Maraaz 应用

My Sweet FM 1.11.6
SweetFM is a new online community radiolaunched on 31st march, 2014; a branch of black essenceentertainment a company who deals with promotion and event.A talented and experienced DJ who believes in people value andstrife to satisfy his listeners founds Sweetfm. He also aspires tobring all the young people together in United Kingdom irrespectiveof individual ethnical background through his love for music.With our obsession, from the biggest, bravest things to the tiniestdetails, Courage, obsession, passion, simplicity and that's whatSweetFm radio station today is all about? And, we're proud to leadit.You must be thinking how we differ from other Radio stationproviders? SweetFM station began with a simple idea: every radiostations should be able to have a professional dj to satisfy hislisteners.