Aplikadia Apps

Visual home design 1.0.0
Having a home with unique interior designandaccording to his own taste is the dream of every person .Everyonewill have different tastes in determining the interiordesign ofthe house . However , longed for home comfortable and safeis it isno less important in choosing the design of residentialhomes ,which will be beautifully seen by others.In this application we provide a variety of home designs thatcanserve as a reference for you to create your dream home.Here are a few categories :- Accesories- Bathroom Designs- Bedroom Designs- Decoration- Furniture & Accesories- General- Kitchen Designs- Livingroom Designs- Teen Room Designs
Smart Solution Matematika 1.0.0
Smart Solution Matematika berisirumus-rumuscepat matematika yang mempermudah adik-adik dalammengerjakan soalmatematika. Aplikasi ini sangat cocok diterapkansaat menghadapisoal-soal Ujian Nasional yang akan mempermudah dalammengisijawaban soal-soal matematika. Aplikasi ini berisi rumuscepatmatematika mengenai;- Barisan dan Deret- Eksponen- Fungsi Kuadrat- Komposisi Fungsi- Limit Fungsi- Logaritma- Matriks- Peluang- Persamaan Kuadrat- Pertidaksamaan- Program Linier- Statistika- Trigonometri, dan- Turunan
Best Heart Healthy Recipes 1.0
Consuming a healthy diet for heart patientsisthe simplest way to avoid a heart attack or deterioration . Tothatend , here we present some healthy recipes for heart patients ,thefollowing categories :- Appetizer Recipes- Cake recipes- Dessert Recipes- Dinner recipes
Virtual home design 1.0.0
Having a home with unique interior designandaccording to his own taste is the dream of every person .Everyonewill have different tastes in determining the interiordesign ofthe house . However , longed for home comfortable and safeis it isno less important in choosing the design of residentialhomes ,which will be beautifully seen by others.In this application we provide a variety of home designs thatcanserve as a reference for you to create your dream home.Here are a few categories :- Accesories- Bathroom Designs- Bedroom Designs- Decoration- Furniture & Accesories- General- Kitchen Designs- Livingroom Designs- Teen Room Designs
Kumpulan Panduan Shalat 1.1.0
Aplikasi ini berisi beberapa ebookpanduanshalat mulai dari thaharah hingga doa dan dzikir setelahshalat.Dengan tambahan ebook larangan melakukan shalat sepertilayaknyabinatang.This applicationcontainsseveral ebook guides ranging from thaharah prayer to prayeranddhikr after prayers. With the addition of ebook ban on prayinglikeanimals.
Panduan Manasik Haji dan Umroh 1.2.0
Panduan Manasik Haji dan Umroh merupakanaplikasi yang berisi panduan lengkap yang dapat membantu jamaahdalam menjalankan ibadah Haji serta Umroh. Semoga dalam ibadahnanti, aplikasi ini dapat dipergunakan dengan mudah dan dipahamidengan baik. Aplikasi ini berisi panduan lengkap sebelum berangkathaji dan umroh serta doa-doa yang dapat digunakan dalam mempermudahpada saat pelaksanaan ibadah haji serta umroh Anda.
Materi SKL UN Biologi SMA 2016 1.0.0
Biologi adalah salah satu mata pelajaranyangdiujikan dalam Ujian Nasional. Mata Pelajaran Biologiinimempelajari tentang makhluk hidup. Tidak sedikit hafalan yangakandiujikan. Untuk itu perlu ada Rangkuman Materi, supaya sahabatbisabelajar dengan mudahAplikasi ini akan membantu Anda dalam menghapal materi UNuntukmata pelajaran Biologi. Aplikasi ini menyajikan rangkumanmateriberdasarkan indikator pada SKL UN 2016.Biology is one ofthesubjects tested in the national examination. Subjects studiedthebiology of living beings. Not a bit rote be tested. For thatthereneeds Summary of Material, so a friend can learn easilyThis application will help you memorize the material in theUNfor the subjects of Biology. This application presents a summaryofthe material based on the indicators on UN SKL 2016.
Bayi Mami 1.1.1
Aplikasi Bayi Mami merupakan tempat yangcocokbagi para mama muda maupun para ibu yang sudah berpengalamandalammengasuh si kecil. Aplikasi ini disajikan untukmemberikaninformasi bagi para ibu dalam memanjakan dan menyayangibayi, mulaidari kesehatan bayi, dan tips-tips bermanfaat lainnya.Kami juga menyertakan beragam cara tentang:- Bayi Sehat- Kehamilan- Melahirkan- Menyusui- Makanan- Parenting, serta- KesehatanDengan informasi yang disediakan secara gratis,diharapkanaplikasi Bayi Mami ini dapat memberikan manfaat yang baikdanmenjadikan solusi atas permasalahan-permasalahan yangseringdialami para ibu dalam mengurus bayi, terutama bagi para ibuyangmasih belum memiliki pengalaman dalam mengasuh bayi.Selainbertanya langsung kepada yang sudah berpengalaman, adabaiknyauntuk mencari informasi lain yang tak kalah menarik disini,tentunya seputar dunia bayi dan mami.Semoga segala bentuk kasih sayang yang kita curahkan kepadaanakkita senantiasa dapat menjadi pahala yang berkah. Maribergabunguntuk menciptakan generasi yang baik dari si kecil.Bagi Anda yang ingin berkomunikasi secara langsung dengankamibisa mengirimkan email ke bayimamiku@gmail.com.Ayo gabung dengan komunitas Bayi Mami!Facebook: Anak Bunda Cerdas -ABC- (https://www.facebook.com/AnakBundaCerdas)Twitter: @AnakBundaCerdas (https://twitter.com/AnakBundaCerdas)G+: Anak Bunda Cerdas -ABC- (https://plus.google.com/+BayimamikuCerdas)---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------BayiMami, Kesehatan Anak dan Bunda..Applications Baby Mamaisa suitable place for the young mother and the mothers who havehadexperience in caring for the child. This application ispresentedto provide information to mothers in pampering and caringfor thebaby, from the health of the baby, and other helpful tips.We have also included a variety of ways:- Healthy Babies- Pregnancy- Give birth- Breastfeeding- Food- Parenting, and- HealthWith the information provided free of charge, is expectedMamiBaby app can provide good benefits and make a solution totheproblems that are often experienced by the mother in the careofthe baby, especially for mothers who still do not haveexperiencein caring for the baby. In addition to ask questionsdirectly tothe experienced, it is better to look for otherinformation that isnot less interesting here, of course, about theworld of baby andmom.Hopefully all forms of affection that we bestow on ourchildrenalways can be a blessing reward. Let's join forces tocreate a goodgeneration of the little guy.For those of you who want to communicate directly with uscansend an email to bayimamiku@gmail.com.Come join the community Mami Baby!Facebook: Children Mother Intelligent -ABC- (https://www.facebook.com/AnakBundaCerdas)Twitter: @AnakBundaCerdas (https://twitter.com/AnakBundaCerdas)G +: Intelligent Kids Mother -ABC- (https://plus.google.com/+BayimamikuCerdas)---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------BayiMami, Child and Mother Health ..
рак шейки матки 1.0.0
Это приложение содержит всю информацию оракешейки матки . начиная от описаний рака шейки матки , симптомыипричины рака шейки матки к терапии для пациентов с ракомшейкиматки . Эта информация делится на несколько категорий , аименно :- Значимость и распространённость- Классификация- Симптомы и диагностика- Лечение- ПрофилактикаThis app contains alltheinformation about cervical cancer. from descriptions ofcervicalcancer, symptoms and causes of cervical cancer therapy forpatientswith cervical cancer. The information is divided intoseveralcategories, namely:- The importance and prevalence- Classification- Symptoms and Diagnosis- Treatment- Prevention
Kumpulan Kisah Teladan Islami 1.1.0
Aplikasi ini berisi kumpulan ebook yangdidalamnya terdapat beragam kisah teladan mulai dari kisahnabihingga kisah nyata para mualaf yang menakjubkan danmengharukanserta penuh hikmah dan teladan yang patut menjadi contohsuritauladan.This applicationcontainsa collection of ebook in which there are a variety ofexemplarystories ranging from the story of the prophet to the realstory ofthe converts were amazing and heartwarming and full ofwisdom andthe example that should be an example of rolemodels.
Puisi Cinta Sejati 1.0.0
Aplikasi Puisi Cinta Sejati adalah salahsatuaplikasi yang didalamnya terdapat sekumpulan puisi cintasejatiuntuk Anda yang ingin pandai merangkai kata bagi kekasihtercintasejati Anda.Selain itu, dalam aplikasi ini juga tidak hanya terdapatpuisicinta sejati saja, penasaran bukan?Selain puisi cinta sejati, dalam aplikasi ini terdapatsekumpulanpuisi terbaik tentang:-Puisi Cinta Sejati-Puisi Untuk Ibu-Puisi Cinta Romantis-Puisi Cinta Islami-Puisi Cinta Karya Kahlil Gibran-Puisi Cinta Karya WS Rendra-Puisi Cinta Karya Chairil Anwar
Puisi Untuk Ibu 1.0.0
Sayang Ibu?Aplikasi Puisi Untuk Ibu ini cocok sekali bagi Anda yangsayangsama ibu;orang yang sangat berjasa dalam hidup kita.Dengan mendownload aplikasi Puisi Untuk Ibu ini maka rasarindusertarasa sayang pada ibu tercurahkan dengan kata-kata indahyangpenuhmakna.Dalam aplikasi ini tidak hanya terdapat puisi untuk ibusaja,melainkan terdapat banyak juga sekumpulan puisi lainyaitu:-Puisi Untuk Ibu-Puisi Cinta Romantis-Puisi Cinta Sejati-Puisi Cinta Islami-Puisi Cinta Karya Kahlil Gibran-Puisi Cinta Karya WS Rendra-Puisi Cinta Karya Chairil AnwarLove mother?Poems For Mom This application is well suited for those whocareabout the mother;people were very instrumental in our lives.By downloading this application Poems For Mom thenhomesicknessandmaternal affection tercurahkan with beautiful words filledmean.In this application there is not only a poem to the motheralone,but also a collection of poems there are many others,namely:-Puisi For Mom-Puisi Love Romance-Puisi True Love-Puisi Love Islami-Puisi Love Working Kahlil Gibran-Puisi Love Working Rendra-Puisi Love Working Anwar
Kultum Ramadhan 1.0.0
Marhaban Yaa RamadhanAplikasi Kultum Ramadhan adalah salah satu aplikasi yangberisikumpulan kultum yang bagus sekali untuk mengisi hari-hari dibulanRamadhan dengan kegiatan yang positif.Dalam aplikasi ini berisi kultum tentang puasa,tentangkehidupan, serta kultum lain yang dapat menjadi tuntunankehidupankita menuju ke yang lebih baik lagi. Semogabermanfaat.Marhaban Yaa RamadhanApplications Kultum Ramadan is one application that containsacollection of great Kultum once to fill the days in the monthofRamadan with positive activities.In this application contains Kultum about fasting, about life,aswell as other Kultum which can serve as a guide of our lives togetto a better again. May be useful.
Ucapan Selamat Sahur 1.0.0
Assalamualaikum Wr. WbAplikasi Ucapan Selamat Sahur ini berisi banyak kumpulanucapansahur yang bagus sekali dan cocok untuk kamu yang inginmengucapkanselamat sahur lewat sms ataupun bbm serta media sosiallain keorang terkasih.Semoga bermanfaat dan selamat menjalankan ibadah puasa..Assalamualaikum Wr. wbCongratulations Sahur application contains a large collectionofgreeting the dawn is nice and suitable for you who would liketocongratulate the meal via sms or fuel and other social mediatoloved ones.Hopefully useful and happy fasting ..
Resep Ramadhan 1.0.0
Kumpulan resep-resep pilihan untukmenemanikehangatan anda bersama keluarga maupun bersama denganorang yanganda sayangi di Bulan Ramadhan.Setiap resep disajikan dengan tampilan yang dapat memudahkanAndauntuk mempelajarinya. Resep-resep tersebut dibagi menjadibeberapakategori sebagai berikut :- Resep Buka Puasa- Resep Saur- Resep Es Buah- Resep Takjil- Resep Kolak- Resep KueA collection of recipestoaccompany the warmth of your choice with family or togetherwithyour loved ones in Ramadan.Each recipe is presented with a display that can allow you tolearn.The recipes are divided into several categories asfollows:- Prescription Fasting- Prescription Saur- Recipe Ice Fruit- Prescription takjil- Prescription Kolak- Cake recipes
Soal SBMPTN 1.0.0
Aplikasi ini berisi kumpulan-kumpulansoalSBMPTN dengan berbagai kode soal yang dilengkapi dengankuncijawaban dan untuk beberapa kode soal pun dicantumkanpembahasannya.Dengan memiliki aplikasi ini di gadget Anda. Anda dapatberlatihmengerjakan soal dimanapun dan kapanpun tanpa membukabukusekalipun.Soal-soal SBMPTN ini dibagi menjadi beberapa kategorisebagaiberikut :- TKDU- TKPA- SAINTEK- SOSHUMThis app containsaboutSBMPTN clusters with different code that comes with thekeyquestions and the answers to some of the code wasincludeddiscussion questions.By having this app on your gadget. You can practice doingaboutanywhere and anytime without opening the book though.Problems SBMPTN is divided into several categoriesasfollows:- TKDU- TKPA- Saintek- SOSHUM
Soal & Kunci Jawaban Ujian SIM 1.0.0
Tak sedikit orang yang melakukan tesujianuntuk mendapatkan kartu SIM (Surat Izin Mengemudi)mengalamikesulitan atau bahkan kegagalan saat mengisi soal ujian,sehinggaharus mengulang lagi tes.Aplikasi ini menghadirkan soal-soal yang digunakan untuk ujianSIMA, B, dan C. Tak hanya itu, aplikasi ini juga dilengkapidengankunci jawaban dari setiap soalnya. Sehingga akan memudahkanandauntuk menghapalnya.Not a few people whodotest exam to get a SIM card (driver's license)experiencingdifficulties or even failure when completing the exam,so it willhave to redo the test.This application presents questions that are used for thedriver'stest A, B, and C. Not only that, this application alsocomes withan answer key of each point. So it will be easier for youtomemorize.
Kutipan AADC 1.0.0
Masih kangen sama film AADC (Ada ApaDenganCinta?) ?Meu mengenang kembali masa-masa tenar film AADC atau kisahasmaraRangga (Nicholas Saputra) dan Cinta (Dian Sastro)?Aplikasi ini akan mengobati rasa rindu Anda pada filmAADC.Banyak kumpulan-kumpulan kutipan dari film AADC disajikandalamAplikasi ini.PuisiKutipanQuotesOtherStill miss each movieAADC(Ada Apa Dengan Cinta?)?Meu look back period AADC famous movies or romance Rangga(NicholasSaputra) and Love (Dian Sastro)?This application will cure your homesickness on film AADC.Manyclusters excerpt from the film AADC presented inthisapplication.PoetryQuoteQuotesother
House plan 1.0.0
Having a home with unique interior designandaccording to his own taste is the dream of every person .Everyonewill have different tastes in determining the interiordesign ofthe house . However , longed for home comfortable and safeis it isno less important in choosing the design of residentialhomes ,which will be beautifully seen by others.In this applicationweprovide a variety of home designs that can serve as a referenceforyou to create your dream home.Here are a few categories :- Accesories- Bathroom Designs- Bedroom Designs- Decoration- Furniture & Accesories- General- Kitchen Designs- Livingroom Designs- Teen Room Designs
House plan designer 1.0.0
Having a home with unique interior designandaccording to his own taste is the dream of every person .Everyonewill have different tastes in determining the interiordesign ofthe house . However , longed for home comfortable and safeis it isno less important in choosing the design of residentialhomes ,which will be beautifully seen by others.In this applicationweprovide a variety of home designs that can serve as a referenceforyou to create your dream home.Here are a few categories :- Accesories- Bathroom Designs- Bedroom Designs- Decoration- Furniture & Accesories- General- Kitchen Designs- Livingroom Designs- Teen Room Designs
Brain Cancer 1.0.0
Applications that provide information aboutthedisease of brain tumor .Now you can enjoy the ease ofobtainingcomplete information about brain tumors only in thisapplication .Brain tumor information on this application is dividedintoseveral categories as follows :-Understanding Brain TumorsSigns and symptomsCauseQuick Brain Tumor FactsBrain Tumors In AdultsBrain Tumors In Children-PathophysiologyMeningesBrain matterSpinal cord and other tissues-DiagnosisImagingPathologyClassificationTypes-TreatmentSurgeryRadiation therapyChemotherapyOther-PrognosisGlioblastoma multiformeOligodendrogliomas
Discount Furniture 2.0.0
Having a home with furniture that is uniqueandtailored itself is the dream of every person. Everyone willhavedifferent tastes in determining the design of homefurniture.We knowthat modern furniture is an important part ofhome decorating anddesign . That's why we designed this app tohelp people who needinspiration on home decorationHere are a few categories :- Gifts- Tabletop & Kitchen- Bath- Lighting- Wall Decor & Mirrors- Pillows & Accesories- Outdoor- Furniture- Rugs & Windows- Bedding
Breast Cancer Physical Therapy 1.0.0
Physical therapy application is anapplicationthat contains completeinformation about physical therapy for patients ofcancer,particularly breastcancer.In this application is described about Breast CancerPhysicalTherapy Treatments that is:-Chemotherapy-Mastectomy-Hormonal Therapy-Radiation Therapy
Discount Furniture Stores 2.0.0
Having a home with furniture that is uniqueandtailored itself is the dream of every person. Everyone willhavedifferent tastes in determining the design of homefurniture.We knowthat modern furniture is an important part ofhome decorating anddesign . That's why we designed this app tohelp people who needinspiration on home decorationHere are a few categories :- Gifts- Tabletop & Kitchen- Bath- Lighting- Wall Decor & Mirrors- Pillows & Accesories- Outdoor- Furniture- Rugs & Windows- Bedding
Small house designs 1.0.0
Having a home with unique interior designandaccording to his own taste is the dream of every person .Everyonewill have different tastes in determining the interiordesign ofthe house . However , longed for home comfortable and safeis it isno less important in choosing the design of residentialhomes ,which will be beautifully seen by others.In this application we provide a variety of home designs thatcanserve as a reference for you to create your dream home.Here are a few categories :- Accesories- Bathroom Designs- Bedroom Designs- Decoration- Furniture & Accesories- General- Kitchen Designs- Livingroom Designs- Teen Room Designs
Small house floor plans 1.0.0
Having a home with unique interior designandaccording to his own taste is the dream of every person .Everyonewill have different tastes in determining the interiordesign ofthe house . However , longed for home comfortable and safeis it isno less important in choosing the design of residentialhomes ,which will be beautifully seen by others.In this application we provide a variety of home designs thatcanserve as a reference for you to create your dream home.Here are a few categories :- Accesories- Bathroom Designs- Bedroom Designs- Decoration- Furniture & Accesories- General- Kitchen Designs- Livingroom Designs- Teen Room Designs
Small house plans 1.0.0
Having a home with unique interior designandaccording to his own taste is the dream of every person .Everyonewill have different tastes in determining the interiordesign ofthe house . However , longed for home comfortable and safeis it isno less important in choosing the design of residentialhomes ,which will be beautifully seen by others.In this application we provide a variety of home designs thatcanserve as a reference for you to create your dream home.Here are a few categories :- Accesories- Bathroom Designs- Bedroom Designs- Decoration- Furniture & Accesories- General- Kitchen Designs- Livingroom Designs- Teen Room Designs
Malaria Disease 1.0.0
Best comprehensive overview covers thesymptomsand treatment of malaria . This app has been developed foreveryone,all topics has been made to make it complete, usefulandinteresting.We hope you will find this app very informative and useful.Ifyou like it please do share it with your friends andfamily.Application does not overload you with complicatedmedicalterminology, the language is clear and does not requireanyproficiency.Content & Features :Learning about malaria- What is malaria?- What causes it?- What are the symptoms?- Who is affected by malaria?Being diagnosedGetting treatmentOngoing concernsBest acomprehensiveoverview covers the symptoms and treatment of malaria.This app hasbeen developed for everyone, all topics has been madeto make itcomplete, useful and interesting.We hope you will find this app very informative and useful.Ifyou like it please do share it with your friends andfamily.Application does not overload you with complicatedmedicalterminology, the language is clear and does not requireanyproficiency.Content & Features:Learning about malaria- What is malaria?- What causes it?- What are the symptoms?- Who is affected by malaria?being DiagnosedGetting treatmentOngoing concerns
Unique house plans 1.0.0
Having a home with unique interior designandaccording to his own taste is the dream of every person .Everyonewill have different tastes in determining the interiordesign ofthe house . However , longed for home comfortable and safeis it isno less important in choosing the design of residentialhomes ,which will be beautifully seen by others.In this application we provide a variety of home designs thatcanserve as a reference for you to create your dream home.Here are a few categories :- Accesories- Bathroom Designs- Bedroom Designs- Decoration- Furniture & Accesories- General- Kitchen Designs- Livingroom Designs- Teen Room Designs
Kumpulan Doa & Dzikir Lengkap 1.1.0
Aplikasi ini berisi beragam doa dandzikirlengkap yang sesuai dengan sunnah Rasullah. mulai dari doadandzikir setelah shalat fardu hingga doa dan dzikir yangdapatditerapkan sehari-hari.The application containsavariety of prayer and dhikr complete in accordance with theSunnahof Rasulullah. ranging from prayer and dhikr after fardprayer toprayer and remembrance that can be applied daily.
House interior design 1.0.0
Having a home with unique interior designandaccording to his own taste is the dream of every person .Everyonewill have different tastes in determining the interiordesign ofthe house . However , longed for home comfortable and safeis it isno less important in choosing the design of residentialhomes ,which will be beautifully seen by others.In this applicationweprovide a variety of home designs that can serve as a referenceforyou to create your dream home.Here are a few categories :- Accesories- Bathroom Designs- Bedroom Designs- Decoration- Furniture & Accesories- General- Kitchen Designs- Livingroom Designs- Teen Room Designs
Furniture Outlet 2.0.0
Having a home with furniture that is uniqueandtailored itself is the dream of every person. Everyone willhavedifferent tastes in determining the design of homefurniture.We knowthat modern furniture is an important part ofhome decorating anddesign . That's why we designed this app tohelp people who needinspiration on home decorationHere are a few categories :- Gifts- Tabletop & Kitchen- Bath- Lighting- Wall Decor & Mirrors- Pillows & Accesories- Outdoor- Furniture- Rugs & Windows- Bedding
Tutorial Hijab Paris 1.0.0
Assalamualaikum Wr. WbAplikasi Tutorial Hijab Paris ini berisi sekumpulantutorialhijab Paris yang pasti dibutuhkan banyak muslimah untukpenampilanyang anggun namun simple.Selain itu, dalam aplikasi ini juga berisi banyak tutorialhijabuntuk yang cocok untuk Anda, yaitu: Tutorial Hijab SegiEmpat,Tutorial Hijab Pashmina, Tutorial Hijab Modern, TutorialHijabPesta, Tutorial Hijab Simple, serta Tutorial Hijab untukWajahBulat.Assalamualaikum Wr. wbHijab Paris Tutorial application contains a collectionoftutorial hijab Paris which definitely takes a lot of Muslimwomento look elegant yet simple.In addition, in this application also contains manytutorialshijab for suitable for you, namely: Tutorial Hijab SegiFour,Tutorial Hijab Pashmina, Modern Hijab Tutorial, TutorialHijabParty, Hijab Tutorial Simple and Tutorial Hijab for Roundface.
Traditional house plans 1.0.0
Having a home with unique interior designandaccording to his own taste is the dream of every person .Everyonewill have different tastes in determining the interiordesign ofthe house . However , longed for home comfortable and safeis it isno less important in choosing the design of residentialhomes ,which will be beautifully seen by others.In this application we provide a variety of home designs thatcanserve as a reference for you to create your dream home.Here are a few categories :- Accesories- Bathroom Designs- Bedroom Designs- Decoration- Furniture & Accesories- General- Kitchen Designs- Livingroom Designs- Teen Room Designs
House floor plans 1.0.0
Having a home with unique interior designandaccording to his own taste is the dream of every person .Everyonewill have different tastes in determining the interiordesign ofthe house . However , longed for home comfortable and safeis it isno less important in choosing the design of residentialhomes ,which will be beautifully seen by others.In this applicationweprovide a variety of home designs that can serve as a referenceforyou to create your dream home.Here are a few categories :- Accesories- Bathroom Designs- Bedroom Designs- Decoration- Furniture & Accesories- General- Kitchen Designs- Livingroom Designs- Teen Room Designs
RDV INDO PRINT adalah perusahaanpenyediasolusi di bidang IT dan alat-alat perbankan. Denganrepurtasi danpengalaman yang panjang dalam banking equipment danprinterspecialist adalah ke ahlian kami RDV INDO PRINT.Dengan solusi – solusi terbaik kami, RDV INDO PRINT berkomitmenpadakeunggulan (committed to Excellence) Untuk dapat memenuhikebutuhanpelanggan serta dukungan teknisi terbaik kami.VISI:Menjadi perusahaan penyedia solusi ICT yang handal dan terpercayaMISI:Mengutamakan keunggulan produk dan layanan yang berkualitasMenyediakan IT yang handal dan berkualitas untuk pelangganMenyediakan solusi IT yang inovatif, pengalaman danprofesianalkamiPRIORITAS:Mengembangkan kemitraan dagang yang strategis dan kokohMenyajikan layanan yang bermutuMenyediakan informasi yang akuratMemastikan kehandalan produk kamiMenciptakan lingkungan kerja yang nyamanMembangun infrasuktur organisai yang solidPelayanan on call by phoneRDV INDO PRINT isaprovider of solutions in the field of IT and bankingequipment.With repurtasi and long experience in banking specialistequipmentand printers are our expertise to RDV INDO PRINT.With the solution - our best solution, RDV INDO PRINT committedtoexcellence (Committed to Excellence) In order to meetcustomerneeds and support our best technicians.VISION:Being a leading provider of ICT solutions that are reliableandtrustworthyMISSION:Giving priority to product excellence and quality servicesIT provides a reliable and quality to customersProviding innovative IT solutions, experience andourprofesianalPRIORITY:Develop a strategic trade partnerships and sturdyPresenting quality servicesProvide accurate informationEnsuring the reliability of our productsCreating a comfortable working environmentInfrasuktur build solid organizationsServices on call by phone
Panduan Shalat Taubat 1.0.0
Aplikasi ini berisi informasi lengkapseputarpanduan untuk mengerjakan shalat taubat dan informasilaiinyaseputar shalat taubat. Semoga dengan aplikasi ini kita semuadapatmenjalankan taubat dengan sebenar benarnya,insyaallah Allahakanmenerima taubatmu.Sesungguhnya, bertaubatlah dengan sebenar benar taubat,yaknitaubat nasuha, Insyaallah Allah akan menerima taubatmu. Semogakitamemperoleh rahmat dari Allah swt.This app providescompleteinformation about the guidelines for the prayers ofrepentance andlaiinya information about the prayers of repentance.Hopefully withthis application we can all run repentance in goodtruth, Godwilling, God will accept taubatmu.Indeed, in good bertaubatlah true repentance, repentancewhichNasuha, Inshallah Allah will accept taubatmu. May we obtainmercyfrom God Almighty.