Top 20 Games Similar to League For Tennis

Club de Tenis Chamartín
Centro Reservas
Desde Club de Tenis Chamartín nos complace presentarlesnuestraaplicación para smartphone. Una vez más, tratamos de dartodas lasfacilidades a nuestros clientes para disfrutar de lasinstalacionesde su club de confianza. Gracias a este nuevo servicioparasmartphone los socios tienen la posibilidad de reservar ygestionartoda su información, manteniendo además los tradicionalescanalesde reserva (online, telefónica o desde las propiasinstalaciones).El club consta de unas excelentes instalaciones. 24pistas de tenisdotadas de luz artificial, 5 pistas de padel decésped artificial,3 piscinas, gimnasio, zona de spa, cafetería,zona infantil,auditorio, parking y muchas cosas más que te permitendisfrutarplenamente del deporte en cualquier época delaño.**************************************************************PORQUÉ USAR C.T.CHAMARTÍN***************************************************************RESERVA DE PISTAS: Le permite reservar pistas de padel. *QUIEROJUGAR!!!: Apúntese a los próximos partidos de Quiero Jugar!!!quese ajusten mejor a su nivel. * RED SOCIAL: Navegue por laRedSocial del club, visite las últimas novedades en los perfilesdesus amigos y envíeles mensajes. * GESTIÓN DE RESERVAS: Confirmesusreservas, cuándo y dónde es su próximo partido. Tambiénpodrárealizar modificaciones y anular si las condiciones del clublopermiten. * BONOS: Chequee sus últimas recargas de bono y elsaldodisponible. * PERFIL: Revise su perfil en el club y su niveldeQuiero Jugar!!! * DISPONIBILIDAD: podrá reservar las 24 horasdeldía, los 365 días del año, y desde cualquier lugar.
Tennis Training 1.00
Free Sport Apps
Tennis Training is the app with lots of tennistrainingexerciseswith a complete training program that contains allthebasic andadvanced exercises to practice tennis. Todaytheprofessional andamateur tennis requires a very high leveloftraining and fitness.With this application you will learn howtoimprove your fitnessand how to execute the most complextennisshots with specificphysical training exercises. Thisapplicationincludes: - Exercisesof all kinds: technical, tactical,physical,specific, strategicand warm up. - Strength specificexercises fortennis players. -Repetitive tennis serves exercises toimprove yourskills and tocontrol the ball effects on the field. -Specifictennis exercisesfor beginners, with basic techniques andstrategiesto improve yourgame technique. - Different shotstrainingexercises, such as DropShots, Crosscourt Shots, DriveShots,Backhand Shots, OverheadShots, among others. - Videos of thebestmoments ever in tennismatches. This application is part of agroupof sports trainingapps such as football, paddle tennis,basketball,martial arts,kung fu, judo, home gym, cricket, cycling,golf,boxing and beachvolleyball. Download now this tennis trainingfreeapp on yourmobile or tablet device.
Tennis Tour­n­a­m­ents 2015 1.4.2
Follow all tennis matches and tournamentsallover the world! Get it rightaway and be up to date with the latest news from thetennistournaments,check the latest tennis scores and work on your bettingstrategiesfor free.Use virtual currency to place your bets and follow your betslipsdirectlyfrom your smartphone! Results, Stats, Odds, Tournaments,LiveScore,Players, Bet, Predictions and much more.For every tournament on the world you can seetournamentscheduleincluding all masters, grand slam: Australian, US and FrenchOpen(RolandGarros), London UK Wimbledon.Men's and women's pro tennis live scores and results,rankings,playersand tournaments. All about tennis tour news, video, live scoredrawsandstats.Check out the latest most up-to-date and tennis matchresults.* REAL ODDS! REAL TENNIS MATCHES* VIRTUAL SPORTS BETTING* ALL WORLD TOURNAMENTS 2015* LIVE TENNIS SCORES and MATCHES IN PROGRESS* THE WIDEST VARIETY OF BETTING GAMES* SINGLE and MULTIPLE BETS* SINGLES and DOUBLES - MIXED* PLAYERS, MASTERS, GRAND SLAM TOUR and much moreThis sport app follow Davis Cup premier international team eventinmen'stennis. Full men's pro tennis calendar finals, draws androsteroftournament champions including series 1000 and 500250includingchallengers. Choose your tennis destinationMonte-CarloMonacoorRome Italy maybe Madrid Spain and Montreal Canada? Why notCincinnati USA or Shanghai China with Paris France - Be apartofit.Follow the best players, who will be first rank - betterrankingforNovakDjokovic, Roger Federer, Andy Murray, Kei Nishikori maybeRafaelNadal orTomas Berdych. Who is your favourite in tour champions-SerenaWilliams, Maria Sharapova or Ana Ivanovic?Learn how smart sports bettors wager on tennis - withoutlosingrealmoney! Results from tennis courts clay, grass or carpet itdoesn'tmatterwe have all sports information. Follow the progress of alltennischampionsgames in real time. Large selection of wagering options!Direct news of top stroke of the season. The best points infinalsin actionfor trophy.LIVESCORE SECTIONKnow the tennis scores – anytime, anywhere!TRACK YOUR BETSBe up-to-date with the latest score changes, schedule and yourbetslipstatus with push notifications.SPREAD THE WORDBrag with your winning bet slips, or complain when yourfavoritebigtennis player lose a match - on Facebook, Twitter, and allmajorsocialnetworks!EARN THROUGH REFERRALSInvite your Facebook friends to join the game, and get 5% oftheirfuturewinnings – FOREVER!IN-GAME LEADERBOARDCompete with your FB friends and other bettors, and prove who'sthebestof all! Tennis Tour 2015: Results, Stats, Odds, Tables, LiveScore,Teams,Bet...VIRTUAL COINSInstead betting with real money, place your bets using ourspecialvirtualcurrency! Don't hesitate, place that risky bet, there's no needforchasing!EARN MORE COINSPlay bet slips on a daily basis, share them on Facebook,andcomplete ourspecial offers to earn more virtual coins and climb to the topoftheleaderboard.BET AND WIN RESPECT!You have great skills of tennis and sports predictions and apassionforsportsbet, but don't want to spend money in betting shops?With“Tennistournaments” 2015 you can share your winning betting slipsonFacebookor any other social network and prove that you're a real expertingivingsports and tennis betting tips! After seeing that you got whatittakes,everyone will start asking you for sport tennis betting tips!Download Tennis app tournaments 2015, sports betting app,andbetwithout limits on all 2015/2016.Tennis tournaments 2015 is free to play, and includes a dailybonusso youwill never have to stop betting. While in app purchase isavailable,cashingout is not because this game provides as realistic as possibleafullysimulated sports betting experience while avoidingactualgambling.
Real Sociedad Tenis Magdalena 2.4.1
Situado en uno de los sitios más bellosdelmundo, la Real Sociedad de Tenis de La Magdalena es, sin lugaradudas, un club de referencia en Santander y en España.Fundado en 1906, El Tenis, como familiarmente se le conoce, hasidotestigo en las primeras décadas del pasado siglo XX del iniciodela vida social y deportiva santanderina. Profundamente ligado alaMonarquía Española, debe su fundación a la Familia Real, SS.MM.LosReyes D. Alfonso XIII, primer Presidente de Honor del Club ysuaugusta esposa Dª Victoria Eugenia, que sabiamente escogieronesterincón de España durante 17 años seguidos para pasar aquísusveraneos regios. Este hecho fue motivo suficiente para queunanimoso grupo de importantes miembros de la vidasocialsantanderina fundasen la Real Sociedad de Lawn Tennis deSantander,un Club en el que se van a celebrar gran parte delosacontecimientos sociales y deportivos de nuestra ciudad enelpasado siglo.Actualmente, el Club, cuya Presidencia de Honor recae en S.M. elReyD. Juan Carlos de Borbón y Borbón, cuenta con más de 8.600socios,de los que 1.700 componen el Club Juvenil del Camello. Tresson sussecciones deportivas principales, tenis, hockey hierba yhockeysobre patines. De ellas y de sus escuelas, en las que cercade unmillar de niños aprenden, compiten y se divierten, han salidoa lolargo de la centenaria historia del Club numerosos campeonesdeEspaña, olímpicos y seleccionados internacionales.Esteimportantísimo número de deportistas ha puesto siempre a pruebalacapacidad organizativa del Club, siendo una constantelacelebración de todo tipo de competiciones regionales, nacionaleseinternacionales, como se pudo demostrar en el año 2000, fecha enlaque nuestro club fue sede de la Semifinal de la Copa DavisentreEspaña y EE.UU., recordada como la mejor en la larga historiadeltenis Español.Esta web oficial es también una buena muestra de cómo unclubcentenario ha sabido siempre adaptarse rápidamente a losnuevostiempos que le han tocado vivir, siendo la Real Sociedad deTenisde La Magdalena, el primer club deportivo de España que obtuvoelcertificado de calidad otorgado por el prestigioso BureauVeritasQuality Internacional. Estamos seguros que este mediodecomunicación servirá para que nuestros socios y quienes nosvisitanconozcan mejor su historia y participen en la importanteactividadsocial y deportiva del Club.Located in one of themostbeautiful in the world, the Royal Society of Tennis of theMagdaleneis, without doubt, a reference club and Santander inSpain. Founded in 1906, The Tennis, as it is known colloquially,haswitnessed in the first decades of the twentieth century tothestart of social life and sports Santander. Deeply attached totheSpanish Monarchy, owes its foundation to the Royal Family,TheirMajesties Kings D. Alfonso XIII, first Honorary President oftheClub and his wife Mrs. Augusta Victoria Eugenia, who wiselychosethis corner of Spain for 17 years in a row to spend theirsummershere regal. This was reason enough for a spirited groupofprominent members of society Santander fundasen the RoyalSocietyof Lawn Tennis de Santander, a club which will hold most ofthesports and social events in our city last century. Currently, the Club, whose Honorary President is vested in SMD.King Juan Carlos de Borbon y Borbon, has more than 8,600members,of which 1700 make up the Camel Club Youth. Three sectionsare itsmajor sports, tennis, field hockey and ice hockey. Of themandtheir schools, in which about one thousand children learn,competeand have fun, have gone over the century-old history of theClubmany champions of Spain, Olympic and international selected.Thisimportant number of athletes has always tested theorganizationalcapacity of the Club, being a constant celebration ofall kinds ofregional competitions, national and international, aswasdemonstrated in 2000, the date on which our club hosted theDavisCup semifinal between Spain and the U.S., remembered as thebest inthe long history of Spanish tennis. This official website is also a good example of how a club haseverknown centenary quickly adapt to changing times that havelived,being the Royal Society of Tennis of the Magdalena, the firstclubfrom Spain who won the certificate of quality awarded bytheprestigious Bureau Veritas Quality International. We are surethatthis media will help our partners and our visitors more awareoftheir history and the important part in social activitiesandsports club.
Tennis Zone 🎾 - Wimbledon Li 2.6
Tenis Zone
The official TenisZoneTW app is here!
Club Tenis Padel Ebro Viejo
Centro Reservas
Desde el Club de Tenis Pádel Ebro Viejo les presentamosnuestranuevay exclusiva aplicación para Iphone, Ipad y Android.Nuestroclub estásituado dentro del Centro Recreativo EbroViejo(CREV) enla margenizquierda de Zaragoza, en el barrio delPicarral.Contamos con añosde experiencia en la formación yenseñanza detenis y ahora añadimos2 nuevas pistas de pádel y unamejora de lasinstalacionesexistentes, dejando a disposición denuestrosclientes 3 pistas detenis, un frontón y 2 pistas de pádel.Coneste nuevo servicioonline, añadido a los anteriores(víatelefónica y presencial) losusuarios del centro podránrealizardesde cualquier lugar, las 24horas del día 365 días alañocualquiera de los servicios que en ClubTenis Pádel EbroViejoofrecemos. Alquiler de pistas de tenis, pádely frontón,clasesparticulares de tenis y pádel, escuela de formaciónycompeticiónde tenis y pádel, opción “quiero jugar”en laquenosotros teorganizamos un partido acorde a tu nivel y todaslasnoticias ynovedades que se produzcan en nuestro club es con loqueel clientese va a encontrar en esta aplicación. Para lasreservasde pistas,disponemos de la opción bono monedero, en laquecualquier usuariopuede cargar una cantidad mínima de dinero ydemanera muy sencillahacer el pago así como comprobar susaldodisponible en cadamomento. También se podrá realizar elpagomediante tarjeta decrédito. Estamos localizados en laCalleTeniente Ortiz de Záratenúmero 10 ,CP 50015, Zaragoza yparacualquier duda o consulta lapodéis realizar vía email a travésdenuestro correo electró
Jaen Tenis Tour 1.2.2
Aplicación oficial del circuito detenisnacional Jaen Tenis Tour. Consulta las últimasnoticias,calendarios, torneos, clasificaciones y ten toda lainformación delcircuito en tu móvil.Formal implementationofthe national tennis circuit Jaen Tennis Tour. Check thelatestnews, schedules, tournaments, rankings and have all theinformationfrom your mobile itinerary.
정진화테니스레슨 1.0
Jeongjinhwa YouTube playlists and sort by technology tennistennislessons and tennis enthusiasts have been making videos foreasyaccess.
ATP World Tour - MyATP 7.8.0
MyATP - Your social center court foreverythingATP World Tour Tennis- Stay up-to-date on news from the ATP World Tour- Follow your favorite players and explore exclusive content astheytravel the Tour- Re-live the best on-court action with highlights andhotshots- Get the latest information about tournaments on the ATPWorldTour- Connect with tennis players and fans from around the globe- Customize your MyATP experience by subscribing to capsules- Personalize your profile and create your own capsules tosharetennis updates, photos and videosBe sure to check out amazing ATP capsules:- Draws and Schedules- Hot Shots and Highlights- Tennis Trivia & Stats- Happening Now- Novak Djokovic- Andy Murray- Roger Federer- Stan Wawrinka- Rafael Nadal- Tomas Berdych- David Ferrer- Kei NishikoriAnd all of your favorite players Mobile Tenis 0.93
SPS developer
Set-Point Mobile to oprogramowanie służącedorejestracji wyników spotkań tenisowych oraz zbierania danychnapotrzeby LIVESCORINGu ( ) orazstatystycznychanaliz pomeczowych. Intuicyjny interfejs sprawia, żewyniki możnawprowadzać na bieżąco, piłka po piłce oraz pozwala naśledzeniewyniku i historii meczu. Dzięki obsłudze wszystkichpopularnychwariantów spotkań oraz możliwości wyboru żądanegopoziomuszczegółowości Set-Point Mobile może łatwo i szybkozostaćprzystosowany do osobistych potrzeb.Oprogramowanie pozwala również na przejrzenie statystyk spotkaniaidokonanie prostej analizy pomeczowej. Zakrojone na szersząskalęanalizy oraz porównania realizowane są w, bezpośrednio związanego zSet-Point.plMobile.Dzięki połączeniu tych dwóch platform możliwy stał sięrównieżlivescoring. Wystarczy dostęp do internetu, aby móc śledzićwynikoraz przebieg spotkania piłka po piłce w czasie rzeczywistymnawyniki.set-point.plSet-Point Mobile to:• Intuicyjna obsługa.• Rejestracja przebiegu i wyniku spotkania wczasierzeczywistym.• Szeroki zakres poziomów szczegółowości.• Obsługa wielu wariantów spotkań tenisowych.• Tworzenie statystyk.• Zbieranie danych na potrzeby livescoringu.Set-Point Mobile isasoftware used to record the results of the meetings courts andthecollection of data for LIVESCORINGu ( post-match analysis. The intuitive interface makestheresults can be made on a regular basis, the ball after ball,andallows you to track the outcome of the story of the match.Withsupport for all popular variants of the meetings and theability toselect the desired level of detail in the Set-PointMobile caneasily and quickly be adapted to personal needs.The software also allows you to view statistics on the meetingandmake a simple post-match analysis. More extensive analysisandcomparison are carried out within the,directly related to the Set-Point.plMobile.By combining these two platforms has also becomepossiblelivescoring. Simply access to the Internet to keep track ofthescore and the course of the game ball after ball in real timeonwyniki.set-point.plSet-Point Mobile include:• Intuitive operation.• Registration of the course and outcome of the meeting inrealtime.• Wide range of levels of detail.• Support for multiple variants of meetings courts.• Creating statistics.• Collecting data for livescoringu.
Tennis Edge Academy 1.2
'Tennis Edge Academy' is a new TennistrainingApp that helps players from all levels to improve anddevelop theirtechnique using an interactive 3D visualisation.The free version offers 12 strokes suitable for beginnerstointermediate players, the full app is available for a small feeandincludes advanced strokes and techniques.We provide Professional coaching, accurate motion-capturebasedperformance, and interactive control over the playback.Develop your technique, footwork and general court strategy atyourown pace.Major Features*3D visualisation showing accurate movement from any angle*Professional Tennis Instruction*Breakdown of strokes with step by step analysis*Slow motion Replay Full – Half – Quarter speed*Language selection for English, French or Spanish.Tennis Edge Academy App will improve your technique,consistencywhich will accelerate your ability and confidence as abettertennis player.This is a new way to train and nothing else exists quitelikeit!contact us: info@tennisedgeacademy.comTENNIS Edge Academy
Tennis video 1.73
Videos:* Top 10 tennis points* Funny Tennis Moments 1 HD* A Free Lesson With: Novak Djokovic* Beginner Tennis Lessons: Forehand and Backhands* Tennis Lessons for Beginning Players : How to Grip aTennisRacket* Tennis Lesson: Forehand Step 3 - Swing to Contact* Tennis Lessons: Spin* Tennis Lessons - How To Practice Your Serve* Basic Forehand Drills for Tennis* Tennis Lessons: Learn How To Hit Short Angles
Tennis Score Keeper 1.10.4
Richard L
Keeps track of the score and statistics of your tennis matches.
iNfo Tenis 1.2
Grand Slam turnuvalarına tekuygulamaileerişebilirsiniz.-Avusturalya Açık-Roland Garros-Wimbledon-Amerika Açık-World Tour Final-Davis Cup-Fed CupATP, WTA, Uluslararası Tenis Federasyonu veTürkiyeTenisFederasyonu resmi sitelerine ulaşım.Tenis oyun kuralları,Kort bilgileri,Raket alırken nelere dikkat etmelisiniz tavsiyelerimiz,Temel vuruş bilgilerive daha fazlasıGörüşleriniz bizim için önemlidir. Sizlere dahagelişmişuygulamalarsunabilmek için değerlendirme veyorumlarınızıbekliyoruz.You canaccessapplicationswith a single Grand Slam tournament.-Avusturaly Open-Roland GarrosThe -Wimbledo-American Open-world Tour Final-Davis Cup-Fed CupATP, WTA, International Tennis Federation and TennisFederationofTurkey access to the official site.Tennis game rules,Court informationOur advice to pay attention when buying a racket,Basic shot infoand moreYour feedback is important to us. Be the assessment toprovidemoreadvanced applications and look forward to yourcomments.
Tennis Score 1.95
Robot Moose
A few taps on your screen, nothing too fancy. * Tiebreakscoringon/off (last set separate) * Ad/Deuce scoring on/off * Serveorder,side changes * Super-simple operation!
Matchpoint Tenis 6.6
Matchpoint es un software gestión pensadoparatodo tipo de centros, desde polideportivos, pasando porcentrosindoor de pádel o clubes privados.Con la descarga de esta aplicación gratuita tendrás acceso anuestrocentro de referencia.Comprueba las funciones que podrás disponer si contratasnuestrosistema de gestión Matchpoint.1. Reserva de pistas.2. Actualidad del centro.3. I love to play!4. Mensajería.5. Red de amigos.6. Ranking del centro.7. Inscripción a actividades.8. Alertas del centro.9. Agenda.Si deseas tener acceso al sistema ponte en contacto con nosotrosyte proporcionaremos un usuario de demostración.Matchpoint is amanagementsoftware designed for all types of facilities, fromsports centers,through indoor paddle tennis centers or privateclubs.Downloading this free app will have access to our reference.Check the features you'll have if you hire our managementsystemMatchpoint.1. Reserve tracks.2. Update the center.3. I love to play!4. Messaging.5. Network friends.6. Ranking of the center.7. Registration activities.8. Alerts the center.9. Agenda.If you want to access the system please contact us and wewillprovide you a demo user.
Novak Djokovic Official 1.0.6
Novak Djokovic Official mobile appcontainsrichunique content segmented in four main tabs:1. Updates - with breaking & recent news, updatesfromNovak'sofficial social media accounts & EXCLUSIVE aftermatchINTERVIEWSpublished almost in real time after match ends.2. Connect - linking you with Nole4U interactive appforpostingquestions to Novak & with FanPit section forpostingyourcontent about Novak on his official web site.AlsoofferingExclusive SIGNED PHOTOS, wallpapers and more.3. Stats - latest career stats, stats vs top 10,andNovak'sschedule. UNIQUE content-> LIVE SCORES in realtime!4. Novak - with latest bio, photo and video content.
Formula TX 1.0.3
"Formula TX" is an official applicationoftheinternational men tennis tournament ATP 250St.PetersburgOpen,which will take place 16-25 September 2016 andtheinternationalwomen tennis tournament WTA PremierSt.PetersburgLadies Trophy,which will be held 5-14 February 2016.The company"Formula TX"also conducts other spectacular and popularsportevents (detailedinformation can be found on the officialwebsite).The application"Formula TX" provides all informationaboutorganized and plannedtennis tournaments carried out by thefamouscompany. Each user hasan opportunity to read the news,followlivescore and buy ticketsto worldwide sport events easily.Thefollowing events are amongthem:- International tennis tournament АТР St.Petersburg Open;- International tennis tournament WTASt.PetersburgLadiesTrophy;- Winter and summer Moscow Open;- ITF Neva Cup;- Junior tournaments "Stars begin to shine inMoscow",St.PetersburgOpen Junior and others.The application includes the following functions:- Tournaments news.- Tournament information and players.- Draws.- Order of place.- LIVESCORE.- Information on how to get to the venue.- Buy tickets.- Photogallery.- Videogallery.- Social media timeline.- Radio-podcasts and many other things.Download the application "Formula TX" and enjoy thebesttennistournaments!
TennisShorts Lite 1.0
A must have coaching tool for theseriousplayer. TennisShorts is designed to track Tennis matchesbothSingles and Doubles (full version). It allows the user tocollectstatistics in a choice of two modes, basic or detailed.Basic modetracks basic statistics that one must have in a match,from pointswon, to aces, double faults, break point conversions,unforcederrors, per set statistics, player momentum changes andmuch more.Detailed mode adds 1600+ statistics describing shots wonor lost.Users who tested this app loved its user interface and theease inwhich it helps collect such massive data related to a Tennismatch.This game-like interface makes it possible to collectper-playerstatistics when tracking not only singles matches butdoublesmatches as well. You can view and share match stats up tothe lastplay at any time during a match. If a match is suspendeddue toweather or any reason, no problem, just choose Suspend Match(fullversion) from the menu and TennisShorts will save theunfinishedmatch for you so you can resume later, when play resumes.If duringtracking you make a mistake and push the wrong button, noproblem,TennisShorts is forgiving and has unlimited Undocapability.Finally, a fun audio score announcer is built intoTennisShortsthat could be turned on/off during tracking. Thank youfor choosingTennisShorts.