Androidopaulis Apps

Naval Combat Pro (Donate) 1.3.0
Version of the famous naval combat game, alsocalled naval battle, battleship, etc...This is the Pro (donate) version of Naval Combat (without ads): ifyou like the game and want to directly reward my work, thanks alot. Please feel free to let a comment.The game is made to enter directly in a game wihtout needingconfiguration and so have a maximum of fun.The objective is to arrange your boats on a 10x10 grid and tolocalize the boats of your opponent, hit und sunk them.This version offers:- 1 aircraft carrier (5 cells), 1 battleship (4 cells), 1 submarine(3 cells), 1 cruiser (3 cells) and 1 patrol boat (2 cells). No 1cell ships in this version, they remove fun!- one single gameplay: player against CPU- screenshot of the game when it is over to share your victory (ordefeat) with your friends. The screen capture is saved under apicture with PNG format.- music and sound effects- list of best scoresHave fun!
Engineer Companion 1.1.0
Engineer Companion is a suite of tools forengineers, researchers, students... all people that praticeengineering activities, computation, computational sciences,physicians, chemists, biologists... in the industry, at school, atuniversity, at laboratory, everywhere you might need it!I am also engineer, that is why I have made this app not onlyfor me but also for you!People from aeronautics, automotive, textile industries already useit.READ_PHONE_STATE permission is needed by Admob (Google) fordisplaying ads in this app but not used by me! Pro version does notneed these permissions.First start of the app may take up to 10 seconds.The running of the app needs also Adobe Air.Engineer Companion contains:- periodic table of the elements. (Mendeleiev classification table)including detailled informations (atomic weight, radius, electronicconfiguration, crystal structure, thermodynamicalproperties...)- unit converter (length, surface/area, volume, force, heatcapacity, speed/velocity, time, volume flow, energy/torque,heatconductivity, acceleration, mass, mass flow, power, cinematicviscosity, angle, inertia, concentration/density, temperature,dynamic viscosity, angular velocity/frequency, molecularconcentration, illuminance, pressure/stress, radiation, angularacceleration, memory, magnetic flux, fuel consumption/fueleconomy/CO2 emissions, textile units, tex)- list of most frequently used constants- explanation of STP,NTP,SATP, normal or standard temperature andpressure conditions.Upgrade to Pro version for:- no ads (this means also less permissions)- user defined units for each category- extended definition of user units in the user definedcategory- quick cross-multiplication moduleThanks to Daniel Freeman for its MadComponentsPlease report new units that you would like to be integrated inthe next version.Please report errors or suggestions! Thanks.
Music Companion Premium Version
Music Companion offers a suite of tools(tuner, metronome, virtual tone generator, harmonica...) thatassist you in everyday life if you are musician, composer, whateveryour music experience, whatever your music instrument...Music Companion is:- tuner companion: tone and frequency detector and analyser- metronome companion- composer companion: tone generator including MIDI export- harmonica companion: harmonica layout and moreRead further for a detailled description of the different tools.Note that you have also to download and install Adobe Air forAndroid in order to use the application.Music Companion Premium version offers you more functionsconvenience and benefits than lite version, i.e.:- no advertising- possibility to export the notes that have been composed in thegenerator as a MIDI file (.mid) to be able to edit and hear yourcreation afterwards- adjustable refresh rate for note/frequency recognition- multiple note generator (to compose chords)- timbre library for the metronome- global optimized performancesDetailled description of the different tools.- Tuner Companion is a digital tuner that detects dominatingfrequencies of sound close to real time allowing note recognition.It can be used basically for tuning your music instrument or formusical dictation but also to analyse every device emitting sound.Numerous options available.- Generator Companion plays single or multiple sounds (chord)corresponding to the selected piano key(s).You can also use it as a fork. You can export your creations as aMidi file (.mid) in order to hear or edit your trackafterwards.- Metronome Companion is a digital metronome that replaces yourclassical metronome with beats.- Harmonica Companion is a virtual 10 holes diatonic harmonica andsimultaneously an interactive tool to to visualise the tonesdepending on the scale, harmonica and tonality. It is also able togenerate and play automatic grooves for Blues.- Circle of Fifths module displays the well-known circle offifths
Naval combat 1.3.0
Version of the famous naval combat game, alsocalled naval battle, battleship, etc...If you like the game and want to directly reward my work, you mightdownload Naval Combat Pro (donate) version, thanks.The game is made to enter directly in a game without needingconfiguration and so have a maximum of fun.The objective is to arrange your boats on a 10x10 grid and tolocalize the boats of your opponent, hit und sunk them.This version offers:- Classic mode so as exclusive Physics mode- 1 aircraft carrier (5 cells), 1 battleship (4 cells), 1 submarine(3 cells), 1 cruiser (3 cells) and 1 patrol boat (2 cells). No 1cell ships in this version, they remove fun!- gameplays: player against CPU (3 difficulty levels), privatemulti player, internet multi player- screenshot of the game when it is over to share your victory (ordefeat) with your friends. The screen capture is saved under apicture with PNG format.- music and sound effects, vibrations- list of best scores- chat during gameHave fun!
Music Companion Lite Version
Music Companion offers a suite of tools(tuner,metronome, virtual tone generator, harmonica module...)that assistyou in everyday life if you are musician, composer,whatever yourmusic experience, whatever your musicinstrument...Music Companion is:- tuner companion: tone and frequency detector and analyser- metronome companion- composer companion: tone generator including MIDI export- harmonica companion: harmonica layout and morePlease note that READ_PHONE_STATE andACCESS_NETWORK_STATEpermissions are required by Google Advertisingservice, not by me!Premium version do not need thesepermissions.Read further for a detailled description of the differenttools.Note that you have also to download and install Adobe AirforAndroid in order to use the application.Music Companion Lite version lets you discover mostoffunctionalities of the application and is free.Please upgrade to Music Companion Premium version formorefunctions, convenience and benefits like:- no advertising- possibility to export the notes that have been composed inthegenerator as a Midi file (.mid) for import and edition in anothermusic software- adjustable refresh rate for note recognition- multiple note generator (to compose chords)- timbre library for the metronome- global optimized performancesDetailled description of the different tools:- Tuner Companion is a digital tuner that detectsdominatingfrequencies of sound close to real time allowing noterecognition.It can be used basically for tuning your musicinstrument or formusical dictation but also to analyse every deviceemitting sound.Numerous options available.- Generator Companion plays single or multiple sounds(chord)corresponding to the selected piano key(s).You can also use it as a fork. You can also create, compose yourownmusic track and export it as a Midi format. (.mid)- Metronome Companion is a digital metronome that replacesyourclassical metronome with beats.- Harmonica Companion is a virtual 10 holes diatonic harmonicaandsimultaneously an interactive tool to to visualise thetonesdepending on the scale, harmonica and tonality. It is alsoable togenerate and play automatic grooves for Blues.- Circle of Fifths module displays the well-known circleoffifths