Top 18 Apps Similar to Nos Blagues

Proverbes Sur La Vie En Images 1.24
Discover the most beautiful sayings about life and quotesinpictures!
African tales 1.0
Hello, application Tales Africans is an application created bythreestudents from Cameroon to describe Africa through its historyandallow African youth not to forget its traditions. His tales,rich inentertainment, in cultural emotion, and each tale isassociated witha descriptive picture to better understand thehistory. Thisapplication designed in beta, and soon the finalversion. ForAfrican, American, European, Asian and the worldfascinate Africanstories, we are not perfect but our applicationshould suit you verywell to control its history and understand itand understand theircustoms, the first application history Africansays. In thisapplication, the tales are divided into categories iein differentAfrican countries and you'll be spoiled for choice ashaving themost rewarding and exciting stories of Africa. So readand enjoy thestory as the story of kirikou, a small child braveand strong whosaves his country from drought and many other moreexciting. We arestaying on Africa at the moment and we will gofurther in the nextversions as other tales of the world. Thisapplication can beinstalled on Android Phones and Tablets, alsohas other featuressuch as tales are also categorize, that is tosay in differentcountries to better assist users, and other talesother Africandialects.
Citations de Cœur Brisé 3.7
Share Broken Heart Quotes & Proverbs in French to show yourpainand loneliness
Proverbes Africains En Françai 1.30
Discover the most beautiful African proverbs and great quotesfromAfrica.
phrases of the day 3.0
english phrases for daily use to change the way of thinking andgethappiness.
Proverbes De La Vie En Images 1.17
Discover the best proverbs of life and quotes in pictures.
Citations Sur La Vie En Images 1.13
Quotations and proverbs in pictures to read and share for free.
Motivational Quotes 0.1.3
300 motivational quotes. Motivation, positive sayings &thoughtof the day.
Se Coucher Moins Bête 5.0.2
Se Coucher Moins Bête est une desapplicationsles plus téléchargées en France. Rejoignez noscentaines demilliers de lecteurs qui découvrent chaque jour desmilliersd'anecdotes inédites, amusantes ou surprenantes sur touslessujets.Nous avons des anecdotes sur tout ! Science, animaux,cinéma,musique, people, santé, histoire, sport, cuisine etc. nosanecdotesde la vie quotidienne vont vous étonner ! De nouvellesanecdotessont ajoutées tous les jours sans exception (3 en semaine,2 leweek-end). La sélection des anecdotes est rude et se fait parlacommunauté, ce qui vous assure d'avoir le meilleur dumeilleur!QUELQUES EXEMPLESSaviez-vous que Newton a inventé la chatière ?Que le fondateur des chocolats Jeff de Bruges s'appelle enfaitPhilippe Jambon ?Que la plus grande grotte au monde pourrait accueillirdesgratte-ciel de 40 étages ?Que le claquement que produit un fouet est un mini bang carsonextrémité dépasse la vitesse du son ?Nos anecdotes sont vérifiées et sourcées par notre équipe et parlacommunauté, composée de plus de 200 000 membres.FONCTIONNALITES- De nouvelles anecdotes chaque jour de l'année SANS EXCEPTION(3300au 1er juin 2013)- Différents filtres : par catégories, par date, par votedesutilisateurs- Moteur de recherche- Commentaires de la communauté (plus de 200 0000 membres).- Mise en avant des meilleurs commentaires- Création et identification à son compte- Proposez vos anecdotes- Modérez les anecdotes soumises par les autres- Ajout aux favoris : vous pourrez mettre de côté etretrouverfacilement plus tard vos anecdotes préférées- Affichage des anecdotes non lues- Suivi des anecdotes : retrouvez celle ou un nouveau commentaireaété posté depuis votre dernière lecture ou celles ou quelqu'unarépondu à un de vos commentaires !- Navigateur interne pour consulter les sources- Notifications pushFOLD Less Beast is oneofthe most downloaded applications in France. Join our hundredsofthousands of readers who are discovering every day thousandsofunusual, funny or surprising stories on all topics.We have stories about it! Science, animals, cinema, music,people,health, history, sports, cooking etc.. our stories ofeveryday lifewill amaze you! New stories are added every daywithout exception(3 weeks, 2 weekends). The selection of stories istough and ismade by the community, ensuring you have the best ofthebest!SOME EXAMPLESDid you know that Newton invented the cat flap?The founder of chocolates Jeff de Bruges is actually calledPhilippeHam?The largest cave in the world could accommodate skyscrapers40stories?Produced by the cracking whip is a mini bang for its end thanthespeed of sound?Our stories are sourced and verified by our team and thecommunityof over 200,000 members.FEATURES- New stories every day of the year WITHOUT EXCEPTION (3300 to1June 2013)- Different filters: by category, by date, by a vote of users- Search Engine- Comments from the community (over 200 members 0000).- Highlighting the best comments- Creation and identification with his account- Submit your stories- Moderate the stories submitted by other- Add to Favorites: You can save and easily find yourfavoriteanecdotes later- Display of unread stories- Monitoring of anecdotes that or find a new comment has beenpostedsince your last reading or those where someone has respondedto yourcomments!- Internal Browser to view sources- Push Notifications
Citations De Motivation 1.29
Motivating and inspiring quotes to boost your motivation.
Pensées Positives & Citations 3.1
Concevoir et partager des citations positives et proverbesFrançaiset dictons
Messages et Images d'Amour 2.71
Just Status
Collection de poème d'amour - Love SMS - citation d'amour-Saint-Valentin
SMS Amour - Idées de messages 1.0.0
Message ideas and love SMS to send to your darling! ♥ ️
Des questions? 4.6.1
You have questions? The Bible has answers. We find it for you!
Citations spirituelles et phil 3.2
More than 2000 spiritual and philosophical quotes
Philosophie & Sagesse du Monde 3.2
philosophy and its various currents through hundreds of citations
French fairy tales stories 6.5
French fairy tales stories collection of 180 story with Audio
Préparation concours fonction 1.1.0
Preparing and succeeding major public service competitions