Top 21 Apps Similar to Silabario

Aprender a Leer y Escribir 16
Learn to read and write the letters and numbers with calligraphy.
Silabario Lite 1.3
Help your children learn to read in Spanish!As they play, get used to associate sounds of letters,syllablesand words with signs written in both uppercase andlowercase. Eachof the subjects is accompanied by colorful graphicsand appealingmusic for children.This version contains the first five learning themes. Ifyoulike, you can purchase the full version with more than twentyfivesubjects.
Inspirada en la filosofía de"GlennDoman",cadadía más usada en el aprendizaje de lalectura,estaaplicaciónayudara a aprender a leer o incluso a hablara los niñosdesde 0años.La asociación de "bits" palabras con su sonido y la imagenhacenqueel proceso de aprendizaje sea más fácil y divertido.Al asociar las palabras a un entorno también seayudaarecordarlas,así ésta aplicación está diseñada paraquerecuerdengrupos de palabras.Cuenta con una pantalla de repaso donde los niñospodráncomprobarsus logros y así se sentirán motivadosparaseguiraprendiendo.Inspired bythephilosophyof "Glenn Doman", increasingly used in learning toread,thisapplication will help you learn to read or even talktochildrenfrom 0 years.The association of "bits" words with their sound and imagemakethelearning process easier and fun.By associating the words to an environment also helps toremember,sothis application is designed to remember groups ofwords.It has a review screen where children can checktheirachievementsand thus be motivated to keep learning.
Curso 3 Aprender a Leer
Aprender a Leer. Curso Completo de LecturaenEspañolAplicación App para Smartphones y Tablets para aprender a leerconel método fotosilábico en Español.CURSO DE LECTURA COMPLETO (12 Cartillas)El Curso de Lectura completo consta de más de 2.200 ejerciciosdelectura distribuidos en 12 CartillasPuede adquirir las cartillas individualmente o la VERSIÓNCOMPLETAque incluye las 12 cartillas.Misión: Aprender a LeerFacilitar el aprendizaje y gusto por la lectura en niñosqueaprenden a leer, utilizando una herramienta que les haráaprender aleer jugandoDescripción:Los niños poseen una capacidad impresionanteparaaprender. Proponles, a modo de juego, que utilicen la aplicación unosminutosal día. Sin obligarlos, ni cansarlos: es fundamental que loveancomo un juego.Ni te imaginas lo que tus hijos pueden hacer. Te sorprenderás!!!GarantizadoDesde los 3 años o antesEl Método Fotosilábico consiste en asociar los elementos básicosdellenguaje escrito: Símbolos (letras y sílabas),Jeroglíficos(representación gráfica de los símbolos) ySonidos.Mi Cartilla, aglutina estos tres elementos en una aplicaciónconjuegos y pequeños puzzles para que tus hijos aprendan a leercomosi se tratara de un juego.Todo lo necesario para introducir la lectura en los niños conunmétodo interactivo, a modo de juego. Se sorprenderá conlosresultados.CARTILLA 3 (105 Ejercicios)C.1: Presentación na,ne,ni,no,nuC.2: Jugando con na,ne,ni,no,nuC.3: LeyendoC.4: ConstruyendoConsulte la CARTILLA COMPLETA para más información sobreelcontenido del resto de cartillasLearning to Read.FullCourse Reading in SpanishApplication for Smartphones and Tablets App for learning to readinSpanish fotosilábico method.READ FULL COURSE (12 Booklets)The full Reading Course consists of over 2,200 readingexercisesacross 12 bookletsPrimers can purchase individually or the FULL VERSION containingthe12 primers.Mission: Learning to ReadFacilitate learning and love of reading in children learningtoread, using a tool that will make learning to read playingDescription:Children have an amazing capacity to learn.Proponles, as a game, using the application a few minutes a day.Noforce, no weary: it is essential to be seen as a game.You can not imagine what your kids can do. You will besurprised!GuaranteedFrom 3 years or soonerThe method consists in associating Fotosilábico basic elementsofwritten language: symbols (letters and syllables),Hieroglyphics(graphic symbols) and Sounds.Mi Primer, brings these three items in an application withsmallgames and puzzles for your children to learn to read as if itwerea game.Everything you need to introduce reading in children withaninteractive approach to gameplay. You will be amazed withtheresults.PRIMER 3 (105 Exercises)C.1: Presentation na, ne, ni, no, nuC.2: Playing with na, ne, ni, no, nuC.3: ReadingC.4: BuildingSee COMPLETE PRIMER for more information about the content ofotherprimers
Silabario Capitán Mono 1 1.2
Talia A. Holz
Juego para aprender a leer yescribir.Con“Capitán Mono, Tomo I” tu hijo(a) descubre y conoceelabecedariode la manera más lúdica y divertida posible.Asimilasonidos,palabras, fonética y todo lo requerido para aprendera leeryescribir.Practica con el primer y único teclado para niños, elcualmotivael aprendizaje de una manera 100% divertida para que elniñoo niñapueda practicar escribiendo múltiples palabras. Seenseñanlasletras en el lugar que realmente ocupan en el teclado yconaccionesentretenidas que motivan al niño(a) a seguirjugando.Aprende el abecedario a la vez que practicas con el teclado.100% recomendado para reforzar el aprendizajemedianteeljuego.Incluye las letras: a, e, i, o ,u, m, l, ll, p, pl y d.Game to learn toreadandwrite. With "Captain Mono, Volume I" your child (a)discoversandknows the alphabet of the most playful and funaspossible.Assimilated sounds, words, phonics, andeverythingrequired tolearn to read and write.Practice with the first and only keyboard forchildren,whichencourages learning in a 100% fun so your childcanpracticewriting multiple words. Letters in place thatactuallyoccupy onthe keyboard and entertaining actions thatmotivate thechild (a)to continue playing are taught.Learn the alphabet while you practice with the keyboard.100% recommended to reinforce learning through play.Includes letters: a, e, i, o, u, m, l, ll, p, p and d.
Separador de sílabas 1.0
Separa una palabra en sílabas yentregalacantidad de sílabas de esta.Separatewordintosyllables and delivers the number of syllables ofthis.
ABC Words for Kids Flashcards 1.01
Children love to learn alphabet withfunnyflashcards. For each ABC letter there is word that starts withthisletter and beautiful wallpaper flash card. Best free appforpreschool education. Toddlers study with fun. A lot ofanimalsflashcards. A great way to learn to recognize letters,numbers,colors, and shapes. Kids Preschool ABC Letters.Features:- install to SD card- sounds of letters (26 letters of English alphabet)- animal flashcards for babies- each ABC letter has word with picture- education app for kids- alphabet soundboard- human voice for each Alphabet character- helps child pronounce letters- phonics games for kids- best interface for toddlers- help mothers, fathers, parents, nurses, sisters to studyalphabetwith kids- could be used in nursery, kindergarten, pre-school,school,university- alphabet for toddlers- alphabet sounds- letters sounds- numbers for preschoolers- letters for pictures- letters for kids- abc family app- abc player- abc tv- alphabet tracing- alphabet games- sounds of letters- alphabet song- letters and numbers- letterschool- phonics for kids- phonics awareness- phonetic alphabetKids will be able:- Learn Letter Sounds- Build Letter Blocks- Pop Letter Bubbles- Make wordsEach flash card is highly illustrated and an animatedpictureflashes up with the associated word and sound. Alphabetflash cardshelp children develop memory and listening skills.Children willget to know phonics and be able to connect lettersounds withobjects, for example: A is for Apple.An alphabet is a standard set of letters which is used towriteone or more languages based on the general principle thattheletters represent phonemes of the spoken language. This isincontrast to other types of writing systems, such aslogographies,in which each character represents a word, morpheme orsemanticunit, and syllabaries, in which each character representsasyllable.A true alphabet has letters for the vowels of a language as wellasthe consonants. The first "true alphabet" in this sense isbelievedto be the Greek alphabet, which is a modified form ofthePhoenician alphabet. In other types of alphabet either thevowelsare not indicated at all, as was the case in thePhoenicianalphabet, or else the vowels are shown by diacriticsormodification of consonants, as in the devanagari used in IndiaandNepal.The modern English alphabet is a Latin alphabet consisting of26letters – the same letters that are found in the basicLatinalphabet:Majuscule forms (also called uppercase or capital letters)A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y ZThe exact shape of printed letters varies depending on thetypeface.The shape of handwritten letters can differ significantlyfrom thestandard printed form (and between individuals),especially whenwritten in cursive style.Written English uses a number of digraphs, such as ch, sh, th,wh,qu, etc., but they are not considered separate letters ofthealphabet. Some traditions also use two ligatures, æ and œ,orconsider the ampersand (&) part of the alphabet.The names of the letters are rarely spelled out, except when usedinderivations or compound words, derived forms , pronunciationofcertain acronyms , and in the names of objects named afterletters.The letters A, E, I, O, and U are considered vowel letters,sincethey represent vowels; the remaining letters areconsideredconsonant letters, since when not silent they generallyrepresentconsonants. However, Y commonly represents vowels as wellas aconsonant, as very rarely does W. Conversely, Usometimesrepresents a consonant.The letter most frequently used in English is E. Theleastfrequently used letter is Z.
Learn to Read Spanish
Learning to Read in Spanish. FullCourseReading in Spanish Application for Smartphones andTabletsApp for learn to read in Spanish.READ FULL COURSE (12 Booklets):The full Reading Course consists of over 2,200 readingexercisesacross 12 bookletsTHIS VERSION can purchase containing the 12 primers orprimersindividually.Mission: Learn to Read in SpanishFacilitate learning and love of reading in children learningtoread, using a tool that will make learning to read playingDescription: Children have an amazing capacity to learn. Usingtheapplication a few minutes a day. No force, no weary: itisessential to be seen as a game. You can not imagine what yourkidscan do. You will be surprised! guaranteedFrom 3 years or soonerThe method consists in associating basic elements ofwrittenlanguage: symbols (letters and syllables), Hieroglyphics(graphicsymbols) and Sounds.Everything you need to introduce reading in children withaninteractive approach to gameplay. You will be amazed withtheresults.Fonts for children (Kindergarten)PRIMER 1 ( 120 Exercises )C.1 : Presenting a, e, i , o, uC.2 : Presentation ma , me, mi , mo , muC.3 : ReadingC.4 : BuildingPRIMER 2 ( 105 Exercises )C.1 : Presentation ta , te , ti , to, tuC.2 : Playing with ta , te , ti , to, tuC.3 : ReadingC.4 : BuildingPRIMER 3 ( 105 Exercises )C.1 : Presentation na , ne , ni, no, nuC.2 : Playing with na , ne , ni, no, nuC.3 : ReadingC.4 : BuildingPRIMER 4 ( 105 Exercises )C.1 : Presentation pa , pe , pi , po, puC.2 : Playing with pa , pe , pi , po, puC.3 : ReadingC.4 : BuildingPRIMER 5 ( 105 Exercises )C.1 : Presentation syllable isC.2 : Introducing la , le, li, lo, luC.3 : la , le, li, lo, luC.4 : ReadingC.5 : BuildingPRIMER 6 ( 115 Exercises )C.1 : Presentation syllable elC.2 : Presentation da, de , di , do, duC.3 : Playing with da, de , di , do, duC.4 : ReadingC.5 : BuildingPRIMER 7 ( 220 Exercises )C.1 : Presentation sa , se, si, so , suC.2 : Playing with sa , se, si, so , suC.3 : ReadingC.4 : BuildingC.5 : Presentation ra , re, ri , ro , ruC.6 : Playing with ra , re, ri , ro , ruC.7 : ReadingC.8 : BuildingPRIMER 8 ( 225 Exercises )C.1 : Presentation syllableC.2 : Presentation va , ve, vi , vo , vuC.3 : Playing with va , ve, vi , vo , vuC.4 : ReadingC.5 : BuildingC.6 : Presentation ba, be , bi, bo, buC.7 : Playing with ba, be , bi, bo, buC.8 : ReadingC.9 : BuildingPRIMER 9 ( 230 Exercises )C.1 : Presentation za , ce, ci, zo , zuC.2 : Playing with za , ce, ci, zo , zuC.3 : ReadingC.4 : BuildingC.5 : Presentation ja , je , ge, ji , gi, jo , juC.6 : Playing with ja , je , ge, ji , gi, jo , juC.7 : ReadingC.8 : BuildingPRIMER 10 ( 220 Exercises )C.1 : Presentation ga , gue, gui , go, guC.2 : Playing with ga , gue, gui , go, guC.3 : ReadingC.4 : BuildingC.5 : Presentation ca , que , qui, co , cuC.6 : Playing with ca , que , qui, co , cuC.7 : ReadingC.8 : BuildingPRIMER 11 ( 325 Exercises )C.1 : Presentation fa , fe , fi, fo, fuC.2 : Playing with fa , fe, fi, fo, fuC.3 : ReadingC.4 : BuildingC.5 : Presentation lla , lle , lli , llo , lluC.6 : Playing with lla , lle , lli , llo , lluC.7 : ReadingC.8 : BuildingC.9 : Presentation ya, ye , yi , yo, yuC.10 : Playing with ya, ye , yi , yo, yuC.11 : ReadingC.12 : BuildingPRIMER 12 ( 390 Exercises )C.1 : Presentation ha, he, hi , ho, huC.2 : Playing ha, he, hi , ho, huC.3 : ReadingC.4 : BuildingC.5 : Presentation cha , che, chi, cho, chuC.6 : Playing with cha , che, chi, cho, chuC.7 : ReadingC.8 : BuildingC.9 : Presentation ña , ñe , ñi , ño, ñuC.10 : Playing with ña , ñe , ñi , no, ñuC.11 : Presentation xa , xe , xi , xo , xuC.12 : Playing with xa , xe , xi , xo , xuC.13 : ReadingC.14 : Building
Word Domino - Letter games 2.7
Fun word game for the whole family
Kids Learn Alphabet in Spanish 1.3
Follow us on our Facebook Page"AplicacionesEducativas para Infantil y Primaria"Educational App for Kids "Learning the Alphabet, thesyllablesand vowels in Spanish for Kids" includes:- All letters of the alphabet, all syllables and wordsandphrases with many audio included in Spanish- 29 boards to practice writing each letter in both uppercaseandlowercase- A total of 408 Spanish audios- 195 audios in Spanish to learn the whole alphabet andallsyllables- 141 words with audio included in Spanish for children topracticereading- 72 phrases with audio included in Spanish- FULLY IN SPANISH- NO ADVERTISING- NO SHOPPING IN THE APPLICATION- Intuitive and nice designImawow Games: www.imawow.comFacebook Imawow Games: Plus Imawow Games: Imawow Games: you liked appreciates and shares the application,thanks:)
Separar en sílabas 2.6.5
Separate into syllables any word in Spanish, does not requiredataconnection.
Spanish easy 1.9.8
natsamar APP
Free for a limited time. New to Android! Tablet-optimized UI !
Learn to read Spanish
Educaplanet S.L.
Learn to read Spanish and write the alphabet.
Learn How to Read and Write 3.0.1
Learn how to read and write letters, numbers, syllablesandalphabet!
ABC Preschool Sight Words 1.4.1
Helps toddlers and preschool children to learn theEnglishalphabetand over 100 easy words in a fun and interactivepuzzlethemedenvironment. Kids will learn the name of each letter aswellthephonetic sound that it makes then interactively playwithobjectsthat start with that letter. Now with bonus memorybuildingandmath flashcard games. From the award winningdeveloperofchildren`s fun and educational early learning software.Thereare130 English words to learn and each word is pronounced byanativespeaker. Each word is presented as a cute cartoonstylepicturethat needs to be placed in the matching shaped hole ontheboard toreveal its sound. This App helps very young childrentodeveloptheir hand eye coordination, shape recognition andpuzzlesolvingskills in a fun and interactive environment. It`s auniqueearlylearning game with realistic sounds and highresolutionqualitycartoon style pictures which toddlers,preschoolers,andkindergarten age children will enjoy. ABC PreschoolSightWordPuzzle Shapes is different to other early learningeducationalappsbecause it has: • high quality cartoon style imagesthat lookgreaton modern High Definition (HD) and retina displays ofbothtabletsand smart phones • authentic and funny sound effectsforevery wordbeing learnt • written name and clear pronunciationofeach wordfrom a native English speaker • intuitive drag anddropinterfacethat`s easy for little fingers to master • covers allthelettersin the English alphabet from A to Z, their phoneticsoundand 130example words for practise • increasing difficulty asyourchildprogresses from simple dragging of a shape in the easyleveltomulti-shape drag and drop in the hard level • no advertising•agreat introduction to the English alphabet and simpleEnglishwordsfor non-English speakers. • bonus find the pairsmemorybuilder andmaths games that teach addition and subtractionofnumbers from 1to 20. The buttons and controls can be configuredtosupport any ofthe following languages: English, German,French,Chinese,Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Spanish, Arabic,Russian,Italian,Persian, Turkish, Polish, Indonesian,Vietnamese,Romanian,Swedish, Thai, Norwegian, Malay, Greek,Finnish, Dutch andDanish.(Note: Word and letter pronunciation isonly available inEnglish)ABC Preschool Sight Word Puzzle Shapescomes with aselection offree letters that can be easily upgradedthrough asingle low costin-app purchase to enable all letterpuzzles. Byupgrading from thefree app to the full version you’llalso beentitled to alladditional words and features added infuturereleases. Puzzlegames have traditionally been a fun andearlyeducation learningtool for tots, toddlers,preschoolers,kindergarten, and earlyschool age children and are astimulatinggame for girls and anexciting game for boys. • 2 yearold and 3year old children canpractice their hand eye coordinationand shapematching skills asthey progress through the letters oneach levelas well asexploring the word sounds • 4 year old and 5year oldkids canlearn to read, write and pronounce the word namesoncompletion ofevery puzzle (NB: English language only) We hopeyouand yourchildren enjoy playing what we believe is one ofbestearlyeducation games for toddlers and preschoolers. Pleasealsocheckout our other puzzle games and acclaimed kids educationalappsat or follow us on Facebook forthescoopon new app releases and freegiveawaysat
ICT-AAC Slovarica 1.4
The application helps children to learnvisualsymbols and new phonological forms. Such paired visual andauditorysymbols in this group of children encourage, maintain andimproveearly literacy skills necessary for reading and writing.Theapplication contains a basic set of symbols, while each usercancreate their symbols using photos or images.
Syllables 2.3
Learn reading syllables with the Memory Game. Syllables aresounded.
Syllabifier TIP. Separate syllables in Spanish 3.1º
It separates into syllables all Spanish words and remarksthestressed syllable. It takes into account the general rulesofhyphenation, sequence of consonants, diphthongs,triphthongs,hiatuses, the letter 'h', the prefixes and the suffix-mente andmore. Syllabifier-TIP is an application which performsthesyllabification of any Spanish word. Syllabifier-TIP usesaseparator of syllables based on orthographic criteria whichiscomplemented with a morphological analysis tool and a databaseoflexical-semantics relationships in order to perform“intelligent”division by components, looking at first for theexistence of theword and then for the presence of affixes that caninfluence thesyllabification. The morphological tool recognizesmore than 4millions of words. The database of lexical-semanticskeeps overeighty thousand relationships. This application is usefulto learnto separate a word into syllables, helps the pronunciationof wordsin Spanish. Syllabifier-TIP is aware of the generalhyphenationrules available at the sources listed below: ☆NGLE-RAE-2009. Nuevagramática de la lengua española. Espasa Calpe(2009) ☆DPD-RAE-2005. Diccionario panhispánico de dudas de la RealAcademiaEspañola - 1ª edición (2005) ☆ Ortografía de la LenguaEspañola,edición revisada por las Academias de la Lengua Españolaypublicada por la Real Academia Española (1999). OnFacebook: TIP -Text& Information Processing Department of Information andSystemsUniversity of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
Aprender a Leer
Aprender a Leer es la aplicación ideal paraquelos niños de primaria aprendan a leer, conocer el abecedarioyaprender fácilmente y de una forma divertida en su educacionlagramática.La lectura no es un juego pero tus hijos podrán aprender a leerdemanera entretenida e interactiva con Aprender a Leer.Consta de cuatro apartados para educar a los niños en el mundo delalectura:- Introducción a la Lectura, donde se educa la construcción delassílabas para aprender a leer.- Vocabulario. Con distintas secciones que seiráncompletando:Aprender a leer como se escriben los diferentes Animales,Aprender a leer como se escriben las Prendas de vestir,Aprender a leer como se escriben las Formas,Aprender a leer como se escriben los Instrumentos musicales,etc.- Reglas ortográficas. Una herramienta necesaria en laeducacionpara aprender a leer y escribir de manera eficaz.Gracias de antemano del equipo C&C - Carrión CastilloLearn to Read is theidealmedium for primary school children learn to readapplication,knowing the alphabet and easy and a fun way to learngrammar intheir education.Reading is not a game but your children can learn toreadentertaining and interactive way to learn to read.It consists of four sections to educate children in the worldofreading:- Introduction to Reading, where the construction of thesyllablesare trained to learn to read.- Vocabulary. With different sections will be completed:Learning to read as different Animals are written,Learning to read as written Clothing,Learning to read and Forms are written,Learning to read like musical instruments are written,etc.- Spelling rules. A necessary tool in education for learning toreadand write effectively.Thanks in advance team C & C - Carrion Castillo