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All Goals - Football Live Scores
Premier football app offering worldwide LIVEscores covering more than 400 leagues, immediate push notificationsfrom your favorite teams with goal videos and highlights.Join millions of users to get FREE access to:✔ Worldwide coverage over 400 leagues including top women'sfootball✔ Live scores with personal Watchlist and fast pushnotifications✔ Live match actions (goals with assists, cards, penalties,substitutions)✔ Live team and player statistics✔ Match info with referee, stadium, capacity and attendance✔ Video highlights including goals for the major leagues✔ Set your favorite teams/leagues to automatically follow theirmatches✔ Season fixtures and historical results✔ Top scorers✔ Standings✔ Lineups✔ Team / player profiles with statistics, transfer info andvideos✔ Predict match results and earn points and badges✔ Prematch and live match odds from best bookmakers✔ Custom league ordering✔ In game chat with football enthusiasts around the world✔ Follow other users, see their prediction accuracy,favourites✔ Widget✔ ... and much more to discover!Join today to All Goals, the first live scores football app in theMarket!
BeSoccer - Soccer Live Score
Follow live games, news, comment with otherusers, receive notifications and so much more in any of our morethan 10,000 soccer competitions.Your suggestions and comments help us improve and we keep workingto continue being the best application of soccerscores. FEATURES★Follow top international leagues with our app (Premier League,MLS, Primera Division, Bundesliga, Ligue 1, etc).★ 2016-2017 soccer calendar of games, teams, scores and seasontables.★ Push notifications for games events.★ Weekly schedule of games★ All teams like Manchester United, Manchester City,Barcelona, Real Madrid, PSG, Bayern Munchen, etc.★ All players like Cristiano Ronaldo, Messi, James Rodriguez,Suarez, Neymar, Iniesta etc.★ Football score (MLS, Premier, etc).★ Video Goals (MLS, Primera Division, etc).★ More competitions and teams than other soccer app (included MajorLeague Soccer, etc)★ Live individual and team stats (Manchester United, ManchesterCity, Barcelona, Real Madrid, PSG, Bayern Munchen, etc)★ Choose your favorite soccer teams, competitions or games.★ Interact with other users and make comments about thematch.★ Live commentary★ BeSoccer will offer you the most famous sports newspapers coversin the world.★ Find here all the transfers to know about the latest news of yourfavorites teams.★ Easier and updated interface.★ Faster and more efficient than everLIVE SCORES AND TABLES FROM EVERY COMPETITIONS IN THE WORLD,LIKE- MLS (US Soccer)- NASL- US Open- Premier League- Primera division (Spain)- Champions League- Europa League- WorldCup- Confederations Cup- Copa America USA 2016- Euro France 2016And so on!!***IF YOU CAN’T FIND YOUR COMPETITIONS, CONTACT US AND WILL ADDIT! For a better experience, use 3G, 4G or WiFiIf you need scores, you need to BeSoccer!
Serie A TIM
SERIE A TIM: L’APP UFFICIALE DELLA SERIE ATIMVersione per Smartphone e TabletL’App Serie A TIM è l’App Ufficiale della Serie A TIM ed è ilmiglior modo per seguire tutte le emozioni del Campionato. L’AppSerie A TIM è disponibile per i clienti di tutti gli operatori eanche per i dispositivi senza SIM in modalità Wi-Fi.Per i clienti TIM, il traffico dati è incluso nell’abbonamento:tutti i contenuti video, ad esclusione delle sezioni “Dalla Rete” e“World”, non consumano i GB della tua offerta!Scarica subito l’APP Serie A TIM, avrai inclusa una prova pertestare i nostri contenuti esclusivi e poi scegliere se abbonarti asoli 2,99€ al mese, garantendoti il modo più completo di seguire ilCampionato.Cambia il modo di seguire le partite della Serie A TIM, vedi lacronaca di tutti i match e, a pochi minuti di distanza, potraisubito guardare i goal e le azioni salienti. Per ogni match, puoirivivere tutte le emozioni del primo e del secondo tempo, grazieagli Highlights disponibili durante l’intervallo e subito dopo iltermine della partita. Non lasciarti sfuggire neancheun’emozione.Solo con l’App Serie A TIM, puoi vivere la tua passione per ilcalcio minuto per minuto, anche quando non puoi seguiredirettamente la tua squadra del cuore grazie alle NOTIFICHE PUSH,che ti accompagneranno nei momenti chiave del match.Al termine di ogni gara avrai a disposizione un’AMPIA SINTESIdell’incontro e tutte le STATISTICHE da portare sempre con te. Inqualsiasi momento, potrai accedere a tutte le gare disputate eriviverne le emozioni.Con l’APP Serie A TIM puoi inoltre seguire la TIM CUP con risultatie video in near-live.Serie A TIM TVNell’App Serie A TIM puoi accedere al canale della Lega Calcio“Serie A TIM TV”, che per ogni giornata di Campionato mette adisposizione tre partite in diretta video HQ. Scegli in completalibertà se acquistare una o tutte e tre le partite selezionate. Icontenuti del Canale Lega sono disponibili, in modalità pay perview, per tutti gli utenti Serie A TIM anche per coloro che nonhanno sottoscritto l’abbonamento all’App Serie A TIM.Inoltre:Videonews, videointerviste, aggiornamenti e calcio internazionale.Contenuti divertenti e video dai canali ufficiali delle squadrenella sezione “Dalla Rete”.Selezionando la tua squadra del cuore avrai un canale sempre accesoe a portata di click anche su Google Now, potrai condividere la tuapassione per la Serie A TIM su Facebook e Twitter.Sezione dedicata alle Statistiche: tutti i numeri su squadre,giocatori, arbitri, allenatoriDisattivazione: l’abbonamento ha rinnovo automatico e può esserecessato in qualsiasi momento. Dopo la disattivazione il serviziopremium rimane disponibile sino alla data di scadenzadell’abbonamento che trovi nella app in Impostazioni.Versione per Android TVCon l’App Serie A TIM TV vedi in diretta le partite del canaleSerie A TIM TV sul tuo decoder TIMvision.Per ogni turno di Campionato potrai acquistare in modalità pay perview le tre gare trasmesse dal Canale della Lega Calcio.Nell’App Serie A TIM TV avrai inoltre a disposizione Statistiche,News e Videonews per restare sempre aggiornato sul Mondo del Calcioe prepararti al meglio alla giornata di Campionato.La programmazione delle gare trasmesse dal canale Serie A TIM TVsarà disponibile direttamente sull’App in base al calendario dellaStagione.Telecom Italia fornisce al Cliente l’Informativa Privacy sultrattamento dei dati personali per il servizio di app “Serie A TIM”insieme ai “Termini & Condizioni” del servizio visita il sitohttp://www.telecomitalia.com/tit/it/footer/Privacy.html e il testodella Web Privacy Policy consultandohttp://www.tim.it/assistenza/web-privacy-policy© Telecom Italia - tutti i diritti riservatiSERIE A TIM: The OFFICIALAPP OF SERIE A TIMVersion for Smartphone and TabletThe App Serie A TIM is the Official App of the Serie A TIM and isthe best way to follow all the excitement of the championship. TheApp Serie A TIM is available for customers of all operators andalso for devices without SIM in Wi-Fi mode.By TIM customers, data traffic is included in your subscription:all video content, with the exception of the sections "FromNetwork" and "World", do not consume GB of your offer!Download now the APP Serie A TIM will have included a test to testour exclusive content and then choose to subscribe only € 2.99 amonth, affording you the most comprehensive way to follow theChampionship.Change the way you watch the matches of the Serie A TIM, see therecord of all the match and, a few minutes away, you canimmediately watch the goals and highlights. For each match, you canrelive the emotions of the first and second half, thanks toHighlights available during the interval and immediately after theend of the game. Do not miss even an emotion.Only with the App Serie A, you can live your passion for soccerminute by minute, even when you can not directly follow yourfavorite team thanks to PUSH NOTIFICATION, who will accompany youin the key moments of the match.At the end of each race you will have a WIDE SUMMARY STATISTICSmeeting and all to take with you. At any time, you can access allthe races and relive the excitement.With the APP Serie A TIM can also follow the TIM CUP with resultsand video in near-live.Serie A TIM TVSerie A TIM app can access the channel of the Football League"Serie A TIM TV", that for every day of Championship provides threematches live video HQ. Choose in complete freedom whether to buyone or all three selected games. The contents of the Channel Leagueare available on a pay-per-view for all users Serie A TIM even forthose who have not signed the App subscription Serie A TIM.Furthermore:Videonews, video interviews, updates and international football.Fun & Video from the official channels of the teams in the"From the Network".By selecting your favorite team you'll have an always on channeland also just a click on Google Now, you can share your passion forthe Serie A on Facebook and Twitter.Section dedicated to Statistics: the numbers of teams, players,referees, coachesDeactivation: The subscription is automatically renewed and can bestopped at any time. After deactivating the premium service remainsavailable until the expiration date that you find in the app inSettings.Android TV VersionWith the App Serie A TV Live see the channel Serie A games on yourTV decoder TIMvision.For each round of the Championship can buy pay-per-view broadcastby the three races of the Football League Channel.App Serie A TIM TV you will also have available to Stats, News andVideonews to stay up to date on the world of football and preparebetter for the day of the championship.The programming of the races broadcast from Serie A TIM TV channelwill be available directly from the App based on the calendar ofthe season.Telecom Italy provides the Customer the Privacy Policy onprocessing of personal data for the service app 'Serie A "alongwith" the site http://www.telecomitalia.com/tit/it/ Terms andConditions "of the tour service footer / privacy.html text and theWeb Privacy Policy consultinghttp://www.tim.it/assistenza/web-privacy-policy© Telecom Italy - All rights reserved
Stick Cricket Premier League
Your ticket to the bright lights of PremierLeague superstardom is here!From the creators of the most popular cricket game in the world,Stick Cricket Premier League offers you the chance to:CREATE YOUR CAPTAINCreate and customise your player, before taking guard against theworld’s best bowlers.TRAVEL THE WORLDFrom Mumbai to Melbourne, your skills are in demand! Team owners inIndia and Australia are battling it out to secure yoursignature.BUILD YOUR DREAM TEAMYour owner will bankroll the recruitment of Star Players fromaround the world, boosting your chances of winning theLeague.Choose from more than 50 Star Players to bolster your squad. StarBatsmen are more likely to clear the rope, while a signing amiserly Star Bowler will ensure the targets you chase aren’t asdemanding.If your squad is in need of some experience, you can coax anex-player out of retirement on a short-term deal.Alternatively, try to confound the pundits by winning the Leaguewith a team of rookies. The choice is up to you.ESTABLISH A DYNASTYYou’ve got five seasons to establish your team as a force in thePremier League. Your success-hungry owner will want fivetrophies... just don't end up with the dreaded wooden spooninstead.RECRUIT COACHESHiring a batting coach will soon have your created captain sloggingit like a Star, or reduce the runs your team concedes with theexpert guidance of a bowling coach.ENHANCE YOUR SIX APPEALThe crowd wants maximums! Each League provides cash bonuses forevery six you smash, as well as stumping up an appearance fee. Youread that correctly: cold hard cash, just for showing up!---Easy to play yet hard to master, Stick Cricket Premier League -optimised for tablets - boasts two leagues, 16 teams, two stadiumsand the same “hellishly addictive” (Gizmodo) gameplay that helpedStick Cricket to become a productivity-destroying phenomenonworldwide.We’d love to hear your feedback! Tweet us: @StickCricketBy downloading this app you are accepting our EULA:http://www.sticksports.com/mobile/terms.phpImportant message: This game includes in-app purchases.
365Scores - Sports Scores Live
365Scores - Livescore App with Football,Soccer, Basketball, Tennis and other Sports scores, news,tournament bracket, live notifications, standings, videos andhighlights. All in ONE PLACE with a unique experience.FEATURES● Live sport TV guide - Know exactly on which TV channels you canwatch your game!● PERSONALIZED sports scores, aggregated sports news, alerts andvideos in real time.● Fastest push notification with real time updates from yourpreferred teams and leagues.● Watch the video of the goal 5 minutes after it happens.● Get all your sports news from your favorite local sport sites inone place.● All game events, live match statistics, lineups and goalhighlights.● Live tables and Fixtures.● Completely customizable push notifications, define by league,game or event (goal, touchdown, yellow card, tennis serve breaketc.).● All football (USA Soccer) and worldwide coverage!● Live Match Tracker, the best way to be in the game when youcan't see the game!SUPPORTS 10 DIFFERENT SPORTS:Football, Basketball, Cricket, Rugby, Tennis, Ice Hockey, Baseball,Volleyball, American football and Handball.AND MORE THAN 1000 COMPETITIONS:● NFL, NBA, MLB, NHL, MLS, NCAA March Madness, La Liga, PremierLeague, FA Cup. Bundesliga, Champions League, Serie A, US Open,Roland Garros, Wimbledon, Davis Cup and much more!For feedback or questions please email us contact@365scores.com orvisit us onFacebook: http://www.facebook.com/365scoresTwitter: http://www.twitter.com/365scores
ATV Racing
Become a ATV Racing champion Game for the checkered flag. Guideyour ATV through caves, caverns and secret tunnels. Navigate overrubble, slopes and hillsides. Watch out for cliffs and ledges! Therugged landscape can be perilous and unforgiving. Collect as manybonuses as you can, just don’t crash and burn off the mountainside.Download this free game today. Race other skilled racers inlevels of pure adrenalin and fun with some cool and power ATVRacing. Unlock new power-full ATV while playing the game. Have funand become the ultimate Atv driver from our latest 4x4 ATV racinggame.Easy gameplay and multiple levels provide hours ofentertainment. Combining 2D graphics and a heart-poundingsoundtrack, this racing game is for extreme bikers only. Havefun!
Running tracker - Run-log.com
Personal runners trainer for you - very simpleand lightweight application. Official mobile application ofRun-log.com website.- Track your activities on all Android Smartphones and Android Wearsmatwatches (Sony Smartwatch 3, LG G Watch R, ASUS ZenWatchetc.)- Send your workouts to Run-log.com and watch (Workouts of friends,maps, stats, events, Forums)- Integration with Bluetooth Smart heart rate monitors
Real Football 2013
The newest edition of the free footballsimulation is back to score another win for the franchise with awhole new set of moves.Take part in the most immersive free football simulation and showthat you are the best on the pitch. Reinforce your team ofchampions by developing your club’s facilities, hiring new staffmembers, dealing with sponsors and more.Join world football champions like our cover athlete, Falcao, onthe pitch. YOU ARE FOOTBALL, YOU ARE REAL FOOTBALL!LEAD YOUR CLUB TO THE TOPTake control of your team on the field during league games or cupgames. Starting with a rookie team, you’ll need to improve yourplayers’ abilities to reach the top league and compete against thebest teams in the world for the championship and the cup.REALISM PUSHED FURTHERFor the first time in Real Football games, see names and portraitsof over 3,000 top Euro and international champions thanks to theofficial FIFPro licence. Updates for the application will keep yourgame up to date with the most recent player transfers and rosterchanges.DEVELOP YOUR CLUBThe best teams in the world have the most modern facilities. It'stime to be a good fantasy manager. Get your players in shape bydeveloping your training grounds to increase your players’physical, technical and tactical skills as a real manager. Earnmore money and attract fans by expanding your stadium, filling itwith shops and signing big-name sponsors.THE MOST IMMERSIVE EXPERIENCESmooth and realistic graphics make every player come to life onyour screen during games. Witness over 700 motion-captureanimations as you take on an improved AI for a TV-like experienceof games with spectacular effects and cutscenes. It's just likewatching real sports!RF13 is a free simulation sport game in which you'll be able towin a league or cup championship, play with world champions, be amanager of a fantasy team, and more. We're bringing you a real,free fantasy simulation and a comprehensive manager game, all inone soccer package.Whether you like soccer simulations, fantasy manager games oryou're simply a fan of the sport, this free game is for you.----Visit our official site at http://www.gameloft.comFollow us on Twitter at http://glft.co/GameloftonTwitter or like us onFacebook at http://facebook.com/Gameloft to get more infoabout all our upcoming titles.Check out our videos and game trailers on http://www.youtube.com/GameloftDiscover our blog at http://glft.co/Gameloft_Official_Blog for theinside scoop on everything Gameloft.Certain apps allow you to purchase virtual items within the appand may contain third party advertisements that may redirect you toa third party site.Privacy Policy : http://www.gameloft.com/privacy-notice/Terms of Use : http://www.gameloft.com/conditions/End User License Agreement : http://www.gameloft.com/eula/
Carpio - Carp Fishing Tracker
Specially designed for carp anglers andtotally free. Keeps track of your carp fishing history and providesuseful tools such as rod counters and various statistics aimed toimprove your fishing experience.Contains a customizable user interface - from simple (allowingtracking of minimal information) to complex (allowing tracking ofthe used bait and usage of rod counters), designed to be usable infishing situations (powerful sun, night fishing).Features:- counter alarm for each rod (Each alarm has a distinct sound whichcan be configured)- hookbait management (You can define & use your own set ofhookbaits in order to obtain statistics regarding theirsuccess)- minimal interface that allows rapid catch addition- post on facebook (All pictures associated with catches can be inone click posted on facebook)- catches picture gallery (Display catches augmented with catchinformation: hour, bait, catch type)- trip notes (Allows you to add notes about the fishing spot,tackle you noticed were missing, weather conditions, etc)- powerful statistics- trip management (Add/delete existing trips and open old trips tosee their recorded data)- powerful settings (customize each option that shall be used in atrip, send trip results by email to your friends)- multi-language support (for now English, German, French, Italian,Spanish, Romanian, Hungarian, Russian)
Disc Caddy 2 - Disc Golf app
Disc Caddy is disc-golf scorekeeper for Android-phones and-tablets. It's designed to be easy and fast to use while playing onthe course. The font-sizes and colors have been carefully chosen inorder to offer great visibility in sunlight. You can share yourscores with your friends, use navigator-feature to find coursesnear by you etc. The light-weight design allows Disc Caddy to berun on older phone-models as well as the very new ones.With Disc Caddy 2 you can forget tedious par-editing as DiscCaddy 2 offers over 5000 ready courses around the world. You cantrack your progress with various charts and export your scorecardsin csv and xml formats.Search wordsFrisbee golf disc golf scorecard scoreboard scorekeeper disc caddydisc golf course player facebook disc golf course review chartfrolf dgcr navigator gps driving instructions
UEFA Europa League Fantasy
UEFA Europa League Fantasy Football has cometo your mobile: create, manage, transfer and get live updates onthe move with the game’s official app.Create a team from scratch, browsing through all the players –from Lloris to Higuaín – to select the best possible 15-mansquad.Already have a team? Use the app to make transfers,mid-matchweek substitutions and captain changes and formationtweaks.See how you are getting on against the rest: check where you arein your personal leagues, and the overall standings, and join newleagues as well.Watch your points roll in as the games happen with live updateson the app.Forgot to change your team at work or at home? No problem – theapp has push notifications to remind you to make your changesbefore the deadline.
Real FootBall 15: soccer 3D
You are a best SOCCER STAR!! . Let's play themost realistic football game ever “ Real FOOTBALL2015”.Chose from one of your favorite football team out of real teamplayer and have fun with real day night look.A real day night environment in the football stadium for soccerlovers to play football match against any favorite champion leagueor football team.To be a good football champion a real football 3D game havestunning visuals and immerse sounds which let you play the longtime and feel it as you are playing in the real ground with world’sfootball players.<<<< Realistic story of Football 3D>>>>Football 2015 looks like Real football simulation game that isoffering you to select one of the top tournaments winning teamamongst many opponent playing teams to feel the real simulation offootball 2015. This new featured game has good graphics and easy touse controls. Show of your match winning football playingskills.Be careful to hold a wining position throughout a footballtournament fight against different legends teams until get top inthe semi final and final, once you beat up in the final round ofthis football game you will be winner in football 15. So keep it upto be a very first football tournament winner in 2015 and get atrophy and show of your good playing skills.<<< Football 2015 new Rules >>>>The opponent team had already been quite dodging you in last FIFAtournaments held in 2014 it was due to unnecessary footballpenalties. Now in football 15 you are playing Real Soccer 3D Gamebe careful to playing wrong football kicks hence it will increasemore wining chance of your opponent football team ,once you getmore goals your will win this footfall tournamentReal Football Soccer Game is ready for you. We're bringing you areal, free fantasy simulation and a comprehensive manager game.Improve your team’s good fielding skills in Real league or cupgames. You might need to improve your player’s strength to get thetop position in league and complete against the best teams in theworld of championship and soccer cup. If you think yourself a bestplayer of Real soccer 14, and FiFA player you will definitely morelike this Rea football simulation game it’s 100% Full andfree<<<< Featured and Free Functions >>>>• Real 3D Team characters, real Football ground• Match with most popular teams• User friendly game controls• play tournaments and be champion league• Realistic sounds and stunning graphics makes footabll15 morecharming• Real Football Game for Android phones
CBS Sports Scores, News, Stats
CBS Sports App is the best sports app forscores, news, stats, live video and more!Follow, watch and listen to real-time news, scores, analysis andlive action for your favorite teams & sports!Be the first to know about every crucial moment with the fastestnews, scores & stats, instant alerts, live video &more!CBS Sports App features:★ Every major sport: MLB Baseball, NBA Basketball, NHL Hockey, MLSSoccer, Golf, Tennis, NASCAR, NCAA and more!★ Fastest news, scores and stats - you’ll see the difference whenyou know the latest big plays and the final scores before yourfriends with the CBS Sports App★ Your team’s news in a custom feed packed with real-time info fromdedicated insiders★ Watch sports directly on your device★ Hand-picked, personalized news alerts for every must-knowstory★ Watch sports & games LIVE! Watch sports events and analysisall year long - SEC football, NCAA basketball, PGA TOUR, CBS SportsNetwork and original Fantasy Sports & News shows★ Listen to live streaming radio, including Jim Rome, DougGottlieb, Tiki and Tierney & more for all of your sportsnews★ Play games for cash prizes throughout the year with King of theStreak, Pick 4 Fantasy Golf and Bracket Challenge. Plus, compete inyour own football and March MadnessⓇ groups with Office PoolManager and Bracket Manager.The MLB Baseball season is here!★ MLB news, scores stats & more at your fingertips!★ Get your MLB News instantly to keep track of your favoriteteams★ The fastest real-time MLB Scores let you monitor games across theleague★ Look up MLB stats on your favorite playersPlus, everything else you need to be in the know:★ Scores, news, standings, stats, tweets and more for every majorsport from high school to the pros: Football (NFL, NCAA),Basketball (NBA, NCAA), Baseball (MLB, NCAA), Hockey (NHL), Soccer(All Major Leagues), Golf, Tennis, Auto Racing (NASCAR, Formula 1)& more★ Exclusive access to CBS Sports coverage of the NFL Draft, MarchMadness, the Masters, the NBA Draft & more★ Live original studio shows like Fantasy Football Today, SECToday, Pro Football and College Football Rundown.★ Watch sports and games in real-time to get the most up-to-datesports news and scoresAdditional features:★ CUSTOM NAVIGATION: control the way the app looks with customnavigation to rank the sports that matter to you.★ CHROMECAST INTEGRATION: Near a TV? Watch sports and the CBSSports App content directly to your TV for a larger screenexperience, including live sports and on-demand contentStay on top of the game with the CBS Sports App. Download it nowfor free!
La Liga - Liga MX y Ascenso MX
¡Bienvenido a La Liga! La mejor aplicaciónpara seguir en vivo los torneos del fútbol mexicano, copasinternacionales y ligas de europa con jugadores mexicanos.Sigue los partidos, lee las últimas noticias y recibe lasnovedades minuto a minuto.Elige además los equipos de los que quieres mantenerte informado ydiariamente recibirás las noticias más importantes.La Liga es una aplicación de noticias gratuita que te acerca entiempo real toda la información que necesitas de las ligas másimportantes del Fútbol Mexicano, de los torneos internacionales enlos cuales participan equipos mexicanos y de los torneos de europadonde juegan jugadores Mexicanos!Con La Liga podrás acceder a fixtures completos de MX Prmera, MXAscenso, Copa América, Copa Libertadores, Copa Sudamericana,Mundial, torneos europeos con jugadores mexicanos (ChampionsLeague, España, Italia, Inglaterra), y sus respectivas tablas deposiciones y goleadores.También puedes seguir Los Juegos Olímpicos Brasil 2016 y laEurocopa 2016.Durante cada partido, te puedes informar de las formaciones decada equipo y el detalle completo con tarjetas, goles, cambios,árbitros y estadios.También vas a puedes seguir los partidos en vivo, recibirnotificaciones de cada evento importante y los goles que se hacen¡minuto a minuto!Todas las notificaciones son configurables para que saques elmáximo provecho a La Liga y entérate al instante que está pasandoen los partidos en curso.La Liga es una versión beta totalmente gratuita.Fútbol de México.Welcome to La Liga! Thebest application to follow live Mexican soccer tournaments,international cups and leagues of Europe with Mexican players.Follow the matches, read the latest news and receive newsminute.also select the teams you want to stay informed and daily receivethe most important news. The League is an application of free news that brings you real timeall the information you need from the major leagues Mexican Soccer,international tournaments in which participating Mexican andEuropean tournaments teams where they play Mexican players!With La Liga you can access complete fixtures of MX prmera, MXRise, Copa America, Copa Libertadores, Copa Sudamericana, World,European tournaments with Mexican players (Champions League, Spain,Italy, England), and their respective standings and scorers .You can also follow Brazil 2016 Olympics and Euro 2016.During each game, you can you report each team formations andfull detail with cards, goals, changes, referees andstadiums. You'll also can follow the games live, receive notifications everymajor event and the goals that the minute true!All notifications are configurable to bring out the most of LaLiga and find out instantly is happening in the games inprogress. The League is a free beta version.Mexico Football.
Stick Tennis
* WIRED - Essential App * The Telegraph - MustHave App *Easy to play yet difficult to master, Stick Tennis offers fast andfluid gameplay and a huge range of unique player styles andcharacteristics to unlock and play.With just a simple one-fingered swipe you’ll soon be thumpingcrosscourt winners, yet at the core of Stick Tennis is a highlysophisticated physics engine that rewards tactical play.* Take on the all-time greats in WORLD DOMINATION* Steer your favorite player to success in the SLAMS* Earn trophies and bonus balls in the DAILY CHALLENGE* Secure bragging rights in FRIENDS CHALLENGE* Improve your game at the CASUAL SETS TENNIS CLUB* Unlock TEN realistic court surfaces from around the globe* Unlock more than SEVENTY playersNew balls please!Important message: This game includes in-app purchases***New York Times“If you’re into tennis even just a bit you may love Stick Tennis.It has cute graphics and surprisingly good gameplay.”The Sun“Incredibly addictive. You’ll soon find yourself hooked.”Pocketgamer ‘Top Ten’“It’s often better when sports games go all out for raw, dementedplayability. Stick Tennis demands instant reactions. Getthis.”***Follow us on Twitter: @StickSportsBy downloading this app you are accepting our EULA:http://www.sticksports.com/mobile/terms.phpImportant message: This game includes in-app purchases.
World Cup Brazil Soccer 2014
World Cup Brazil Soccer 2014 Free is the newgame of the year. If you like soccer and sports' games and apps youcannot miss this one!Watch its promotional Youtube video on your mobile to enjoy funwithout limits. Play with your friends in multiplayer mode and getthe best score by yourself, which will lead you to the number 1 onthe Google Play Games' online leaderboards.Live the 2014 Soccer Brazil World Cup with the best free soccergame. Feel like your favorite sports stars with its 32 teams andwin to be the champion of the world cup!Shoot kicks and penalties , and defend your goal undefeated.Kick the ball with all your strength to win!Crush your opponents in 5 rounds of this sports simulator.★ Improve your soccer skills !--------------------------------------------------· Try the training mode where you can improve your shootingaccuracy to become the best player !· Be a manager or a player on your team and play with head to getthe World Cup trophy in the way !· Shoot the target in quick match mode and run for the win !★ Show your friends who is the best !--------------------------------------------------· Compete against your friends for the trophy in multiplayer andalso beat them through leaderboards and achievements of Google PlayGames !· Share your victories via Twitter and Facebook with all yourcontacts so they will know who is the champion ! Tell everyone!★ Real football on the screen of your phone or tablet--------------------------------------------------· HD graphics optimized for tablets.· Amazing soundtrack composed by the greatest artists of today,including free music Juanitos' Black Samba .· Easy control of the ball that provides accuracy and speed.★ Be a hero in your country :★ Choose your club teams from 32 different real countries :--------------------------------------------------★ Brazil★ Spain★ Colombia★ Uruguay★ Switzerland★ Argentina★ Germany★ Belgium★ Croatia★ Netherlands★ Greece★ Costa Rica★ Ecuador★ Bosnia - Herzegovina★ Portugal★ Algeria★ Cameroon★ Chile★ Ivory Coast★ England★ France★ Iran★ Ghana★ Russia★ Mexico★ Australia★ Japan★ Italy★ Honduras★ Nigeria★ USA★ South Korea
차구차구 2017 for Kakao
어려운 축구 게임은 이제 그만!엄마도 할 수 있는 쉬운 축구게임! 차구차구 for Kakao!■■■17년 2월 업데이트 내용■■■- 국가.클럽 팀 밸런스 조정-- 싱글리그 보상 밸런스 조정 -- 실시간 컨트롤 대전 랭킹 추가-- 블랙카드 분해 기능 추가 -- 미니게임 모드 추가 -■■■ 게임 특징 ■■■▶이제 내가 원하는 대로 조작한다!“패드 조작”, “터치 조작”, “자동 진행” 까지!!내 손 끝에서 느껴지는 슈팅 쾌감! 짜릿한 '골 맛'을 느껴보세요!▶3,000여명의 선수카드!내가 좋아하는 선수를 수집하는 재미!내가 좋아하는 클럽을 수집하는 재미!이 모든 재미가 차구차구에 있습니다!■■■ 게임 모드 ■■■▶실제 축구 시즌을 진행하는 "싱글리그"▶실시간 전략으로 친구와 승부하는 "실시간전술배틀리그"▶다양한 캐릭터와 대결하는 스테이지 형식의 "스페셜리그"▶월드컵 우승의 꿈을 실현 하는 "토너먼트 모드"* 차구차구 공식 커뮤니티- 공식카페: http://cafe.naver.com/playchagu- 본 게임은 카카오톡 계정으로 이용할 수 있습니다.(내 카카오계정 확인 방법 : 카카오톡 > 더보기 > 카카오계정)※ 게임 이용 중 카카오톡을 탈퇴하지 마세요.차구차구 for Kakao는 게임 내 별도의 계정이 존재하지 않으며,카카오톡 계정을 연동하여 게임 서비스를 제공하고 있습니다.따라서 차구차구가 연동된 카카오톡 계정을 탈퇴하시면 게임 데이터가 모두 초기화 될 수 있습니다. 카카오톡 탈퇴는 신중하게선택해주세요.※ 유료 아이템 구매 시 별도의 요금이 부과됩니다.■ 상품 정보 및 이용 조건 안내 ■- 공급자 : 넷마블게임즈㈜ 대표이사 권영식- 이용조건 및 기간: 게임 내 별도 고지된 내용에 따름(사용기간이 표시되지 않은 경우, 서비스의 종료일까지를 사용기간으로 간주)- 결제금액 및 방법 : 상품 별 별도 고지된 결제금액 및 결제방법에 따름(외화 결제 시 환율 및 수수료 등으로 인해 실제 청구금액과 다를 수 있음)- 상품지급방식 : 게임 내 구매한 아이디(캐릭터)로 즉시 지급- 넷마블 고객센터 : 1588-3995 (평일 오전9시~오후6시 상담가능)- 최소사양 : CPU 듀얼코어 1.2GHz, Ram 1GB- 개인정보 취급방침 :http://help.netmarble.com/policy/privacy_policy.asp?locale=ko- 서비스 운영 정책 :http://help.netmarble.com/policy/terms_of_service.asp?locale=ko----개발자 연락처 :02-1588-3995서울특별시 구로구 디지털로 300사업자 번호 : 105-87-64746통신판매업 번호 : 제 2014-서울구로-1028 호Football games aredifficult enough!Mom and easy football game that you can! Chagu chagu forKakao!■■■ ■■■ 17 years 2 Mon updates- National Club Team Balance Adjustment -- Single-League reward balance adjustment -- Add real-time control Rankings War -- Black Card decomposition feature added -- Added mini-game mode -Game Features ■■■ ■■■▶ Now Operating as I want! "Pad operations", "touch operation" to "Autocontinue"! Shooting pleasure felt in my fingertips! Enjoy theexhilarating 'goal taste!▶ 3,000 people card players! I am fun to collect your favorite players! I am fun to collect favorite club! All the fun is in the chagu chagu!■■■ ■■■ game modes▶ "single League" to proceed with the actual football season▶ "real-time tactical battle league" to a friend with a real-timestrategy game▶ stage of confrontation with the various types of character,"Special League."▶ "Tournament Mode" to realize the dream of winning the WorldCup* Chagu chagu official community- Official Cafe: http://cafe.naver.com/playchagu- The game is available as KakaoTalk account.(Check my account cacao method: KakaoTalk> More> cacaoaccount)※ Do not leave the game use of KakaoTalk.Chagu chagu for Kakao separate account does not exist in thegame,By interlocking the game KakaoTalk account and provideservices.So you can leave your KakaoTalk account the chagu chagu peristalticgame data is initialized. KakaoTalk withdrawal, please choosecarefully.※ Paid items will be charged separately at the time ofpurchase.■ ■ Product Information and Terms and Conditions Information- Provider: Net Marble Games CEO ㈜ gwonyoungsik- Terms and conditions and duration: Follow the game on my separateinformation notices the(If the period is not displayed, it is from the end of the serviceperiod)- Payment amount and method: according to product-specific noticesseparate payments and payment method(Due to foreign currency exchange rates and fee payments may differfrom the actual charges)- Products of payment: immediate payment with my purchase ID game(character)- Net Marble Customer Service: 1588-3995 (weekdays from 9:00 am to6:00 pm counseling available)- Minimum specifications: CPU dual-core 1.2GHz, Ram 1GB- Privacy:http://help.netmarble.com/policy/privacy_policy.asp?locale=ko- Service operational policies:http://help.netmarble.com/policy/terms_of_service.asp?locale=ko
Darts Scoreboard
Darts Scoreboard is the perfect app fortracking your darts scores during a game of 501 or one of itsvariants. In the app you can set many preferences, such as thenumber of players, the start score, or whether you want to play inlegs or sets. Using the app is easy, after every turn you simplyneed to enter the total points scored with three darts. DartsScoreboard does the math and gives you a wide range of statistics.It is possible to save and share these statistics. When you reach ascore that can be finished the app will show a checkoutsuggestion.ProfileIf you are logged in your saved games will be associated with yourprofile. Also you can select your profile when you start a newgame. You can view your own statistics in a list. In a futureupdate you will be able to view various graphs, so you can see yourprogress.Preferences* Players: 1 to 4 players, custom names can be specified* Start score: 101, 170, 201, 301 up to and including 2501* Match type: sets or legs* Number of legs to win a set: 2, 3, 4, 5* Checkout type: single, double, tripleStatistics* Various averages, like match average, best set and/or legaverage, average of first nine darts in a leg* Scores: Number of 180, 140+, 100+, etc.* Checkouts: Highest and average checkout, number of outs above100, number of outs above 50* Other: Highest score, best leg, list of darts needed perlegDarts Scoreboard is free of charge and is updated with newfunctionality on a regular basis. The app is designed forsmartphones and tablets. Use it while playing with friends, or whenyou are training or practicing on your own.
ESPN Radio
Take your sports wherever your ears go! Introducing the new andimproved ESPN Radio app for your Android, with a host of expandedfeatures and functionality for sports fans. Listen live to ESPNRadio, your favorite podcasts, live play-by-play and more.· LISTEN LIVE to internet broadcasts of over 35 ESPN Radio stationsaround the country· LISTEN to your favorite ESPN shows like Mike and Mike in theMorning, The Herd with Colin Cowherd, SVP & Russillo, TheMichael Kay Show and many more!· LISTEN to play-by-play from some of your favorite college andprofessional sports teams*· LISTEN to 35 ESPN Radio podcasts including The B.S. Report withBill Simmons, Pardon The Interruption, Around The Horn, FantasyFocus and Tony Kornheiser Show· LISTEN OnDemand to SportsCenter - updated every 20 minutes!** NEW ** Create custom stations and playlists with yourfavorite teams/topics/players/sports/shows** NEW ** Download your playlists for ‘off-line’ listening** NEW ** Alerts/breaking news notifications from around the sportsworld*Due to contractual limitations with certain content, especiallyplay-by-play broadcasts, there are times when the schedule that'son-air won't match the schedule that's online. While we make everyeffort to update the schedule, occasionally the nature ofplay-by-play broadcasting limits our ability to accurately presentthe latest schedule (ie., rain delays, last minute schedulechanges). We apologize for any inconvenience this causes. If youhave specific schedule questions, please contact the stationdirectly by visiting their website.--Before you download this app, please consider that it includesadvertising, some of which may be targeted to your interests. Youmay choose to control targeted advertising within mobileapplications by using your mobile device settings (for example, byre-setting your device’s advertising identifier and/or opting outof interest based ads).
Sportlobster is the best way to keep up todate with the sport you love. See all the fixtures, live scores andresults tailored for your favourite teams and athletes.Join fellow fans on match day for live chat, boosted withcommentary, stats, line-ups and more.Get more from the game by predicting on the outcome to earn pointsand compete with friends and fans.• Live chat for sports events - share video, pictures and audiowith friends and fellow fans.• Prediction game – earn points and challenge friends• Live league tables, fixtures and results• Live scores and updates with instant notifications• Covered Sports: Football, Women's Football, Rugby Union, Rugby7s, Cricket, Formula 1, Tennis, American Football, Ice Hockey,Basketball, Golf• Stats and commentary provided by Opta
Cờ Tướng, Cờ Úp Online
Cổng game Co Tuong, Co Up Online gồm những game Cờsau đây:- Cờ Tướng (Co Tuong) (2 chế độ: Chế độ chơi nhanh, chơichậm);- Cờ Úp (Co Up) (2 chế độ : Chơi nhanh, chơi chậm)Các game thủ có cơ hội được giao lưu và tranh tài với hàng ngàngame thủ Cờ Tướng, Cờ úp trên khắp mọi miền đất nước.Bảng xếp hạng phong phú và luôn được cập nhật theo thời gian, huânchương đa dạng và đẹp mắt.Các game thủ chơi Co Tuong, Co up chắc chắn sẽ cảmthấy hài lòng khi trải nghiệm hệ thống.Gate gameCo Tuong , Co Up Online games include the followingflag:- Chess (Co Tuong) (2 modes: Mode play fast, play slow);- Her Up (Co Up) (2 modes: Play fast, play slow)The players have the opportunity to interact and compete againstthousands of players Chess, Chess face all over the country.Ranking rich and are updated from time to time, various medals andbeautiful.Gamers play Co Tuong , Co up will surely feel happy whenexperiencing system.
Fotbal Info de la Orange
Cu aplicaţia Fotbal Info de la Orange poţiurmări evoluţia echipelor preferate şi poţi afla cele mai caldeştiri, rezultate, clasamente din fotbal precum şi ultimele noutățidin competițiile Liga 1 Orange, Cupa României, Echipa Națională,Liga Campionilor, Liga Europa, Premier League, Serie A, PrimeraDivision, Bundesliga sau League 1. De asemenea, ai la dispozițieștiri personalizate cu echipa aleasă din programul PrePay Suporterși notificări (Fotbal Fan, PrePay Suporter).Poţi folosi aplicaţia atât prin 3G/4G, cât şi prin Wi-Fi, chiardacă nu eşti client Orange şi chiar dacă nu te afli pe teritoriulRomâniei. Traficul de date se tarifează în funcţie de planultarifar ales.The application FootballInfo Orange can follow the evolution of favorite teams and you canfind the hottest news, results, rankings of football and the latestnews from competitions Ligue 1 Orange, the Romanian Cup, NationalTeam, Champions League, Europa League, Premier League, Serie A,Primera Division, Bundesliga or League 1. Also, we have chosenpersonalized news team of supporters and notifications PrePayprogram (Football Fan, PrePay supporter).You can use the application through both 3G / 4G and Wi-Fi, even ifyou are not Orange customer and even if you are not on Romanianterritory. Data traffic is charged depending on the chosen tariffplan.
Yahoo Fantasy Sports
Play Fantasy Baseball, Football, Basketball,and Hockey.Voted the Best Fantasy Sports Mobile App by the Fantasy SportsTrade Association: 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016.Easily switch between games and focus on what really matters:drafting your team, setting your lineup, and winning!Favorite features:-For the second year in a row our Tourney Pick'em NCAA bracket gameis in the app. Manage all your brackets from your phone.-Manage your roster - pick up players and make trades in theapp.-Draft anywhere - never miss a draft again. Draft your teamstraight from your phone.-Daily Fantasy Sports - draft a new roster every day for a chanceto win money. Enter free contests or put cash on the line.-Mock drafts - participate in a mock draft to improve your draftingstrategy.-Instant updates - be at the top of your game with instant scoringupdates and breaking player news.-Expert Analysis - edge out the competition with Yahoo Fantasy andRotoworld experts, now accessible in the app.-Fantasy Messenger - trash talk your leaguemates right from theapp-Easily switch between managing your season-long and dailyteams-Elevate your trash talk with GIFs and more
La Liga - Argentinian Football
Welcome to La Liga! The best application tofollow live Argentine soccer tournaments, International Cups andEuropean Leagues with Argentinian players.With La Liga, you get all the live information during the match andyou can read the latest news of Argentinian Football.Follow your team and you will stay informed of everything: fromreceiving live notifications during the match to the most importantnews during the week.With La Liga you can access complete fixtures of Primera A,Nacional B, B Metropolitano, Federal A, Federal B Primera C,Primera D Copa Libertadores, Copa Sudamericana, 2018 World Cup,World Cup Qualifying 2018 European tournaments (Europa LeagueChampions League, Spain, Copa del Rey, Italy Cup, England, FA Cup,France and Germany Bundesliga Ligue 1) and their respectivestandings and scorers.For each game, you can check team formations and full fixturedetail with cards, goals, changes, referees and stadiums.You'll also be able to follow matches lives, to receivenotifications of every major event and goals!All notifications are configurables to bring you the best of LaLiga and find out instantly what is happening in the livegames.
Once Comunio
Once Comunio te ayudará a elegir la mejoralineación comunio cada jornada de la Liga BBVA. Esta aplicaciónasigna una puntuación a cada uno de tus jugadores, teniendo encuenta multitud de parámetros como los puntos del jugador, si rindemás jugando en casa o fuera, probabilidad de que su equipo gane esajornada, el estado actual del jugador, etc. Con todos estos datos,Once Comunio sugiere una serie de 11 jugadores que tienen una mayorprobabilidad de puntuar, y descarta aquellos que está lesionados osancionados. Esto te servirá de gran ayuda a la hora deconfeccionar tu alineación.Por otro lado, con Once Comunio también se pueden consultar lospuntos conseguidos por tu equipo durante el trascurso de lajornada. Además también se pueden consultar los puntos de los demásmiembros de tu comunidad, conociendo quien es el vencedor en cadamomento a la vez que va avanzando la jornada.Otra característica muy interesante de esta aplicación, es laopción de consultar los jugadores de nuestro mercado de fichajes,recomendando los que son más interesante en función de la calidad yprecio de éstos.Para poder empezar, tan sólo tienes que introducir los 7 númerosde tu ID de comunio y podrás empezar a disfrutar de todas estasventajas.Características:- Alineación Recomendada cada jornada- Consulta tus puntos cada jornada por adelantado- Consulta los puntos de los demás miembros de tu comunidad- Consulta el 11 ideal de cada joranda- Recomienda los mejores jugadores de tu mercado de fichajes- Consulta toda la información de cualquier jugadorPodéis seguirnos en twitter: @OnceComunioCommunio Eleven will helpyou choose the best alignment comunio each day of the Liga. Thisapplication assigns a score to each of your players, taking intoaccount many parameters as the player's points, if yields moreplaying at home or away, chance your team win that day, the currentstatus of the player, etc.. With all these data, Once Communiosuggests a series of 11 players who are more likely to score, anddiscards those that are injured or suspended. This will be of greathelp when drawing up your alignment.On the other hand, Communio Eleven are also available pointsearned by your team during the course of the day. Addition you canalso check the points of the other members of your community,knowing who the winner at all times while the day progresses.Another interesting feature of this application is the option ofseeing our players transfer market, recommending those that aremost interesting in terms of the quality and price of these.To start, you just have to enter 7 numbers comunio your ID andyou can start to enjoy all these benefits.Features: - Alignment Recommended everyday - Check your points each day inadvance - Check the points of the othermembers of your community - Check perfect 11 each Joranda - Recommend the best players on yourtransfer market - Check all the information of anyplayerYou can follow us on twitter: @ OnceComunio
NFL Mobile
The NFL App is the best, pure footballapp for any fan. From live game streams (Verizonsmartphone customers only), to trending videos on NFL Now toreplays of every game with NFL Game Pass (subscription), theNFL App is packed with more video than ever. Whether it’s game dayor non-game day, from preseason through the playoffs, the NFL Appkeeps fans on top of the game with breaking NFL news, highlights,stats & more wherever they are, whenever they want it.Phone features (only available with Verizon):All Verizon customers get access to exclusive live content on theirphone*, including:2016 regular season games2016 NFL Playoff games2017 Pro BowlSuper Bowl LINFL Network 24/7/365Phone and Tablet features:GAMES: Follow along with up-to-the-minute scoring, in-gamehighlights, big play markers and drive charts; fans can also accessNFL Game Pass (subscription content).STORIES: Read articles and watch videos highlighting thelatest stories and breaking news from around the NFL and from all32 teams.NFL NOW: Brings fans the latest stories and trending topicsacross the NFL and gives direct access to all 32 teams.STATS: Track league and team leaders in all major statscategories.MORE: Watch video on demand, see the NFL Network schedule,browse the NFL Shop, and more.Tablet-only features:NFL Network 24/7/365 and NFL RedZone are available for eligiblesubscribers of AT&T U-verse, Charter, Cox, DirecTV, Optimum,Verizon FiOS, DISH, and many more providers.Android TV Features:NFL NOW: NFL Now brings fans the latest stories and trendingtopics across the NFL and gives direct access to all 32teams.TEAMS: Select your favorite team to watch videos directlyfrom that team or replay recent games.All fans can access NFL Game Pass subscription content within NFLMobile. NFL Game Pass is a subscription product with features thatvary based on location**. Learn more at www.NFL.com/Gamepass.Learn more about the NFL’s digital offerings: nfl.com/apps,twitter.com/nfl, and facebook.com/nfl.The NFL App allows use of Chromecast when viewing allvideo-on-demand and select live content, including all contentwithin the NFL Game Pass offering. However, the NFL App does notpermit outputs from phones of live games, NFL RedZone or NFLNetwork to external displays via HDMI, Chromecast, Miracast orother similar streaming functionality due to rightsrestrictions.*Data usage apples for app download and use.**Certain restrictions apply.Privacy Policy: http://www.nfl.com/help/privacyTerms and Conditions: http://www.nfl.com/help/terms
Darts 3D
Darts 3D is one of the best dart simulationsavailable for android! It features a realistic aiming method andcomes with 3D graphics.Game modes: Cricket, 501 (double out), 301 (double in &out).# Multiplayer (online)- Realtime gaming- Chat- Profile with statistics- Highscore and ranking- and much more!# Singleplayer- Vs. bot- Vs. local playerEnjoy the game and throw some darts!
Football Scores GoalAlert
+++ The fastest soccer app +++Premier League, Championship, FA and League Cup all in one simpleapp.Goal-notifications for all soccer matches in real time - fast andeasy to use!Don't get lost in unnecessary information and statistics!The app is focussed on the most relevant information of the currentmatch day:- Live scores of your teams- Match schedules of the entire season- Live tables- Goal scorersIn addition to the EPL, Champions League, Europa League, FA Cup,English national team, GoalAlert provides dozens of other europeanleagues like German Bundesliga, Spanish Leagues, Italian Leaguesand many more!„GoalAlert“ is easy to handle and faster than other liver tickerand news apps.