1.1 / April 23, 2014
(4.0/5) (6)


Aplikasi Premium Lima merupakan turunan dariaplikasi sebelumnya "Dapet Lima" yang bertujuan memudahkan usermencari informasi terkini langsung dari berbagai sumber terpercayaseperti Detik (Berita Ekonomi), KapanLagi (Pencarian mobil),KapanLagi (Berita Artis), Sewa Apartemen Jakarta dan Synonmizer(Info Investasi, Asuransi, Kartu Kredit).

Konsep yang dikembangkan dalam aplikasi PremiumLima tidakberbeda jauh dengan DapetLima, hanya di sini Kami lebih fokuskankepada Anda yang menyukai keunikan dan cita rasa tertentu dalammenjalani kehidupan, contohnya update berita ekonomi atau info jualbeli sewa apartemen.

Pola hidup di kota metropolitan seperti Jakarta menuntutmasing-masing individu menjadi lebih sigap, logis, bermental bajadan cerdas mengolah informasi sebelum akhirnya menghasilkankeputusan strategis.

Aplikasi PremiumLima secara spesifik menghadirkan update terbarudi berita ekonomi, informasi tempat tinggal di apartemen, pencarianmobil baru atau bekas, gosip artis dan informasi seputar asuransi,kartu kredit.

Informasi yang Kami hadirkan tersaji apa adanya tanpa perubahanapapun, dan diklasifikasikan seperti tersebut di atas.

Semoga fitur updater berita ekonomi dan lainnya dapat menambahawawasan Anda di bidang keuangan, begitu juga fitur-fiturlainnya.

Tags : berita ekonomi, informasi sewa apartemen, gosip artis,berita keuangan, market outlook, berita investasi, berita asuransi,jual beli mobil bekas, berita kartu kredit, tips investasi, tipsasuransi, tips kartu kredit

Five Premium app is aderivative of the previous application "Dapet Five" which aims toallow a user to search for the latest information directly fromvarious reliable sources such as CNN (Economic News), kapanlagi(auto search), kapanlagi (Artist News), Rent Apartment Jakarta andSynonmizer (Info Investments, Insurance, Credit Card).

Concepts developed in the application PremiumLima DapetLima notmuch different, only here we more focus to those who likeuniqueness and particular taste in life, for example, the economicnews updates or info purchase rental apartments.

The pattern of life in a metropolitan city such as Jakartarequires each individual to become more alert, logical,steel-minded and intelligent processing of information beforefinally generating strategic decisions.

Application PremiumLima specifically presenting the latestupdates on economic news, information shelter in an apartment,search new or used car, gossip artist and information aboutinsurance, credit cards.

We present the information is presented as is without anychanges, and classified as described above.

Hopefully updater feature and other economic news you can bothincreased insight in the areas of finance, as well as otherfeatures.

Tags: economic news, apartment rental information, gossipartist, financial news, market outlook, investment news, insurancenews, buying and selling a used car, credit card news, investmenttips, insurance tips, credit card tips

AANVULLENDE INFORMATIE Berita Ekonomi - PremiumLima

  • App naam
    Berita Ekonomi - PremiumLima
  • Naam of Pakketnaam
  • Publiceerdatum
    April 23, 2014
  • Bestandsgrootte
  • Benodigdheden
    Android 2.3.3 and up
  • Versie
  • Ontwikkelaar
  • Installaties
    100 - 500
  • Price
  • Categorie
    News & Magazines
  • Ontwikkelaar
  • Google Play Link

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Hot News Infotainment- Berita5 1.3 APK
Hot news Berita Lima menyajikan info lowongankerja, infotainment, berita terkini, berita olahraga untukmempermudah hidup Anda melalui aplikasi Hot News Berita Lima.Kami yakin ada banyak aplikasi di luar sana dengan karakteristiksama, namun aplikasi kami mempermudah pencarian Anda untuk selaluupdate hot news, lowongan kerja terbaru, infotainment, beritaotomotif dari sumber terpercaya, berita olahraga Indonesia atauluar negeri.KEUNTUNGAN menggunakan aplikasi Hot News Berita Lima :1. Gratis (download tidak bayar, namun untuk akses internetditanggung oleh user)2. 5 sumber berita artikel terpercaya dari sumber terpercaya,meliputi Hot News Berita Terkini, berita info lowongan kerja,berita otomotif, berita olahraga dan infotainment terkini3. Dilengkapi 5 kanal online Video untuk kebutuhan Anda4. Ini yang paling OK, yaitu GAME PUZZLE yang disediakan dengangratis. (Cara penggunaan, bukan digeser layar touchscreen, namuncukup diklik kotak yang ingin dipindahkan.5. God bless us :)Sehingga di zaman modern yang serba cepat, butuh informasiterpercaya terupdate setiap saat melalui gadget Android Anda,aplikasi ini menawarkan solusi cepat berita terkini, info lowongankerja, berita otomotif, infotainment, berita olahraga langsungsecara real time dari sumber terpercaya.Aplikasi ini dapat didownload secara gratis, dan pastinya setiaphari Anda akan selalu mendapatkan update terbaru, seperti beritaterkini yang terjadi di sekitar Anda, info buat yang sedang nyarikerjaan (lowongan kerja) atau mau pindah kantor, berita olahragaseperti sepakbola, berita otomotif contohnya berita pembalapYamaha, Grandprix, bahkan pameran automobil tempo lalu.Semoga aplikasi ini mempermudah hidup Anda, membuat Anda semakinpintar dan maju.Tag : berita Indonesia, berita otomotif, gosip artis Indonesia,gosip artis Luar Negeri, infotainmentHot news News Five jobpresenting information, infotainment, news, sports news to simplifyyour life through apps Hot News News Five.We believe there are many applications out there with the samecharacteristics, but our app makes it easy to you to always updatehot news, new jobs, infotainment, automotive news from reliablesources, the sports news Indonesia or abroad.ADVANTAGES use applications Lima News Hot News:1. Free (download does not pay, but for internet access borne bythe user)2. 5 reliable source of news articles from reliable sources,including Hot News Latest News, news information jobs, automotivenews, sports news and the latest infotainment3. Equipped with 5 channels of online video for your needs4. This is the most OK, namely GAME PUZZLE that is provided forfree. (How to use and not shifted touchscreen display, but quiteclicked the box you want to move.5. God bless us :)So in the modern era of fast-paced, need reliable informationupdated at any time via your Android gadget, this applicationoffers quick solutions latest news, information jobs, automotivenews, infotainment, sports news in real time directly from reliablesources.This application can be downloaded for free, and certainly everyday you will always get the latest updates, such as the latest newshappening around you, the info for being nyari work (job) or wantto move offices, news sports such as football, automotive newsexample Yamaha rider news, Grandprix, even the tempo automobileexhibition.Hopefully this app simplify your life, making you moreintelligent and advanced.Tags: Indonesia news, automotive news, gossip Indonesian artist,artist gossip Foreign Affairs, infotainment
DS Online Sembako Obat Herbal 1.3 APK
Distribusi Syariah merupakan platform bisnissyariah online yang menyediakan berbagai kebutuhan sembako maupunobat herbal secara online dengan landasan Syariah dari parapendirinya.Berbekal pengalaman strategis dan didukung oleh mitra DistribusiSyariah yang terus bertumbuh, maka aplikasi belanja sembako obatherbal online ini diperkenalkan bagi masyarakat Indonesia.Fitur-fitur produk yang ditawarkan dalam aplikasi belanjasembako obat herbal DS Online adalah :1. Produk Sembako Online2. Produk Obat Herbal Online (mengatasi berbagai penyakit kronisataupun untuk pencegahan)3. Produk Mitra Online4. Produk Grosir Online5. Produk Makanan Kreasi Online6. dan masih banyak lagiKami pun berbagi informasi menarik di bagian News Event terkaitaktivitas yang kami lakukan.Semoga aplikasi ini memberikan manfaat yang sebesar-besarnyabagi masyarakat Indonesia.Wassalam,Distribusi SyariahDistribution Sharia isIslamic business online platform that provides a variety of basicfood needs as well as herbal remedies online with Sharia groundingof the founders.Armed with the experience of strategic and distribution partnersare supported by a growing Islamic, then the application of basicfood shopping online herbal medicine was introduced for theIndonesian people.Product features offered in the application of basic foodshopping herbal medicine Online DS is:1. Grocery Products Online2. Online Herbal Medicinal Products (addressing various chronicdiseases or for prevention)3. Partner Products Online4. Wholesale Products Online5. Creative Food Products Online6 and moreWe also shared interesting information in the section News Eventrelated activities that we do.Hopefully, this application provides maximum benefit for thepeople of Indonesia.Regards,Distribution Sharia
Berita Teknologi - TeknoLima 1.1 APK
Bila Anda memiliki minat menggebu di bidangteknologi informasi (IT), komputer atau ICT, teknik mengamankanjaringan, gadget terbaru, laptop dan informasi terkini hardwareatau software di seluruh dunia, maka TeknoLima menghadirkan 5(lima) pilihan berita teknologi dari sumber terpercaya, diantaranya Detik, Antara, Okezone dan TechCrunch beserta Wired.Suka tidak suka, ada tuntutan dari lingkungan ketika Andamemiliki pekerjaan yang memiliki label IT (entah itu networking,infrastructure, application developer, frontend & backenddeveloper, database, system analyst, security analyst,administrative, troubleshoot ataupun creative division).Kami pribadi mengumpulkan beberapa sumber informasi dalam 1aplikasi ini sebagai bentuk kebutuhan Kami untuk selalu rajinmengupdate perkembangan teknologi yang begitu cepat dan sadis. Kamikatakan sadis, karena ketika Kami sedang asiknya mempelajari satusistem, sudah muncul lagi sistem baru yang lebih advance, stabildan gokil!Setelah sadar untuk fokus, Kami belajar untuk bisa mengambilhikmah dan manfaat dari berita-berita teknologi yang Kami kumpulkandalam 1 aplikasi ini.Sebagai informasi, berita teknologi di atas tidak dimodifikasidan ditampilkan apa adanya dalam aplikasi Tekno Lima, ada beritateknologi berbahasa Indonesia dan ada yang berbahasa Inggris.Terus maju dunia ICT Indonesia, terus bangun bangsa ini menjadibangsa yang pandai, cerdas dan mampu mensejahterakan rakyatnyadengan teknologi tepat guna dan hijau.Tags : berita teknologi, berita gadget, berita ICT, beritainformasi teknologi, tips dan trik teknologi, update informationtechnology news, smart and innovative informationIf you have a passionateinterest in the field of information technology (IT), computer orICT, engineering secure networks, the latest gadgets, laptops andhardware or software up to date information in the world, thenTeknoLima bring five (5) choice of technology news from trustedsources, in Among CNN, Reuters, TechCrunch and its Okezone andWired.Like it or not, there are the demands of the environment whenyou have a job that has a label IT (whether it be networking,infrastructure, application developers, frontend & backenddeveloper, database, system analyst, security analyst,administrative, troubleshoot or creative division).We personally collect multiple sources of information in oneapplication as a form We need to always be diligent updating ofrapid technological development and sadistic. We say sadistic,because when we're asiknya learn one system, a new system hasemerged again more advanced, stable and gokil!Alerted to focus, we can learn to take the wisdom and benefitsof the technology news that we collect in this application 1.For information, technology news above is not modified anddisplayed it as such in a Techno Five applications, technology newsIndonesian language and no English.Indonesian ICT world continues to advance, continue to buildthis nation to be a nation that is smart, intelligent and capableof prospering people with the appropriate technology and green.Tags: tech news, gadgets news, news ICT, information technologynews, tips and tricks on technology, information technology newsupdates, smart and innovative information
Japan Trip & Travel Guide 1.1 APK
Looking for free japan travel guide or japantrip guide? Are you planning for japan tours? Using Japan Goapplication, you will feel the ambience immediately and get morefree information about japan travel guide.Most of you must be known a Sakura (Cherry Blossom), Tokyo,Shibuya, Harajuku, Shinjuku, Akihabara. But if you didn't then youcan find out in this Japan Go application to understand things todo in Japan using your android smartphone. Imagine, What a greatJapan Travel Guide if you well prepared right?BENEFITS of Using Japan Go Application :1. You can gather a lot of information for your japan travelguide or japan trip guide. As well by investigating what do youneed to do before getting your feet at Japan.2. Well presented in High Definition (HD) Video.3. Some travellers will share their tips, Things to do in Japan, soyou can write it down your japan trip plan.4. It's FREE!The reasons why i develop this app because i have been in JapanTokyo before, and i did really amazed by the japan environment. Imust tell you, please prepare & get your japan trip guide assoon as possible. Last time, i didn't prepare it very well for myjapan travel :( so i intend to give you the best guidance for yourJapan Holidays ever.There's a lot of free HD (high definition) video experience ordocumentation from travellers that have been in Japan inside thisapplication, they will tell you what you need to do for your japantrip guide, what is their favourite place, or what you should notdo.After watching a lot of Japan Information from this application,you can plan your trip using so many local or Japan airlines likeAirAsia, Ana, JAL, Garuda Indonesia, etc. AirAsia was the mostcheapest and provide more promotions to go to Japan.I wish all of you bring great memories when you definitely goneto Japan. Right now i am preparing something incredible for you, agift for your Japan Tokyo Tours, just wait for the next update! Mayyour Japan Holidays be the best ever!Arigato Gozaimasu (Thank you)Looking for free japantravel guide or japan trip guide? Are you planning for japan tours?Using Japan Go application, you will feel the ambience immediatelyand get more free information about japan travel guide.Most of you must be known a Sakura (Cherry Blossom), Tokyo,Shibuya, Harajuku, Shinjuku, Akihabara. But if you did not then youcan find out in this Japan Go application to understand things todo in Japan using your android smartphone . Imagine, What a greatJapan Travel Guide if you well prepared right?BENEFITS of Using Japan Go Application:1. You can gather a lot of information for your japan travelguide or japan trip guide. As well by investigating what do youneed to do before getting your feet at Japan.2. Well presented in High Definition (HD) Video.3. Some travellers will share their tips, Things to do in Japan, soyou can write it down your japan trip plan.4. It's FREE!The reasons why i develop this app because i have been in JapanTokyo before, and i did really amazed by the japan environment. Imust tell you, please prepare & get your japan trip guide assoon as possible. Last time, i didn ' t prepare it very well for myjapan travel :( so i intend to give you the best guidance for yourJapan Holidays ever.There's a lot of free HD (high definition) video experience ordocumentation from travellers that have been in Japan inside thisapplication, they will tell you what you need to do for your japantrip guide, what is their favourite place, or what you should notdo.After watching a lot of Japan Information from this application,you can plan your trip using so many local or Japan airlines likeAirAsia, Ana, JAL, Garuda Indonesia, etc. AirAsia was the mostcheapest and provide more promotions to go to Japan.I wish all of you bring great memories when you definitely goneto Japan. Right now i am preparing something incredible for you, agift for your Japan Tokyo Tours, just wait for the next update! Mayyour Japan Holidays be the best ever!Arigato Gozaimasu (Thank you)
Liputan Bola Sepak & Politik 1.3 APK
Jika yang Anda cari kumpulan liputan bola,informasi bola sepak terbaru dan info politik, maka aplikasiLiputan Bola Sepak & Politik dapat mempermudah akses informasidengan berita politik terbaru dari Detik maupun Dewan PerwakilanRakyat (DPR) Indonesia.Sedangkan liputan bola sepak berasal dari Okezone, Sindo, danpenyedia Inilah tanpa perubahan apapun. Bagi Anda penggemar beritadalam bentuk video, tersedia pula update berita terbaru dari BeritaSatu, kadang disertakan pula berita politik dalam format video HighDefinition.UPDATE (Versi 1.3) : Berita Politik dari DetikUPDATE (Versi 1.2) : Tayangan Video Online Gol-gol terbaiksepanjang masa!Dalam versi 1.1, kami persembahkan Free Mini Game Main BolaSepak Penalti untuk mengusir penat/mengisi waktu luang Anda. Andapun jika memiliki produk/jasa yang ingin ditawarkan dapat mengisiruang Promo yang telah kami siapkan.Liputan Bola Sepak & Politik hadir untuk mempermudahkecepatan akses informasi mengenai politik dan bola sepak dalam 1aplikasi. Keduanya tidak berkaitan, namun blunder politik,manuver-manuver politikus seringkali seperti lincahnya gerakan kakipemain bola yang berusaha menggolkan ke gawang lawan.Tags : berita bola, liputan bola, berita Indonesia, sepak bola,informasi politik, politik indonesiaIf you are looking for acollection of coverage balls, footballs latest information andpolitical information, the application Football Football &Politics Coverage can facilitate access to information with thelatest political news from CNN and the House of Representatives(DPR) of Indonesia.While the coverage of the soccer ball comes from Okezone, Sindo,and providers This is without any changes. For you fans of the newsin the form of video, there is also the latest news updates fromNews One, sometimes also included political news in High Definitionvideo formats.UPDATE (Version 1.3): Political News from CNNUPDATE (Version 1.2): Impressions Online Video Best Goals of alltime!In version 1.1, we offer Free Mini Game Play Ball Soccer Penaltyto expel fatigue / fill your spare time. Even if you have a product/ service you want to offer can fill the space that we haveprepared Promo.Coverage Ball Football & Politics exists to facilitate thespeed of access to information about politics and football in oneapplication. The two are not related, but a political blunder,maneuvers such as politicians often lively footwork players whotried to pass the ball into the opposing goal.Tags: football news, football coverage, news Indonesia, soccer,political information, political Indonesia
Legenda Lawak Indonesia 1.0 APK
Indonesia tidak hanya dikenal dengan alamnyayang begitu indah, namun memiliki banyak legenda di bidangnyamasing-masing, termasuk dunia komedi :)Masih ingat Dono, Kasino, Indro dari Warkop? Atau Jojon, Uu,Ester dan Cahyono dari Jayakart Grup? Srimulat dengan Asmuni,Jujuk, Tarzan, Basuki, atau Dbodors dengan Pak Us-us, bahkan AtengIskak? Ataupun Legenda Benyamin Sueb yang menjadi simbolBetawi?Jika Anda menginginkan sejenak tertawa melepas kepenatan melaluismartphone Android yang Anda miliki, ditunjang kecepatan internetyang mumpuni.. di sini Anda bisa menonton lawakan masa lalu yangbegitu asli, konyol, spontan dan menyegarkan.Beberapa materi komedi lebih ditujukan kepada tingkatan dewasa,oleh karena itu sebaiknya bila belum mencukupi umur harus diawasiorang tua, dan sekali lagi sikapi dengan bijak materi lawakan inidengan kebijaksanaan.Selamat tertawa :))Indonesia is not onlyknown for its natural so beautiful, but has a lot of legends intheir respective fields, including the comedy world :)Still remember Dono, Casinos, Indro from Warkop? Or Jojon, Uu,Esther and Cahyono of Jayakart Group? Srimulat with Asmuni, Jujuk,Tarzan, Basuki, or Dbodors with Us Pak-us, even Ateng Isaac?Benjamin Sueb or legend that became a symbol of Betawi?If you want a laugh momentarily relieve fatigue through Androidsmartphone you have, good internet speed supported .. here you canwatch past jokes that are so genuine, silly, spontaneous andrefreshing.Some more comedy material aimed at an adult level, therefore itshould be if not enough parents age must be supervised, and onceagain take very wisely this joke material with discretion.Congratulations laugh :))
Lowongan Kerja Dapet Lima 1.4 APK
UPDATE VERSI TERBARU :Kami mengembangkan aplikasi terbaru sebagai pengganti Dapet Lima,silahkan cek di sini :https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.velgreen.beritalimaVideo baru : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2rOFXYlAJ3YNyari info lowongan kerja? update berita olahraga, nyari beritagosip artis Indonesia atau luar negeri terbaru? maka Kami hadirkansemuanya untuk mempermudah hidup Anda melalui aplikasi DapetLima.Kami yakin ada banyak aplikasi di luar sana dengan karakteristiksama, namun aplikasi kami mempermudah pencarian Anda untuk infolowongan kerja terbaru, tersedia pula informasi otomotif darisumber terpercaya, info berita olahraga Indonesia atau luar negeridan yang paling penting berita gosip artis Indonesia Luar Negeriterbaru.Sehingga di zaman modern yang serba cepat, butuh informasiterpercaya terupdate setiap saat melalui gadget Android Anda,aplikasi hot news berita lima menawarkan solusi cepat info lowongankerja, berita otomotif dan gosip artis Indonesia langsung secarareal time dari sumber terpercaya.Anda pun dapat mencari info lowongan kerja terbaru dan sekiranyacocok untuk pengembangan karir Anda di masa mendatang melaluiaplikasi ini.Tag : berita Indonesia, lowongan kerja, infotainment, gosipartis Indonesia, gosip artis Luar Negeri, berita otomotifUPDATE VERSION:We develop new applications as a replacement Dapet Five, pleasecheck here:https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.velgreen.beritalimaNew Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2rOFXYlAJ3YNyari job vacancy? sports news updates, news nyari gossipIndonesian or foreign artists latest? then we present it tosimplify your life through the application Dapet Five.We believe there are many applications out there with the samecharacteristics, but our applications facilitate your search forthe latest job information, is also a source of reliableinformation from the automotive, sports news info Indonesia orabroad and most important news gossip latest artist IndonesianForeign .So that in the modern age of fast-paced, need reliableinformation updated at any time via your Android gadget, hot newsstory five applications offer quick solutions, job information,automotive news and gossip Indonesian artist directly in real timefrom a trusted source.You can also search for the latest job information and if it issuitable for your career development in the future through thisapplication.Tags: Indonesia news, jobs, infotainment, gossip Indonesianartist, artist gossip Foreign Affairs, automotive news
Study Music App in HD 1.1 APK
Study Music App in HD is your fastest way tostudy music for example : learn piano or learn guitar in your room.This study music app in HD application has 2 basic tutorial forguitar chords and piano chord in non streaming version. Alsostreaming version, which contained how to play guitar lessons,piano lessons, drum lessons, vocal lessons from all over Music Guruin the world.Nowdays, people have the advantage because of the internet. Wecan acces everything to leverage our interest, and for music.. Youcan learn music and use study music app here with an internetstreaming!You will find so many HD (high definition) video collection fromthe Best Music Guru, either You want to sharpen your skills inPiano lessons, Guitar lessons, Drum lessons, and Vocal lessons.It's a simple apps collection to bring the fastest online musiclessons at your fingertip. You don't need to go outside, justpractise in your room and this study music app will help you toachieve your dream.BENEFITS of using this application (Music Guru) :1. Non streaming version for :* How to play guitar chords* Piano Chords2. Streaming version in HD (High Definition Video) for :* Learn Guitar (How to play guitar in various genre, Jazz, Rock,Pop, Instrument Guitar, etc)* Learn Piano (How to play piano in various genre, Jazz, Rock, Pop,Instrument Piano, etc)* Learn Drum (How to play drum in various genre, Jazz, Rock, Pop,etc)* Learn Vocal (How to sing in varous genre, Jazz, Rock, Pop,etc)3. It's FREE!More success for you with Study Music App in HD and remember ..Keep your faith above anything!