Acorn Technology Apps

At Hand Tuner Pro: Wear+Strobe 1.30
A Real Strobe Tuner on your Wrist!For musicians who wish to tune their instruments with the devicethat is always with them on their wrist (or in their pocket),@HandTuner is a Responsive, Precise Chromatic tuner with abeautiful, intuitive interface that can tune guitar, ukelele,cello, piano, harmonium, bagpipes, harp, violin, your voice, andwhatever other instrument you can throw at it!Reviews: purchased, a chromatic tuner will be installed on yourmobile, and an additional smartwatch tuner will be installed onyour Android Wear watch (if you have one). You do NOT need a weardevice to run the tuner, though, although the current simple andintuitive interface is perfect for wearable devices!Features:- 8kHz, 44.1kHz, or f8kHz sample rate- Wide frequency range- Precise & Responsive- Transposition- Selection of Notation- Selection of colors- Synchronization from mobile device to wearable (so you don't haveto mess around with the tiny screen on the wearable.)- "Clip-on" tuner mode, where the screen on the watch can berotated, and the watch "clipped on" to the guitar."- 3-Harmonic strobe tuner.- Two drawing modes: "Arc" and "Trace." Trace mode uses blureffects to show where you've been and where you're going.- Synchronization to wear device from mobile device.Works on all of the Wear Devices that we have tested so far,including LG G-Watch, LG G-Watch R, Motorola 360. If you haveproblems with your own wearable, please let us know!Limited to devices running 4.0.1 and up because of theintegration with Android Wear.If you have problems, please let us know so we can fix them!If you want to help us develop features and join our community,join us at atHandTuner Beta on Google+: then follow the link from there back to here to opt-into thebeta version!Best Regards, Acorn Technology
Fairy Books - Beta 3.0
Acorn Technology
Fairy Books – The Book Creator.Beta version for free!Do you want to read to your children even though you are drivinga car or away on a business trip? The perfect story tellingcompanion, for times when you can’t be around to read for yourkid.We have just created an app for this; we are still in betaperiod which means that there might be problems left. PLEASE let usknow if you encounter any bugs.Create your own books, photograph existing book pages, or importpictures from the gallery. Digitize your old childhood favorites.Record when you read the book aloud. Use your own voice so yourchildren get to know the story in the way you want it to beread.Help your kid learn to read or just new words by follow what youread with your finger or point at the images to describe what yousee.Lock down the application to avoid that your child removes ormakes changes in a book by mistake.As stated before, this is still a beta version, which means thatthere probably are some bugs left to find – so if you find bugs,PLEASE let us know so we can fix them.
atHandTuner Lite (+Wear) 1.30
Acorn Technology
For musicians who wish to tunetheirinstruments with the device that is always with them on theirwrist(or in their pocket), @HandTuner is a Responsive, PreciseChromatictuner with a beautiful, intuitive interface that can tuneguitar,ukelele, cello, piano, harmonium, bagpipes, harp, violin,yourvoice, and whatever other instrument you can throw at it!Reviews: purchased, a chromatic tuner will be installed onyourmobile, and an additional smartwatch tuner will be installedonyour Android Wear watch (if you have one). You do NOT need aweardevice to run the tuner, though, although the current simpleandintuitive interface is perfect for wearable devices!Features:- 8kHz, 44.1kHz, or f8kHz sample rate- Wide frequency range- Precise & Responsive- Transposition- Selection of Notation- Selection of colors- Synchronization from mobile device to wearable (so you don'thaveto mess around with the tiny screen on the wearable.)- "Clip-on" tuner mode, where the screen on the watch canberotated, and the watch "clipped on" to the guitar."- 3-Harmonic strobe tuner in the PRO version only.- Two drawing modes: "Arc" and "Trace." Trace mode uses blureffectsto show where you've been and where you're going.- Synchronization to wear device from mobile device.Works on all of the Wear Devices that we have tested sofar,including LG G-Watch, LG G-Watch R, Motorola 360. If youhaveproblems with your own wearable, please let us know!Limited to devices running 4.0.1 and up because oftheintegration with Android Wear.If you have problems, please let us know so we can fix them!If you want to help us develop features and join ourcommunity,join us at atHandTuner Beta on Google+: then follow the link from there back to here to opt-intothebeta version!Best Regards, Acorn Technology