Magnetjoy 应用
My Home Story 3.3.0
Features:★ More than 1000 items in a variety of styles!★ Build a 10-room mansion! The higher your level, the more roomsyou can unlock!★ Design your rooms in any way you like!★ The more rooms you have, the more residents you'll have. Each hastheir own style and personality!★ The more tasks you do, the better your home! Each task youcomplete will get you rewards, coins, and XP!★ Whatever your age or gender, it just takes 30 seconds to learnhow to play this game!★ Want to share your beautiful new home? Take a picture and send itto your friends and family!My Home Story is a fun game for all those who love interiordesigning! All the most talented designers are gathered here!Our team made every effort to bring you a unique gaming experience!Don't miss out!Everyone wants to have a beautifully decorated house, but whohas the money? Now you can build your dream house in My HomeStory!At My Home Story, you can build rooms, choose flooring and arrangefurniture however you want! Everyone living in your house is happy,and they want to share their happiness with you! The more beautifulyour house, the happier your residents are, and the more experienceand coins you get!Are you ready? Create your dream home now!My Home Story will update regularly! New items, new residentsand new functions are all waiting for you!If you like our game, please leave comments for us! We look forwardto receiving your comments and suggestions!❤ Facebook page:
我愛我家 1.0.0
我愛我家,超有愛的家居裝扮類游戲!才華橫溢的設計師們都在這裡歡聚一堂!手游精英團隊傾力打造,為您帶來空前的遊戲體驗!好評不斷,不容錯過!房價太高,裝修太貴,壓力山大啊!你是否夢想創造一個專屬自己的家?假如給你一套豪宅,你是否有能力玩轉它?來到《我愛我家》,這一切都將實現!在這片和平快樂的土地上,你可以隨心所欲地建造房間,粉刷牆壁,選擇地磚,擺放家具……家里居住著一群幸福的人,和你分享每一天的喜怒哀樂!房子越漂亮,居民就越幸福,你獲得的經驗和金幣也就越多!準備好了嗎?開始打造獨一無二的夢想·家!我愛我家會持續為您更新!新的物品,新的居民,新的功能……只要你要,只要我有!如果你喜歡這款遊戲,歡迎隨時給我們留言和評價!我們期待您的意見和建議!❤ Facebook主頁:❤ 官方遊戲特色:★ 600多件精美物品,風格多樣,件件都是極好的!★ 10個房間的豪宅有木有,等級越高,房間越多,愛開哪間隨便你!★ 客廳歐美範,臥室小清新,廚房田園風……想怎麼混搭就怎麼混搭,你的地盤你做主!★ 房間越多,居民就越多,型男蘿莉禦姐正太加萌寵,總有一款你最愛!★ 為你量身打造海量任務,升級賺錢無壓力,貼心引導最給力,讓你一路high翻天!★ 不管你是宅腐黑還是高富帥,青春美少女還是中年胖肚男,30秒上手,男女老少輕鬆玩轉!★ 辛辛苦苦裝扮的家怎麼能沒有觀眾?拍照分享,一鍵發送,看誰的房間最拉風!