2.3 / May 31, 2015
(5.0/5) (6)







Wisdom cloudhousekeeper,build community exclusive APP, convenient living ameans to expand

Just download the APP, the phone can receive the parcel tothegovernment notification message, enter the mobile phone gasmeter,community shopping, information inquiry service near home,eat,drink stores all in your hands.

Feedback wisdom cloud community residents, as long as theshowspecial exclusive membership card to store consumer, you canenjoyconcessions.
Soon join the ranks of the wisdom of the cloud communityhousekeeperwisdom:) http://www.happycloud.com.tw

National Taiwan University in Taipei Wenshan margin of 2building154, stone exterior, window Four Seasons style, backyardkm sea of​​trees, accompanied by NTU, Taiwan University ofTechnology NormalUniversity; wind, the sound of water, readingsound. Guardian hasshade trees and flowers and greenery landscape,providing tenants acomfortable home environment Yoho.

[This system is compatible with android4.0 or later, such astheoperating system is incompatible who can toURL:www.happycloud.com.tw login web version]


KnowHow Design Meer...

社區雲管家 4.1.92 APK
KnowHow Design
智慧社區雲管家,完美服務您的家Where Happiness Is Available at Your Fingertips!誕生於2013年的「社區雲管家」是一個讓您 “Happy” 的生活服務App。當社區生活、智慧行動裝置成為趨勢,讓“幸福隨手可得,便利就在指尖”已不是夢想。社區雲管家透過多項專利服務,讓您的社區生活更智慧,更happy。您只要下載專屬社區雲管家APP,社區的每位家庭成員即可掌握智慧勤務、社區公告、推播專區、瓦斯登記、公設預約、留言板、鄰里互助、租售專區、好康商城、處方宅配,還有貼心的信用卡繳費等多元服務。此外,只要出示專屬VIP卡就近社區週邊特約店家消費,還可享有優惠好康或到店集點好禮。歡迎來電:(02)2751-0076。全省都備有專人為您社區解說及服務。趕快下載,加入智慧雲管家智慧社區行列 http://www.happycloud.com.tw【本系統相容於android4.0以上版本,如作業系統不相容者,亦可至網址:http://www.happycloud.com.tw登入web版】
翔譽雙子星 2.3 APK
KnowHow Design
智慧雲管家,打造社區專屬APP,便利生活一指展開只要下載APP,手機上即可收到郵寄包裹到府通知訊息、手機上輸入瓦斯表、APP購物、查詢居家附近服務資訊,吃喝玩樂店家全在你手中.回饋智慧雲社區住戶,只要出示專屬會員卡於特約店家消費,即可享有優惠。快加入智慧雲管家智慧社區行列:)http://www.happycloud.com.tw建案戶數228戶,社區面積約662.88坪,公共設施比例33%。鄰近新莊線菜寮站及三重站【本系統相容於android4.0以上版本,如作業系統不相容者,亦可至網址:http://www.happycloud.com.tw登入web版】Wisdomcloud housekeeper, build community exclusive APP, convenient livinga means to expandJust download the APP, the phone can receive the parcel to thegovernment notification message, enter the gas meter on the phone,APP shopping, information inquiry service near home, eat, drinkstores all in your hands.Feedback wisdom cloud community residents, as long as the showspecial exclusive membership card to store consumer, you can enjoyconcessions.Soon join the ranks of the wisdom of the cloud communityhousekeeper wisdom:) http://www.happycloud.com.tw228 households to build the case, the community area of ​​about662.88 Ping, the proportion of 33% of public facilities.Tsailiao near Xinzhuang Line stations and triple stations[This system is compatible with android4.0 or later, such as theoperating system is incompatible who can to URL: http://www.happycloud.com.tw login web version]
翡冷翠 2.3 APK
KnowHow Design
智慧雲管家,打造社區專屬APP,便利生活一指展開只要下載APP,手機上即可收到郵寄包裹到府通知訊息、手機上輸入瓦斯表、APP購物、查詢居家附近服務資訊,吃喝玩樂店家全在你手中.回饋智慧雲社區住戶,只要出示專屬會員卡於特約店家消費,即可享有優惠。快加入智慧雲管家智慧社區行列:)http://www.happycloud.com.tw位於新北市北大特區內,近桃子腳完全中學與森林公園。規劃純4房,坪數68、76坪,最大可合併至152坪,採少見的歐式列柱、圓頂造型。北大特區聯外交通主要仰賴北二高的三鶯交流道,約5~10分鐘車程可達,可搭乘遠雄社區聯營巴士前往捷運永寧站,車程約15分鐘。分為A~D共4棟,單層規劃4戶,戶戶3面採光,單層樓高3.5米,其中,A1、A2、B1、B2棟正對學勤路。基地面積3568坪,大廳挑高12米,1~2樓規劃豐富休閒設施,包括健身房、韻律教室、游泳池、圖書室及泡湯區,3樓以上為住家,分A~D共4棟,單層規劃4戶,戶戶3面採光,各棟之間至少11米棟距,與鄰房至少21米棟距,1~2樓外觀採用石材,4面均作正面處理。【本系統相容於android4.0以上版本,如作業系統不相容者,亦可至網址:http://www.happycloud.com.tw登入web版】Wisdom cloud housekeeper,build community exclusive APP, convenient living a means toexpandJust download the APP, the phone can receive the parcel to thegovernment notification message, enter the gas meter on the phone,APP shopping, information inquiry service near home, eat, drinkstores all in your hands.Feedback wisdom cloud community residents, as long as the showspecial exclusive membership card to store consumer, you can enjoyconcessions.Soon join the ranks of the wisdom of the cloud communityhousekeeper wisdom:) http://www.happycloud.com.twNew Taipei City is located in the North, DC, near the footcompletely peaches and Forest Park High School. Planning pure 4bedrooms, number 68, 76, Ping Ping, the largest merger to 152floors, mining rare European colonnade, the dome shape.Peking University, DC United external transport mainly rely on thethree Orioles Second Northern Freeway interchange, about 5 to 10minutes drive to the center, you can take the bus to the Far GloryCommunity associates Yongning MRT station, drive about 15minutes.Divided into a total of four A ~ D, single planning four, householdthree surface light, single-storey 3.5 meters, which, A1, A2, B1,B2, Building is on Xueqin road.3568 Ping base area, the hall ceiling 12 meters, 1 to 2 floor planrich leisure facilities including a gym, aerobics room, swimmingpool, library and bathing area, above the third floor of the home,points A ~ D total of four, single Plan 4, 3 sides householdlighting, at least 11 meters between the Dong Dong Ju, at least 21meters and house nearby Dong Ju, 1 to 2 floor appearance of stone,four faces are treated as positive.[This system is compatible with android4.0 or later, such as theoperating system is incompatible who can to URL: http://www.happycloud.com.tw login web version]
竹城朝日 2.3 APK
KnowHow Design
智慧雲管家,打造社區專屬APP,便利生活一指展開.只要下載APP,手機上即可收到郵寄包裹到府通知訊息、手機上輸入瓦斯表、社區購物、查詢居家附近服務資訊,吃喝玩樂店家全在你手中.回饋智慧雲社區住戶,只要出示專屬會員卡於特約店家消費,即可享有優惠。快加入智慧雲管家智慧社區行列:)http://www.happycloud.com.tw竹城朝日位於上南崁黃金地段,高樓層採光通風戶,生活機能完善,附近有醫院,戶政事務所,警察局,區公所,衛生所生活超方便。【本系統相容於android4.0以上版本,如作業系統不相容者,亦可至網址:www.happycloud.com.tw登入web版】Wisdom cloud housekeeper,build community dedicated APP, convenient to start living a finger.Just download the APP, the phone can receive the parcel to thegovernment notification message, enter the mobile phone gas meter,community shopping, information inquiry service near home, eat,drink stores all in your hands.Feedback wisdom cloud community residents, as long as thespecial show exclusive membership card at the store consumer, youcan enjoy the offer.Soon join the ranks of the wisdom of the cloud housekeeperintelligence community :) http://www.happycloud.com.twBamboo Town is located on the Nankan Asahi prime, high-floorlight and ventilation households, live performance improvement,there is a hospital nearby, household registration office, policestations, district offices, clinics life super easy.[The system is compatible with android4.0 or later, such as theoperating system is incompatible who can to URL:www.happycloud.com.tw login web version]
太子國際村 2.3 APK
KnowHow Design
智慧雲管家,打造社區專屬APP,便利生活一指展開.只要下載APP,手機上即可收到郵寄包裹到府通知訊息、手機上輸入瓦斯表、社區購物、查詢居家附近服務資訊,吃喝玩樂店家全在你手中.回饋智慧雲社區住戶,只要出示專屬會員卡於特約店家消費,即可享有優惠。快加入智慧雲管家智慧社區行列:)http://www.happycloud.com.tw太子國際村為太子建設在北大特區唯一的代表性作品,位於國慶路上康橋水花園旁,此社區以飯店式管理,跟康橋差別在於太子走向於精緻化管理,康橋屬於互動式管理,太子國際村更於榮獲102年社區綠建築績優獎。低公設比卻可以享有完整公共的設施 , 一字排開棟距面寬大,中庭採光優越 , 熱帶雨林般的中庭堪稱北大最美,有「一樓住宅」適合養老居住。 這麼大的社區連店面戶數卻不到550戶,可說是大中卻有精緻美,面國慶路的景觀更是永久山景,以及獨享整片三峽市區的夜景!!太子代表作,溫水游泳池、超大中庭,樣樣公設樣樣俱全,北大前十名優質社區!【本系統相容於android4.0以上版本,如作業系統不相容者,亦可至網址:www.happycloud.com.tw登入web版】Wisdom cloud housekeeper,build community dedicated APP, convenient to start living a finger.Just download the APP, the phone can receive the parcel to thegovernment notification message, enter the mobile phone gas meter,community shopping, information inquiry service near home, eat,drink stores all in your hands.Feedback wisdom cloud community residents, as long as thespecial show exclusive membership card at the store consumer, youcan enjoy the offer.Soon join the ranks of the wisdom of the cloud housekeeperintelligence community :) http://www.happycloud.com.twPrince Prince International Village is the only building in theNorth Zone representative works, located next to the National RoadCambridge Water Gardens, this community to hotel management, withthe difference being that the Prince towards Cambridge on refinedmanagement, interactive management belong Cambridge, PrinceInternational Village 102 years in the community won more greenbuilding merit award. But lower than postulate can enjoy fullpublic facility, lined Dong Ju wide large atrium lighting issuperior, rainforest-like atrium called the North's most beautiful,there is "the first floor of residential" suitable pension to live.Such a large community of households not connected to the 550stores, can be said that there is exquisite beauty andmedium-sized, face National Road Mountain landscape is permanent,and the whole piece of exclusive urban night Gorges!! Princemasterpiece, heated swimming pool, large patio, everythingpostulate taste everything, the top ten high-quality universitycommunity![The system is compatible with android4.0 or later, such as theoperating system is incompatible who can to URL:www.happycloud.com.tw login web version]
冠德新世界 2.3 APK
KnowHow Design
智慧雲管家,打造社區專屬APP,便利生活一指展開.只要下載APP,手機上即可收到郵寄包裹到府通知訊息、手機上輸入瓦斯表、社區購物、查詢居家附近服務資訊,吃喝玩樂店家全在你手中.回饋智慧雲社區住戶,只要出示專屬會員卡於特約店家消費,即可享有優惠。快加入智慧雲管家智慧社區行列:)http://www.happycloud.com.tw冠德新世界由知名建設公司冠德建設所興建規劃,位於中和景平路上,離南勢角捷運站步行時間約 10~12分鐘,且未來近環狀線景平站,大眾交通將會更加便捷。冠德新世界擁有高達 25 層樓高的高度,因此在建築物建材的規劃上特別嚴謹,大樓建物採SRC(鋼骨鋼筋混凝土)結構與雙制震系統,以強化結構安全。基地面積約 1168 坪,社區規劃 A、B 棟 2 棟雙併建物,2樓以上為住家,為了強化建築物本身的耐震性,大樓建物採用鋼骨鋼筋混凝土 SRC 與與雙制震結構,1~25 樓為「斜撐架構」,1~10樓設置「航太制震系統」阻尼器,當地震來時可分散能量,可加強減震效果。另外,在大樓正門旁可看到施工中的中華電信南勢角服務中心。社區正門直接面對景平路,在正門與大樓建築物之間還規劃一個花園庭院,以健全社區公設,至於大樓地下停車場出入口則位於另一側旁邊的巷道內,停車場出入口獨立將機車與汽車車道分開,以確保住戶行車安全。【本系統相容於android4.0以上版本,如作業系統不相容者,亦可至網址:www.happycloud.com.tw登入web版】Wisdom cloud housekeeper,build community dedicated APP, convenient to start living a finger.Just download the APP, the phone can receive the parcel to thegovernment notification message, enter the mobile phone gas meter,community shopping, information inquiry service near home, eat,drink stores all in your hands.Feedback wisdom cloud community residents, as long as thespecial show exclusive membership card at the store consumer, youcan enjoy the offer.Soon join the ranks of the wisdom of the cloud housekeeperintelligence community :) http://www.happycloud.com.twWorld Champion Germany by the renowned construction companybuilding constructed KANTONS planning, and King is located in aflat road, walk away from the MRT Nanshijiao time of about 10 to 12minutes, and the future King flat near Loop Line station, publictransport will more convenient.German World Champion has a height of up to 25 storeys high, it isparticularly rigorous planning on building materials, buildingconstruction materials mining SRC (steel reinforced concrete)structure with dual shock system made to enhance the structuralsafety.Base floor area of ​​about 1168, Community Planning A, B, Building2 pairs and building above the second floor of the home, in orderto strengthen their earthquake resistance of buildings, thebuilding using steel reinforced concrete building with SRC systemwith dual shock structure, 1-2 25 F is "bracing structure", 1 to 10F setting "Space System Shock System" damper, when the earthquakecame time to disperse energy, enhance the damping effect. Inaddition, the building is the door you can see the construction ofChunghwa Telecom Nanshijiao service center.Communities directly facing the main entrance of King Ping Road,between the main entrance of the building and the building is alsoplanning a garden courtyard to improve community postulate, as theunderground parking entrance building is located next to the otherside of the roadway, parking lot entrances separate locomotive andcar lanes separated to ensure tenants road safety.[The system is compatible with android4.0 or later, such as theoperating system is incompatible who can to URL:www.happycloud.com.tw login web version]
海揚社區 2.3 APK
KnowHow Design
智慧雲管家,打造社區專屬APP,便利生活一指展開.只要下載APP,手機上即可收到郵寄包裹到府通知訊息、手機上輸入瓦斯表、線上購物、查詢居家附近服務資訊,吃喝玩樂店家全在你手中.回饋智慧雲社區住戶,只要出示專屬會員卡於特約店家消費,即可享有優惠。快加入智慧雲管家智慧社區行列:)http://www.happycloud.com.tw海揚社區總共有六棟,每棟24層樓,是由得過普利茲獎的HansHollein所設計,屋頂的設計就是讓人有飛揚的感覺,中庭的一艘船,就有揚帆出發的意味,也意欲著住進來這個社區之後,人生也要揚起帆來全新出發。躺在沙發椅則可看到窗外的景觀,眺望大屯山,眼前又可看到農田,這在台北市是不容易看到的景觀,房間都有窗戶,採光好,通風良好。海揚社區APP提供住戶查看管理費的繳費紀錄、登記瓦斯表、直接查詢居家服務資訊。此外,住戶只要在合作的社區周邊店家消費時,出示專屬會員卡即可享有優惠。【本系統相容於android4.0以上版本,如作業系統不相容者,亦可至網址:http://www.happycloud.com.tw登入web版】Wisdom cloud housekeeper,build community dedicated APP, convenient to start living a finger.Just download the APP, the phone can receive the parcel to thegovernment notification message, enter the gas meter on the phone,online shopping, information inquiry service near home, eat, drinkstores all in your hands.Feedback wisdom cloud community residents, as long as thespecial show exclusive membership card at the store consumer, youcan enjoy the offer.Soon join the ranks of the wisdom of the cloud housekeeperintelligence community :) http://www.happycloud.com.twA total of six community Hai Yang, each of them 24 floors,Pulitzer Prize won by Hans Hollein designed roof design that peoplehave the feeling of flying, in the atrium of a ship, sail departuremeant there , but also the desire of the community to live in.After that, life also raised the sail to the new departure.Lying on the couch you can see the landscape outside the window,overlooking the Datun, can be seen in front of farmland, which isnot easy to see the landscape in Taipei, the rooms have windows,good lighting, good ventilation.Hai Yang APP provides community residents to see the management feepayment records, registration gas meter, direct access home careinformation. In addition, residents in the surrounding communitiesas long as the consumer cooperative stores, produce exclusivemembership card to enjoy the offer.[The system is compatible with android4.0 or later, such as theoperating system is incompatible who can to URL: http://www.happycloud.com.tw login webversion]
台北灣1期 2.3 APK
KnowHow Design
智慧雲管家,打造社區專屬APP,便利生活一指展開只要下載APP,手機上即可收到郵寄包裹到府通知訊息、手機上輸入瓦斯表、APP購物、查詢居家附近服務資訊,吃喝玩樂店家全在你手中.回饋智慧雲社區住戶,只要出示專屬會員卡於特約店家消費,即可享有優惠。快加入智慧雲管家智慧社區行列:)http://www.happycloud.com.tw台北灣一期社區位於新北市淡水區淡海新市鎮,社區內有7000坪花園,多項公共設施,健身中心、溫泉泡湯區、露天游泳池、KTV包廂、電影劇院、兒童遊戲室、閱覽室、運動娛樂廳、舞蹈韻律教室,環境清幽,綠意盎然,人文休閒全部到位,更適合度假放鬆。每日備有社區接駁車從淡水捷運站往返,開車至淡江大橋連接淡水至八里、林口,可直達台灣桃園國際機場。附近為淡海輕軌捷運預定地,交通上更便捷。【本系統相容於android4.0以上版本,如作業系統不相容者,亦可至網址:http://www.happycloud.com.tw登入web版】Wisdom cloud housekeeper,build community dedicated APP, convenient means to start living aJust download the APP, the phone can receive the parcel to thegovernment notification message, enter the gas meter on the phone,APP shopping, check the home near the service information, eat,drink stores all in your hands.Feedback wisdom cloud community residents, as long as thespecial show exclusive membership card at the store consumer, youcan enjoy the offer.Soon join the ranks of the wisdom of the cloud housekeeperintelligence community :) http://www.happycloud.com.twBay community is located in Taipei, New Taipei City Phasefreshwater areas Danhai New Town, 7000 Ping garden community, anumber of public facilities, fitness center, spa bathing area,outdoor swimming pool, KTV, movie theater, children's play room,reading room, exercise entertainment hall, dance rhythm classroom,quiet, greenery, humanities leisure all in place, more suitable forholiday relaxation.Daily with community shuttle back and forth from Danshui MRTStation, drove to the bridge connecting freshwater Tamkang eightyears, Linkou, Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport can reach. Nearthe light rail transit is scheduled to light the sea, moreconvenient transport.[The system is compatible with android4.0 or later, such as theoperating system is incompatible who can to URL: http://www.happycloud.com.tw login webversion]