Tulengua.es 应用

Syllabifier TIP. Separate syllables in Spanish 3.1º
It separates into syllables all Spanish words and remarks thestressed syllable. It takes into account the general rules ofhyphenation, sequence of consonants, diphthongs, triphthongs,hiatuses, the letter 'h', the prefixes and the suffix -mente andmore. Syllabifier-TIP is an application which performs thesyllabification of any Spanish word. Syllabifier-TIP uses aseparator of syllables based on orthographic criteria which iscomplemented with a morphological analysis tool and a database oflexical-semantics relationships in order to perform “intelligent”division by components, looking at first for the existence of theword and then for the presence of affixes that can influence thesyllabification. The morphological tool recognizes more than 4millions of words. The database of lexical-semantics keeps overeighty thousand relationships. This application is useful to learnto separate a word into syllables, helps the pronunciation of wordsin Spanish. Syllabifier-TIP is aware of the general hyphenationrules available at the sources listed below: ☆ NGLE-RAE-2009. Nuevagramática de la lengua española. Espasa Calpe (2009) ☆DPD-RAE-2005. Diccionario panhispánico de dudas de la Real AcademiaEspañola - 1ª edición (2005) ☆ Ortografía de la Lengua Española,edición revisada por las Academias de la Lengua Española ypublicada por la Real Academia Española (1999). On Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/tipgroup?ref=ts&fref=ts TIP - Text& Information Processing Department of Information and SystemsUniversity of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria http://tip.dis.ulpgc.es/
Conjugator TIP.Conjugate verbs 9.0
Conjugador TIP of the Spanish verbs presents separately theconjugation of negative forms, pronominal conjugation andconjugation with the female subject, in order to make easier theinformation showing. Conjugador TIP conjugates differentconjugations accepted by the Association of Academies of theSpanish Language, corresponding to different geographical zones:the use of "vos" as second person singular (mainly used in Río dela Plata) and the use of "ustedes" as second person plural (mainlyused in the Canary Islands and in most of Latin America), and theuse of forms of respect "usted" and "ustedes". Supports as inputany conjugated form (comiendo, comía...), even with encliticpronouns (tíralo, méteselo, échalos,...) and also with prefixes(preinvestígalo, coescríbeselo,...). A right tab shows additionalinformation of each verb: verb type, irregularities, notesmorphological, orthographical notes, use notes and other verbs thatare conjugated as. If you hold down a verb tense you can hear theconjugation and holding down a concrete form can hear just that.You can also copy and share with the same action. Gabriel YeraySuárez Pérez has created this app like Final Degree Project inComputer Engineer. Project directed by Text & InformationProcessing group.
Numbers TIP. Numbers to letters. 1.2
Numbers TIP performs the conversion of a number to itscardinal,ordinal, fractional or partitive, multiplicative, Roman... text,and offers morphological, orthographic and grammaticalinformationof each of the terms. In addition, examples that helpunderstandingand good use are included. The contexts implementedare: Theconversion is done through the Internet because it usesanextensive base of linguistic knowledge necessary to give adetailedand wide response to the conversion, with examples of use,notes,references, ... and adjusting the response to the rules oftheRoyal Academy Spanish. The range of cardinal numbers admittedbyTIP Numbers is: ±999 999 x 10120. In text it would be frommenosnovecientos noventa y nueve mil novecientos noventa ynuevevigintillones to novecientos noventa y nueve milnovecientosnoventa y nueve vigintillones. The range of ordinalnumbersadmitted by TIP Numbers is: 1 ... 999 999 x 10120. In textit wouldbe from primero to novecientos noventa y nueve milnovecientosnoventa y nuevevigintillonésimo. The range of fractionalnumbersadmitted by TIP Numbers is: 2 ... 999 999 x 10120. In textit wouldbe from mitadtonovecientosnoventainuevemilnovecientosnoventainuevevigintillonésimo.Therange of fractions supported by TIP Numbers is: ±999 999 x10120 /±999 999 x 10120. The range of multiplicative numbersadmitted byTIP Numbers is: 2 ... 999 999 x 10120, although fromthirteen it iswritten with an expression. In text it would be fromdoble tonovecientos noventa y nueve mil novecientos noventa ynuevevigintillones de veces. In case of entering an incorrectRomannumber, TIP Numbers will correct the error offering theappropriatenumbering. The range of Roman numerals admitted by TIPNumbers is: 1... 3 999 999 999 999. The range of collectivenumbers of setadmitted by TIP Numbers is: 2 ... 20 and the tens to100. In text itwould be from par or pareja to centena. The rangeof numbers ofsyllables admitted by TIP Numbers is: 1 ... 19. Intext it would befrom monosílabo to eneadecasílabo. Polygon names:A polygon is aflat figure limited by several straight lines. Therange of thenumber of sides to define a polygon is: 3 ... 999 999x 10120,although from 15, except multiples of ten and a hundred,it iswritten with an expression. In text it would be fromtriángulo topolígono de novecientos noventa y nueve milnovecientos noventa ynueve vigintillones de lados. The range ofthe number of faces todefine a polyhedron is: 4 ... 999 999 x10120, although from 15 itis written with an expression. In textit would be from tetrágono topoliedro de novecientos noventa ynueve mil novecientos noventa ynueve vigintillones de caras. Therange for ages admitted by TIPNumbers is: 2 ... 100 and then 1000.In text it would be fromdosañero or dosañal to milenario. Therange for the born admitted byTIP Numbers is: 2 ... 10. In text itwould be from mellizo or gemeloto decallizo. Números TIP has beendeveloped from the followingnormative and descriptive sources: .-OLE-RAE-2010. Ortografía de lalengua española, edición revisadapor las Academias de la LenguaEspañola y publicada por la RealAcademia Española (2010). .-NGLE-RAE-2009. Nueva gramática de lalengua española. Espasa Calpe(2009) .- DPD-RAE-2005. Diccionariopanhispánico de dudas de la RealAcademia Española - 1ª edición(2005) .-DOLE-1996. Diccionario deortografía de la lenguaespañola. Thomson Paraninfo (1996).
Numbers TIP. Numbers to letters. 2.2
Numbers TIP performs the conversion of a number to itscardinal,ordinal, fractional or partitive, multiplicative, Roman... text,and offers morphological, orthographic and grammaticalinformationof each of the terms. In addition, examples that helpunderstandingand good use are included. The contexts implementedare: Pleasenote that this is a version with a limit on the numberof queries.The conversion is done through the Internet because ituses anextensive base of linguistic knowledge necessary to give adetailedand wide response to the conversion, with examples of use,notes,references, ... and adjusting the response to the rules oftheRoyal Academy Spanish. Más información en http://tulengua.esTherange of cardinal numbers admitted by TIP Numbers is: ±999 999x10120. In text it would be from menos novecientos noventa ynuevemil novecientos noventa y nueve vigintillones tonovecientosnoventa y nueve mil novecientos noventa y nuevevigintillones. Therange of ordinal numbers admitted by TIP Numbersis: 1 ... 999 999x 10120. In text it would be from primero tonovecientos noventa ynueve mil novecientos noventa ynuevevigintillonésimo. The range offractional numbers admitted byTIP Numbers is: 2 ... 999 999 x10120. In text it would be frommitadtonovecientosnoventainuevemilnovecientosnoventainuevevigintillonésimo.Therange of fractions supported by TIP Numbers is: ±999 999 x10120 /±999 999 x 10120. The range of multiplicative numbersadmitted byTIP Numbers is: 2 ... 999 999 x 10120, although fromthirteen it iswritten with an expression. In text it would be fromdoble tonovecientos noventa y nueve mil novecientos noventa ynuevevigintillones de veces. In case of entering an incorrectRomannumber, TIP Numbers will correct the error offering theappropriatenumbering. The range of Roman numerals admitted by TIPNumbers is: 1... 3 999 999 999 999. The range of collectivenumbers of setadmitted by TIP Numbers is: 2 ... 20 and the tens to100. In text itwould be from par or pareja to centena. The rangeof numbers ofsyllables admitted by TIP Numbers is: 1 ... 19. Intext it would befrom monosílabo to eneadecasílabo. Polygon names:A polygon is aflat figure limited by several straight lines. Therange of thenumber of sides to define a polygon is: 3 ... 999 999x 10120,although from 15, except multiples of ten and a hundred,it iswritten with an expression. In text it would be fromtriángulo topolígono de novecientos noventa y nueve milnovecientos noventa ynueve vigintillones de lados. The range ofthe number of faces todefine a polyhedron is: 4 ... 999 999 x10120, although from 15 itis written with an expression. In textit would be from tetrágono topoliedro de novecientos noventa ynueve mil novecientos noventa ynueve vigintillones de caras. Therange for ages admitted by TIPNumbers is: 2 ... 100 and then 1000.In text it would be fromdosañero or dosañal to milenario. Therange for the born admitted byTIP Numbers is: 2 ... 10. In text itwould be from mellizo or gemeloto decallizo. Números TIP has beendeveloped from the followingnormative and descriptive sources: .-OLE-RAE-2010. Ortografía de lalengua española, edición revisadapor las Academias de la LenguaEspañola y publicada por la RealAcademia Española (2010). .-NGLE-RAE-2009. Nueva gramática de lalengua española. Espasa Calpe(2009) .- DPD-RAE-2005. Diccionariopanhispánico de dudas de la RealAcademia Española - 1ª edición(2005) .-DOLE-1996. Diccionario deortografía de la lenguaespañola. Thomson Paraninfo (1996).