Andrew Armstrong Apps

555 Timer Tool 1.03
Andrew Armstrong
This is a tool to help electronics hobbyistseasily select component values for the ubiquitous 555 Timer chip.You simply enter the frequency (or alternatively the delayperiod) that you want your 555 timer chip to run at - and aninitial timing capacitor value - then the 555 Timer Tool calculatesa list of the best combinations of other components that meet yourrequirements.As a convenience, you can also use touch gestures to snapcomponent values up or down to the next preferred value. To do thatjust stroke the values displayed on the circuit diagram. Strokeupward to adjust upwards, or stroke down to adjust downwards.The preferred value range that values are snapped to is selectedby choosing "Preferences" from the options menu.For example, suppose you wanted a 555 timer to oscillate at 440Hz (the A above middle C on the piano keyboard) then just:- click the f (frequency) button on the circuit diagram, enter 440then press the OK button- click the C1 button on the circuit diagram, enter 47, thenpress the nF button, then press the OK button.The 555 Timer Tool calculates combinations close to 440 Hz andupdates the values on the circuit diagram with the closestcombination.How do you know to key in 47 nF as the initial value for C1?...well, you don't - but you have to start somewhere and 47 nF ismiddle of the road!
123 Tally Tool 1.03
Andrew Armstrong
The 123 Tally Tool is used to count things.It not only records "how many", it also records "when"and"where" things were counted, and can display the data on maporemail a log of your sightings anywhere.You can add any number of counters, and group counterstogetherinto profiles.Download sample sets of counters from the default "Home page"website. Bored with the samples? No problem, just create yourownGoogle Site and host your own!This app can be used by all sorts of people such as:- Wildlife surveyors- Traffic surveyors- Bored kids on a long car trip - check out Spotto on thedefaultHome Page- Train spotters- Bird watchersAll counting data is stored in CSV files that mostspreadsheetprograms can handle.This app needs full network access to allow you toemailsightings, download Tally Tool profiles, and displaysightingsusing Google Maps - and also because it is supported byAds.