidez e praticidade.Cartão virtualUm novo cartão virtual é gerado para cada uma de suas comprasonline. Agora você pode comprar em sites do mundo inteiro com muitomais facilidade e segurança.Chat 24 horasTire suas dúvidas 24 horas por dia e consulte o histórico da suaconversa sempre que precisar.Peça já o seuAgora você pode solicitar seu cartão de crédito pela internetatravés do App Itaucard. Basta um toque em “peça já o seu” paraescolher o melhor cartão para você!APP Itaucard has a newlook!With the APP Itaucard you have total control of their purchases onthe credit card.Now you have a timeline where you view the shopping in yourreal-time card and consult your balance any time you need.Also you get questions about your credit card in chat available 24hours a day at your disposal.Check out the main benefits of APP:HelpIf you have any questions, make sure it is in our "Frequently AskedQuestions" in the Help tab.TimelineSee your real-time shopping and have full control of spending onthe credit card.Invoice detailsSee the open and closed invoices and make payments online quicklyand practicality.virtual cardA new virtual card is generated for each of your online purchases.Now you can buy in the world sites with much more ease andsafety.Chat 24 hoursAsk questions 24 hours a day and see the history of yourconversation whenever you need.Ask for yourYou can now request your internet by credit card through the AppItaucard. Just a touch on "play now your" to choose the best cardfor you!
Currency converter
Introducing the premier currency converter andexchange rate tracking app. Application lets you view automaticallyupdated, live currency exchange rates for most worldcurrencies.More than just a currency converter, application also allows youto:- View the current rate, together with daily highs and lows- Track previous day trading information- Monitor frequently used currencies on an easily customizablefavorites list- Access technical trading data using daily, weekly, and biweeklycharts with line and candlestick displays- Quickly reference common exchanges using a built in conversiontable- Calculate currency exchanges, including the ability to adjusthypothetical exchanges to account for bank and ATM feesAdditional features include:- Tablet and phone support- Portrait and landscape modes support- Offline mode — access local cached data and perform manual rateupdates- WiFi mode for mobile data managementCurrency update frequency varies depending on the exchange pair.Rates are not updated on weekends. Daily charts are updated every20 minutes. Other charts are updated daily.
Bank of America Mobile Banking
Bank of America
Bank conveniently and securely with the Bankof America® Mobile Banking app for U.S.-based accounts.Manage Your Bank Accounts and Finances• Review activity and balances in checking, savings and credit cardaccounts• View mortgage, auto loan and other account balances• Activate or replace credit/debit cards• Set or edit travel notices for eligible cards• Order check copies• Set app alerts to be notified of important account and securityinfoMobile Money Transfer• Securely send and receive money using a mobile number or emailaddress (including to and from U.S. accounts outside of Bank ofAmerica)¹• Transfer funds between your Bank of America accountsMobile Bill Pay²• Schedule/edit/cancel payments• Pay eBills• Add/Edit Pay To accountsMobile Check Deposit• Simply take photos of checks to deposit them• Immediately see the processing deposit in your account³Contact Us Easily• Quickly reach a representative for help or questions with youraccounts• Schedule an appointment to meet with a specialist• Find ATMs and financial centersSpecial Offers & Deals• Get cash back with BankAmeriDeals® when you use your eligibleBank of America credit/debit cards• Get exclusive credit card offersHelp Stay Secure• Change Online ID or Passcode• Set up fingerprint sign-in to securely sign in to the app insteadof using your Passcode⁴• If fraudulent activity is suspected on your debit or credit card,we'll notify you so you can verify your transactions and unblockyour card• With our Mobile Banking Security Guarantee, you’re not liable forfraudulent transactions when reported promptly⁵Please see the Online Banking Service Agreement atbankofamerica.com/serviceagreement for more information on thesebanking features. Your mobile carrier’s message and data rates mayapply.¹ Requires enrollment in the service and must be made from a Bankof America consumer checking or savings account. Recipients have 14days to register to receive money or the transfer will be canceled.Dollar and frequency limits apply.² To use Bill Pay, you must first enroll in the service throughOnline Banking.³ Deposits are subject to verification and not available forimmediate withdrawal. Other restrictions may apply.⁴ Certain devices are eligible for enrollment in fingerprintsign-in.⁵ You’re not liable for fraudulent Mobile Banking transactions whenyou notify the bank within 60 days of the transaction firstappearing on your statement and comply with securityresponsibilities.App Permissions:To use our app, you’re required by the app store to accept AppPermissions to allow access to certain functions on your device.Our app doesn’t access these functions until you use the associatedfeature, such as using your location to find an ATM. For moreinformation, visit our in-app Help.Having general app issues? Visit our in-app Help fortroubleshooting.Android is a trademark of Google Inc.Bank of America and related trademarks are trademarks of Bank ofAmerica CorporationBank of America, N.A. Member FDIC© 2017 Bank of America Corporation
ING-DiBa Banking + Brokerage
Ihre mobilste Bank - ING-DiBa Banking +Brokerage.Wie sieht mein Kontostand aus? Wie entwickeln sich meineWertpapiere? Wo ist hier der nächste Geldautomat? Noch schnell wasüberweisen...Mit der kostenlosen ING-DiBa Mobile Banking App geht das mit Tabletund Smartphone schnell und bequem - egal, wo Sie sich geradebefinden.Das bietet Ihnen die DiBa App:- Übersichtliche Darstellung Ihrer Konten und Depots.Ob mal eben schnell den Kontostand checken, eine Überweisungtätigen oder mit Wertpapieren handeln, mit der DiBa Banking Appkein Problem.- Fotoüberweisung für SmartphonesNie wieder lange IBANs eintippen. Fotografieren Sie ganz bequemIhre Rechnungen und Überweisungträger und die App übernimmt dieDaten automatisch. Sie müssen nur noch freigeben. Am einfachsten inKombination mit der DiBa App SmartSecure.- Dokumenten-UploadSparen Sie sich das Suchen nach Briefmarken und den Weg zu Post.Senden Sie uns Ihre wichtigen Dokumente ganz einfach digital undschnell per App.- GeldautomatensucheSie suchen den kürzesten Weg zum nächsten Geldautomaten? Die mobileGeldautomatensuche navigiert Sie zu Ihrem Ziel.Weitere Funktionen und Features:- Notfallnummern und Service: Wenden Sie sich direkt aus der Appheraus an unseren Service bei Fragen oder im Notfall, um Kartensperren zu lassen.- Wertpapier-Watchlist: Legen Sie sich Ihre persönliche Watchlistan, um verschiedene Situationen zu simulieren und den Markt zubeobachten.- Rund-Um-Info: Informieren Sie sich über alle unsere Produkte undServices.Weitere Informationen finden Sie unterwww.ing-diba.de/mobilebanking.Your most mobile banking- ING-DiBa Banking + brokerage.What is my account balance? How are my securities? Where's thenearest cash machine here? A quick transfer what ...With the free ING-DiBa Mobile Banking app that goes with tablet andsmartphone quickly and easily - no matter where you are.This offers you the DiBa app:- Clear presentation of your accounts and portfolios.  Whether just quickly check the account balance, make apayment or trade in securities, with the DiBa banking app no​​problem.- Photo Transfer for smartphones  No more long IBAN typing. Photograph easy access toyour invoices and remittance slip and the app takes the dataautomatically. You just have to share. The easiest combined withthe DiBa App Smart Secure.- Document upload  Save yourself searching for stamps and the way to post.Send us your important documents easily and quickly via digitalapp.- ATM Locator  You are looking for the shortest way to the nearestATM? The mobile ATM Locator will navigate you to yourdestination.Other functions and features:- Emergency numbers and service: Contact our service departmentwith questions or an emergency to get directly from the app blockcards.- Securities Watchlist: Lie on your personal watchlist to simulatedifferent situations and to monitor the market.- All-round info: Find out about all our products and services.For more information, see www.ing-diba.de/mobilebanking.
LIC agent software is made for LIFE INSURANCECORPORATION OF INDIA agents.Jeevan Labh 836 will be updated soonThis is Insurance premium calculator made for agents.All the latest plans 834 updatedThis App is very useful for professionalsThis app includes following features* LIC Premium calculator* Tiny Diary* Easy Connect* Recknor for all plan* Policy management* LIC Plan information* Utility Like BMI calculator,age calculator
Splitwise is the best way to share bills andIOUs and make sure that everyone gets paid back.Use Splitwise to split household bills with roommates, to figureout costs for a group vacation, or just to remember when a friendspots you for lunch. On Android, iPhone, or the web(http://splitwise.com), you can view your balances, track spendingtrends, set up email reminders for bills, and much much more!"I only wish such a tool had been available when I was a newcollege graduate..." – Ann Carrns, NYTimes Bucks Blog"Splitwise removes all the friction from borrowing money betweenfriends and roommates." - Melia Robinson, Business Insider
Fast Budget - Expense Manager
Keep your personal or family finances easilyunder control with Fast Budget - Expense Manager.You can check your daily expenses and improve your savings.Visualize the flow of your money at a glance with the fullycustomizable Overview page.In Fast Budget, you have many tools for managing your money better,like various types of charts or a useful calendar.It is possible to synchronize up to five devices.Fast Budget - Expense Manager features:OVERVIEW: The application has a fully customizable overview page tosee all the important information at a glance.ACCOUNTS AND CREDIT CARDS: Create and modify your accounts as youplease. There are two account types: Normal and hidden.The hidden accounts can be very useful for tracking smallbusinesses or hobbies.In addition, with each account, you can view the most importantinformation relating to it with helpful charts.There is also an entire section dedicated to credit cards.Both accounts that credit cards can be used in over 90 differentcurrencies.CATEGORIES: Manage your daily expenses and income as youwish.You can create as many categories as you want, edit existing onesor rearrange them, to have the most used on top of the list.TRANSACTIONS: Insert your daily revenues and outgoings in an easyand fast way.There are various tools within this budget manager to speed up theinsertion of a gain or of a loss:- You can enter scheduled earnings and expenditures.- You can create transaction templates.- You can set a default account for your profits and costs.- There are two widgets to accelerate the creation of anoperation.SCHEDULED TRANSACTIONS: Schedule your income or expenses to recurover time.It's also possible to set a reminder that notify you when thetransaction is due.BUDGETS: Create custom budgets to always know how much money youstill have available.It's possible to select more than one category for eachbudget.CHARTS: Watch your finances with different types of charts: Showand compare your expenses and earnings to know where to savemoney.In the app, there are more than five different chart types.CALENDAR: View your day-to-day profits and outlays. Be always awareof when and where you have spent.SUMMARY: This is a handy section to see a summary of your cash flowin the last period.OTHER:- Synchronize up to 5 devices.- Color the pages as you wish: For each page, you can choose thecolor that you prefer.- Automatic backup on in the device memory and in Dropbox to avoiddata loss.- Import and export your data to a PC with the .csv and .xls(Excel)files.- Protect your data with a password, without wasting time:If you choose, create new transactions without entering yourpassword.- Reminder for not forget to insert your daily transactions.- Choose between more than 90 currencies and customize the currencyand date format.Some features are not available in the free version.Check your personal or family finances now with this budgetplanner.This application will continue to be developed in the months tocome.New features will be added to ensure a better userexperience.If you encounter problems or have suggestions, contact thedeveloper of Fast Budget - Expense Manager at:support@fastbudget.it
WebMoney Keeper
WebMoney is now always with you!- Control the balance of your purses and cash flow- Issue invoices, send and receive WebMoney- Top up your card or bank account* with your purse and viceversa- Conveniently pay for telephone, Internet, utilities and many moreservices- Buy games, books and other digital products with just1-Click- Chat with friends in a secure chat- Share your photos, audio and other files* You will need to bind your Card or Bank Account on a specialwebsite
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L'Appli Société Générale
L’Appli Société Générale : une expérienceinédite de la banque sur mobile.VOTRE ARGENT AU PLUS PRES DE VOUSEn un instant, visualisez l'état de votre compte favori grâce à lajauge et de votre budget mensuel avec l’enveloppe de dépenses.Grâce aux alertes vous êtes prévenu(e) dès que survient unévénement méritant votre attention (solde bas, versement important,envoi de moyens de paiement, etc.). Paramétrez simplement lesévènements sur lesquels vous souhaitez être alerté-e (solde,dépense, versement) et vous recevrez des notifications en tempsréel.TOUT GERER EN UN CLIN D’ŒILConsultez vos comptes, gérez les plafonds de retrait et de paiementde votre carte, catégorisez vos dépenses dans la gestion de budget.Tout est fait pour vous faciliter la vie.BESOIN D’ENVOYER DE l’ARGENT ?En moins de temps qu’il ne faut pour le dire, l’Appli SociétéGénérale vous permet de réaliser des virements ponctuels oupermanents, des versements sur votre PEL et même des virements versl’international dans 30 devises ! Simple et rapide, ajoutez vosnouveaux comptes bénéficiaires directement depuis l’Appli !Et pour les petits virements, vous pouvez même utiliser lesservices « Transferts par SMS », qui vous permet d’envoyer del’argent à vos amis en saisissant simplement leur numéro detéléphone.VOS TRANSACTIONS SECURISEESParce que la sécurité est notre priorité, nous avons développé lePass Sécurité qui renforce la sécurité de vos transactions etsimplifie la validation de certaines opérations comme l’ajout debénéficiaire ou les virements internationaux.EPARGNE, PRÊTS ET ASSURANCES : L’APPLI EST LA !L’Appli Société Générale vous propose des rubriques dédiées où vousretrouvez votre épargne, vos prêts et contrats d’assurances. Vouspouvez également y découvrir les offres que nous avonssélectionnées pour vous.Vous souhaitez ouvrir un compte d’épargne, souscrire un prêt ou uneassurance ? Faites vous rappeler gratuitement par un conseillerpour obtenir plus d’informations et souscrire en ligne ou prenezrendez-vous en agence depuis l’Appli !UNE QUESTION ? UNE URGENCE A TRAITER ? PARLONS-EN !Vous êtes plutôt email, téléphone, réseaux sociaux ou face à face ?Quelle que soit votre préférence, nos équipes vous accompagnent partous les moyens. La Messagerie sécurisée vous permet d’échanger desmails avec votre conseiller directement depuis l’Appli. Nous sommeségalement là pour vous aider sur Twitter et Facebook et notreService Clients est à votre écoute pour répondre à vos questionspar téléphone. Vous pouvez également prendre rendez-vous avec unconseiller en agence directement depuis l’Appli.N’hésitez pas à nous faire part de vos suggestions et idéesd’amélioration ! Rendez-vous dans la rubrique « Nous contacter » del’Appli Société Générale et échangez avec nos community managerssur les réseaux sociaux ou la plateforme collaborative SG et Vous!Pour bénéficier d’une assistance technique, contactez-nous àl’adresse :assistance-particuliers.societegenerale@socgen.comCette application contient des cookies statistiques. Ces cookiesont pour seul but d’améliorer la qualité de l’Appli SociétéGénérale et ne seront en aucun cas utilisés à des finspublicitaires.A propos des autorisations demandées par l'Appli Société Générale:- Localisation : utilisée pour vous indiquer les agences et DAB àproximité si vous l'avez autorisé.- Modifier les données d'un contact : utilisée pour ajouter votreagence dans votre répertoire si vous le souhaitez.- Contrôle de l'appareil photo : permet d'envoyer des piècesjointes à votre conseiller via la messagerie sécurisée.- Appels téléphoniques : la rubrique « En cas d'urgence » permetd'appeler nos services en un clic depuis l'Appli.The App Société Générale:a new experience of mobile banking.YOUR MONEY AT THE NEAR YOUIn an instant, view the status of your favorite account with thegauge and your monthly budget with expenditure envelope. Withalerts you are warned (e) as soon as an event occurs deservingattention (low pay, large payment, sending payment, etc.). simplyset the events that you want to be alerted-e (balance, expenditure,payment) and receive real-time notifications.MANAGE ALL IN A GLANCEView your accounts, manage withdrawal limits and payment of yourcard, categorize your expenses into the budget management.Everything is done to make your life easier.NEED TO SEND MONEY?In less time than it takes to say, the Societe Generale App allowsyou to make one-time or permanent transfers, payments on your PELtransfers to and even internationally in 30 currencies! Fast andeasy, add your new recipients accounts directly from the App!And for small transfers, you can even use the service "SMSTransfer" that allows you to send money to your friends by simplyentering their phone number.SECURE YOUR TRANSACTIONSBecause safety is our priority, we developed the Safety Pass whichenhances the security of your transactions and simplifies thevalidation of certain operations like adding beneficiary orinternational transfers.SAVINGS AND LOAN INSURANCE: THE APP IS!The App Générale offers dedicated sections where you meet yoursavings, loans and insurance policies. You can also discover thedeals we have selected for you.You want to open a savings account, take out a loan or insurance?Do you remember it free advisor for more information and tosubscribe online or make an appointment in agency from theApp!A QUESTION ? EMERGENCY TREATMENT? LET'S TALK ABOUT IT !Are you more email, phone, social networks or face to face?Whatever your preference, our teams support you in every way. TheSecure Messaging allows you to exchange messages with yourconsultant directly from the App. We are also there to help you onTwitter and Facebook and our Customer Service is at your disposalto answer your questions by phone. You can also make an appointmentwith a consultant agency directly from the App.Feel free to send us your suggestions and ideas for improvement! Goto the "Contact us" of Societe Generale App and connect with ourcommunity managers on social networks or collaborative platform SGand You!To receive technical assistance, please contact us at:assistance-particuliers.societegenerale@socgen.comThis application contains statistics cookies. These cookies areintended only to improve the quality of the App Générale and willin no case used for advertising purposes.About the authorizations requested by the App SociétéGénérale:- Location: used to indicate the branches and ATMs nearby if you'veauthorized.- Modify the contact data: used to add your agency in yourdirectory if you wish.- Controlling the camera: send attachments with your advisor viasecure messaging.- Phone calls: the "In Case of Emergency" allows calls to ourservices in one click from the App.
Thomson Reuters Eikon
Thomson Reuters
Thomson Reuters Eikon with Messenger – themost comprehensive, intuitive, and collaborative set of financialtools available! Discover the exceptional clarity and power ofThomson Reuters Eikon with Messenger for Android today.* Note, a Thomson Reuters Eikon with Messenger account is requiredto access premium features.Features:• Unrivaled market-moving news• Quick and seamless list & portfolio monitoring• Comprehensive market summaries• Around-the-clock real-time data and quotes• Detailed company information — including news, research, topinvestors, and estimates• Natural language search with Eikon Answers• Alerts and push notifications for news, market data, andresearch• Real-time research from award-winning analysts around theglobe• Ability to save news and research for availability in offlinemode• Simultaneous access to desktop and mobile• Support for your Android wearable• Eikon Messenger• League Tables
CIBC ATM and Branch Locations
Are you a CIBC customer and tired of paying those "other ATM" fees?This app will help you avoid using non-CIBC ATMs by locating thenearest CIBC branch or ABM to your current position then displaysthem on a map or list. You can also search in a givencity/neighbourhood, so you are not limited to your currentlocation.Distance, directions are given for each branch/ATM. You want toknow how the area looks like before you get there? Check out theStreetView(When available) for each location ahead of time.The app also works in offline mode when you don't have a dataconnection, so you can quickly find the nearest branch even whenyou don't have reception, but keep in mind that in offline modeStreetView and Directions are not available, the map is alsolimited to whatever tiles cached on your phone.If you have any suggestions, bug reports and comments pleasesend them away. There is a feedback button right from within theapp.
Com o novo aplicativo da Caixa, as melhoriasque a vida pede estão nas suas mãos. Além de realizar consultas,fazer movimentações (extrato, investimentos, pagamentos,transferências, empréstimos e agendamentos), você tem:• login único para várias contas;• opção de salvar usuário;• leitor de código de barras;• aposta fácil na mega-sena;*• nova forma de navegar;• novo visual;• novos ícones.Você também acompanha os resultados das Loterias Caixa, localiza oscanais de atendimento, além de simular um financiamento. Paraacessar basta usar seu Usuário e Senha da Internet.*Apenas para correntistasWith the new applicationbox, improvements that life calls are in your hands. In addition toperforming queries, making drives (extract, investments, payments,transfers, loans and schedules), you have:• single login for multiple accounts;• Save user option;• barcode reader;• easy bet on mega-sena; *• new way to navigate;• new look;• New icons.You also monitors the results of the Lottery Cash, finds theservice channels, in addition to simulate a financing. To accessjust use your User and Password Internet.* Only for holders
All India Bank Info Offline
Android Maverick
This a simple application which provide information of allcomputerized bank's of INDIA.Around 80510+ bank information is at your disposal.This application helps you with the bank's information like MICRCode, IFSC Code, Address, Registered Phone Number, Website Link,Nearest ATM etc, All this information is at your finger tips whenyou needed.Key Features are :★ Locate Bank branches by States★ Locate bank branches by District★ Locate bank branches by Branches★ Get IFSC code★ Get MICR code(if present)★ More than 80510+ branches data(RBI Database)★ TOTALLY FREEHope this application eases your life when you need to check theIFSC, MICR, PHONE NUMBER, NEAREST ATM, OFFICIAL WEBSITE of anyparticular bank of your choice.DEEP FROM DEVELOPERS HEARTI know you have many other choices for similar kind ofapplication, however we are very much thankful for choosing AndroidMaverick's product and we're pleased to offer you a better userexperience FREE of cost each & every time.Since this is an OFFLINE application, This application doesn't syncto the online data & saves your bandwidth. Its highlyrecommended you to install this app on SD card.We developers make living out of these applications, Hence werequest you be kind with Ad engine and your rating for thisapplication.We're constantly thriving to make your experience better withthis application and we are more eager listen from you.Your voice is important to us, Help us grow with your valuablepositive comments and ratings!Any issue with this application we're more than happy to helpyou(Update's).Any end user is eligible to mail Android Maverick Team and withthere concern, bugs, improvements etc.Hope you like this application.Cheers :)
Academy Sports + Outdoors Visa
U.S. Bank Mobile
The Academy Sports + Outdoors Visa App gives you one-touch accessto apply for and manage your Academy Sports + Outdoors Visa®. Ifapproved for instant credit, you can shop right now and earnrewards points for all your purchases. Plus, get $15 statementcredit and 1,000 Bonus Points after your first purchase.Once you complete the application process using the app and havebeen approved, a virtual card* can be loaded to your phone. Simplyshow it to the Academy Sports + Outdoors associate at checkout. Youcan use your virtual card every time you shop at Academy Sports +Outdoors or academy.com until your plastic card arrives in themail. The virtual card will be displayed for 30 days or until theAcademy Sports + Outdoors Visa is activated, whichever comesfirst.FEATURES:• ACADEMY VISA CARD APPLICATION: A paperless credit cardapplication. Your information is 100% secure.• INSTANT CREDIT: You will know within minutes if you’re approved,so you can shop right now and earn rewards points for your ACADEMYpurchases.• MY ACADEMY VISA ACCOUNT(1): Access and manage your Academy Sports+ Outdoors Visa card account anywhere, anytime.• SHOP ACADEMY: Visit academy.com or find a store near you to shopnow!CARD BENEFITS:• Earn 5 Rewards Points for every $1 spent at Academy Sports +Outdoors(2)• Earn 1 Rewards Point for every $1 spent on everyday purchaseseverywhere else Visa is accepted(2)• Receive 1,000 Bonus Points after your first purchase• Receive a $25 Academy Sports + Outdoors Rewards Card every timeyou reach 2,500 Rewards Points• Rewards Cards can be used on any Academy Sports + Outdoorspurchase in-store or at academy.comTERMS & CONDITIONS:*Subject to instant credit approval.(1) You must be enrolled in online banking to access "My AcademyVisa Account". Enroll at usbank.com(2) Points are earned on net purchases. Net purchases are purchasesminus credits and returns.The creditor and issuer of the Academy Sports + Outdoors RewardsVisa Card is U.S. Bank National Association, pursuant to a licensefrom Visa U.S.A. Inc.© 2013 U.S. Bank. All rights reserved.Your privacy and security are important to U.S. Bank and we arecommitted to protecting your information. Learn more atwww.usbank.com/privacy
Bloomberg Professional
Bloomberg LP
Get real-time access to the BLOOMBERGPROFESSIONAL® service on your Android device.Available features:Send and receive messages while on the goUse Instant Bloomberg to stay connected with all your contactswherever you areGet comprehensive news and alerts from tens of thousands of sourcesincluding Bloomberg’s exclusive coverageMonitor real-time market data, quotes, events, and EcoCalendarsGain deeper insight into your Portfolios by understanding yourpositions and active betsGet all the pertinent information about a company in onecomprehensive and well organized documentNOTE: You must be a Bloomberg Anywhere subscriber, and have aBloomberg biometric authentication device (B-Unit) to use thisservice.If you are not yet a Bloomberg Anywhere customer and would like tobe connected to the preeminent information source for the world’smost influential business leaders, please visithttp://www.bloomberg.com/professional/ to find out more about theBLOOMBERG PROFESSIONAL® service.
BNZ Mobile
Manage your money on the go with BNZMobile.Check your account balances, transfer money, top up your prepaymobile, and more – all on the go.You’re not with BNZ? Join us from the free app today and getstarted. It’s quick and easy.KNOW YOUR MONEY• View account balances and transaction history• Set goals and follow your progress• View your accounts in list or icon view• Personalise your accounts with images• Set up Instant Balances to view account balances without loggingin (activate MobileNetguard)MANAGE YOUR MONEY• Transfer money between your accounts• Pay your bills, credit card, or IRD• Make one-off payments• Open and close accounts with YouMoney• Link accounts to your Eftpos or credit card• Add/edit payees and view payment history• Set up, view and delete automatic paymentsEXTRA SERVICES• Link your Trade Me account and pay for items• Top up Vodafone, Spark, Skinny and 2degrees prepaid mobile• Get Android Pay™ and pay with your phone. Available only withFlexi Debit Visa.FIND & CONTACT BNZ• Send a Secure Message• Find the nearest BNZ stores and ATMs• View all relevant phone numbers• Request a callbackSEND REQUESTS• Apply for a debit or credit card• Apply for loans or insurances• Join the BNZ KiwiSaver SchemeSECURE BANKING• Set up a personal 5-digit PIN or• Log in with your Internet Banking password• Mobile NetGuard embedded within this app• Android 4.0 or above required to use this app• Fingerprint login available for Android 6.0 or above but not ifusing s5Always remember to log out and always update your device to thenewest version of Android.Never store your BNZ access number, password or NetGuardcoordinates on your device in any form.Never allow other people to access your mobile device using yourdevice password.GET STARTED• A BNZ Personal Internet Banking customer?Install this app and get going. It’s easy.• Not a BNZ Personal Internet Banking customer?Install this app and register for Internet Banking onbnz.co.nz/registernow, call 0800 999 269 or +64 4 494 7153 fromoverseas (international toll charges apply).• Not a BNZ customer?Welcome. Install this app and register today.
Приват24 Бета
Privat24 - весь ПриватБанк в Вашемсмартфоне.Проверяйте баланс по картам в режиме реального времени,оплачивайте мобильный, переводите деньги друзьям и близким,покупайте билеты на транспорт.Работает с картами любого банка Украины. Безумно просто!5 cамых популярных функций★ 1. Просматривайте баланс и выписки по карте, счету.★ 2. Пополняйте мобильный телефон более чем в 140 странах★ 3. Переводите деньги с карты на карту или на счет LiqPay★ 4. Оплачивайте любые счета на территории Украины★ 5. Покупайте билеты на транспортПополнение онлайн-аккаунтов★ Оплачивайте Танки, Steam, Warface, My Land и сотни другихигр★ Пополняйте ВконтактеПолезные платежи★ Оплачивайте коммунальные услуги, создавайте регулярныеплатежи.★ Платите за Viasat, Vega, Воля-Кабель, Киевстар, Укртелеком.★ Заправляйтесь на АЗС.★. Отправляйте переводы PrivatMoney и WesternUnion.★ Покупайте ж\д, автобусные и авиабилеты★ Принимайте платежи с помощью мобильного терминалаQR-коды★ С помощью функции "Бесконтакт" получите перевод или оплатите счетчерез QR-код★ С помощью QR-кода войдите в Приват24 в Web★ Получайте наличные без карты с помощью QR-кодаИ это не все!★ Работайте с кредитами и депозитами★ Изменяйте условия накопления по "Копилке"★ Получайте и передавайте Ваши реквизиты с помощью кода вsms-сообщении★ Cледите за курсами валют★ В любой момент свяжитесь с банком при помощи телефона, e-mail,skype★ Просмотрите карту ближайших отделений и банкоматов★ Оплата через NFC. С подробным списком устройств Вы можетеознакомиться по ссылке:https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Z-GqNonIDEt0HK0UlJzairifC5nYl0sxbPRwdKxaqnM/editEnjoy! Сделано с умом, Ваш ПриватБанкhttps://privat24.uaPrivat24 - wholePrivatbank in your smartphone.Check the balance on the cards in real-time,pay for mobile, transfer money to family and friends, buy yourtickets for transport.It works with cards of any bank of Ukraine. Insanely easy!5 camyh popular features     ★ 1. See balance and statements onthe card account.     ★ 2. Replenish mobile phone in morethan 140 countries     ★ 3. Transfer money from card to cardor LiqPay account     ★ 4. Pay all bills on the territoryof Ukraine     ★ 5. Buy tickets for transportUpdating online accounts      ★ Pay Tanks, Steam, Warface, MyLand and hundreds of other games      ★ Enrich VkontakteUseful payments      ★ Pay your utility bills,create regular payments.      ★ Pay for Viasat, Vega, VoliaCable, Kyivstar, Ukrtelecom.      ★ refuel at the gasstation.      ★. Send money PrivatMoney andWesternUnion.      ★ Buy w \ d, bus and airlinetickets      ★ Accept payments with a mobileterminalQR-code      ★ With the "contactless" get atransfer or bill pay through QR-Code      ★ With the help of the QR-codelog in Privat24 on the Web      ★ Get cash without a card witha QR-codeAnd that's not all!      ★ Work with loans anddeposits      ★ Change the storage conditionson the "piggy bank"      ★ Get and pass your detailsusing the code in sms-message      ★ for the next exchangerates      ★ At any time, please contactthe Bank by telephone, e-mail, skype      ★ Look at the map of thenearest branches and ATMs      ★ Payment via NFC. A detailedlist of devices you can find on the following link:https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Z-GqNonIDEt0HK0UlJzairifC5nYl0sxbPRwdKxaqnM/editEnjoy! Done wisely, your PrivatBankhttps://privat24.ua
Use the Vanguard app to check your accountsand invest whenever you want.Now availableWe made some enhancements and fixed a few bugs.Use the app to do the following (some features may not be availablefor employer-sponsored plans):• Manage account activity (check your balances, monitorperformance, view account statements and messages, reviewemployer-sponsored plan).• Buy & sell (trade mutual funds, ETFs, and stocks; use yourcamera to invest by check into an eligible account; transact onyour employer plan).• Stay informed (use the portfolio analysis tool, track marketindex trends, research investments, view and share the latestnews).Financial advisors: Download "Vanguard for Advisors," our free appthat's designed for you.Disclosures**Vanguard ETF Shares can be bought and sold only through a broker(who may charge a commission) and cannot be redeemed with theissuing fund. The market price of Vanguard ETF Shares may be moreor less than net asset value.**U.S. Patent Nos. 6,879,964; 7,337,138; 7,720,749; 7,925,573;8,090,646; and 8,417,623.**Visit vanguard.com or contact your broker to obtain a VanguardETF or fund prospectus containing investment objectives, risks,charges, expenses, and other information. Read and considercarefully before investing.**Mutual funds and ETFs, like all investments, are subject to risk,including the possible loss of the money you invest.Images are for illustrative purposes only.Android is a trademark of Google Inc.© 2016 The Vanguard Group, Inc. All rights reserved. VanguardMarketing Corporation, Distributor of the Vanguard Funds.
تطبيق الليرة السورية اليوم
Engineer 21
تطبيق الليرة السورية اليوم يقوم بنشر أسعار العملات والذهب في السوقالسوداء بالنسبة لليرة السورية من خلال مراسلينا في الأسواق السورية.يتميز التطبيق باصدار تنبيه كل يوم لتكون على علم دائم باسعار الليرةيوميا ً.يتم تحديث الأسعار كل ساعتين بعد افتتاح السوق (بين الساعة 12 والـ 1الظهر) وحتى إغلاق السوق.ابق على تواصل مع آخر أسعار الصرف للأسهم السورية و الدولار و العملاتفي السوق السوريةالتحديث يومي على الأسعار !تحويل عملات , أسعار الذهبhttp://neronet-academy.com/Theapplication of the Syrian pound today publishes the prices ofcurrencies and gold on the black market for the Syrian pound by ourreporters in the Syrian market.Characterized by the application issuing an alert every day to beaware of prices permanently pound a day.Prices are updated every two hours after the opening of the market(between 12 am and 1 pm) and until the market closes.Stay in touch with the latest exchange rates for the dollar andcontributed to the Syrian and the currencies in the SyrianmarketA daily update on the prices!Converting currencies, gold priceshttp://neronet-academy.com/