Krishnamurti Foundation Trust Ltd. 应用

J. Krishnamurti Q&A video app 1.1
About the AppDuring public question & answer meetings from 1979 untilhisdeath in 1986, Krishnamurti would reply to written questions putbythe public. These questions were given to him the day beforethemeetings, and among the dozens received a selection wasmade.Krishnamurti would often spend time answering just a few ofthequestions, taking time to explore in depth the many facets ofaparticular topic. His replies were like “mini” public talks, withabeginning, a middle and an end, some lasting just a fewminuteswhile others lasted nearly an hour.In addition to these questions and answers, we have alsoselectedextracts from public talks, together with answers tospokenquestions put directly to Krishnamurti at the end of some ofthetalks.More topics will become available with every app update.NOTE: App optimised for Android 4.4.x. Although the app shouldworkon most Android releases, technical issues may occur whileusingthis app on Android 4.2.x.An Overview of Krishnamurti’s Life and WorkJ. Krishnamurti (1895-1986) is regarded globally as one ofthegreatest thinkers and religious teachers of all time. He didnotexpound any philosophy or religion, but rather talked of thethingsthat concern all of us in our everyday lives, of the problemsofliving in modern society with its violence and corruption, oftheindividual's search for security and happiness, and the needformankind to free itself from inner burdens of fear, anger, hurt,andsorrow. He explained with great precision the subtle workingsofthe human mind, and pointed to the need for bringing to ourdailylife a deeply meditative and spiritual quality.Krishnamurtibelonged to no religious organization, sect or country,nor did hesubscribe to any school of political or ideologicalthought. On thecontrary, he maintained that these are the veryfactors that dividehuman beings and bring about conflict and war.He reminded hislisteners again and again that we are all humanbeings first andnot Hindus, Muslims or Christians, that we are likethe rest ofhumanity and are not different from one another. Heasked that wetread lightly on this earth without destroyingourselves or theenvironment. He communicated to his listeners adeep sense ofrespect for nature. His teachings transcend man-madebeliefsystems, nationalistic sentiment and sectarianism. At thesametime, they give new meaning and direction to mankind's searchfortruth. His teaching, besides being relevant to the modern age,istimeless and universal.For more information about J. Krishnamurti pleasevisitwww.jkrishnamurti.orgAbout the Krishnamurti Foundation TrustEstablished in 1968 as an educational charitable trust,theFoundation owns the copyright of Krishnamurti’s worksconjointlywith the Krishnamurti Foundation of America. It exists topreserveand make available Krishnamurti's teachings, as well as tosupportBrockwood Park School, Inwoods Small School and theKrishnamurtiCentre.For more information about the Foundation please contact:Krishnamurti Foundation TrustBrockwood ParkBramdean, Hampshire, SO24 0LQUnited Kingdominfo@kfoundation.org