Alexander Y. Ivanov Apps

Золотое Древо (donation) 1.0
Данное приложение не содержит никакогофункционала. Купив его, вы поддержите развитие бесплатногоприложения энциклопедии "Древо" для Android: application does notcontain any functionality. By purchasing it, you will support thedevelopment of free software application encyclopedia "Tree" forAndroid:
Стальное Древо (donation) 1.0
Данное приложение не содержитникакогофункционала. Купив его, вы поддержите развитиебесплатногоприложения энциклопедии "Древо" дляAndroid: application doesnotcontain any functionality. By purchasing it, you will supportthedevelopment of free software application encyclopedia "Tree"forAndroid:
Энциклопедия "Древо" 6.4.14
View the Orthodox Encyclopedia "Tree" does not require an Internetconnection
How much can I spend? 1.21
Alexander Y. Ivanov
This is the premium edition of the app. In terms of functionality,it is completely identical to the full version, purchased throughin-app purchases in the free version of the application. Therefore,if you have already bought the full version, there is no need inswitching to premium, the differences will be only in the color ofthe application icon :) Purpose the app This app does not requireyou to input your expenses in the appropriate category. Thisapplication does not answer the question “what money was spent on.”The purpose of the application is to tell you how much you canspend within the current budget. To whom it will be useful Thisapplication will help you if - you don't have enough money untilthe next salary - you want to know if you can afford this or thatpurchase, аnd how will it affect the family budget - you wish tosave money for certain purposes How it works Robert Kiyosakirightly noted that expenses tend to increase with salary increases.Therefore, it is important to take control of the cash flow. Theapplication is very simple. You specify how much money you have andwhen the next salary day comes, the application divides the amountof money by the number of days before salary, as a result you getthe daily spending limit for the current moment. With a decrease inthe balance the limit also decreases, the next day it isrecalculated again as your salary day comes closer. Once a day (ormore often) adjust your balance and analyze the result. When yourlimit falls for several days in a row you have reached a criticalpoint: you live beyond your means. Part of the money can bespecified as "Savings" - they will be counted separately and willnot affect the calculation of the daily spending limit. ApplicationFeatures - One conventional currency is used. If you want to takeinto account funds placed in another currency, you will have toindependently convert them into the main currency of theapplication. - Cash amounts are rounded to whole numbers:fractional parts do not matter for the main purpose of theapplication and only make it difficult to read the financialpicture. - The application intentionally does not read your SMS anddoes not spy on you in any other way. Only those funds that youyourself declare are taken into account. - Ads-free. Money BackGuarantee: I will refund you the money paid for the premium versionof the application if the application disappoints you. Contact thedeveloper at I will be happy to answer yourquestions and consider your suggestions.
How much can I spend? 1.24.1
Non-standard approach: track the remaining funds and not expenses