1.7 / Mar 6, 2023
App Information Princess Doll House Decoration
- App NamePrincess Doll House Decoration
- 包名princess.games
- 发布日期Mar 6, 2023
- 文件大小Undefined
- 系统要求Android 5.0
- 版本1.7
- 开发者Kids Food Games Inc.
- 安装1M+
- 价钱免费
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- 开发者10639 N 32ND ST, PHOENIX, AZ 85028
- Google Play Link
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Fruits Cooking - Juice Maker🍨Toddlers Puzzle Game 2.0 APK
🥧🍧 FANTASTIC FRESH FUN JUICY FRUITS FOOD FRIENDS! LEARNINGFRUIT!🍧🥧Puzzle learning game for make the watermelon fruit, cookthegrapes, drink the orange juice, taste of berries ice cream andeatthe apple cake, Kids Toddlers! Fruits Cooking -JuiceMaker🍨Toddlers Puzzle Game is a funny babies food - makinggamewith 9 types of colorful fruits in garden farm for little girlsandlittle boys! With Fruits Cooking Juice, your kids childrencanlearn about their fun fruit benefits, how to cook fruits likejuiceor jam, ice-cream or cake and watch funny Fruits slicecartoonmovies! Making fruit food is fun and easy with FruitsFriends,BABIES! CandyBots Fruits is the perfect cooking game forkids,baby, toddlers, preschoolers! 🍸 PICK A JUICE & DRINK!FRUITSPUZZLE BABY GAME 🍸 - 9 types of funny fruits: pick, cook andserve9 types of juice fruits! Apple, Strawberry, Cherry are freetocook! - Play and learn cooking from fruits: Drag-and-dropminipuzzle games will let toddlers learn to create yummy snacksandjuice like ice-cream and smoothies from all types of fruits.Noguidance needed! - Fun educational story clips: Relax withcartoonmovies showing off funny fruits in action! - Pronounce fruitnameswith phonics: Clear, exact English voice-overs help babiesreadingthe names of all the fruits like a pro! - No ads! Best fruitgamefor kids. Puzzle for children. Safe app for Preschool.<b>MORE CANDYBOTS APPS • Candybots Kids- World ABC 123•Candybots Coloring Learning • Candybots Animals Friends •CandyBotsABC Alphabets Phonics • CandyBots Numbers 123 CountingCANDYFRIENDS 🔸 Shie the stylish marshmallow 🔷 Choco thechampionchocolate bar 🔶 Poppy the lollipop genius 🔷 B'gum the dozygummybear 🔸 Cob the playful candy corn Tips: Find more Candybotsappsand games by entering “Candybots” in the search bar.ABOUTCANDYBOTS We are a small studio that makes beautifuleducationalexperiences for 2-8 years old children, which are funand encouragekids to learn about the world through playing. TOPARENTS Dear momsand dads, among us are parents and we make gamesfor our childrenas well as children around the world. Our goal isto educate andentertain every child near and far. We deeplyappreciate yoursupport by rating us on Apple store. PRIVACY POLICYWe at Candybotstake data privacy very seriously. To know more ofhow we deal withthis, please read our privacy policy atcandybots.com/privacy. Ifyou need help, have questions, or want tosay ‘hi’, get in touchathello@candybots.com----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------•Visit website online at: www.candybots.com • Become a fanonFacebook: www.facebook.com/Candybots • Follow on Twitterat:www.twitter.com/candybotsgames • OnInstagram:www.instagram.com/candybotsgames • Subscribe to ourYoutubeChannel: goo.gl/nZxmsv
CandyBots Fruits Vegetables🍎Baby Kids Puzzle Game 1.0 APK
🍓Cooking Food and Make Juice from CandyBots Fruits Vegetables:BabyKids Puzzle Game! 🍊 In CandyBots Fruits Vegetables: kids canplay,plant & grow 9 different colorful fruit trees and makeyummyjuice food! Together with your child, kids can watch andmatchingcolorful photos of fruits and vegetables, all whilelearning fruitsnames! With puzzle mini game about take care andplanting offruit's tree, kids can learn fruit benefits, how to growtheirtrees, making food recipes like apple bake cake, orange juiceorjam and strawberry ice cream. Learning fruit alphabetvocabularyand watch funny food videos with talking fruits. LearnFruits andVegetables for kids is an educational game for childrenfrom 2years old that helps them acquire new fruit Englishvocabulary. Ourcolorful game has 5 educational activities toencourage thelearning of little boys and little girls. With thesepuzzleactivities to learn fruits and vegetables for children, theywilllearn by playing fruit's shapes, colors, sizes forms. Thisappincludes funny fruit and vegetable puzzle game andcoloringpictures. Fruits Vegetables Garden help kids, baby,toddlers,preschoolers will commit fruits and foods to memory in notime! 🍉PICK A SLICE - FRUIT VEGETABLES GARDEN GAME FOR EARLY KIDS!🍌 - 9types of color fruits: pick, cook and serve 9 types ofjuicefruits, each with 3 delicious recipes! Apple, Strawberry,Cherryare free to cook! - Plant and care fruits: Watch as seedssproutinto trees, and then bear fruit! It's magic! Fend off birdsandbugs with fun, quick mini games that’ll help them learn reallifetools. - Play and cook: Make yummy snacks and juice likeice-creamand smoothies with simple mini game recipes. - Educationalstoryclips: Relax with little movies showing off funny fruits inaction!- Pronounce fruits names with phonics: Clear, exactEnglishvoice-overs help babies speak the names of fruits like apro! - Noads! Best for Kids Toddlers. Game for Preschool. <b>MORECANDYBOTS APPS • Candybots Kids- World ABC 123 • CandybotsColoringLearning • Candybots Animals Friends • CandyBots ABCAlphabetsPhonics • CandyBots Numbers 123 Counting CANDY FRIENDS 🔸Shie thestylish marshmallow 🔷 Choco the champion chocolate bar 🔶Poppy thelollipop genius 🔷 B'gum the dozy gummy bear 🔸 Cob theplayful candycorn Tips: Find more Candybots apps and games byentering“Candybots” in the search bar. ABOUT CANDYBOTS We are asmallstudio that makes beautiful educational experiences for 2-8yearsold children, which are fun and encourage kids to learn abouttheworld through playing. TO PARENTS Dear moms and dads, among usareparents and we make games for our children as well aschildrenaround the world. Our goal is to educate and entertainevery childnear and far. We deeply appreciate your support byrating us onApple store. PRIVACY POLICY We at Candybots take dataprivacy veryseriously. To know more of how we deal with this,please read ourprivacy policy at candybots.com/privacy. If you needhelp, havequestions, or want to say ‘hi’, get in touch athello@candybots.com----------------------------- • Visit websiteonline at:www.candybots.com • Become a fan onFacebook:www.facebook.com/Candybots • Follow on Twitterat:www.twitter.com/candybotsgames • OnInstagram:www.instagram.com/candybotsgames • Subscribe to ourYoutubeChannel: goo.gl/nZxmsv