Artsy Tech Lady Apps

Learn Linux Desktop and Mobile 2.15.0
Artsy Tech Lady
This app puts a link on your mobile device tothe website "Going Mainstream with Linux". The website containsuseful tips for people who want to learn more about Linux as analternative desktop operating system to Windows and MAC. This isespecially exciting for Android users who may want to use Linux ontheir Android devices as a desktop replacement or in a dual bootsituation without wiping out Android. This can ease the burden ofcarrying heavy laptops for business use during business trips. Thissite will serve as a teaching guide to help you learn the two mostpopular Linux distributions with links to Video tutorials and myBlog about my experiences with Linux. Think of this site as avirtual library to increase your knowledge in Linux, one of themost important and emerging technologies of our time. Linux isrevolutionizing the world all over. Did you even know that Androidis based on Linux?