Top 28 Apps Similar to MEGOGO – Кино и ТВ

Video.AZ - Смотреть онлайн 2.0
Video.AZ - Новый медийный и самыйкрупный,насегодняшний день, проект в Азербайджане.Представляет бесплатный сервис для размещения ипросмотравидео.Самые новые тенденции рынка и новинки всегдадоступны насайтеVideo.AZ.Просмотр коротких видео роликов, клипов,сериалов,мультфильмов,футбольных матчей и кинофильмов каказербайджанских,так изарубежных. Просмотр местных телеканаловон-лайн.Данный сервис позволяет публиковать пользователямсвоивидеоролики, комментировать, выставлять оценки, участвоватьвконкурсахи голосовать.Сервис пользуется популярностью из-за своей новизны нарынкеиуникальном контенте: всех азербайджанскихкинофильмов,работмолодых азербайджанских кино-режиссеров ихарактерномуместномуколориту видео роликов.Video.AZ - Newmediaandthe largest, by far, the project in Azerbaijan.It is a free service for posting and watching videos.Thenewestmarket trends and new products are always available onthewebsiteVideo.AZ.View short video clips, videos, TV shows, cartoons,moviesandfootball matches as the Azerbaijani and foreign. ViewlocalTVchannels online.This service allows users to publish their ownvideos,comment,exhibit evaluation, participate in contests andvote.Service is popular because of its novelty in the marketanduniquecontent: all Azerbaijani films, works of youngAzerbaijanifilmdirectors and distinctive local color videoclips.
youtv–онлайн TВ,160+ бесплатных каналов,TV Go,OTT 3.6.9
Platforma TV LLC
youtv – украинское онлайн ТВ для Android TV, 150+бесплатныхканалов, ЕПГ/EPG, 40+ бесплатных радио каналов, легкопопробовать370+ каналов (115 HD), ставь и смотри сразу! С youtv всебудет, какты любишь: *Бесплатные украинские TV-каналы *Каналы вотличномкачестве HD и Ultra HD на любой вкус *ТОП премиальныеканалы *ТОПфутбол и спортивные каналы *Функции: пауза эфира,перемотка иTV-архив *Удобный и понятный интерфейс *Персональныйсписокизбранных каналов *Удобный гид по программе передач*Мгновенныйпоиск по каналам Для Android телевизоров и Android TVприставокрекомендуем другую версиюприложения:Вприложении доступно 150+ каналов (в зависимости отлокации)абсолютно бесплатно и 370+ каналов любых категорий вподписках.Помни, одна подписка (одна оплата) может бытьиспользована на 5-иустройствах одновременно (TV-приставки,телевизоры, телефоны,планшеты, ПК). youtv - телевидение, как тылюбишь!
Google Play Movies & TV
Google Inc.
Google Play Movies & TV allows you towatchmovies and TV shows purchased or rented on Google Play.Watch your favorite movies and shows instantly on your Androidphoneor tablet, or on any HDTV using Chromecast. You can alsodownloadand watch from anywhere, even when you're not connected.If themovie you're looking for isn't yet offered, wishlist it andget anotification when it's available to buy or rent.
Inter TV - is an application forwatchingRussian TV channels in onlineWe are OOO "Интеркомтел" company registered in Russia.We own necessary licenses for broadcasting these channelsinuserssmartphones. (Attached)Additional information you can get in our web site:
Mediabay 3.12.5
Live TV and Radio, videos and music presented by Mediabay
IPTV 6.1.11
Watch IPTV from your Internet service provider or free liveTVchannels from any other source in the web. Features: ✔ M3U andXSPFplaylists support ✔ Playlists history ✔ Playing multicaststreamswith UDP proxy (proxy need to be installed in your LAN) ✔Grid,list or tile view of TV channels ✔ EPG support in XMLTV andJTVformats ✔ Internal and external video players ✔ ParentalcontrolAdditional features are available in Pro version: ✔ Ad free✔ Startapp on device boot option, useful for set-top boxes. ✔Auto-playlast channel option ✔ Extended playlists history This appdoesn'tcontain any built-in channels, you should have your playlistwithTV channels to use this app. For multicast streams it'srecommendedto use UDP proxy: * for Windows: download and installUDP-to-HTTPproxy from orcheck thecorresponding option while installing IP-TVPlayer * for Linux: installudpxy(,* the best solution wouldbe installing udpxy on your WLAN router,this can be done forDD-WRT ( and OpenWrt( * some WLAN routers have built-inudpxy in manufacturer'sfirmware Please join translations projectat if you want to add neworimprove existing translation.
DIVAN.TV — movies & Ukrainian TV
Mikarnial LTD
If you are tired of wasting your time searching for a realcoolmovieor a tv show, and you are sick of advertising andyouconstantly missthe latest episode of your favorite show -downloadthe DIVAN.TV appso you can watch TV online at any timeconvenientfor you! Divan TVis a new interactive TV, available onMobiledevices, PC, Chromecast,Apple TV and Smart TV of such worldgiantsas LG, Samsung, Sony,Phillips and others. Register and watchforfree your favoritemovies, cartoons, shows, news andradiostations. They are availableonline and stored in record for14days after the live. DIVAN.TVtakes care of you to get themaximumpleasure from viewing,therefore: -You will always watchhighquality videos, even on mobiledevices; - You can watchyourfavorite channels in record at anytime; - Tired ofadvertising?Rewind it without distracting from thefascinating filmplot; -Continue watching from the moment youstopped last time; -You canalso watch your favorite channels evenwhen you are abroad,becausethe app works wherever there is anInternet. And, of course,theDivanTV’s interface is easily managed.All your relativesandfriends will deal with the control of theapplication withoutanyproblems. In addition, after registration,you will receiveweeklyselections of the most "delicious" films forthe entirefamily tosee. Please note: depending on your location,the list ofavailableTV channels and videos may vary. This is causedby therequirementsof the right holders and the conditions ofthelegislation of somecountries. Full list of availabletv-channelsyou can find
Летай ТВ 3.6.3
«Летай ТВ» – это приложение, котороепревратитВаш смартфон или планшет в полноценный телевизор. Теперьвы никогдане пропустите любимую телепередачу или важный моментфутбольногоматча, а время, проведенное в дороге или очередях,пролетитнезаметно. «Летай ТВ» работает как в мобильных сетях 3G/4G,так ипо Wi-Fi.Пожалуйста помните, что использование мобильного интернетадляпросмотра ТВ, может повлечь дополнительные расходы на трафик.Этуинформацию вы можете уточнить у своего провайдерамобильногоинтернета."Fly TV" - isanapplication that turns your smartphone or tablet intoafull-fledged TV. Now you'll never miss your favorite TV show oranimportant moment of a football match, and time spent on the roadorturns, fly by. "Fly TV" works as in mobile 3G / 4G networks andonWi-Fi.Please remember that the use of the mobile Internet to watchTVand may incur additional charges on traffic. This information,youcan check with your mobile internet provider.
FainoTV - онлайн тв 4.2.1
Смотрите прямые эфиры тв каналов онлайн в вашем мобильном.Спомощьюприложения вы сможете просматривать прямые эфирыукраинскихтвканалов. В любой точке, где есть подключение Wi-Fi или3G ,LTE.Faino ТВ поддерживает технологию Google Cast с ее помощьювыможетепросматривать телеканалы каналы в используя ваштелевизорилиChrome Cast. Доступно вещание более 40 тв каналов.Списокканаловбудет постоянно расширяться, вещание лицензированонатерриторииУкраины. - Для устойчівой работы, достаточноскоростиинтернета от1Мбит - Воспользоваться, можно везде независимоотвашегоместоположения. - Для работы тв приложения,необходимосоединениеWi-fi или 3G! ТВ каналы «Новый», «СТБ», «ICTV»,«М1»,«М2», «QTV»по требованию правообладателя пока не доступныдлябесплатногопросмотра . Телеканалы ( «Украина», «НЛО TV»,«ИндигоTV», «Футбол1», «Футбол 2») к сожалению не доступныдляретрансляции в OTT.Благодаря показам рекламы выможетепросматривать некоторые твканалы бесплатно, вы можетеоплатитьподписку таким образомподдержав нас и отключить тем самымпоказрекламы в приложении. Мыпостоянно работаем над добавлениемновых иинтересных тв каналовкоторые вы сможете просмотреть онлайн внашемприложении. Если Выхотите видеть какой-то канал в нашемприложении,напишите нам, мыпостараемся добавить его в приложение.
Виват ТВ 1.17
Виват ТВ, это порталмультимедийныхразвлечений, собравший все самое нужное иинтересноетелезрителю.Тут вы найдете множество рейтинговых телеканалов, как вобычномSD-качестве, так и в HD - качестве.Мы предлагаем к просмотру до 260 телеканалов, архив 60телеканаловза 7 дней, огромный онлайн кинотеатр, а также онлайнпросмотр HDWEB-камер.При первом входу вы получите бесплатный доступ к 10-тителеканалам(4 каналов в архиве за 7 суток), 240 интернетрадиостанций ивозможность просматривать 30 HD WEB-камер.Есть платный контентВНИМАНИЕ!1. Авторизация на портале происходит по серийному номеруимас-адресу устройства. При смене прошивки серийный номерможетизмениться и ваше устройство не пустит на портал ссообщением"Доступ запрещен администрацией". В этом случае напишитена для решения проблемы.2. Для корректной работы сервиса необходим интернет-канал не менее4Мбит/c для SD-каналов и не менее 10 Мбит/сек дляHD-каналов.Просмотр возможен на смартфоне, планшете и на большомТВэкране.Наши преимущества:- качественная картинка;- быстрое переключение каналов;- списки каналов разделены на жанры;- программа передач на текущий день, неделю;- возможность составить список Избранных каналов;- архив 60-ти телеканалов за 7 дней;- техподдержка. Мы всегда на связи!;- есть Личный кабинет (баланс, текущий пакет, транзакции,лицевойсчет);- удобство платежа за услугу. Каждому устройству при первомвходеприсваивается номер лицевого счета. Оплата подписки посуточнопономеру лицевого счета в 15 000 терминалов по всехУкраине.Принимается оплата черезинтернет-эквайринг.Присоединяетесь к сообществу людей, предпочитающих отличноекачествосервиса и удобство просмотра телепередач!По вопросам технической поддержки и предложениям по улучшениюработысервиса пишите нам по адресу: илизаполнитеформу "Заявка о проблеме" из приложения(Настройки/Обратнаясвязь).Viva TV, a portalofmultimedia entertainment, to collect all the most necessaryandinteresting viewer.Here you will find a lot of rating TV channels, as intheconventional SD-quality and in HD - quality.We offer to view up to 260 channels, 60 channels archive for 7days,a huge online cinema, as well as online viewingHDWEB-cameras.The first entry you will get free access to 10 channels (4channelsin the archive up to 7 days), 240 internet radio stationsand theability to view 30 HD WEB-cameras.Is paid content!1. Log in to the portal there is the serial number and MACaddressof the device. If you change the firmware serial number canchangeand your device will not start up the portal with themessage"Access Denied administration." In this case, to solve the problem.2. For correct operation of the service requires theInternetchannel at least 4 megabits / c for SD-channels and atleast 10Mbits / sec for HD-channels. Viewing is possible on asmartphone,tablet, and TV on the big screen.Our advantages:- High-quality image;- Fast channel switching;- Channel lists are divided into genres;- Program schedule for the current day, week;- The ability to draw up a list of favorite channels;- Archive 60 channels for 7 days;- Technical support. We are always in touch !;- Have a Personal account (balance sheet, the currentbatch,transaction, personal account);- Ease of payment for the service. Each device is assigned whenyoufirst enter the account number. Payment of subscription by thedayon the account number 15 000 terminals for all Ukraine. PaymentviaInternet acquiring. the community of people who prefer excellent quality ofserviceand ease of watching TV!For technical support and suggestions for improvement of theserviceto contact us at: or fill out the form"Requesta problem" from the app (Settings / Feedback).
MX Player 1.85.10
J2 Interactive
Powerful video player with advancedhardwareacceleration and subtitle support.a) HARDWARE ACCELERATION - Hardware acceleration can be appliedtomore videos with the help of new HW+ decoder.b) MULTI-CORE DECODING - MX Player is the first Android videoplayerwhich supports multi-core decoding. Test result provedthatdual-core device's performance is up to 70% better thansingle-coredevices.c) PINCH TO ZOOM, ZOOM AND PAN - Easily zoom in and out bypinchingand swiping across the screen. Zoom and Pan is alsoavailable byoption.d) SUBTITLE GESTURES - Scroll forward/backward to movetonext/previous text, Up/down to move text up and down, Zoomin/outto change text size.e) KIDS LOCK - Keep your kids entertained without having toworrythat they can make calls or touch other apps.(pluginrequired)Subtitle formats:- DVD, DVB, SSA/ASS subtitle tracks.- SubStation Alpha(.ssa/.ass) with full styling.- SAMI(.smi) with Ruby tag support.- SubRip(.srt)- MicroDVD(.sub)- VobSub(.sub/.idx)- SubViewer2.0(.sub)- MPL2(.mpl)- TMPlayer(.txt)- Teletext- PJS(.pjs)- WebVTT(.vtt)******Permissions:––––––––––––MX Player needs permissions on the following categories:* "Access Photos/Media/Files" permission to read your allmediafiles on your storage* "Other app capabilities" for various activities likecheckingnetwork status, Streaming, controlling bluetoothdevice,controlling the touch feedbacks, blocking keys with kidlockfeature.Permission Details:–––––––––––––––––––* "READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" permission is required in order toreadyour media files in your primary & secondarystorages.* "WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" permission is required in order torenameor deletion of files and to store the downloadedsubtitles.* "ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE" and "ACCESS_WIFI_STATE" permissionsarerequired in order to get the network status which is requiredforvarious activities like license checking, updatechecking,etc.* "INTERNET" permission is required in order to playinternetstreams.* "VIBRATE" permission is required in order to controlsthevibration feedbacks.* "BLUETOOTH" permission is required in order to improve AVsyncwhen Bluetooth headset is connected.* "WAKE_LOCK" permission is required in order to prevent yourphonefrom sleeping while watching any video.* "KILL_BACKGROUND_PROCESSES" permission is required in ordertostop the MX Player services used in background play.* "DISABLE_KEYGUARD" permission is required in order totemporarilyprevent secure screen lock when Kids Lock is used.* "SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW" permission is required in order toblocksome keys when Kids Lock is used.* "DRAW OVER OTHER APPS" permission is required in order toblocksystem buttons when input blocking is activated on theplaybackscreen.******If you are facing "package file is invalid" error, please installitagain from product homepage(******If you have any questions, please visit our Facebook Page or XDAMXPlayer forum. of the screens are from the Elephants Dreams licensed undertheCreative Commons Attribution 2.5.(c) copyright 2006, Blender Foundation / Netherlands MediaArtInstitute / www.elephantsdream.orgSome of the screens are from the Big Buck Bunny licensed undertheCreative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported.(c) copyright 2008, Blender Foundation /
ProgTV Android 2.81.9
Player for watching TV and listening to radio over Internet orlocalnetwork.
Rutube 25.2.7-android
Смотрите что любите: в любое время и слюбыхустройств!Развлекательная платформа Rutube — это одинизкрупнейшихроссийских видеохостингов, на котором более10млнзарегистрированных пользователей. Насервисепредставленпремиальный контент российских ииностранныхправообладателей.СМОТРИТЕ, КАК ВАМ УДОБНО: Создавайтеподборки иколлекциипонравившихся фильмов и сериалов. Благодаряфункции«Посмотретьпозже» возвращайтесь к просмотру в любое удобноевремя.ВЫБИРАЙТЕ,ЧТО НРАВИТСЯ: – известные блогеры, – классика иновинкикино, –российские и зарубежные сериалы, –эксклюзивныеспортивныетрансляции, – мультфильмы и детские передачи,– прямыеэфирыроссийских и зарубежных телеканалов По любымвопросам,связанным смобильным приложением Rutube, пишите на
Galam TV 3.0 (9)
Kazakhstan Internet TV «GALAM TV»
Home TV
Home TV is Internet TV and Video OnDemandservice with content from leading Ukrainian and internationalTVchannels and studios. Home TV is a joint proposition byUkrainiantelecommunication operator Kyivstar and Viasat,leadinginternational television provider.Home TV is available on any digital and analog TV-sets throughTVtuner, on iOS or Android smartphones and tablets, and on PCsviaweb-interface.Home TV gives opportunity to view various content of 4devicessimultaneously: one TV and three gadgets -- each familymember canchoose his own favorite TV program or video.Home TV is available to subscribers of Home Internet servicebyKyivstar. Mobile applications will operate within Wi-Fi coverageofthe router, connected to Home Internet by Kyivstar.Home TV is available in various tariffs:• Start: over 60 top Ukrainian channels;• Comfortable: over 70 top Ukrainian channels, best channelsbyViasat and unlimited access to VOD content;• Optimal: over 90 top Ukrainian channels, Viasat channels,bestinternational channels and unlimited access to VODcontent;• Premium HD: variety of over 110 TV channels, HD channelsandunlimited access to VOD content.The application work on TV tuners and Android prefixes, whicharenot supplied with the Home TV service, is not guaranteed.Privacy Policy is on
VLC for Android
VLC media player is a free and opensourcecross-platform multimedia player that plays most multimediafilesas well as discs, devices, and network streamingprotocols.This is the port of VLC media player to the Android™ platform.VLCfor Android can play any video and audio files, as well asnetworkstreams, network shares and drives, and DVD ISOs, like thedesktopversion of VLC.VLC for Android is a full audio player, with a complete database,anequalizer and filters, playing all weird audio formats.VLC is intended for everyone, is totally free, has no ads,noin-app-purchases, no spying and is developed bypassionatevolunteers. All the source code is available forfree.Features––––––––VLC for Android™ plays most local video and audio files, as wellasnetwork streams (including adaptive streaming), DVD ISOs, likethedesktop version of VLC. It also support disk shares.All formats are supported, including MKV, MP4, AVI, MOV, Ogg,FLAC,TS, M2TS, Wv and AAC. All codecs are included with noseparatedownloads. It supports subtitles, Teletext andClosedCaptions.VLC for Android has a media library for audio and video files,andallows to browse folders directly.VLC has support for multi-track audio and subtitles. Itsupportsauto-rotation, aspect-ratio adjustments and gestures tocontrolvolume, brightness and seeking.It also includes a widget for audio control, supports audioheadsetscontrol, cover art and a complete audio medialibrary.Permissions––––––––––––VLC for Android needs access to those categories:• "Photos/Media/Files" to read your all media files :)• "Storage" to read your all media files on SD cards :)• "Other" to check network connections, change the volume, settheringtone, run on Android TV and display the popup view, seebelowfor details.Permission Details :• It needs "read the contents of your USB storage", in to ordertoread your media files on it.• It needs "modify or delete the contents of your USB storage",inorder to allow deletion of files and store subtitles.• It needs "full network access", to open network andinternetstreams.• It needs "prevent phone from sleeping" in order to prevent...yourphone from sleeping when watching a video.• It needs "change your audio settings", in order to changeaudiovolume.• It needs "modify system settings", in order to allow you tochangeyour audio ringtone.• It needs "view network connections" in order to monitorwhetherdevice is connected or not, to hide the streamingparts.• It needs "draw over other apps" to start the popup menu.• It needs "control vibration" to give feedback onthecontrols.• It needs "run at startup" to set recommendations on AndroidTVlauncher screen, only used with Android TV version.
Video player and browser 3.0.0
Watch video quickly, smartly and support online video by browser
Телеканал RU.TV 1.04
Официальное Android-приложениемузыкальноготелеканала RU.TV.Телеканал RU.TV – первый музыкальный телеканал в мире,воплотившийновый принцип вещания и использующий в своем эфиревидеоклипыисключительно на русском языке. RU.TV – это музыкапопулярных илюбимых артистов русскоязычной эстрады, эксклюзивныеновости о мирешоу-бизнеса, живое общение со зрителями, ивозможность прямогоучастия телезрителей в составлении хит-парадов иплей-листовтелеканала.Official Android-appmusicchannel RU.TV.Channel RU.TV - the first music channel in the world, embodied anewprinciple of broadcasting and use in their videos liveexclusivelyin Russian. RU.TV - it's music popular and belovedartists of theRussian-language pop, exclusive news about the worldof showbusiness, live communication with the audience, and thepossibilityof direct participation of viewers in the drafting ofthe charts andplaylists channel.
Google Inc.
Get the official YouTube app for Androidphonesand tablets. See what the world is watching -- from thehottestmusic videos to what’s trending in gaming, entertainment,news, andmore. Subscribe to channels you love, share with friends,and watchon any device.With a new design, you can have fun exploring videos you lovemoreeasily and quickly than before. Just tap an icon or swipe toswitchbetween recommended videos, your subscriptions, or youraccount.You can also subscribe to your favorite channels, createplaylists,edit and upload videos, express yourself with comments orshares,cast a video to your TV, and more – all from inside theapp.FIND VIDEOS YOU LOVE FAST• Browse personal recommendations on the Home tab• See the latest from your favorite channels on theSubscriptionstab• Look up videos you’ve watched and liked on the Account tabCONNECT AND SHARE• Let people know how you feel with likes, comments,andshares• Upload and edit your own videos with filters and music –allinside the app
Tubio - Cast Web Videos to TV 3.36
AE Software Ltd.
The easiest way to stream online video & music to SmartTV,Chromecast, Airplay!
VXG IPTV Player 1.3.9
VXG Inc.
This application is based on VXG PlayerSDK-, you will need to input channels list(m3uplaylist) that youcan get from your provider or find afreechannels list in the web.Please, visit Youcanplaceyour playlist: 1) On a web server (Dropbox public link isoneofthe options) and specify its URL in the application 2)Onthedevice storage and select file in the file manager Features:✔OTTclient ✔ IPTV client ✔ Network Protocols: HLS, MMS, RTMP,RTSP,TSby UDP ✔ Recording of live streams ✔ M3U ✔ List viewcontrolandthumbnails for live streams ✔ Replay function on HLSstreams✔HTTPS and encrypted streams support ✔ Digital zoomandpictureshifting mode This application is based on VXG PlayerSDK.This SDKsupports all major network protocols and multimediacodecs,testedand tuned for all major Android hardware platforms andhasover 1M+users! Our SDK is designed to help our clients createvaluewithmobile video playback. With our wide range of featuresandpowerfultools you’ll quickly expand your audience,generaterevenue, andcreate more effective digital communications.It hasjust all youneed for your Mobile video playback solution!Buildyour own MediaPlayer within hours using our SDK! VXG PlayerSDKfeatures : •Hardware acceleration – a new hardwareaccelerateddecoder for HDvideo • Multi-core decoding - support ofthe multipleprocessorcores for decoding • Multi-channel support-simultaneousconnection to multiple resources or multiplevideodecoding • Videointegration with any Activity - basedonSurfaceView and can beintegrated with any Activity • Hardwarepreand post processing –hardware de-interlacing and various preandpost processing usingOpenGL shaders • Custom andstandardnotifications - notifiesapplication about connection,disconnectionand other events,possibility to add custom event•Multicast/Unicast UDP streamplayback For more info pleasereferto Visit our pageonFacebook: Pleasedon'thesitate tocontact us at if youmeet anyproblem.
video player for android
play all video format
Kodi 20.2
XBMC Foundation
Kodi® media center is anaward-winningfree and open source cross-platform software mediaplayer andentertainment hub for digital media for HTPCs (Hometheater PCs).It uses a 10-foot user interface designed to be amedia player forthe living-room, using a remote control as theprimary inputdevice. Its graphical user interface (GUI) allows theuser toeasily browse and view videos, photos, podcasts, and musicfrom aharddrive, optical disc, local network, and the internetusing onlya few buttons.IMPORTANT:The official Kodi version does not contain any content what soever.This means that you should provide your own content from alocal orremote storage location, DVD, Blu-Ray or any other mediacarrierthat you own. Additionally Kodi allows you to installthird-partyplugins that may provide access to content that isfreely availableon the official content provider website. Anyother means ofwatching illegal content which would otherwise bepaid for is notendorsed or approved by Team Kodi.Estuary is the new standard skin and is designed to befastand user friendly.With the skin Estouchy, Kodi has now been enhanced tobetterwork with larger 5" or up phones and tablets. Kodi is notdesignedor recommended for use with smaller phones.Disclaimer:- Kodi does not supply or include any media or content.- Users must provide their own content or install one of thethirdparty plug-ins- Kodi has no affiliation with any third-part plug-in oradd-onprovider what so ever.- We do not endorse the streaming of copyrightprotectedmaterial without permission of the copyright holder.- In order to upgrade from a previous version you musthaveinstalled an official released version by Team Kodi. Anyotherversion may cause failure to upgrade.License and development:Kodi® is a trademark of the XBMC Foundation. For further detailsyoucan visit® is fully Open-Source and released under the GPLv2.0+license.It includes many third-party libraries which usecompatiblelicenses. Due to the inclusion of some GPLv3.0 librariesthe entireapplication becomes GPLv3.0 as binary.Should you wish to help on future development you can do sobyvisiting our forum for further questions.
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You get full access to free channels within your IPTV provider
Best new movies online films 4.0
The app online movie premieres is anewapplication for your cell phone from which you can see instreamingthe best reviewed films that are released in theaters thisyear.You now have a new way to see the official hd trailers ofupcomingmovies, information and synopsis. The new movie premieresapp whereyou can watch the latest movie releases online and thelatest inmovie listings.Very intuitive and fun movie this application provides a guidewitha list of the best films you can see in movie theaters inyourcity. Now you can check streaming new developments of the filmstobe released next year, you can watch the trailers in fullHDmovies, browsing sections and see who are the directorsandprotagonists of your online movies.An online movie app has an easy interface that is perfect tokeepabreast of all the film premieres of the week from the screenofyour cell phone android. You can see a list of movies onlineonlineaccess to their technical specifications, directors,actors,actresses and trailers hd. You also have access toinformation ofthe new 2016 movies that are already on DVD orblu-ray full hdstreaming.The new guide film with a list of movies to see yourinformationthen you will see in theaters in your city nearest whereyou canfind details of the new films, the latest in billboard andtheprogress of new movies 2017 we will see in the moviesAnapplication that is synchronized in real time with thenewinformation online movies, all from your mobile phoneandstreaming.This app film is a good guide of movies from which you haveaccessto a list of new releases in theaters. We advise wificonnectionfor proper display of the content and youtube videos thatareaccessible through the Internet and sites like youtube.Discoverall the information film premiere!!!
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Europa Plus TV - Music TV-channel, music videos, news, celebrities
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The Interactive Streaming Internet-Television Service"PlanetaOnline" with VOD.
TiVi - Online Streaming TV 1.0
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