1.1.5 / August 11, 2016
(4.0/5) (4895)



1. 找雞雞的母雞去取得蛋蛋
2. 放進熱水中,等待蛋蛋的熟成
3. 把蛋蛋撈出,慢慢剝殼






First, the chicken ortheegg? Of course, is to play "Uncle ☆ Egg"!
More than 100 people took part in this summer's most orthodoxhandmovements hand tour ~

Let dolphin tender Arbor to relax your mood of the daynow!
1 find penis hens go get balls
2 into the hot water, wait Egg cooked into
3. Egg fish, slowly peel

A frozen magic age America Peter was born Hello!

Different coarse salt have different efficacy Oh ~
Accelerate it, notify friends, resurrected it, gold friends,worseit (!)
In short, to Duo Jiali it!

Now collect different "Arbor ☆ Egg"
In exchange for a greater variety of skillet it!
Understand "Arbor ☆ Egg"

Praise "Arbor ☆ Egg"

Tango "Arbor ☆ Egg"
"Arbor ☆ Egg" LINE appears in the current map it!
Users may wish to consider using LINE Oh ~


  • App naam
  • Naam of Pakketnaam
  • Publiceerdatum
    August 11, 2016
  • Bestandsgrootte
  • Benodigdheden
    Android 2.3.3 and up
  • Versie
  • Ontwikkelaar
    Joymobee Entertainment Company Limited
  • Installaties
    100,000 - 500,000
  • Price
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  • Ontwikkelaar
    Visit website Email cs@joymobee.com
  • Google Play Link

Joymobee Entertainment Company Limited Meer...

口袋楓之谷 - 皇家騎士團 1.4.5 APK
昔日冒險的起點,在手機版再次出發!風靡全台灣的超人氣RPG網路遊戲大作《新楓之谷》推出手機版本,誓要把昔日美好的回憶重新帶來!《口袋楓之谷》不僅承襲了一貫的經典元素,並因應手機裝置的特性加以改良設計而成,讓廣大喜愛楓之谷的玩家擁有嶄新的行動遊戲體驗。★再次冒險,重溫我們的楓之谷故事★在遊戲中還原最初冒險旅程的回憶,保留了印象深刻的經典地圖,令玩家們能重溫當年最真摰的冒險感受!★多人副本,重拾當年組隊歡笑回憶★參與多人組隊副本,享受一起挑戰經典 BOSS的快感,與隊友的合作默契將會是挑戰成功與否的關鍵喔!★創立公會,號召志同道合的戰友★讓三五好友形成一個像家的歸屬,一起完成不同的公會任務,共同朝著《口袋楓之谷》第一公會的目標前進!★突發地城,爽快的刷寶時光★每天會出現突發地城的特別副本!挑戰成功將有機會得到稀有道具。突發地城出現的時候,立刻呼朋引伴一齊刷刷樂!★獨特操控,台港澳玩家專屬★遊戲開發商特地為台港版本增加新的操縱方式,讓玩家擁有方向鍵以及虛擬搖桿兩種選擇,滿足玩家的遊戲體驗!★引領風潮,打造個人的時尚樂趣★遊戲中獨有的「紙娃娃」系統內設計專屬的外觀和造型,來透過不同的配搭引領一股時尚潮流風吧!官方粉絲團: https://www.facebook.com/pocketmaplestory.taiwan
龍盟超欠揍 1.3.6 APK
★日本超過200萬人氣下載★ ☆熱鬧×羈絆×團結☆震撼的20VS20即時多人合戰!指尖間運籌帷幄、盡情聊天!▼協力連擊!體驗多人即時對戰!- 爽快的多人即時對戰,與龍盟成員運用各種必殺、合體技擊倒對手,爭奪聯賽榮耀!- 召喚各種神獸、萌孃形態的召喚體,與對手來一場逆轉對決!▼熱血冒險!多元戰力進化!- 展開最熱血的冒險之旅,尋找寶藏並討伐史前巨龍!- 「劍士、騎士、魔法使」首創職業自由轉換進化,領悟強大的特殊技能!▼造形百變!豐富多樣的紙娃娃系統!- 從三國、古希臘、KUSO、戰國、西洋等等不同風格的數百種武具讓你打造屬角色!- 各種特製髮型、面孔、背景令你塑造獨一無二的形象,成為眾人的焦點!▼與同伴的羈絆,創造屬於你的歷史!- 只要從龍盟基地、試合戰和各種活動的交流板,即可擬定戰術以及盡情聊天!- 培養與同伴的默契和友情,共同爭取最頂尖的龍盟榮耀!▼熱鬧又刺激的龍盟活動!- 與龍盟成員一同闖進遠古巨神戰爭;挑戰馴服獸、神、孃三界的召喚神殿!- 捕捉迷之可愛生物-魯波波家族;聊聊天、釣釣魚,享受輕鬆快樂時光!◆《龍盟超欠揍》官方網頁: http://www.joymobee.com/DragonLeague◆《龍盟超欠揍》Facebook粉絲團: http://www.facebook.com/DragonLeague.zh★ Japan over 2 milliondownloads ★ Popular☆ ☆ lively × fetters × solidarity20VS20 shocking instant multiplayer-war!Fingertips strategizing, enjoy chat!▼ Cooperation batter! Experience multiplayer real-Battle!- Immediate refreshing multiplayer battle with Longmeng members usea variety of kill, fit technology knockouts, compete for the leagueglory!- Summon animal, call the body shape Meng Mother, with opponents toa reversal showdown!▼ passionate adventure! Multiple combat power ofevolution!- Expand the most passionate adventure, finding treasure andpunitive prehistoric dragon!- "Swordsmen, knights, magic to make" the first freedom ofoccupation conversion evolution, comprehend powerful specialskills!▼ amazing shape! A variety of paper doll system!- From the Three Kingdoms in ancient Greece, KUSO, Warring States,Western and so hundreds of different styles of martial tools letyou create belong to the role!- All kinds of special hairstyles, faces, so you create a uniquebackground image, in the limelight!▼ with peers fetters, create your own history!- Just from Long UNITA base, test-war activities and exchangeboard, you can develop tactics, and enjoy the chat!- Training and peer understanding and friendship, and jointlystrive for the top Longmeng glory!▼ Longmeng lively and exciting event!- Union members together with the dragon broke into the giantancient god of war; the challenge to tame the beast summon thetemple of God, Mother of the Three Realms!- Fans of the lovely biological catch - Lu Bobo family; chat,fishing, relaxing happy hour!◆ "Dragon League Super spanking," the official website: http://www.joymobee.com/DragonLeague◆ "Dragon League Super spanking" Facebook fan group: http://www.facebook.com/DragonLeague.zh
征龍之路 APK
日本超過250萬下載、喻為顛覆手機遊戲的矚目之作-《征龍之路》Road To Dragons 中文版正式登場!新體驗直觀式戰鬥探索!最迫力世界崩壞RPG!今天就來一場道路 x 決策之戰吧。■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■■□■□■□■□■□■● 打破既定路線局限,滿足你的自由意志* 有別一般固定路線玩法,自己的道路玩法自己做決策!* 無論是遇怪殺怪的戰鬥狂、見寶箱就要開的財迷,又或是愛簡單直搗BOSS的玩家,也能滿足所求!● 過千華麗角色,「萌」與「璐」的完美結合* 日本知名大廠ACQUIRE超顛峰之作,萌系造型與賽璐璐風格完美結合!* 所有角色均有自己的獨特故事劇情、熱血戰鬥對白,讓你全程投入角色育成!● 直觀戰鬥模式,爽快痛揍連撃* 比轉珠更簡單直接的戰鬥模式,滿足策略趣味與痛揍巨龍的快感!* 簡單易上手,無論是單打與合撃,3分鐘就可以成為專家!● 劇情宏大直迫小說,耐玩與深度無容置疑* 劇情與玩法並重的遊戲,內容迫力萬分,台港玩家熱烈討論!* 火速緊貼日版進度,中文版與你共渡世界的「崩壞」與「復興」!■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■■□■□■□■□■□■官方網頁:http://www.joymobee.com/RTDFacebook粉絲團:https://www.facebook.com/RoadToDragons
我的魔物兵團 Monster Takt 2.2.0 APK
魔物大軍來襲,組織你的兵團展開種族大戰!激新玩法!!日系3D RPG 遊戲,魔物X即時轉陣模式,配以300魔物不同戰棋打法,指尖一點就輕鬆改變陣型調配!創出極具挑戰性的遊戲,打破現時卡牌遊戲沉悶框架!遊戲特色:1)戰前編隊X戰中換陣,最強的策略支配!戰前可以將魔物隨意編隊,戰中可以按即時形勢轉換陣形改變策略。2)關卡編列三種不同陣形!防守陣形、回復陣形、猛攻陣形等多種陣形任意配置。3)戰鬥中激發魔物覺醒讓隊伍戰鬥力即時倍大!4)300魔物X陣形配搭,華麗技能盡展現!可愛搗蛋小魔物、兇殘無比巨大魔物、善良守護魔物,配搭在不同陣形位置中能力大提升,華麗技能以戰棋打法趣味策略大躍進!故事背景:本來人類與萬物和平共存在一片美好的土地上,當然也過著安穩無憂的日子。可惜好景不常,可能是磁場變化,也可能是封印的賞味期限結束,總之很久之前被冰封的魔王掙脫了封印,讓大部生物性情大變、變得兇殘無比。人類過著提心吊膽的日子,每天祈求著重回安穩的生活。某一個平靜的晚上,一位小孩從睡夢中被託付了一根魔法指揮棒,然後被預言是拯救世界的勇者!從此這位小孩就有了操控魔物的能力,現在這根魔法指揮棒就交給你啦,來踏上保衛人類的旅程吧!系統支援: Android 2.3.1以上官方網頁: http://www.joymobee.com/MonsterTakt/Facebook粉絲團: https://www.facebook.com/MonsterTakt.ch本軟體依照中華民國遊戲軟體分級管理辦法分類為:輔12級。遊戲內的魔獸幣除參與活動可得,亦可以購買。
蜂好康 1.1.6 APK
馬上下載《蜂好康》,輕鬆拿走遊戲點數及各種免費好康!只要簡單完成觀看影片,下載遊戲等任務, 不同種類遊戲點數及禮品優惠券,免費讓你隨意兌換!玩樂蜂粉絲頁: www.facebook.com/Joymobee玩樂蜂網站︰www.joymobee.com============================================================================《蜂好康》三個簡單步驟,就能讓你盡享無窮無盡的好康優惠︰1)下載《蜂好康》註冊成為會員2)輕鬆完成任務賺取J幣,J幣越多好康越夯!3)數不完的好康優惠,讓你自由選擇換領★優惠種類★各種點數卡︰Google Play卡, GASH+, Mycard, 貝殼幣, Game淘卡各種人氣品牌優惠券︰星巴克, 麥當勞, 肯德基, 7-11, 酷聖石冰淇淋, 統一多拿滋...等多家商店!!★★★★★此版本暫不支援平板電腦 ★★★★★
怒射海戰 – 戰國風雲 1.3 APK
《怒射海戰》揉合戰國x三國海戰,創造曠古爍今的全新題材!玩家將經歷三國VS戰國劃時代的對決。首波登場的戰國角色為「伊達政宗」及「雜賀孫市」,現已登場!‧全新玩法,保證一射上癮!不同角色可以射出各種獨特武器,更有華麗的必殺技來痛扁敵人!‧進化X客制化,戰船由自己組裝!戰船的部件可以自由移動,來按自己的想法締造最強戰船吧!‧實時PK,在海上與好友路人激鬥連場!爽快的即時對戰,靈活運用不同類型的角色跟戰船來獲取勝利吧!‧軍團系統,讓大家協力成長!來培養與同伴的默契,打敗其他軍團成為海戰最強軍團!‧軍團改版系統,即將開放!軍團專屬 - 海島爭奪戰即將登場,還有各種節慶副本讓大家爽翻天!
阿伯相機 1.0.2 APK
照相也會讓人成長!《阿伯☆相機》可以讓你1秒變成熟透的美魔伯!今天就變成《阿伯☆蛋蛋》的主角吧:1. 使用相機拍攝相片2. 把蛋蛋剝殼3. 加入不同的裝飾效果恭喜!你已經瞬間變老頭了!如果看膩了主流那些美圖,不妨惡搞一下,把自己跟朋友通通變成老頭,來表示一下大家堅定不移的友情吧!---------------------------讚美《阿伯☆相機》http://www.facebook.com/OssanEGGS《阿伯☆蛋蛋》 - 了解你潛藏的另類收集欲望http://www.joymobee.com/OssanEGGS--------------------《阿伯☆蛋蛋》貼圖目前於LINE出現啦!LINE用戶不妨考慮使用喔~http://line.me/S/sticker/1001453Camera will make peoplegrow up! "Arbor ☆ Camera" allows you one second become ripe Americamagic Bo!Today it becomes "Arbor ☆ Egg," the protagonist of it:1 using the camera to shoot photos2. Egg Sheller3 adding different decorative effectCongratulations! You have instantly become an old man!If you look at those tired of mainstream beauties, might spoofabout, his own friends with them altogether into the old man, torepresent what we unwavering friendship it!---------------------------Praise "Arbor ☆ camera"http://www.facebook.com/OssanEGGS"Arbor ☆ Egg" - know your hidden desires alternativecollectionhttp://www.joymobee.com/OssanEGGS--------------------"Arbor ☆ Egg" LINE appears in the current map it!Users may wish to consider using LINE Oh ~http://line.me/S/sticker/1001453
Real Horse Racing (3D) 1.0.2 APK
Real Horse Racing (3D) Over 5 millions download over the world!Derby Impact is a top class 3D horse racing simulation gameincluding horse breeding, betting and racing! You can challengeother horse owners all around the world and to be the best horseowner! ‧Featuring legendary stallions in the history! Legendaeystallions like "Northern Dancer", "Cigar" & "Dubawi" is arrivedand waiting for breeding! ‧Breed your horse! Try to understand thebreeding methdology, and breed your own horse to win the DubaiWorld Cup! ‧All in or Nothing! Win? Quinella? Trio? Win as much asyou can! You may win numerous gifts! ‧Plan the training and therace! You have to plan the training and the race for your horse,train them well and select the most suitable race for them! ‧Duelrace with other horse owners! Ranking system reflects your quality,let's win the race and become the legendary horse owner! ‧Weeklyevent and real jockey is in the game! You will get rare stallionsif you are in top ranking. Don't afraid my friend! Our jockey isgoing to help you! Official Website:http://www.joymobee.com/horseracing/index.aspx Facebook Page:https://www.facebook.com/realhorseracing