Worldwide Area Codes 2.0
Do you want to know the Country Code, AreaCode and the type of line of a phone number?With this version a popup with such informations is displayed inreal-time for incoming calls!Now you can discover:- Country- Region/City- Line type (fixed, mobile or free toll)DOES NOT REQUIRES INTERNET CONNECTION!This version:- Switchable notification- Restyling- Enable the incoming call recognition to know real timeinformation about who is calling you!- Added flags of countries- Minor fixes
Worldwide Area Codes FREE 2.0
Do you want to know the Country Code, AreaCode and the type of line of a phone number?TRY THE PAID VERSION to discover such information on incoming callsin real-time!!!!DOES NOT REQUIRES INTERNET CONNECTION!!!Now you can discover:- Country- Region/City- Line type (fixed, mobile or free toll)This version:- Restyling- Added flags of countries- Minor fixes
Prefix Caller 2.1
Using PrefixCaller you can automatically addaprefix from your list to call your contacts!Run the application, set your prefixes and call!Versione 1.5- Fix add button