Hammerhead Studio 应用

Furious Racing 60
Furious Racing is a fun and exciting sportscar racing simulator game. Become the driver of some of the fastestcars on the City streets in a collection of game modes like classicrace, countdown, knockdown, and drift. This amazingly realisticracing car driving simulation game is packed full of super coolfast race cars and exciting, dynamic racing levels.Beat the cars earn the credit, grab the bonus, and upgrade yourcars to beat the other challengers that have more heavy steel thanyours. Its upto you thathow you are trained to control this piece of metal. You should beatthe current challenger to unlock the other. There are total 15+different cars, you can change theircolors and upgrade them using three level upgrading kits. But themost important thing is to earn the credit to buy theseup-gradation kits. Color changing of your caris free for every car.Realistic Cars:Drive 15+ extremely Fast, beautiful cars on asphalt tracks. Startyour career, win enough races and buy new cars to compete in moredemanding races.Start driving in unique cars - never seen before on the asphaltroads in reality and computer games.Tune & UpgradeBuy car parts (top speed, acceleration and durability) and upgradeyour car. Customize your auto and adjust to your driving style.Doesn’t matter if you like high top speed or pure acceleration -you can modify your car and win races in your own style. Choosewhich car do do you prefer and buy the one from your dreams -respray the body, mount new engine, improve acceleration and nitro.Become the fastest driver in the city and earn respect from otherteams. Show them who is the real car racer.Realistic CityUniverse of illegal races awaits for you. Race in different modeson dangerous asphalt tracks in City. Show your rivals that you arethe best in real competition with amazing speed. Pass beautifulmodern buildings in real Tokyo street, take unbelievable turns,achieve highest possible velocity among neon.Furious Racing offers you a great, fun gaming experience thatwill help you to become the king of the streets and the best driveron them. So are you excited to get behind the wheel of somerealistic super cars and race against other racers, then you'll bevery excited to play Furious Racing!KEY FEATURES- Stunning 3D graphics- Smooth and realistic car handling- Different new cars to choose from: sport cars, roadsters, musclecars!- Detailed environment- Rich types of NPC racers- Basic customization through paint and otherGAMEPLAY- Tilt to steer- Touch brake button to slow down- Buy better cars to have better handlingTIPS- The faster you drive the more scores you get- When driving over 100 kmh,Note: THIS IS NOT AN OFFICIAL FF GAME.Are you ready for the challenge? Show your friends what a speeddemon looks like!Furious Racing will be updated constantly. Please rate and giveyour feedback for further improvement of the game.Have Issues? Write to us on Facebook for a rapidresponse.!https://www.facebook.com/HammerheadGames92
Hammer Reloaded 1.2
The city streets are packed with bad guys. Whoyou gonna call? That's right, it's THE HAMMER RELOADED. He'llstraighten them out with his shotgun.Indulge in an intensive third person shooting experience and savethe world from the Shadow Lord! Control tanks, gun turrets and morein this action packed shooter from Top Pixel Games!You are the top Agent of the MI-6. Your enemies fear you and theyare constantly looking out for ways to destroy you. Take up thechallenge and battle in explosive scenarios against enemies thatshoot first and ask questions later. You are to destroy the ShadowLord who is planning on taking over the world with his evil minionsat work.Join The Hammer in 30 action packed missions in his never-endingquest to defeat his arch-nemesis The BigBoss.FEATURES* 30 missions* Controllable vehicles, like tanks, cars, helicopters andturrets!* Multiple weapons* Explosives* Achievements* A shop with awesome ingame features like GodMode, Golden Gun anda Jetpack!!* Lots and lots of explosions!Technical note: The game is pretty CPU intensive. Making it hardfor us to ensure smooth gameplay across all devices. We're workingto ensure most devices can enjoy the game as it is intended to be!Thanks for your support.Like Us on Facebook! https://www.facebook.com/HammerheadGames92
Urban Racer 3D 1.4
The breakaway hit Urban Racer returns with more dynamic arcaderacing action. Hop in the sports elite car of your dreams and racedown the legendary high speed highways in Urban Racer! Urban Raceris a milestone in the genre of endless arcade racing. Drive yourcar through City Tracks, earn cash, upgrade your car and buy newones. Try to be one of the fastest drivers in the globalleaderboards. Beat the cars earn the credit, grab the bonus, andupgrade your cars to beat the other challengers that have moreheavy steel than yours. Its upto you that how you are trained tocontrol this piece of metal. You should beat the current challengerto unlock the other. There are total 6 different cars, you canchange their colors and upgrade them using three level upgradingkits. But the most important thing is to earn the credit to buythese up-gradation kits. Color changing of your car is free forevery car. Futuristic Cars: Drive 6 extremely fast and beautifulcars on asphalt tracks. Start your career, win enough races and buynew cars to compete in more demanding races. Start driving inunique cars - never seen before on the asphalt roads in reality andcomputer games. Tune & Upgrade Buy car parts (top speed,acceleration and durability) and upgrade your car. Customize yourauto and adjust to your driving style. Doesn’t matter if you likehigh top speed or pure acceleration - you can modify your car andwin races in your own style. Choose which car do do you prefer andbuy the one from your dreams - respray the body, mount new engine,improve acceleration and nitro. Become the fastest driver in thecity and earn respect from other teams. Show them who is the realcar racer. Futuristic City Universe of illegal races awaits foryou. Race in different modes on dangerous asphalt tracks. Show yourrivals that you are the best in real competition with amazingspeed. Pass beautiful modern buildings in high-tech cities, takeunbelievable turns, achieve highest possible velocity amongstsci-fi neons. KEY FEATURES - Stunning 3D graphics - Smooth andrealistic car handling - Different new cars to choose from: sportcars, roadsters, muscle cars! - Detailed environment - Rich typesof NPC racers - Basic customization through paint and otherGAMEPLAY - Tilt to steer - Touch brake button to slow down - Buybetter cars to have better handling TIPS - The faster you drive themore scores you get - When driving over 100 kmh, pickup NOS bonusscores and cash Are you ready for the challenge? Show your friendswhat a speed demon looks like! Urban Racer will be updatedconstantly. Please rate and give your feedback for furtherimprovement of the game.
Project Escape 1.6
======================= === Project Escape ========================== After several tries finally this is thetime to complete the project Escape. Run as fast as you can and letthe police far behind and be free. Get powerups and changecostumes. Beware of hurdles, trees and fences can come any timeanywhere. Collect gems to buy powerups and increase the timing ofpowerups by increasing the level. Help him escape through thejungle road... With objects blocking his path of escape. His onlygot one chance or his taking his sorry self back to jail! So Run asfast as you can! ======================= ★★★★Can Do★★★★======================= ★Earn coins and buy a Powerups and costumes★Change the costumes ★Improve your rank ★Purchase costumes ★Switchyou costume with your purchased one ======================= ★★★★Features★★★★ ======================= ★Infinite game run ★Jungletheme environment ★3D character ★3D environment ★Gems collection★Missions to complete
Furious Drag Racing 2023 5.0
Be Fast, Be Furious with Drag Racing
Furious 8 Drag Racing - 2020's new Drag Racing 4.2
Note: THIS IS NOT AN OFFICIAL FF GAME. Furious Racing 8: DragRacing, Fate of Furious is a fun and exciting sports car racingdrag simulator game. Become the driver of some of the fastest carson the City streets in a collection of game modes like classicrace, countdown, knockdown, and cop smash drag. This amazinglyrealistic racing car drag racing simulation game is packed full ofsuper cool fast race cars and exciting, dynamic racing levels. Beatthe cars earn the credit, grab the bonus, and upgrade your cars tobeat the other challengers that have more heavy steel than yours.Its up-to you that how you are trained to control this piece ofmetal. You should beat the current challenger to unlock the other.There are total 15 different cars, you can change their colors andupgrade them using three level upgrading kits. But the mostimportant thing is to earn the credit to buy these up-gradationkits. Color changing of your car is free for every car. RealisticCars: Drive 15 extremely Fast and also the furious, beautiful carson Miami tracks. Start your career, win enough races and buy newcars to compete in more demanding races. Start driving in uniquecars - never seen before on the asphalt roads in reality andcomputer games. Tune & Upgrade Buy car parts (Top max speed,Drag Race, Drift Race, acceleration and durability) and upgradeyour car. Customize your auto and adjust to your driving style.Doesn't matter if you like high top speed or pure acceleration -you can modify your car and win races in your own style. Choosewhich car do do you prefer and buy the one from your dreams -respray the body, mount new engine, improve acceleration and nitro.Become the fastest driver in the city and earn respect from otherteams. Show them who is the real car racer. Realistic City Universeof illegal Racing and Speed Drag Races awaits for you. Race indifferent modes on dangerous tracks in City. Show your rivals thatyou are the best in real competition with amazing speed. Passbeautiful modern buildings in real Tokyo street, take unbelievableturns, achieve highest possible velocity among neon. Furious 8 DragRacing - 2018's new Drag Racing offers you a great, fun gaming Dragracing experience that will help you to become the king of thestreets and the best driver on them. So are you excited to getbehind the wheel of some realistic super cars and race againstother racers, then you'll be very excited to play Furious 8 DragRacing - 2018's new Drag Racing! KEY FEATURES - Stunning 3Dgraphics - Smooth and realistic car handling - Different new carsto choose from: sport cars, roadsters, muscle cars! - Detailedenvironment - Rich types of NPC racers - Basic customizationthrough paint and other GAMEPLAY - Drag Racing - One Tap Controls -Be the Cop to Bust the Criminals - Buy better cars to have betterhandling TIPS - The faster you drive the more scores you get - Whendriving over 100 kmh, Note: THIS IS NOT AN OFFICIAL FF GAME. Areyou ready for the challenge? Show your friends what a speed demonlooks like! Furious 8 Drag Racing - 2018's new Drag Racing Editionwill be updated constantly. Please rate and give your feedback forfurther improvement of the game.
No Limits Night Racing 1.5
After a long time the night racing series is back.Complete 3Denvironment. Simple and friendly gameplay. After entering into theworld of no limits night racing you will be awarded a car as aninitial to prove yourself. Beat the cars earn the credit, grab thebonus, and upgrade your cars to beat the other challengers thathave more heavy steel than yours. Its upto you that how you aretrained to control this piece of metal. You should beat the currentchallenger to unlock the other. There are total 6 different cars,you can change their colors and upgrade them using three levelupgrading kits. But the most important thing is to earn the creditto buy these up-gradation kits. Color changing of your car is freefor every car. Futuristic Cars: Drive 6 extremely fast andbeautiful cars on asphalt tracks. Start your career, win enoughraces and buy new cars to compete in more demanding races. Startdriving in unique cars - never seen before on the asphalt roads inreality and computer games. Tune & Upgrade Buy car parts (topspeed, acceleration and durability) and upgrade your car. Customizeyour auto and adjust to your driving style. Doesn’t matter if youlike high top speed or pure acceleration - you can modify your carand win races in your own style. Choose which car do do you preferand buy the one from your dreams - respray the body, mount newengine, improve acceleration and nitro. Become the fastest driverin the city and earn respect from other teams. Show them who is thereal car racer. Futuristic City Universe of illegal races awaitsfor you. Race in different modes on dangerous asphalt tracks. Showyour rivals that you are the best in real competition with amazingspeed. Pass beautiful modern buildings in high-tech cities, takeunbelievable turns, achieve highest possible velocity amongstsci-fi neons.
Furious Payback Racing 6.6
Time to Payback! The smell of burnt rubber lingers through thestreets!
Underground Crew 2 Drag Drift 4.7
Furious Paul's Underground Crew 2
Furious Racing: Remastered 3.8
Be Fast, Be Furious with the Best of Furious Racing
Super Bike Championship 2016 1.5
SBK Championship 2016 Speed and fun on two wheels, in the palm ofyour hand.
Street Racing Tokyo 2.0
Race on the Streets of Tokyo with Best Super Racing Cars
Furious Speedy Racing 2.3
Furious Speedy Racing is a fun and exciting sports carracingsimulator game. Become the driver of some of the fastest carsonthe City streets in a collection of game modes like classicrace,countdown, knockdown, and drift. This amazingly realisticracingcar driving simulation game is packed full of super cool fastracecars and exciting, dynamic racing levels. Beat the cars earnthecredit, grab the bonus, and upgrade your cars to beat theotherchallengers that have more heavy steel than yours. Its uptoyouthat how you are trained to control this piece of metal. Youshouldbeat the current challenger to unlock the other. There aretotal 6different cars, you can change their colors and upgrade themusingthree level upgrading kits. But the most important thing is toearnthe credit to buy these up-gradation kits. Color changing ofyourcar is free for every car. Realistic Cars: Drive 6 extremelyFast,beautiful cars on asphalt tracks. Start your career, winenoughraces and buy new cars to compete in more demanding races.Startdriving in unique cars - never seen before on the asphaltroads inreality and computer games. Tune & Upgrade Buy carparts (topspeed, acceleration and durability) and upgrade your car.Customizeyour auto and adjust to your driving style. Doesn’t matterif youlike high top speed or pure acceleration - you can modifyyour carand win races in your own style. Choose which car do do youpreferand buy the one from your dreams - respray the body, mountnewengine, improve acceleration and nitro. Become the fastestdriverin the city and earn respect from other teams. Show them whois thereal car racer. Realistic City Universe of illegal racesawaits foryou. Race in different modes on dangerous asphalt tracksin City.Show your rivals that you are the best in real competitionwithamazing speed. Pass beautiful modern buildings in realTokyostreet, take unbelievable turns, achieve highest possiblevelocityamong neon. Furious Speedy Racing offers you a great, fungamingexperience that will help you to become the king of thestreets andthe best driver on them. So are you excited to getbehind the wheelof some realistic super cars and race against otherracers, thenyou'll be very excited to play Furious Speedy Racing!KEY FEATURES- Stunning 3D graphics - Smooth and realistic carhandling -Different new cars to choose from: sport cars, roadsters,musclecars! - Detailed environment - Rich types of NPC racers -Basiccustomization through paint and other GAMEPLAY - Tilt to steer-Touch brake button to slow down - Buy better cars to havebetterhandling TIPS - The faster you drive the more scores you get- Whendriving over 100 kmh, Are you ready for the challenge? Showyourfriends what a speed demon looks like! Furious Speedy Racingwillbe updated constantly. Please rate and give your feedbackforfurther improvement of the game.
Airborne Racers 1.8
After a long time the night racing series is back.Complete 3Denvironment.
Mafia Racing 3D 2.3
3D Car Racing Game
Nitro Overdrive Racing 1.9
The breakaway hit Nitro Overdrive Racing returns with moredynamicarcade racing action. Hop in the sports elite car of yourdreamsand race down the legendary high speed highways in NitroOverdriveRacing! Nitro Overdrive Racing is a milestone in the genreofendless arcade racing. Drive your car through City Tracks,earncash, upgrade your car and buy new ones. Try to be one ofthefastest drivers in the global leaderboards. Beat the cars earnthecredit, grab the bonus, and upgrade your cars to beat theotherchallengers that have more heavy steel than yours. Its uptoyouthat how you are trained to control this piece of metal. Youshouldbeat the current challenger to unlock the other. There aretotal 6different cars, you can change their colors and upgrade themusingthree level upgrading kits. But the most important thing is toearnthe credit to buy these up-gradation kits. Color changing ofyourcar is free for every car. Futuristic Cars: Drive 6 extremelyfastand beautiful cars on asphalt tracks. Start your career, winenoughraces and buy new cars to compete in more demanding races.Startdriving in unique cars - never seen before on the asphaltroads inreality and computer games. Tune & Upgrade Buy carparts (topspeed, acceleration and durability) and upgrade your car.Customizeyour auto and adjust to your driving style. Doesn’t matterif youlike high top speed or pure acceleration - you can modifyyour carand win races in your own style. Choose which car do do youpreferand buy the one from your dreams - respray the body, mountnewengine, improve acceleration and nitro. Become the fastestdriverin the city and earn respect from other teams. Show them whois thereal car racer. Futuristic City Universe of illegal racesawaitsfor you. Race in different modes on dangerous asphalt tracks.Showyour rivals that you are the best in real competition withamazingspeed. Pass beautiful modern buildings in high-tech cities,takeunbelievable turns, achieve highest possible velocityamongstsci-fi neons. KEY FEATURES - Stunning 3D graphics - Smoothandrealistic car handling - Different new cars to choose from:sportcars, roadsters, muscle cars! - Detailed environment - Richtypesof NPC racers - Basic customization through paint andotherGAMEPLAY - Tilt to steer - Touch brake button to slow down -Buybetter cars to have better handling TIPS - The faster you drivethemore scores you get - When driving over 100 kmh, pickup NOSbonusscores and cash Are you ready for the challenge? Show yourfriendswhat a speed demon looks like! Nitro Overdrive Racing willbeupdated constantly. Please rate and give your feedback forfurtherimprovement of the game.
Underground Racer:Night Racing 1.6
Underground Racer is a Real 3D Racing Game. Get ready toexperiencethe thrill of your life as Underground Racer takes you onthe rideof your life. Buckle your seat belts and get ready to beblown awayby the amazing graphics and game play of UndergroundRacer andsatisfy your need of speed.Underground Racer brings youthe thrillof driving on real streets right on your mobile device.Thebreakaway hit Underground Racer returns with more dynamicarcaderacing action. Hop in the sports elite car of your dreams andracedown the legendary high speed highways in UndergroundRacer!Underground Racer is a milestone in the genre of endlessarcaderacing. Drive your car through City Tracks, earn cash,upgrade yourcar and buy new ones. Try to be one of the fastestdrivers in theglobal leaderboards. Beat the cars earn the credit,grab the bonus,and upgrade your cars to beat the other challengersthat have moreheavy steel than yours. Its upto you that how you aretrained tocontrol this piece of metal. You should beat the currentchallengerto unlock the other. There are total 6 different cars,you canchange their colors and upgrade them using three levelupgradingkits. But the most important thing is to earn the creditto buythese up-gradation kits. Color changing of your car is freeforevery car. Futuristic Cars: Drive 6 extremely fast andbeautifulcars on asphalt tracks. Start your career, win enoughraces and buynew cars to compete in more demanding races. Startdriving inunique cars - never seen before on the asphalt roads inreality andcomputer games. Tune & Upgrade Buy car parts (topspeed,acceleration and durability) and upgrade your car. Customizeyourauto and adjust to your driving style. Doesn’t matter if youlikehigh top speed or pure acceleration - you can modify your carandwin races in your own style. Choose which car do do you preferandbuy the one from your dreams - respray the body, mount newengine,improve acceleration and nitro. Become the fastest driver inthecity and earn respect from other teams. Show them who is therealcar racer. Futuristic City Universe of illegal races awaitsforyou. Race in different modes on dangerous asphalt tracks. Showyourrivals that you are the best in real competition withamazingspeed. Pass beautiful modern buildings in high-tech cities,takeunbelievable turns, achieve highest possible velocityamongstsci-fi neons. -THREE PLAYING MODES -Missions 6 Differentmissionsto become lord of roads. -Challenges Challenge any one totest yourskills and win cash prizes to unlock best car. -Time TrialRace intime trial and post your score globally challenge yourfriends.-DIFFERENT CARS -BEST RACING EXPERIENCE -REAL STREETENVIRONMENTNote: This is a Game only ,Please Don't over speed inreal life andDRIVE SAFE.
Furious: Heat Racing 2023 4.2
Feel the Heat of Furious Racing Franchise! Next instalment to theFurious Series