mreunionlabs 应用

Please follow usTwitter : @mreunionlabs and our officialFB: :*Live train position is down, will be up when PT. KAI enabled itagain*Komutta is a comutter guide for the people who live or visitingjakarta and wants to travel using public transportation. Komuttaprovides:- TransJakarta/Busway corridors, route and map.- Busway Route search from start to destination. It will provideyou with the route, where the start shelter is, when to changecorridor, and when to get off at your destination shelter. You cantrack your movement by opening the route in google map while youtravel, to make sure you didn't get lost.- Komutta also provide the nearest shelter/station (with distance)from your position. It also shows the location using googlemaps.- Transjakarta info, fee, operational time, APTB, BKTB, feeder,etc- KRL route and map- KRL information and what fee you must pay to travel from start todestination station- Taxi phone number, never again store it in your contact- Angkot number, location and route for Metromini, Kopaja, Patas,Patas AC, Mayasari, Mikrolet, KWK, Airport Bus- For frequent/power user we provide favorite menu. Where you canstore your most frequent route for busway, train taxi and angkot.And access it immediately.- Share your search result to a friend using email- Shelter information with CCTV View if supported- support localization for Indonesian language (Bahasa)Komutta adalah petunjuk bagi komuter dan pengunjung Jakarta yangingin berkeliling jakarta dengan menggunakan transportasi umum.Dengan Komutta anda bisa melihat :- Koridor, Rute dan Peta Transjakarta- Pencarian rute dari shelter asal ke tujuan. Ini akan memberikaninformasi rute, lokasi shelter awal di peta, kapan harus pindahkoridor, kapan harus turun dan berhenti di shelter tujuan. Agartidak tersesat anda dapat melihat posisi anda dan melacak rute yanganda tempuh dengan tampilan google maps yang kami berikan.- Komutta juga memberikan informasi(beserta jarak) shelter/stasiunterdekat dari posisi anda, beserta lokasinya di peta- Informasi operasi, biaya dan armada transjakarta, APTB, BKTB,Feeder stasiun- Rute dan Peta KRL- Info KRL dan berapa biaya yang harus di bayar dari stasiun asalke tujuan- No telepon taksi, blue bird, silverbird, ekspress dll- Rute, nomor dan peta lokasi angkot, kopaja, metromini, mikrolet,kwk, Patas, Patas AC, Mayasari bakti, Damri Bandara- Bagi pengguna rutin, kami menyediakan fitur favorit, dimana ruteyg sering dipergunakan, baik Transjakarta, KRL, Taksi dan Angkotdapat disimpan dan di akses langsung dari menu favorit- Pengguna juga bisa berbagi rute di komutta ke pengguna lainmelalui email- Selain itu komutta juga menyediakan informasi keadaan shelter& stasiun (CCTV jika mendukung)- Aplikasi ini mendukung dua bahasa, Indonesia dan Inggris
KuData 0.7.7
*** Public Beta Testing***Warning, we are in public beta testing. The app should run fine,but there's a lot of functionality and input validation that hasn'tbeen implemented. So use it with care. And please notify us if youfind unexpected things.** We will always make sure your identity is protected whentaking any survey**KuData is crowd sourcing data and testing platform in android.You can gather data by conducting an online survey. You can selectthe participant from your friend, family or other groups. You canset the survey to be accessible for everyone or or it can betargeted to selected group. You also can gather offline data bycreating a Survey Interview.KuData can also be use to gather test data such as companyrecruitment, university test or even course test.The result for Opened survey is available from the server andcan be accessed by anyone from more information you can visit
EI: Komodo Island 0.8.2
Exploring Indonesia : Komodo Island or what wecalled EIKI, is an application intended to promote one ofIndonesia's wonderful Tourism Spot, The Komodo National Park. It isdesigned to help people to know, go and explore The Komodo NationalPark.The application generally separated into four main section:- The Wonders- Explore- Go To Komodo Island- MapsThe Wonders would tell you about the History, Wildlife, DivingSite and all of other Komodo National Park wonderful nature anduniqueness.With Explore menu the things you need and the things that youcan do while you're on Komodo National Park. You can findactivities such as watching Komodo Dragon in their natural habitat,bird watching, trekking, diving, snorkling, water sport, fishing orvisit the villages for their cultural heritage. We also provideinformation about hotel (complete with its price range),restaurant, bar, and other places you need to know to make yourvisit on Komodo National Park more Enjoyable !Going to Komodo National Park is the section that will help youto find information such as Air Plane ticket, schedule, or TravelAgent that can arrange your visit to the Komodo National Park.And the last part is the Map. The map will help you innavigating your way around Komodo National Park. Planning andlooking for places that would interest you. Or just having funreading the description of the avalaible POI.To help you navigating around the map, you can use the Go ToLocation action at the top of the activity. Or you can filter theavailable POI, based on category that matched your currentinterest.We hope you would visit Komodo National Park and enjoy itsbeauty and unique experience. Happy exploring !
Evenol 0.5.11
Evenol Client, Enjoy an easy managementforyour sport event.Aplikasi pembantu untuk event olahraga anda. Untuk pesertaJKTC5.Aplikasi ini memberikan kemudahan bagi anda melalui- Peta lokasi. Anda bisa melihat lokasi kegiatan di GoogleMap.Serta mempergunakan direction dari google map untukmenujulokasi.- Bagan dan Jadwal. Melalui menu delegasi anda bisa mencarinamadelegasi anda, lalu aplikasi akan menampilkan jadwal danbaganuntuk delegasi tersebut. Anda juga bisa menambahkan lebih darisatudelegasi utk kemudahan. Jika anda salah menuliskan namadelegasi,jangan takut karena kami sudah menyiapkan menu untukmenghapusdelegasi.- Registrasi atlet. Atlet yang melakukan registrasi dapatmenerimanotification di hp-nya jika dia sudah dipanggil ke ruangatlet. Iniakan memudahkan koordinasi di hari H. Untuk memperlancareventini.- News (coming soon)
Pasko 1.0
Score Board for playing hearts withyourfriend. A 8 hour project from our team member. If you inputthewrong score, just shake your phone to undo it :)Have Fun :D
MRLauncher 2.1
MReunionLabs Launcher, MReunion Launcher.Alist of MReunionLabs application that is available in andoutsisdeof Google Play. This launcher will give you the conveniencetotrack the release of MReunionLabs application.- Komutta, Train Schedule, Trans Jakarta, Bus, Angkot,Trafficroute.- IndoTV- KoinKulator- Komposatron- EIKI
Color Nation 1.1
A place to play with color. Equipped with dictionary, games andglowing text
An app to know things about your city