AnonymousHenchman Apps

AD&D Spellbook for 2nd Edition 1.4
This is the spellbook for Wizards and Clerics as it appears in theAD&D 2nd Edition Player's Handbook. If you ever needed a quickreference to a spell or are tired of having to borrow the Player'sHandbook, this application will save you lots of time! It featuresa simple layout and is easy to use. All images used have beenmodified from their original, and all images are the respectiveproperty of their authors. Please, if any bugs are encountered,send me an email! Also, reviews are appreciated, and if you feellike commenting or adding suggestions, go ahead and put that in thereview as well.Currently planned is a 2.0 version of this application thatincludes the other materials (a popular request) and perhaps a fewother things, depending on what scope is determined for the update,so stay tuned!A blog for the update of this application has been started, andis located here: